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One of the reasons for that is Mathilde's nearly unbroken habit of being the biggest Wizard in whatever endeavour she is involved in.
Only Wizard in Stirland.
Only (surviving) Wizard on the Sylvania campaign.
Magister amongst journeymen on the K8Ps campaign.
Loremaster for the ducklings.
Lord Magister on the Dum expedition.
Project lead on the Waystone Project.

There has never been a time when Mathilde was under the authority of another wizard, or in competition with a wizard while under anyone's authority.
*Only wizard in Stirland's government. I feel like that's a pretty important distinction given that we did eventually find out that there was a Grey College operation of unknown scale working in Stirland to help dismantle some of Alberich's pre-Warp nonsense:

[ ] Stirlander
A middle-aged woman with a work history as long as it is classified, fresh from a recently-concluded long-term project somewhere in your home province. She boasts significantly more experience with spycraft and espionage than you do, but she's likely to have her own ideas about how things should be run, and you're a little put out that there was apparently a Grey College operation happening in Stirland that you never heard a whisper about.
She considers that. "The last Haupt-Anderssen sought help where he oughtn't've, though he botched it in the end. His help let them get their claws in deep. Been working towards dismantling it. Got enough information that having to run was worth it, and soon enough there'll be pyres aplenty in Thalheim."
One of the reasons for that is Mathilde's nearly unbroken habit of being the biggest Wizard in whatever endeavour she is involved in.
Only Wizard in Stirland.
Only (surviving) Wizard on the Sylvania campaign.
Magister amongst journeymen on the K8Ps campaign.
Loremaster for the ducklings.
Lord Magister on the Dum expedition.
Project lead on the Waystone Project.

There has never been a time when Mathilde was under the authority of another wizard, or in competition with a wizard while under anyone's authority.
The population of wizards is also pretty small, at least for journeyman and up. About 150 of your own wind? Anyone who does that inside their own wind will quickly get a reputation. That won't stop it, but it makes things much, much harder. The Greys are bound to take that stuff very seriously, so it would happen even less there.

To a lesser degree, that still applies between colleges, because that's still not a huge group. But for Mathilde specifically, the fact that she's a Grey matters. That's the last group you'd want to fuck with.

But in all, I don't think outright falsehood doesn't happen much in wizard circles. Squabbling about degrees probably does, but it would still happen less to and with the Greys.

But yes, the fact that there's never been another wizard with authority around matters. They might have tried with Hexensohn of she wasn't so notably busy at the time, and also if it wasn't an embarrassment they wouldn't like more eyes on.

Really, Mathilde is the one who comes the closest to having done it on screen, but even in that case it was deliberately being better than someone.
It's not a niche with a huge amount of competition. Runesmithing can do most things you'd want a magical weapon to do, and the Empire has a strong cultural bias towards Dwarf-made weapons, so there's not a lot of demand for College-enchanted weaponry.
I get your point by I refuse to put my boy short and I hope mathilde does not either.

Niche with small amount of interest encapsulates every wonder in history that got enough oratory support.

For far enough goals:
And speaking of those. Max works damn hard and there is nothing that says he doesn't go to what Slavic maximum requires and he doesn't make a sword that turns every enemy head in vicinity to gold. Which would satisfy lot of conditions on irl Slavic legends.
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In case it's not clear I will make solo post. I think max is cool for his Individual contributions. He is just not a rallying symbol. Just normal guy being the best smith possible but nothing special next half century.
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For the next Supreme Patriarch/Matriarch duel that Mathilde watches. Let's put this as a add in.

-[z] If Alric wins a duel, immediately challenge him.

But I'd imagine Boney would give us the option if it came to that in the background rolls.
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For the next Supreme Patriarch/Matriarch duel that Mathilde watches. Let's put this as a add in.

-[z] If Alric wins a duel, immediately challenge him.

But I'd imagine Boney would give us the option if it came to that in the background rolls.
Considering Alric's last attempt lasted about five seconds after Dragomas literally shouted him down, it's unlikely he has what it takes without resorting to foul play. Unless we hear of Mira having a mysterious accident, we can probably rely on her watching him like a hawk. just occurred, Boney mentioned an upcoming scene with eight Patriarchs/Matriarchs. I doubt it'll happen, but it'd be a really funny omake if Alric and Mira both showed up and missed the gigaflex due to arguing over who was supposed to attend.
For the next Supreme Patriarch/Matriarch duel that Mathilde watches. Let's put this as a add in.

-[z] If Alric wins a duel, immediately challenge him.

But I'd imagine Boney would give us the option if it came to that in the background rolls.
Only if we beat Egrimm to the punch.

He has decades of anger to work through and would likely kill Alric given the chance, even if it didn't stick.
I wonder how good of a smith Max is at this point? If we wanted a really good base sword to put enchantments on would he be the best contact for us to go for?

Assuming you're talking about steel instead of something exotic like gromril or ithilmar, I can't think of anyone better for making a sword that's both a pretty good sword and very compatible with College enchantments.

