King Arthur
The Once and Future King
Yeah, but we do have some level of evidence for the Ranald stuff while all the other deities cap out at speculation.Honestly, more gods are like this thought, so i do not feel it is fitting to really add this to comparison. We think that Kurnous might be an aspect of Taal (and vice versa, to not insult the elves), Khaine of elves and Khaine of humans is actually a rather different god, Manaan is somewhat different across the species also.
Reminder that we saw some Qu'aph stuff and IC went "Oh, hey Ranald" and a Dragon saw Ranalds energy and went "oh, look, I recognize that from Loec stuff."
Now, it could just be similarity. Like, maybe it's the same type of Divine Energy and everyone is just recognizing the type? Something like that.
It's still got a lot more backing it up than the other "these gods are similar, probably the same being" theories.