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With the liminal weakness in Mathilde's Room of Calamity couldn't she remove the walls between that room and the Eye of Gazul steel column, set up a correct source of light so that the column's shadow covers the weakness, and cast Burning Shadows to burn away the liminal realm? Mathilde has secret Gazul lore that says he used his fires to something of this effect.

I suspect that's the equivalent of using a nuke to get rid of some black mold.
It's an action I would love to take (which ward btw? I think I want Storm because we know pretty much nothing about them) but it's not a WEB-MAT action and it's not a part of our backlog, so it might be difficult to find the AP for it.
I know, but it would hurt me more to keep it at 1/2. And really, any of the Wards sounds interesting enough.
The liminal space is no longer there. It has being destroyed by Mathilde according to the post below. At least if I understand the analogy correctly.
I somehow completely missed that. This little detail actually changes a lot for me. It makes the priority of telling Belegar and taking active steps much lower. Which also means that fudging with timelines in ways no one can ever find out becomes much easier. I still think we should get checked out by Gunnars and that getting checked out by Algard might have some value, but I am back to thinking that just shutting up about it otherwise is an acceptable option.
It would not be trust me, there is a reason Chaos quests rarely made it past the third or fourth update.
What is the reason? The ones I saw seemed just like the QM lost interest very fast. Or they weren't written all too well.
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It would not be trust me, there is a reason Chaos quests rarely made it past the third or fourth update.

The smug bird did imply that "Everchosen Mathilde Quest" would involve a dark crusade against the Chaos Gods, rather than the Civilised Realms.

Of course, the sacrifices involved in just getting there aren't really worth thinking about. And I'm saying this as someone who actually wrote an "Everchosen Mathilde" omake.
I do not mind the failure, I would have been fine with worse failure. Mutated Mathilde on the run would have been interesting, I mind spinning our wheels trying to mitigate unmitigatable failure and I fear this is going to happen for the next turn.
I think your premise that this failure is not mitigate-able is incorrect. Some aspects are harder to mitigate, true - "has the attention of a Lord of Change" is tricky to remove from your character sheet. But it's not like Mathilde hasn't made enemies before. And while it's a bit more powerful than a Wisdom's Asp, it's not impossible to escape from.
I realize this was made with goodwill and that each of these things is reasonable, but this... this is what I worry about, the several updates worth of quest writing and discussion being filed with mostly pointless conversations leading to reassuring headpats and/or suspicions with loss of standing attached. Ah well I guess I have to hope Boney can condense something like this to a reasonable size.
I trust Boney to not make "Mathilde asks for advice on X situation" boring/pointless.

As I see it, the primary dangers from this are:
1 (very low probability) : Mathilde decides that the demon is right, goes for Everchosen.
2 (far higher probability): Mathilde ignores that a Lord of Change now is paying attention to her, fails to take steps to mitigate that, has Unfortunate Things happen as a result.
3 (not really known, probably between 1 and 2) : Something happens to suggest Mathilde is being demon-haunted and didn't report it, thus reducing trust in her further than if she did.
Stop: Demons are not an excuse to attack other users.
demons are not an excuse to attack other users.

I hate people talking about daemons like they're SCPs. "Infohazard," its so pretentious. Shut up, it's just fucking words. "Infohazards."
Chaos daemons aren't dumb pop-culture eldritch horrors. They are classical, Faustian devils. Tzeenchian daemons manipulate by telling lies & half-truths, its not some shitty 'mind-rape' stuff.

While I understand that recent demon-related updates have the thread agitated like an angry beehive, that is absolutely no excuse for making such pointed and uncivil remarks clearly directed towards another user.

@Geedubs has been issued 25 points under Rule 3 - Be Civil, and removed from the thread for 3 months in line with the long-standing thread policy.

More generally, I'm closely watching the ongoing thread chatter, and I expect people to be on their best behaviour regardless of Tzeentchian spanners. There are ways to express disagreement that don't involve insults, so if you find yourself getting heated... just don't post. Go do something else and come back when you aren't typing under the influence of Khorne.

The demons cannot get you if you touch grass.

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Come on guys, that was our first warning in over a year and 2500+ pages, would have liked to keep the streak going…
I think your premise that this failure is not mitigate-able is incorrect. Some aspects are harder to mitigate, true - "has the attention of a Lord of Change" is tricky to remove from your character sheet. But it's not like Mathilde hasn't made enemies before. And while it's a bit more powerful than a Wisdom's Asp, it's not impossible to escape from.

I trust Boney to not make "Mathilde asks for advice on X situation" boring/pointless.

As I see it, the primary dangers from this are:
1 (very low probability) : Mathilde decides that the demon is right, goes for Everchosen.
2 (far higher probability): Mathilde ignores that a Lord of Change now is paying attention to her, fails to take steps to mitigate that, has Unfortunate Things happen as a result.
3 (not really known, probably between 1 and 2) : Something happens to suggest Mathilde is being demon-haunted and didn't report it, thus reducing trust in her further than if she did.

It is literally impossible for Mathilde to choose to become an ever chosen because Mathilde's decision making bits are the thread voters.
She did not even go for comparatively more controllable necromancy to save Van Hal. Even putting that as a low probability serves to give some legitimacy to the supposedly far higher probability of Unfortunate Things and something happening which are so vague as might produce a sixth Chaos God of Ill Defining IMO, though that is I guess fitting as the proposals for how to deal with the problem are just as poorly defined. :V

I do not think randomly treating anyone vaguely wise or pious we know as a therapist and chaos wrangler will solve anything an it will probably give them all nightmares of how terrible Chaos Mathilde would be.
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The smug bird did imply that "Everchosen Mathilde Quest" would involve a dark crusade against the Chaos Gods, rather than the Civilised Realms.

IIRC wasn't that essentially Archaon's motivation: to destroy the world so as to prevent it falling to the Dark Powers, rather than conquering it in their name?

At least that's what my thoughts went to when birdy said that bit.
I think it's okay to be worried and anxious, because Tzeentch is a pretty big deal, and the LoC did violate Mathilde, and by extension, the questers, and that can be quite upsetting. We lost control of the situation and that's shaken our confidence quite a bit (compliments about our hat not withstanding).

However, I think it's something that we need to be calm with when discussing it with each other, especially since we haven't had a chance to see the after effects upon Mathilde yet.

Keep calm and don't let the birb win.
I can't help but feel people are making a mountain out of a molehill with this. This was just our already-due-to happen temptation that everybody at our level gets, you know? We report it to the gray college, disregard everything the demon said, and go on with our lives.

Personally, I'm more interested in figuring out how to actually ward a liminal space so it doesn't turn into daemon central again.
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