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Mathilde Weber - Suffering From Success
An announcement from the Emergency Meeting of the Ancestor Cult Conclave of the Karaz Ankor, hosted in Karaz-a-Karak.

After certain confidential information was vouchsafed to this body by a source of undoubtable repute, a Grudge is hereby leveled against the being, spirit, force, ancestor, demiurge, and/or anthropomorphic personification commonly known as Ranald, believed to originate somewhere in our about the continent called The Old World, for the crime of theft of a disembodied Dwarven soul, which has subsequently been incarnated in the form of an Umgi.

Reparation or vengeance for said Grudge is to be postponed pending the full and proper evaluation of the consequences of those actions, which may be considered to mitigate, in whole or in part, those actions.

Witnessed and entered into the Book of Grudges by the High King.

About fifteen minutes of google searching and amateur paint editing and I feel like I've perfectly encapsulated Mathilde's situation right now.
Ma ma Mathilde, Dagger of the Dawi King
There lived a certain dame in Eight Peaks long ago.
She was small but fierce, and her shadow danced below.

Most people looked at her with terror and fear,
But to Dawi lords she was such a lovely dear.

She could match an Eshin warrior,
Always an unseen hand,

But she also was the kind of Magister,
Dwarf Longbeards could stand.

Ma ma Mathilde,
Dagger of the Dawi King.
Snorri's message to the modern Karaz Ankor
One: what is a "jump" in this context?
Snorri: "Thungni would weep to see this getting called the work of a master!"
Kragg, openly sobbing: "I KNOW!!!!"
Allow me.

This took 100 years and a thousand pounds of Gromril and Oathgold to make.
@BoneyM Witness me pls.
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