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Doesn't look like it will be long before the thread gets locked.
Don't be defeatist. There was exactly one post until now that got mod attention and things have been calming down more than ramping up.
Also, Boney really doesn't like "the salt will flow" type of comments.
I mean, that's a pretty good streak for a quest this big.
How many Quests have even managed that many pages, period?
Maybe we are taking the wrong view in dealing with the demon gibbles.

Tzetch is threatened enough by us that they are leaning hard on psy ops.

That means we are doing something right.

The reality tumours are showing weakness.

Let's go the offence! Slay a bunch of demons, unravel a bunch of plans.

Heck with our recent discovery we could invade hell.

Nothing Saids FU like breaking into tzenetchs house and punching him in the face
I can't help but feel people are making a mountain out of a molehill with this. This was just our already-due-to happen temptation that everybody at our level gets, you know? We report it to the gray college, disregard everything the demon said, and go on with our lives.

Personally, I'm more interested in figuring out how to actually ward a liminal space so it doesn't turn into daemon central again.

I really do not think every LM gets a personal invitation from Tzeench to become Everchosen. There wouldn't be any room in the Chaos Bowl for all the actually willing Chaos Champions if that were the case. :V

A demon talking to you and offering you the Lore of Chaos is a bad but run of the mill miscast, what it offered was anything but even for our level.
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You know how Mathilde, after she killed Alka Seltzer, there were all of those books she had to destroy and leave behind, or when she was raiding the Eshin leader's office and couldn't take all of their books with her, with this new use of AV Mathilde could create a liminal realm and anchor it within a bag or even her hat! No more leaving behind valuables for Mathilde from this point on!
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I feel like dismissing the Liminal realm idea here, as some people seem to be doing, is a bit rash.
For all we know this was very difficult for Tzeentch to pull off.

If Tzeentch didn't want us persuing a certain path in Magic, the best way to stop us would clearly be to send a demon the moment we achieve it.
I'm not convinced that abandoning this path isn't playing directly into his hands. I think we need to do more research into Liminal realms, and take far more precautions next time, but the research path as a whole doesn't seem as dead as some are making it out to be.

This honestly seems like something we should talk about with the Waystone Project members- Hataleth has a liminal realm, the Dwarf Gods have a liminal realm... heck, the Vortex itself could be some type of liminal realm that shelters the souls imprisoned from Chaos shenanigans.

Discussing this with people who know (Hataleth, Sarvoi, maybe Thorek or Gunnars) what liminal realms are and how daemons can seemingly enter and subvert them might also explain what the heck Mathilde's new trait does, as I'm pretty sure magical elves will have had far more experience with miscasting and getting randomly birded than any other mages in the setting, and dwarves are pretty much the only polity in the setting that can truly de-chaosify magic (Well, outside of Nagash and vampirism).
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I think it's okay to be worried and anxious, because Tzeentch is a pretty big deal, and the LoC did violate Mathilde, and by extension, the questers, and that can be quite upsetting. We lost control of the situation and that's shaken our confidence quite a bit (compliments about our hat not withstanding).

However, I think it's something that we need to be calm with when discussing it with each other, especially since we haven't had a chance to see the after effects upon Mathilde yet.

Keep calm and don't let the birb win.

I agree with your assessment but would like to add that if the Chicken tries to Mrs with Mathilda's head again. We the Chat of Mathilde will just spam him with prayers to Ranald until we drown him out and he leaves her alone.
Maybe we are taking the wrong view in dealing with the demon gibbles.

Tzetch is threatened enough by us that they are leaning hard on psy ops.

That means we are doing something right.

The reality tumours are showing weakness.

Let's go the offence! Slay a bunch of demons, unravel a bunch of plans.

Heck with our recent discovery we could invade hell.

Nothing Saids FU like breaking into tzenetchs house and punching him in the face

Not saying this is definitely not the case, but I do not think Tzeench goes for rational distribution of resources so trying to anticipate him on such utilitarian grounds seems pointless. It could just be that he found it funny to mess with us, even if that means ten thousand daemons were drowned in blood while the Changer was distracted with us.
I really do not think every LM gets a personal invitation from Tzeench to become Everchosen. There wouldn't be any room in the Chaos Bowl for all the actually willing cCaos Champions if that were the case. :V

A demon talking to you and offering you the Lore of Chaos is a bad but run of the mill miscast, what it offered was anything but even for our level.
Promising untold power and skill is a perfectly usual thing to offer people, it's just that Mathilde is already powerful enough that the more gets a little silly. Also, uh, demons lie? All the time?? The fact that the demon said she could be everchosen doesn't mean anything to anyone IC because it's from a Tzeentch demon.
This honestly seems like something we should talk about with the Waystone Project members- Hataleth has a liminal realm, the Dwarf Gods have a liminal realm... heck, the Vortex itself could be some type of liminal realm that shelters the souls imprisoned from Chaos shenanigans.

