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The Vertexes are not of uniform length however, with stronger opposition creating different lengths than weaker ones.

Which oppositions are strong and which are weak as well as the effect on the vertex length should be blatantly obvious and is therefore left as an exercise to the reader.
I know we're poking fun right now, but vertices are points, which are zero dimensional and thus have no length. You're thinking of the edges between the points, which are linear and do have length.
Every Order actively works to push the conceptual boundaries of what their Wind can influence and control, resulting in a lot of overlaps. Thinking that any one thing can only be aligned with one Wind is the cardinal school of thought, which is much less prevalent than the mystical and elemental schools in the Colleges, and mystical Ghyran can very easily make a case for rain being under its purview.
Sky Jade is less strange than Aqshy at sea, certainly, and we know that Sea Fire has exotic properties. The winds are everywhere. Seeing what they cling to when their favorite places aren't around is part of the research opportunity.
Unfortunately, we signed away that right the moment we decided to be born human.

On the upside, we have a slow and steady relationship with our Wind, unlike those poor elves who have to balance their relationships with eight different lovers.
Ethical polyamory may be denied to us by the shackles of time, but there is still a harem route for all that the simple minded fools of the colleges forbid it . . .
Aqshy is opposed to Azyr. Terrestrial fire vs heavenly fire. Action vs foresight.
Aqshy is opposed to Chamon. Energy vs matter. Emotion vs logic.
Aqshy is opposed to Ghur. Emotion vs instinct. The first tool vs the natural savagery that it lifted mankind out of.
Aqshy is opposed to Ghyran. Blooming vs burning. Creation vs destruction.
Aqshy is opposed to Hysh. Emotion vs enlightenment. Heat vs light.
Aqshy is opposed to Shyish. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Aqshy is opposed to Ulgu. Fire and shadows cannot coexist.

Azyr is opposed to Chamon. Ephemeral future vs material present.
Azyr is opposed to Ghur. The foreseen future vs the instinctual reaction to the now.
Azyr is opposed to Ghyran. Trying to snatch a glimpse of what might be vs knowing for sure that the cycle will turn as it always does.
Azyr is opposed to Hysh. Reacting to the world vs honing oneself. Studying the future vs learning from the past. Two different takes on enlightenment. The sun vs the stars.
Azyr is opposed to Shyish. Ephemerality vs inevitability. The eternal stars vs the fading flesh.
Azyr is opposed to Ulgu. Revelation vs concealment. Clear sky vs fog.

Chamon is opposed to Ghur. Logic vs instinct. Civilization vs nature. Steel vs fangs.
Chamon is opposed to Ghyran. Inert vs alive. Building vs growing.
Chamon is opposed to Hysh. Matter vs light. Practicality vs theory. Doing vs knowing.
Chamon is opposed to Shyish. Permanence vs impermanence. Perfection vs entropy.
Chamon is opposed to Ulgu. Knowns vs unknowns. Truths vs lies.

Ghur is opposed to Ghyran. Savagery vs harmony. Animals vs plants. Taal vs Rhya. Civilization rejecting nature vs civilization embracing nature.
Ghur is opposed to Hysh. Instinct vs insight. Profane vs profound.
Ghur is opposed to Shyish. Striving vs acceptance. Struggling to continue to exist vs the knowledge that you inevitably will end.
Ghur is opposed to Ulgu. Fangs in the throat vs knife in the back. Animal cunning vs human cunning. Surety vs confusion.

Ghyran is opposed to Hysh. Dirt vs light. Earthly drives vs higher desires.
Ghyran is opposed to Shyish. Life vs death. Perpetuation vs extinction.
Ghyran is opposed to Ulgu. The constancy of nature vs the confusion of life risen above it. Soft evolutions vs edge cases. Blurs vs divisions.

Hysh is opposed to Shyish. Immortal knowledge vs mortal end. All the other revelations vs the final truth.
Hysh is opposed to Ulgu. Light vs dark. Knowledge vs confusion.

Shyish is opposed to Ulgu. Certainty of death vs uncertainties of life. Ambiguity vs the ultimate inevitability.

