Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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They like the idea of things being recorded in a more reliable form than the Echo, but they're weirded out at the concept of knowledge outliving its author.
My babies, you haven't quite grasped just what we not-We will do to keep existing just yet. Writing books is the least of it, you should see what the really desperate people will construct to convince themselves they aren't just dust in the wind.

In fact, we have this very old diary that I think will prove very illuminating. Don't worry if the dialect's too old for you to read it, I'll be happy to read it to you as a bonding session~

... Erm, bonding sessions are something we humans have to kinda pretend we have Echos and are part of a We, you know, since we can't all be wonderful arachnids like you.
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I was envisioning it as a steam engine, which might explain why it sounded so simple to me, yes. Like, 'this doesn't even really need a roll' simple, so I was kind of weirded out by suggestions to the contrary.

But if the engines work off of the big pile of explosions methodology I can see where the issue would be, fair enough.
A combustion engine is a lot more compact than a steam engine of the same power. Replacing the heat source of a steam engine is simple enough, and it has it's uses. Simplest would be the monitors on the river, but that's saving money rather than a qualitative improvment.

There's a lot of possibility for automation, like steam hammers, sawmills, etc, but the mindset isn't really there. An inter-karag railway, maybe out to our wolf friends, is another cool option that's not really dwarfy. Really, the Empire is much more likely to make a real use of it, but they don't have the tech yet. It's kind of a pity.

Now, combustion engines could work at least someonewhat, if you can figure out a mechanical trigger for a flashboil (or some other such spell, that's the least issue). Upping the output would require stronger spells, but that's possible as well. However, there's a second issue that @BeepSmile pointed out: The enchantment running out of power after a number of activations. They can be recharged (see our room), but that requires Ashyq. In the best case, it could be supplied by a small fire of some large energy material. In the worst case, we need a powerstone.

There's two big issues blocking widespread adaption (assuming people are ok with magic engines, but I think that's a PR battle that can be won): First, making the enchantment itself, and also making it simple enough that it can be made by a lot of people. Flash cook is Relatively Simple, but the conditional aspect would probably push it up at least a level, so that's big hurdle number one. It's hard to get enough wizards to make the enchantments.
Related, if the recharging is a big problem, you either need the kind of fuel that means you could just run it as a non-magical engine, or you need a powerstone. And that's a very definite bottleneck (though those would be reusable, so you could accumulated a supply over time. A long time.).
Second issue is getting the engine tech. If the dwarfs are tetchy about the steam engine, then the next step up will be even more frought.

In conclusion, making a magic steam engine is a cool action we should definitly take. But I won't make a big splash for a long time yet (but when it does, we'll get to be ahead of their time, which is cool).
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We might consider if we can steal from the marauders before going on the expedition, without the pressure of having to get back to the wagons I'd feel better about it.
And we personally can escape retaliatory raids, but the dwarfs will have to fight.
Any possibility of social actions with the Expedition leaders @BoneyM ?

There'll be plenty of time to get to know them on the road.

We might consider if we can steal from the marauders before going on the expedition, without the pressure of having to get back to the wagons I'd feel better about it.
And we personally can escape retaliatory raids, but the dwarfs will have to fight.

The Eastern Steppes are stupendously large. You won't be able to find the right set of marauders without the help of whoever the Ice Witches are sending.
In conclusion, making a magic steam engine is a cool action we should definitly take. But I won't make a big splash for a long time yet (but when it does, we'll get to be ahead of their time, which is cool).

I'm entirely Meh on the idea. Mathilde is neither a Gold nor a Bright Wizard. Leave that sort of stuff to our Engineering minded Duckling, I'm sure that she'll see the opportunities, we'll just need to support her and keep her alive.
[X] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin

Both of these seem interested in news about Asarnil joining the Expedition. And while we're mentioning that... romance.

[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.

We still haven't talked with her, have we. How many years has it been?

[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.

I'm still holding out hope for a Knight Order assist with the Expedition.

[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.

Feels important to keep our finger on that pulse, even if not something we'll be focused on for a couple of years.

[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.

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[ ] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[ ] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II

I at least want to give them a chance to prove themselves, so to speak.

It's a book about the We. Why wouldn't the We get credited?
A lot of biographies don't credit the person they're written about, if only because the person they're written about usually didn't do much of the work besides sitting for an interview.

