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Someone might have already mentionned it, but I wonder if we could use our trait to detect Tzeentchian sorcery, perhaps by casting a cantrip or something.

Yes, I'm sure that any information we gain by relying on the specific behaviors of a Tzeentchian trait will be consistent, reliable, and not at all a vector for further manipulation. :V

Anyway, my general consensus is that people are being silly and worked up about what is a pretty basic moderate miscast outcome.

"Damn, a daemon showed up and all it did was say some spooky stuff instead of taking your body for a joyride? Guess you got off light."

Taking anything it said too seriously, which includes trying to launder that information into use, is the failure condition. Ideally I would have liked Mathilde, which includes the thread as a representative of her mental state, to go "wow that's crazy, anyway" and move on with our lives. Sadly, we instead got 1000 posts of rabid doomsaying in 16 hours, which I take to mean that Mathilde is gonna be gloomy and dwell on this in a self-reinforcing cycle. Oh well.

I'll take a break and check back in on the thread once things have moved on to a different topic.
so something that bothering me is people keep saying that this is just a moderate miscast attempt nothing to freak out about and this happens relatively often to wizards. Which part of that is true that on a moderate miscast attempt one of the opitons is where lesser demon pop out but the key word there is lesser demon. We came face to face with a lord of change, greater demon, one of the eyes of tzeeneth which suffice to say as seen in the miscast table is not something that can just happen on a moderate miscast attempt. Anyway it been bothering me and just wanted to correct that notion
That's "A Lesser daemon pops out into reality, and you fight it"

Mathilde's was more like "Heretical Vision" except with a Greater Daemon instead of a Daemon Prince.
On unrelated matters... The remaining actions of the turn are: The tributary prototype rituals (with Ranald helping), investigating the missing Reikland nexus/nexi alongside all of Web-Mat, choosing scribes for our library, and writing the paper on possible terrain obstacles.

Personally, I'm looking forward most to the scribes. Verenans would be my pick. They get too bad a rap.
Y'know, onto another topic.

The idea to make our gyro silent and maybe somewhat visually hidden, alongside extra range with fire enchantments, has been around for a long time.

Enchanting is a pretty key skill for Mathilde, we know that she does a lot of "petty enchantments" off-screen, like that enchanted key we handed to Johann to access the restricted part of our library.

Finally windherding the helicopter to have Illusion around it and fire magic on the boiler would be a neat chance for her to try and learn it.
That's "A Lesser daemon pops out into reality, and you fight it"

Mathilde's was more like "Heretical Vision" except with a Greater Daemon instead of a Daemon Prince.
I mean I kinda disagree with that too cause in heretical vision it just u know a vision that fucks with you a lot which while admittedly similar to this there the big difference of

Tendrils of the purest magic burrowing through reality seep into your now magic-starved soul and your grip on reality redoubles and redoubles again.
You don't even know where to begin rejecting the strength that even the slightest wisp of the energies of the Changer of Ways has given you, and even if you could, it would render you unable to do that which needs to be done.
Fated: +20 to spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery, ??? when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery.
we got a trait out of this and tzeentch...blessing? I dunno. Also unrelated I think this just mean whenever we are around Tzeentchian sorcery tzeentch is just gonna funnel some more magic juice our way which judging by this
You don't even know where to begin rejecting the strength that even the slightest wisp of the energies of the Changer of Ways has given you, and even if you could, it would render you unable to do that which needs to be done.
seem rather impossible for us to reject in general cause "You don't even know where to begin rejecting the strength that even the slightest wisp of the energies of the Changer of Ways has given you,"

The demon wasn't even in the same room—actually, not even the same reality—as we were.
even more scary how it was able to just insert itself in mathlide thoughts even with that
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we got a trait out of this and tzeenth...blessing? I dunno. Also unrelated I think this just mean whenever we are around Tzeentchian sorcery tzeeneth is just gonna funnel some more magic juice our way which judging by this
Boney implied it's just that Tzeentchian sorcery likes her now because Tzeentch wants that. And also that if Mathilde were to, say, use the trait against Tzeentchian forces, he could very well take it away too.

So it's (probably) not exactly a mutation so much as a general approval that translates to 'you are better at this because you amuse me, cool hat girl'.
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Y'know, onto another topic.

The idea to make our gyro silent and maybe somewhat visually hidden, alongside extra range with fire enchantments, has been around for a long time.

Enchanting is a pretty key skill for Mathilde, we know that she does a lot of "petty enchantments" off-screen, like that enchanted key we handed to Johann to access the restricted part of our library.