There, now all wheels are valid. Some of those are more of a stretch than others, but they're all workable and I'm sure you could polish them up nicely if you spent more than a minute on each.
This just makes me think of using the Winds as a method of divination. Having cards, stones or whatever imbued with a wind each, see what their relationship is when you draw/throw them, etc etc.
I think the main reason the sky is usually just ceded to azyr is that humans mostly stay on the ground, and so the associations between winds with less obviously airborne natures and the sky aren't very developed. Personally, I think you could do interesting things with the divisions between different layers of atmosphere (or the ocean for that matter) and Ulgu, as well as with the shadows of clouds and the unique perspective on borders that an aerial vantage provides. You might even manage some sort of distance/size illusion based on how hard it is to judge those things against empty air.

For jades, there are a number of plants that naturally grow far off the ground, often but not always in rainforests. Some of the most common epiphytes are lichens and mosses (and yes I know calling lichen just a plant is reductive but I'm pretty sure it counts for magic) but there are a bunch of orchids and even ferns that will happily grow in the canopy of a forest. Then there all all the plants that depend on wind as a seed distribution method, and I could see someone with the right mindset using dandelions as the basis of a mass featherfall spell, though I expect you'd have a hard time keeping the group from scattering.
...I wonder if that's the secret to Qhaysh, you transitively misapply wheels of magic until you realize yourself that every Wind can harmonize with or repel every other Wind...and you actually have enough experience with each Wind to do that in practice rather than theory.
Wagers of the Soul New
Wagers of the Soul

The tea had long since gone cold and Egrimm van Horstmann hadn't even noticed, so engrossed in his latest tome, a lapse that he had not fallen afoul of since he was an apprentice. The Order of Light was keen to discipline wandering minds as it was many other things. It wasn't even that the subject of the book, emblazoned boldly upon its cover in silver captivated him so: Aetheric Vitae. It was the implication, that subtle sting of recognition he had not even dared give name to for fear that it would set his mind wondering to places far darker that innocent woolgathering. By her own account then Journeywoman Weber had first come upon her improbable source of unearthly liquid when she trapped one of the so called All-Knowing-Serpents —urgh and to think one of his fellow light wizards was responsible for giving so grandiose a name to a minor arcane parasite— in a box made of mirrors, a freak accident.

Egrimm didn't believe that for a heartbeat, oh not the part about it being an accident that the thing ended up suspended between life and death eternally bleeding. One look at the geometry involved indicated that the serpent had to have panicked and flayed its essence against smaller and smaller 'apertures' like a man pulling a barbed arrow from his leg only to nick and artery wizard's fortune and spirit's folly perfectly aligned.

"I don't believe she was planning to kill it, there, I've said it," he whispered to the quiet room. There was no one on this floor of the house and the spells against eavesdropping had been laied long ago to standards appropriate for elvish nobles playing games of court. He had in all likelihood told no one, but in saying so aloud he had to consider the implications.

If Weber had been planning to capture the Asp, if she had some plans for it as a journeywoman... well that was the sort of thing that his own College would have found quite worrying in one of her young and untested status, all the more so when the young wizard in question was so far away from their superiors, entirely out of hand.

How close to the edge did you get... friend, that one he did not say aloud. The thought that he shared some kinship with the most unusual Grey Wizard was not a new one, but he had not before considered the implicated that she had stared into the same abyss he had. Did she know something, guess something, read it on my face? A year ago the question would have been dismissed out of hand, if Weber had even an inkling of the things he had contemplated at his worst he would have ended his days on a pyre, but there was that other thing he had found out quite by accident about her on a visit to Eight Peaks a few months back: Loremaster Weber was recognized as the patron of a particular gambling den in Karag Nar, and that word was not meant in the usual way. Given his history Egrimm had a bit of a eight sense when it came to sniffing out cults, it just so happened the one he found that day was a perfectly legal, if discreet, cult of Ranald and with a very interesting patron to boot.

