all your gender is belong to us
- Location
- The Land Where The Sunflowers Bloom
Or depending on how their feeling that day, Bowsette

Or depending on how their feeling that day, Bowsette
Mathilde at work,How weirded would people be if the learned Mathilde uses gods to provide character references?
I don't know, but Morr says you're cool, so i guess i'll give a chance.
Or there's what I call an Object-Oriented Programming Perspective. Simlar deities can be seen as Objects of the same Class. They are separate beings, but they act in the same way.I don't think all similar deities are the same deity, but in some cases they're either the same or they're identical twins. For instance Morai-heg and Morr.
Our names-a Mathilde. We fix-a your pipes-a. This-a my brothers Mario and-a Wario.
I'm not sure that that works consistently. Not every priest can actually channel or maintain the attention of their god. That doesn't mean that they aren't a legit priest.One of the things I like best in this game is how Mathilde is in a subcategory of beings who can casually "divinity-check" people and how subdued she is about that.
Fake priest of Sigmar: Sigmar sucks but this dudes gotta go.
Super suss Sylvanian General: Morr says he's cool.
I'm not sure that that works consistently. Not every priest can actually channel or maintain the attention of their god. That doesn't mean that they aren't a legit priest.
Well, I'm sure that's fine. Aside from the Chaos Gods, few gods are inherently bad, and neither are they purely good, either. Nobody here would apply moral judgement on people based on their choice of worship as long as it isn't actively destructive, right?Another thing Mathilde has a skewed perspective of is the relationship between most people and their God. Ranald isn't typical and her relationship with Him isn't either. Someone can live a Godly life without ever being touched by their God in a way Mathilde would recognize, and there are those doing terrible things in the name of their God that are still able to channel their God's power.
So I've been catching up with the quest these past couple of days and decided to go back through the Omakes when this caught my eye. And as another person who has written an omake about Egrimm, you did an excellent job of writing him, especially in how everything he does in it can be read as either 'he's a traitor, on the lookout for a fellow' and 'he's not a traitor, just justifiably suspicious'. I'm also a fan of how clever he is, but is just unable to pin down the truth because of facts he doesn't know. A wonderful job all around!
Ghost Wizard?
Well, I'm sure that's fine. Aside from the Chaos Gods, few gods are inherently bad, and neither are they purely good, either. Nobody here would apply moral judgement on people based on their choice of worship as long as it isn't actively destructive, right?
R-right? I hope?
They do use irons a lot.
Ghost Wizard?
Mathilde is a Dark Type through-and-through.
(Amethysts are obviously Ghost, Brights obviously Fire, Jade are Water/Grass, Amber are... Bug/Flying? Normal/Bug?, Celestials are Flying/Electric, Light Wizards are... also Electric? Electric/Psychic?, Golf Wizards are Steel)
Dragomas = dragon, of course.Ghost Wizard?
Mathilde is a Dark Type through-and-through.
(Amethysts are obviously Ghost, Brights obviously Fire, Jade are Water/Grass, Amber are... Bug/Flying? Normal/Bug?, Celestials are Flying/Electric, Light Wizards are... also Electric? Electric/Psychic?, Gold Wizards are Steel)
It's just the dragon fucker (may or may not be plural) constantly failing to comprehend that not every last quester shares their fringe fetish. And yes, it's fucking tiring
In context I'd have assumed you were talking about the other suggested romantic interest that didn't function as a sexual interestI was going to make a joke about how, now that that's over with, we've finished fucking spiders and can get back to the business at hand, but I am not sure how many people here would be familiar with that piece of Australian slang.
No shame to those who might want to see a depiction of a relationship that happened to have such physical elements in the background but my stance has shifted from "nah, 'cuz I feel like a teacher and the We a student" to "asexual, romantic relationship would have been a cool path"The We are precious precious spooders, and are for cuddles and adorables, not fucking.
How would you even- No. No! I'm not thinking about that! Argh god the images are already invading my mind, I need a different topic stat!The We are precious precious spooders, and are for cuddles and adorables, not fucking.
Hm, I never thought of it that way. Human worship as an inherently empowering force for gods makes it closer to judging someone for their voting behaviours, doesn't it? Never really going to be democratic, obviously, but when worship directly enables the god to follow their beliefs and goals said worship is a lot more legitimately given the side-eye. I still don't believe a sigmarite should be judged only for their worship of sigmar, but if sigmar the god were to directly do something terrible, then a fraction of that judgement would need to be laid at their feet.This is an argument it's difficult to come at because it's one so enshrined in modern beliefs about fundamental human rights. But it's not really one that fits a world that is completely different on a metaphysical level. In a world where the Gods - all the Gods - provably exist and actively and frequently intervene in the world, this is not as easily applicable. To worship is to empower, and thus any 'choice of worship' can easily be argued that it should be (and, in-universe, very much is) subject to scrutiny. The choice of who to worship is not just an internal personal choice, it is an act that influences the world in one direction or another. If someone worships Addaioth, it is quite possible that doing so will directly increase the body count of a future volcanic eruption. Should that not be subject to criticism? And if that sounds like a strawman, it's extremely possible that the Empire's God of the Sea Manann is Addaioth's brother, the God of Storms, Mathlann, which makes that possible cause-and-effect immediately relevant to the Empire's day-to-day.
Hm, I never thought of it that way. Human worship as an inherently empowering force for gods makes it closer to judging someone for their voting behaviours, doesn't it? Never really going to be democratic, obviously, but when worship directly enables the god to follow their beliefs and goals said worship is a lot more legitimately given the side-eye. I still don't believe a sigmarite should be judged only for their worship of sigmar, but if sigmar the god were to directly do something terrible, then a fraction of that judgement would need to be laid at their feet.
I would like to put forward my pet theory that there are actually several Sigmars running around pretending to be the same God and only one of them is so incompetent he deserves to be fired
out of a cannon.
Hm, I never thought of it that way. Human worship as an inherently empowering force for gods makes it closer to judging someone for their voting behaviours, doesn't it? Never really going to be democratic, obviously, but when worship directly enables the god to follow their beliefs and goals said worship is a lot more legitimately given the side-eye. I still don't believe a sigmarite should be judged only for their worship of sigmar, but if sigmar the god were to directly do something terrible, then a fraction of that judgement would need to be laid at their feet.
This is a really interesting way to think of it. Metaphysical representative democracy: one man, one prayer.
I just assume that a single human's worship is so individually small that even vastly more personal worship barely counts for much. Then again, there's always the option of material sacrifices. One man one prayer + one man as much metaphysical cash you can stuff into the god's pocket for the leadup to election (end) day (times)?I may be influenced by my own bad attempt at making a quest, but seeing as some people can pray more, or pray better, and thus give more prayer to their god than others, while others pray less, or pray to multiple gods, wouldn't it be more like Metaphysical free market? You vote with your praywallet, the more you support the god (corporation) the more you give. Having a really devoted cult can give you as much prayer as being widespread but not really very worshipped, no? Not really one man one prayer.
There is such thing as cuddlesex...The We are precious precious spooders, and are for cuddles and adorables, not fucking.