Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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An Ancient and Noble Language
Inspired by the mental image of Mathilde, a dragon and a dragon elf just geting together to gargle at each other:
I like that it sounds like gargling. It's just a funny image.

Like, we're on our elfcation (version two maybe), and one of the dragon princes starts being a dick to our elf friends. And they're snobbing/stoicing at each other. Mathilde meanwhile goes to the dragon and starts gargling at it. After a minute (it was some intense snobbing/stoicing) the others notice the ongoing conversation. The shadow elfs are like 'WTF?'. The dragon elf is also like 'WTF?', except more arrogant, and then also starts gargling.

And so you have Mathilde, Dragon Elf and Dragon just gargling away. And I can't (and don't want to) shake the mental image of them standing their with their mouth wide open and head tipped back, like you'd do it when gargling water.

My first bit of art in this thread, and what a start. Soon you'll be seeing me in all the fancy art galleries.

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Gold or Jade: The Divided Loyalties Saga
Also a bit late for it, but that social with the Dragon was great. So great that I'm a little bit worried/upset. Why? Because I had a funpost ready for the next bout of Social voting where I assumed Panpan and Johann would be the only two strong candidates. But now I feel that all this:

Everyone fights in the Waifu Wars
Yeah we like ours but we sure hate your's
It's Mag-ister Gold vs Jade Wizard
Let the flames begin to flow.

Lets throw down, quote at me bro
I'll write you up, and your fave's a hoe
Don't be a troll and blame the rolls
These posts aren't just for show​

Is now outdated and in need of rework. But I was gonna try to tone down the last bit anyway, try to make it more friendly or something.
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Melkoth's Mystifying Mentoring Methods, Part 2
He's the Grey College's Head of Battle Magic. It's all in his purview, more or less, though probably it'll be more pronounced the more foggy our concept is, which works in our favor just fine.
It is his purview yes, but I'm afraid it might end up being Melkoth's Mystifying Mentoring Methods pt.2

Except Mathilde is pretty good, so it might go like this:

Acquire Stand
I have a way to make Pall of Darkness more exciting to the thread next action: Pair up with Johann. Imagine we took these two actions:

[ ] JOHANN: Learn a skill: Improve his Windsight to see through Pall of Darkness.

[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.

Now we're talking. I threw a little shade on Pall of Darkness because we can cast Invisibility, but being able to fight with Johann in the dark against opponents that can't see either one of us... now that's starting to cook with some juice.
Was going to wait till after the update to maximize ratings but fuck it I want to go to bed.

Even better reason to do that:

And you just know he go along with it at least once.
And yes the cloud is just there to cover up the lack of legs, like seriously there aren't that many full body shot of Armstrong.

So in summary:
1: Learn to see through Pall of Darkness
2: Teach Johann to see through Pall of Darkness
3: Acquire Stand.
4: ???
5: Profit.
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