Discussing this with people who know (Hataleth, Sarvoi, maybe Thorek or Gunnars) what liminal realms are and how daemons can seemingly enter and subvert them might also explain what the heck Mathilde's new trait does, as I'm pretty sure magical elves will have had far more experience with miscasting and getting randomly birded than any other mages in the setting, and dwarves are pretty much the only polity in the setting that can truly de-chaosify magic (Well, outside of Nagash and vampirism).
We should also go to the gray college imo, since the entire thing is in one. It is self-evidently possible to keep this from happening if you know what you're doing.
That means telling no one anything ever about the daemon, and taking no action based on its words. It's basically a limited form of quarantine. We have to quarantine the information.

Yes, resisting the temptation is hard. That's what makes it a strong temptation.

Also, completely ignoring the daemon as if it was irrelevant should piss the daemon off the most.
None of this happened, we continue on with our lives and careers, and we most certainly don't pay any heed to the words of something that wants to hurt us and doesn't especially care how that happens.
There's something we just can't ignore. Mathilde has no way to know if anything that was said was true, but ooc we know for a fact that the competition that will choose the next Everchosen has begun. From Boney telling us that and the Checkov's rule, we can reasonably assume that a new Choas invasion will happen during this quest (if we don't die sooner).

We don't know for sure that Mathilde truly is a candidate, but it's far from impossible. Which means that no matter what we do, there's a very real possibility that some time in the future we will get targeted by some of the other candidates. Who will probably have honed their skills killing the other competitors.

In conclusion, we should definitely be extra careful and doubly watch out for potential candidates. And keep and even closer eye on Egrimm.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, who do we think will we get option for our scribes? im hoping for locals mostly.
We just made a new friend, he knows a couple of guys who would love to work in a magic library :V
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, who do we think will we get option for our scribes? im hoping for locals mostly.
I really want to get the cult of verena involved.

They like books collecting, we like books collecting, we get sad when people burn books, they get murderous when people burn books.

What's not to like?

Plus, they come with free Nerd-Knights, the bigger the collection, the more nerd-knights. (Might even get a whole chapter at some point.)

Nothing better at scaring off book theifs and Sigmar book burners then a 6'2 full armoured professional stabby boi asking for your library card.
It's an invitation from a Keeper of Secrets first of all, and second, promising untold power and skill is a perfectly usual thing to offer people, it's just that Mathilde is already powerful enough that the more gets a little silly. Also, uh, demons lie? All the time?? The fact that the demon said she could be everchosen doesn't mean anything to anyone IC because it's from a Tzeentch demon.

I mean we do have a +20 to casting magic when there is Tzeenchain sorcery about, that is a Coin sized blessing, even for a Changer of Ways that is probably not easy to manage especially as it is not anchored to our soul as a mutation. I think it was being honest about the temptation at least and well we do know OOC that we killed at least one other contender for the title. It seems like the kind of thing the Molusk would do.
I really want to get the cult of verena involved.

They like books collecting, we like books collecting, we get sad when people burn books, they get murderous when people burn books.

What's not to like?

Plus, they come with free Nerd-Knights, the bigger the collection, the more nerd-knights. (Might even get a whole chapter at some point.)

Nothing better at scaring off book theifs and Sigmar book burners then a 6'2 full armoured professional stabby boi asking for your library card.
I'm uncertain if the verenians would accept just being scribes...

Do you think we'll take another apprentice after Eike, or should we give it a good long while?
Probably not unless we get really lucky and Mandred ends up as a Grey. Which, admittedly, is entirely possible, but somewhat unlikely. As the heir to Reikland and a theoretical Emperor candidate in the future, there are a lot more factors for him than Eike had that help outweigh how much Mathilde could offer as his Master.
I mean we do have a +20 to casting magic when there is Tzeenchain sorcery about, that is a Coin sized blessing, even for a Changer of Ways that is probably not easy to manage especially as it is not anchored to our soul as a mutation. I think it was being honest about the temptation at least and well we do know OOC that we killed at least one other contender for the title. It seems like the kind of thing the Molusk would do.
Oh sure, ooc it was being honest, I definitely agree with that. I just think that from an IC perspective we shouldn't feel too anxious about getting burned at the stake or something.
There's something we just can't ignore. Mathilde has no way to know if anything that was said was true, but ooc we know for a fact that the competition that will choose the next Everchosen has begun. From Boney telling us that and the Checkov's rule, we can reasonably assume that a new Choas invasion will happen during this quest (if we don't die sooner).

We don't know for sure that Mathilde truly is a candidate, but it's far from impossible. Which means that no matter what we do, there's a very real possibility that some time in the future we will get targeted by some of the other candidates. Who will probably have honed their skills killing the other competitors.

In conclusion, we should definitely be extra careful and doubly watch out for potential candidates. And keep and even closer eye on Egrimm.