So am I then a gamble? he finally asked himself, staring into the dying fire. Did she see something in me, some inkling of dissatisfaction so deep rooted that only a grand ambition could soothe it. Did she put all this on the line to save my soul? Now it had gone from unflattering to terrifying. What does one even do with that sort of suspicion? Certainly it cannot be recognized for to do so would be to recognize treachery that might have been. And yet the wizard couldn't bring himself to wholly ignore the prospect of his phantom debt

If nothing else I have gained a new appreciation for the kind of meandering intrigues Grey wizards have to live with all the time, Egrimm van Horstmann thought with an edge of self deprecation, much blunter than it used to be. Funny how one has a better chance to aknowledge one's limitations when one is not shackled from without.

He turned the page and finally got to the experimental results. It was after all a very good book.

OOC: This just showed up in my brain fully formed a few days ago when I was thinking how Egrimm would take the AV book. Hope you guys enjoy.
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Egrimm being able to see that Mathilde was tempted when she was younger even if he didn't grasp the nature of that temptation is really interesting. It's also something that would make sense to him and would let him understand that she kinda saw he was tempted to, the thinking about Ranald and then realizing that he's something of a gamble/leap of faith on Mathilde's part was an important realization.
Hmmm, I have a question @Boney does Mathilde have a favorite game of chance? Also does she have a set of playing implements that she keeps at her side? I'm betting the dice of a grey wizard would be a great price to some gamblers... Even if they are just regular dice.
So what's left? Pretty much everything that is going on is either under control or someone else's problem- if stuff stops mattering as much as it used to, because nothing is as urgent as it used to be, does she have any other gears besides all overwork all the time?

To put it another way, what would a midlife crisis look like for Mathilde?
There are still loads of problems to deal with. It's just that with the biggest-scale and greatest-severity problems being handily dealt with, the remaining readily available challenges to tackle are either not as high-stakes or widely-impactful.

But that does not at all mean that they aren't interesting, worthy, challenging, or significant. Here are some examples:

1) Kislev has an entire backlog of problems to tackle that Boris is chipping away at relentlessly and would undoubtedly welcome our help with open arms and a huge smile. And since Kislev is the front lines for another invasion by Chaos-aligned forces, this would be pretty important. It would also be important to Ranald, doing what he cannot do himself (not directly, anyway). This also would involve Karak Vlag, as a bonus. We might even serve as a bridge between the Colleges and Kislev/the Ice Witches to help rebuild the Ice Witches as an institution with the Tsar's enthusiastic backing.

2) Spell invention, more research and discovery, and helping out the Colleges. The Grey College has some serious deficiencies in its spell repertoire that would benefit the entire institution and many of its members if we could help rectify that, and we are in a position to do so. It also suits Mathilde's love for breaking new ground and inventing things, particularly magical things, and she's really good at it, going by her track record with MAP, Rite of Way, Knightbringer, and coming up with the idea of turning an entire mountain into a delivery mechanism for Ulgu combat magic. Given the enormous utility and windfalls Mathilde has benefited from thanks to the various spells she's learned, invented by others, it would be very fitting for Mathilde to add to that institutional wellspring in the various ways she is good at. This would also give us the chance to make some really ambitious and powerful multi-enchanted items or spells with Windherding--the kind of stuff that's normally one-of-a-kind that the Colleges revere, like the Armor of von Tarnus or Staff of Volans.

3) Multiple wars for the reclamation of lost Waystone Nexuses, along with the benefits of clearing out the populations of nasties that guard them. This might be a bit far off into the future in some cases, particularly the dwarves when they've got far less risky and more accessible low-hanging fruit in the form of erecting waystones in the surface territory they've already got secure, but the Empire is both more ready for a forest war if there are good enough reasons (due to not being preoccupied with a major campaign to reclaim a karak) and less casualty-averse for such a war.

4) Marienburg. While currently unlikely to increase in tensions back to war being a strong possibility, we don't know if Marienburg's leadership will change their minds and recklessly provoke a major response. If they do, that's a major conflict where we'd be a critical asset, for a variety of missions. Or alternatively, we might get involved to help sway Marienburg's leadership towards lowering tensions with the rest of the Empire and maybe even seeking a gradual path towards reconciliation (there's an appeal to still being somewhat independent but now benefiting from mutual defense and no longer worrying about the Empire gearing up to have another go at you).