Finally windherding the helicopter to have Illusion around it and fire magic on the boiler would be a neat chance for her to try and learn it.
…You know, if we're talking about enchanting our Gyrocopter, I just thought of a neat use for a Liminal Realm. If we can attach one to something portable, then expanding the gyrocopter until it can hold, like, a whole lot more stuff and people would be funny.
Boney implied it's just that Tzeentchian sorcery likes her now because Tzeentch wants that. And also that if Mathilde were to, say, use the trait against Tzeentchian forces, he could very well take it away too.

So it's not exactly a mutation so much as a general approval that translates to 'you are better at this because you amuse me, cool hat girl'.
Notably, Fated is not even a trait. It's in the skills section, alongside the bonuses we gained from actually learning how Dhar and Greenskin magic worked.
Boney implied it's just that Tzeentchian sorcery likes her now because Tzeentch wants that. And also that if Mathilde were to, say, use the trait against Tzeentchian forces, he could very well take it away too.

So it's (probably) not exactly a mutation so much as a general approval that translates to 'you are better at this because you amuse me, cool hat girl'.
I don't think what I said is in conflict with this statement tbh
Sadly, we instead got 1000 posts of rabid doomsaying in 16 hours, which I take to mean that Mathilde is gonna be gloomy and dwell on this in a self-reinforcing cycle. Oh well.

I'll take a break and check back in on the thread once things have moved on to a different topic.

I'm a bit amused by how many posters are like "ok, I'm burned out on this and don't want to see it talked about any more" less than 24 hours after the drop, and how many attempts to switch the subject are just grabbing topics that have been thoroughly chewed over many, many times before.

You want to call it doomsaying and that's fine; I call it attempts to reason out the consequences of something that was a serious and dangerous event.

Don't want to be here for the discussions? Cool. Don't want the discussions to happen at all? Not cool. Please let people post without trying to paint reactions by people who are more worried than you as degrading the thread.

Edit: I'm using redshirt as an example of this, not as the only one doing it or the worst one doing it.
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Not a big fan of ignoring what the daemon said, in part because that tactic defeats its own purpose of negating its influence. The daemonic voice should be treated as a miscast result, that's about it. We can talk to the people we're close to about it to soothe our mind, and of course we should mitigate the damage we caused by reporting the thinned reality to the dwarves. Do we need to bring this up to Algard and company? Not really; we don't report other miscast results to him.

I would suggest therapy, but aside from lack of facilities, there's really no one Mathilde would trust this situation with.
She can trust Panoramia if no one else.
so we are skilled at Tzeentchian sorcery :V

Well, we do have a +69 to casting the Lore of Tzeentch.

(29 learning + 20 dhar insight + 20 fated)

That goes up to a theoretical +89 if we're using necromancy against someone using the Lore of Tzeentch. I say theoretical, because the odds of us retaining the fated skill in a duel against a Tzeentchian sorcerer whilst we're using necromancy is highly unlikely.
Well, we do have a +69 to casting the Lore of Tzeentch.

(29 learning + 20 dhar insight + 20 fated)

That goes up to a theoretical +89 if we're using necromancy against someone using the Lore of Tzeentch. I say theoretical, because the odds of us retaining the fated skill in a duel against a Tzeentchian sorcerer whilst we're using necromancy is highly unlikely.
This reminds me, I have to ask... @Boney for purposes of Fated, does dispelling and inducing miscasts count as 'spellcasting' or is there a distinction?
@Boney Are you willing to reveal what a 5 or 10 on the unwanted visitors roll would've gotten us, or is that a spoiler?
I am not boney but I have been wanting to say my guess so my guess are 5 is that the chaos gods don't think our hat is cool so they leave us alone for now or that they straight up don't notice we did anything. Then 10 is the chaos gods think our hat is super super cool and they all agree on that which results in belkaor getting jealous/mad and he shows up as a result or they send him as envoy of there will to say we think your cool kid want to be everchosen and they all agree on that
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She can trust Panoramia if no one else.
"Hey, you know how I used the mirror snake trying to murder me as a lesson in how dangerous miscasts can be? Yeah, now I've met a bird who liked my hat and gave me an invite to Everchosen Bowl. I think I preferred the snake honestly..."

But honestly? Daemons like to be tricky and manipulate people, especially the Birds who talk too much. So, I don't think what happened nor what was said should be dismissed, but at the same time don't treat it as gospel or anything. Treat it as unreliable information gained from an enemy, but don't think too deeply about it, or go thinking just because a servant of the Fateweaver says something could have or should have happened means anything.

It could be like a 5% chance or something, and it 'could have' happened. And prophecy isn't an exact science, so 'should have happened' is probably just the birb being mad that someone is messing with his schemes. So don't ignore it, but also don't let it consume you.
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