I don't know what materials we would use I assume that our apprentice would be better at picking materials. Actually that seems like a really cool learning project to assign her if we want her to improve her enchantment skills.
Hmm... Eike does use a mundane greatsword right now. Perhaps they can cooperate on crafting her a better one once she graduates?
Assuming you're talking about steel instead of something exotic like gromril or ithilmar, I can't think of anyone better for making a sword that's both a pretty good sword and very compatible with College enchantments.
I'm glad things are going well for him. I guess if we ever need something metal enchanted he's on our rolodex, but that's not going to be any part of Mathilde's personal panoply.
Max has faded into something of a minor character in the story and I've allowed him to do so without regret because the Wizard part of his life is a job for him - a job he likes and finds fulfilling, but it's the clock he punches to be able to pursue his true passion that is a purely academic pursuit of metalworking.
I'd love to see Max make a breakthrough in smelting and metalsmithing to create some improved metal alloys for the Empire. He's in the right position to make those kinds of discoveries, has the time and wealth, the facilities and tools, and access to the kind of expertise to draw inspiration from.

IRL, discovering better metal alloys was often a process of trial and error and educated guesses, but with your soul being partially made up of the magical wind of metal, and being taught by dwarves with knowledge more advanced than your own, he's an excellent fit for being the one to make some breakthroughs.

There really has to be something said for the advantages of having part of your soul transmuted into a magical wind of an element that's key to your field of study. It gives inspiration, intuition, unique tools to experiment with and test, and other avenues of advancement in the form of enchantment and attunement.

Adella could probably figure out how steam engines work as her windsight improves and she gets more experience working on the gyrocopter, but I imagine the real challenge for her is figuring out how to translate that understanding into something sufficiently useful that the skilled labor and industry of the Empire can feasibly build in numbers. Perhaps she'll invent new weapons that the Bright College takes an interest in by utilizing the principles of steam power with the magical possibilities of Aqshy and Aqshy enchantments.

But I really want to see Max make tangible success with his long efforts, given both his dedication to them and how diligently he's kept up his other duties all this time. Maybe a WEB-MAT action where we could lend our Windsight and luck (via Ranald's Coin) to his task?

Assuming you're talking about steel instead of something exotic like gromril or ithilmar, I can't think of anyone better for making a sword that's both a pretty good sword and very compatible with College enchantments.
That gives me an idea. We create a spell that mimics the Rune of the Unknown in sword form, then we use it to enchant one of Max's swords with. That way non-Grey wizards can use it.
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"The reputation of your Order will make that more easy to convince people of," you say.

"And yours, in some areas," Egrimm replies with an odd little smile. The tone he used is odd, an inch away from well-practiced slickness but some element deliberately left out to prevent it all from harmonizing, which must have taken more effort than actually following through. Your first thought is that he's toying with you, but he's not watching you closely enough for that. He's not amused by your reaction, but by his own - he's mocking himself for defaulting to that form of oily flattery when it's entirely unnecessary.

"There are mystics in eastern province troupes that find grey to be the colour that gets the best reception," Kas... agrees?

"In any case," you find yourself saying to move the conversation along, "the question becomes one of which form of auditory seviroscope we'll be building."
Thinking real hard about this, something shifted very recently.
I'd love to see Max make a breakthrough in smelting and metalsmithing to create some improved metal alloys for the Empire. He's in the right position to make those kinds of discoveries, has the time and wealth, the facilities and tools, and access to the kind of expertise to draw inspiration from.

IRL, discovering better metal alloys was often a process of trial and error and educated guesses, but with your soul being partially made up of the magical wind of metal, and being taught by dwarves with knowledge more advanced than your own, he's an excellent fit for being the one to make some breakthroughs.

There really has to be something said for the advantages of having part of your soul transmuted into a magical wind of an element that's key to your field of study. It gives inspiration, intuition, unique tools to experiment with and test, and other avenues of advancement in the form of enchantment and attunement.

Adella could probably figure out how steam engines work as her windsight improves and she gets more experience working on the gyrocopter, but I imagine the real challenge for her is figuring out how to translate that understanding into something sufficiently useful that the skilled labor and industry of the Empire can feasibly build in numbers. Perhaps she'll invent new weapons that the Bright College takes an interest in by utilizing the principles of steam power with the magical possibilities of Aqshy and Aqshy enchantments.

But I really want to see Max make tangible success with his long efforts, given both his dedication to them and how diligently he's kept up his other duties all this time. Maybe a WEB-MAT action where we could lend our Windsight and luck (via Ranald's Coin) to his task?

That gives me an idea. We create a spell that mimics the Rune of the Unknown in sword form, then we use it to enchant one of Max's swords with. That way non-Grey wizards can use it.
Well, we have mookery of substance, that would work if we could adapt it to nonliving
A Grim Revelation
God, can you imagine Egrimm's reaction to finding out Mathilde has read the original Liber Mortis front to back?
A Grim Revelation.