We just made a new friend, he knows a couple of guys who would love to work in a magic library :V

How would we go about being extra careful of enemies we know nothing about though? I agree that it is concerning but due to the almost complete lack of information and the actually complete lack of reliable information none of this is actionable.
What does Tzeentchian sorcery even look like, or is that something we're going to have to find out the had way?

Here, the Lore of Tzeentch, organized within the paradigm of the quest's Relatively Simple / Moderately Complicated / Fiendishly Complex / Battle Magic:

Relatively Simple - Magic 2 required to learn, Magic 3 to cast reliably:
Enrage Beast: Your eyes flash with unwholesome light as you inspire fear in a single ordinary animal nearby. They will act in random ways, such as fleeing, fainting, attacking anyone, or dying.
Flames of Fate: Pale orange flames spring up from the ground around you, which contain visions of the near future. These visions may aid you within minutes.

Moderately Complicated - Magic 3 required to learn, Magic 5 to cast reliably:
Mindfire: You cause a lance of magenta flame to leap from your hand and strike a nearby target, which tears away at the victim's sanity. If the victim's sanity is already in jeopardy, they take physical damage that ignores toughness and armor, but their sanity is somewhat restored. If their sanity would be fully restored from this effect, they lose any insanities on them.
Pink Fire of Tzeentch: With guttering pink flames, you strike a single creature nearby, causing good damage that ignores armor.
Slave to Chaos: You put your body in a deep coma and send your consciousness into another living creature nearby, attacking them psychically and possibly allowing you to control their actions. The possessed subject runs the risk of gaining a mutation at the end of the spell.
Subvert Strength: Your hand glows with queer blue spots. The next nonmagical inanimate object you touch loses its hardness, becoming soft and malleable. Steel bends, glass folds, rock becomes putty. Cast on a weapon, it bends or breaks in combat. On armor it ceases it removes its protection. The object remains soft and wax-like for several minutes.
Transformation of Tzeentch: You attempt to transform an individual nearby and force them to undergo a series of horrific transformations, granting them several mutations. Whilst under this effect, the target is considered helpless.
Tzeentch's Blessing: You cry out to Tzeentch for his blessing, either granting you a mutation or more magical might for a day.

Fiendishly Complex - Magic 5 required to learn, Magic 7 to cast reliably:
Destroy Magic: You draw in the energy found within a targeted magic item, making it lose all magical properties for several minutes. If you cannot contain the energies you gain a mutation.
Dispel Mortal: With a tremendous act of will you attempt to suck a nearby creature into the Realm of Chaos to become a plaything of Daemons.
Tzeentch's Fire Storm: You cause a blasphemous storm of purple flame to erupt anywhere you designate nearby. Those in the flame take great damage, and those slain by it are incinerated, transformed into a pink ash that blows away in the wind and then coalesces into Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, one for each victim slain. They are not under your control, and attack those closest to them. They return to the Realm of Chaos shortly after.

Battle Magics: Spells that can change the face of an entire battlefield. The consequences of miscasting these spells are almost as horrifying as the damage they cause when cast correctly. Magic 7 required to learn, can never be cast reliably.

*Warpflame: All of these spells force those who suffer wounds from them to either take more wounds or briefly gain a natural power of regenerating wounds (or increase such preexisting capacities). Chaos is fickle.

Boon of Magic (Lore Attribute): When you successfully cast a spell from this Lore, you have more chance of increasing your capacity to cast spells.
Blue Fire of Tzeentch (Signature Spell): You consume the bodies of a target unit with coruscating blue flames. Warpflame.
Treason of Tzeentch: You reach your thoughts into the minds of a target unit, tormenting them with subtle whispers that stoke the fires of mistrust and treachery. The affected unit is more vulnerable to fear and less capable of leading others.
Pink Fire of Tzeentch: You envelop a target unit in a cone of magical flame that flows from your hand and damages all who touch it. Warpflame.
Bolt of Change: You hurl a single devastating bolt of energy that blasts through a target unit, wracking their bodies with sickening and uncontrollable mutations. This deals great damage not subject to armor. Warpflame.
Glean Magic: You contest your magical prowess against another Wizard. If you succeed, you steal sorceries from your adversary's mind, damaging them and making them forget one spell, allowing you to cast it like any of your own. Warpflame.
Tzeentch's Firestorm: You launch a searing ball of scarlet flames towards the target unit, engulfing them with balefire. Warpflame.
Infernal Gateway: You open a portal to the dread Realm of Chaos, a magical tear in the mortal plane. The target unit suffers tremendous damage with Warpflame.

As you can see, there's not much in the way of long-lasting effects, as befits the Changer of Ways. So if anyone is thinking of finding some Tzeentchian magic item with an always-on effect to take advantage of... it's not very likely to ever happen. Stasis is not Tzeentch's wheelhouse.
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You know I remember hearing at one point that Karl Franz had an uncle that was a Grey Wizard? Is that true and/or quest canon?

Be hilarious if it was Wizard Dad
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