(EDIT: Plus, the book is literally all about them, so it's not like they're in any danger of being forgotten because people aren't giving them credit for writing it...)
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[ ] Agree

I mean, they got us over a table on this one.

[ ] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[ ] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[ ] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[ ] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson

voting for the ones that we haven't done yet.

[ ] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.

been wanting to talk for a while

[ ] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.

should make sure everything is in order before walking into hell, and who knows, that lad we left to mind the place was pretty industrious with all of his numbering and flint mines.

I wouldn't be surprised if he has something to show us.
Marienburg has to be absolutely shitting themselves now. They managed to get Asarnil to stick around and at least hear them out while they tried to get his services for the least possible amount, and a Grey Wizard casually rolls up without any discernible treasure horde and gets him to pack up with a five minute conversation.

We just accidentally T-posed on a city state.
It's funny when you think about it, Asarnil's comments on the Great War against Chaos.

Makes you begin to wonder if the Elves actually have any experience against Everchosen led Hordes. Morkar was beaten by Sigmar, Asavar Kul by the Empire, Karaz a Karak and Kislev with no Elves save Teclis and his retainers/friends because the Asur were busy dealing with that ass Malekith, Valgen by a Dwarf Lord...
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I want trains more than as much as the next person, but Boney has pointed out that proper rail requires mass production in a manner dwarfs will never, ever accept. So, first you'd have to find some way to get men to learn mass production of steel and the secrets of steam, which are pretty high hurdles that i don't think can be cleared - especially given Boney's entirely reasonable stance on bringing in OOC tech knowledge (i.e., don't.)

As I've said in the past, it's really a shame, because you know dwarfs would be just the worst best railfans. And can you imagine a model railroad built by a dwarf? It would take decades, but it would be perfect.

...I changed my mind, let's find a way to invent trains after all, then get Belegar interested.
To quote an intelligent and forward thinking politician of the modern age:
the first stream pump was put aside because slaves were cheaper in Egypt.

no joke.
Ancient greece had steam operated machines, used for stuff like opening temple doors to impress the masses.

A year is at Lord Magister levels of power, which is not a person that's hired for cheap. Especially since at the Empire's current tech level, you'd be lucky if the engine itself lasts a month, let alone a year.
I figure you probably could get a dwarf made boiler that would last for decades, enchant it to run continuously, and just attach it to whatever you want to turn.
But it would cost way more than hiring some guy to do it by hand for the same time, possibly even before factoring the cost of enchantment.
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[ ] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin.
We'll fight alongside one dragon, let's talk with another one.
[ ] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
Let's see how is dwarf side of trade conflict going.
[ ] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[ ] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
And those two because I've missed them.
The other part of the magic plus steam thing is that the Empire is very heavily forested, and those forests need to be constantly cut back to keep them from encroaching on fields and towns, and to stop the Beastmen from being able to sneak up on you. So wood is essentially free.

Can we hang out with Belegar? Or Kragg?

I miss our dwarf buddies.

Both of those have proven to be autopicks so I only include them if there's a reason to touch base or if I have a good scene in mind.
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Oh man, a sidequest? Really? :lol:

How often are test subjects credited as authors of scientiffic papers? Or indigineous people for encyclopedias?

Thankfully Mathilde is better than that.
That depends on how much you define "indigenous", and at the point you've pinned down the definition you've mostly answered the question, because indigenous "people who have lived here for millennia" very much do get credited, and indigenous "people being ground under the proverbial jackboot of an invader" trivially don't. Yes, those are both live definitions, English is a dumpster fire language as usual. :p

Might be a joke inspired by Boo, the famous Giant Miniature Space Hamster from some D&D material.

Sorry to bother you BoneyM, but my take is that a casting of inexhaustible flame would save the owner of any steam-driven mechanism a fortune. I'm assuming it's the creators of the table-top wargame not thinking of the consequences of the spell they put in, but do you have a thing in mind about why it's not used for stuff? One casting per year, for a small(?) source of fuel-less energy, seems like it would be very appealing to those who want to cut costs/save space.
I imagine it gets magically finicky when you lean on it for motive power, or anything more complicated than "gather around the fire and keep warm". Along with the duration issues, that to make it last longer you have to throw more magic in.

To quote an intelligent and forward thinking politician of the modern age:
Who would that be?
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