It was the day after Mathilde's funeral. So many words had been said over an empty casket that Egrimm had felt like all the words in the world had run out. For all that they had worked together, something had always felt unbalanced between them. Egrimm owed Mathilde, in a way he could never confess to, and now would never be able to truly repay. Mathilde had been a light in the shadows, but on dark days like this, he felt like he was a shadow hiding his true self in the light.

His dour mood was interrupted by a knock at the door. He opened it - it was nighttime now, it seemed - to find a very old and very serious dwarf ranger carrying an iron strongbox.

"Zonzhufokri Egrimm van Horstmann?" the dwarf asked.

He nodded.

"I have a delivery for you from Dawizhufokri Mathilde Weber. It was her wish that upon her death, this strongbox would be delivered into your safekeeping with absolute secrecy. Do you understand?"

Shakily, he nodded again. But this was not enough for the dwarf.

"I understand." he managed. Wordlessly, he was handed the box - nearly falling over at the weight of it - before the dwarf turned and walked away. A half dozen other rangers peeled themselves out of the shadows to follow him. And then Egrimm was alone.

Some investigation later, he found Mathilde's message hidden in the box's shadow, words that would only become visible in a shadow cast by pure Hysh light. He smiled at that. A clever enchantment that was nevertheless a bit silly. The message told him how to open the box, and one more thing: 'I've faith you'll know what to do with it.'

Any mirth he had left him when he saw what was inside: A simple and ancient leather tome that held an impossibly stable Dhar enchantment. Slowly, unable to stop himself, he opened up the cover to the title page.

The Liber Mortis.

The box slammed shut before he realized he had even moved. Summoning physical strength he didn't even know he had, he lifted the strongbox and marched it into the darkest corner of his cellar, where it was quickly buried under boxes and tarps.

He stumbled back upstairs, utterly exhausted in the span of only a few minutes. But he hardly even noticed, for it was matched by the utter horror gripping his heart. Inside that box was an endless abyss of darkness. A truth he could not face.

Her missing body.

But his was the wind of truth, of revelation.

Her task left unfinished.

Try as he might, he could not ignore what had been laid before him.

The hints she'd dropped throughout the years, as if they shared a secret only she knew.

He did not want to think these thoughts. He did not want to know these poisoned truths.

Her last message. Her utter faith in me. In me.

But, truth be told, his mind was merely catching up to what the chasm in his gut had figured out long ago.

Was it all a lie? Was it all for this? From one dark master who would sell his soul, to another? Who really was Mathilde Weber? No. Who is Mathilde Weber? And where is she now?
I still don't understand why he was pretending to be a journeyman in the first place—to prevent reputational damage to the collages of he got caught messing with the wrong stuff, maybe?
I still don't understand why he was pretending to be a journeyman in the first place—to prevent reputational damage to the collages of he got caught messing with the wrong stuff, maybe?
Yeah, it was reputational stuff

He was on it to investigate Skaven tech. If a Journeyman gets caught doing that it's an internal disciplinary issue. If a Magister gets caught doing that it's a shitstorm.
If we became head of the Grey Order we might have to stay in Altdorf most of the time,
Based on what exactly? We have seen Panaratoh walk to K8P as a MP with no problems. And if you are going to insist on it being otherwise for Mathilde please cite your source.

No job we were offered (aside from Swamptown) ever put us a in a position where we can't move as we wish.

3 AP for the job and 3 for the rest has been thread habit and that won't change and I don't see how being MP instead of Loremaster of K8P would change that.

All told that the idea that being MP or SP is end of ambition where MC would get chained to a desk with magical red tape is a mind virus that needs to die in a fire. IT is just misinformation meant to manipulate people away from the option at this point.
This was absolutely fantastic. I was expecting a fairly standard "reaction post" omake, but you absolutely blew this out of the water. What an amazing idea. Of course he would immediately conclude that Mathilde wants him to learn necromancy and join her on the dark side. If she were dead, he would definitely interpret this as a request to bring her back as an undead !
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Any mirth he had left him when he saw what was inside: A simple and ancient leather tome that held an impossibly stable Dhar enchantment. Slowly, unable to stop himself, he opened up the cover to the title page.
Point of order, but I don't think the Liber Mortis has any enchantment at all.
It's just a book.
This was absolutely fantastic. I was expecting a fairly standard "reaction post" omake, but you absolutely blew this out of the water. What an amazing idea. Of course he would immediately conclude that Mathilde wants him to learn necromancy and join her on the dark side. If she were dead, he would definitely interpret this as a request to bring her back as an undead !
I really like the bit "The hints she'd dropped throughout the years, as if they shared a secret only she knew." 'cuz uh.

Nope. Egrimm, there were no hints dropped. That was only ever just how Grey's interact with people.
Say enough things that sounds like incredibly vague hints, and eventually a person's brain will pattern-match a fraction of those into something that fits some grand revelation.
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