5) Assuming a role that places us close to the Emperor and the leaders of the Karaz Ankor, giving us opportunities to further strengthen that relationship, avoid problems that might threaten it, and establish joint Empire-Karaz Ankor ventures using our influence and trust with both parties.

6) Drachenfels! The other bastion of the undead in the Empire, except maybe Zacharias the Everliving hiding somewhere in the Forest of Shadows. We have something of a grudge against the Undead and it repeatedly threatens Reikland. Ridding the Empire of this threat for good would be a worthy task indeed, and it would make Mandred's future job a lot easier.

7) If Mathilde is looking for a challenge and change of scenery, there's always going to Swamp Town, Lustria. On top of the challenge of building up Swamp Town and seeing it prosper, the golden opportunity of a xenophile polyglot who's already studied the Lizardmen and their language establishing a common understanding and relationship with the Lizardmen is a big deal. At a minimum, such an achievement would give the elves of Ulthuan a chance to start building a working relationship with the Lizardmen for mutual benefit, and Ulthuan is relatively close to Lustria (unlike the Empire).

Aqshy is opposed to Azyr. Terrestrial fire vs heavenly fire. Action vs foresight.
Aqshy is opposed to Chamon. Energy vs matter. Emotion vs logic.
Aqshy is opposed to Ghur. Emotion vs instinct. The first tool vs the natural savagery that it lifted mankind out of.
Aqshy is opposed to Ghyran. Blooming vs burning. Creation vs destruction.
Aqshy is opposed to Hysh. Emotion vs enlightenment. Heat vs light.
Aqshy is opposed to Shyish. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Aqshy is opposed to Ulgu. Fire and shadows cannot coexist.

Azyr is opposed to Chamon. Ephemeral future vs material present.
Azyr is opposed to Ghur. The foreseen future vs the instinctual reaction to the now.
Azyr is opposed to Ghyran. Trying to snatch a glimpse of what might be vs knowing for sure that the cycle will turn as it always does.
Azyr is opposed to Hysh. Reacting to the world vs honing oneself. Studying the future vs learning from the past. Two different takes on enlightenment. The sun vs the stars.
Azyr is opposed to Shyish. Ephemerality vs inevitability. The eternal stars vs the fading flesh.
Azyr is opposed to Ulgu. Revelation vs concealment. Clear sky vs fog.

Chamon is opposed to Ghur. Logic vs instinct. Civilization vs nature. Steel vs fangs.
Chamon is opposed to Ghyran. Inert vs alive. Building vs growing.
Chamon is opposed to Hysh. Matter vs light. Practicality vs theory. Doing vs knowing.
Chamon is opposed to Shyish. Permanence vs impermanence. Perfection vs entropy.
Chamon is opposed to Ulgu. Knowns vs unknowns. Truths vs lies.

Ghur is opposed to Ghyran. Savagery vs harmony. Animals vs plants. Taal vs Rhya. Civilization rejecting nature vs civilization embracing nature.
Ghur is opposed to Hysh. Instinct vs insight. Profane vs profound.
Ghur is opposed to Shyish. Striving vs acceptance. Struggling to continue to exist vs the knowledge that you inevitably will end.
Ghur is opposed to Ulgu. Fangs in the throat vs knife in the back. Animal cunning vs human cunning. Surety vs confusion.

Ghyran is opposed to Hysh. Dirt vs light. Earthly drives vs higher desires.
Ghyran is opposed to Shyish. Life vs death. Perpetuation vs extinction.
Ghyran is opposed to Ulgu. The constancy of nature vs the confusion of life risen above it. Soft evolutions vs edge cases. Blurs vs divisions.

Hysh is opposed to Shyish. Immortal knowledge vs mortal end. All the other revelations vs the final truth.
Hysh is opposed to Ulgu. Light vs dark. Knowledge vs confusion.

Shyish is opposed to Ulgu. Certainty of death vs uncertainties of life. Ambiguity vs the ultimate inevitability.

There, now all wheels are valid. Some of those are more of a stretch than others, but they're all workable and I'm sure you could polish them up nicely if you spent more than a minute on each.
This is the Ulgu Wheel, where all wheels are equally correct and equally wrong--or perhaps not, depending on how you look at it.
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