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My babies, you haven't quite grasped just what we not-We will do to keep existing just yet. Writing books is the least of it, you should see what the really desperate people will construct to convince themselves they aren't just dust in the wind.

In fact, we have this very old diary that I think will prove very illuminating. Don't worry if the dialect's too old for you to read it, I'll be happy to read it to you as a bonding session~

... Erm, bonding sessions are something we humans have to kinda pretend we have Echos and are part of a We, you know, since we can't all be wonderful arachnids like you.
Tbh I'm not sure whether you're inviting We to readng session of Liber Mortis or Mathilde's Amazing Tomes of Humping (ie her smut collection)
It's funny when you think about it, Asarnil's comments on the Great War against Chaos.

Makes you begin to wonder if the Elves actually have any experience against Everchosen led Hordes. Morkar was beaten by Sigmar, Asavar Kul by the Empire, Karaz a Karak and Kislev with no Elves save Teclis and his retainers/friends because the Asur were busy dealing with that ass Malekith, Valgen by a Dwarf Lord...

What makes you think that Everchosen only attack the Old World though?
Oh good, Asarnil won't be working for Mariensburg.

That would've been... bad.
The best part is that to anyone from the Empire, it would look like a diplomatic masterstroke from the Grey Wizards.

Like, the Chamberlain knows we're aware of the issue. He knows (wrongly) that Mathilde would keep an eye on it. He knows about Asarnil (because he's hard to miss, and not having someone in Marienburg would be utter incompetence). He worries about Asarnil. And then Mathilde comes in and removes one of the very few credible counters to a Barak Varr fleet in the most elegant way possible. It even sends the message of 'He's working for the dwarfs on this. How certain are you he won't work for the dwarfs on that fight as well?'.

In reality, Mathilde just bumbled into it (as far as I can tell, there wasn't any suggestion in the thread Asarnil might be working for Marienburg, though correct me if I'm wrong). Mathilde is the Anton of the Grey College.
The We are credited as coauthors.

The We are credited as coauthors.

our spider-friends are so good :cry::cry::cry:
It's these sort of details that elevate the quest from damn good to truly great.
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What makes you think that Everchosen only attack the Old World though?
What I'm thinking is that the Elves and Dwarves has a firm grip on the pulse of the evil of the world for a long time. Then the Sundering, the War of Vengeance and the Time of Woes happened, which also allowed for man to rise, and provide individuals vulnerable to Chaos. And the Elves were largely retreated to their island.

And all four known Everchosen had nothing to do with Ulthuan.
I hope Asarnil ofhandedly mentions about how this magister from the empire hired him when MArienburg tries to negotiate for his services.
And when asked what he was hired for, just goes "dunno, something about dwarves, sounded entertaining so why not".
There is so much room for pants shitting here that it's not even funny (i lie, it is incredibly funny).
I have no idea what this refers to. :/
One of the Gods of Law was tricked by the Schemer into a coffin made out of the finest material in the world, a step beyond Adamant, which is a step beyond purest Gromril. It can only be unlocked with seven keys made from the same material, but they are hidden across the world, and so she sleeps eternally.

The connection with the witches is that she's purported to be buried underneath Kislev, and serves as the source of Ice Magic, which is bound to their homeland and grows weaker as the witches stray from it.

Of course, this is something from first edition, so take the legend with a grain of salt about as large as the coffin is purported to be.
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A year is at Lord Magister levels of power, which is not a person that's hired for cheap. Especially since at the Empire's current tech level, you'd be lucky if the engine itself lasts a month, let alone a year.
I'm just seeing so much utility from the spell, as written.

This is not me arguing for these to be possible, just laying out what the spell could be good for: (Depending on how often it could be used/recharde requirements); an inexhaustible flame item could be used in a community to provide a communal fire-pit or several for cooking/boiling water to make it safe to drink.

Shyllans, for the disinfecting and cleaning of bandages/linen wraps via boiling.

A super robust and stationary steam engine near a very slow river, too slow for a waterwheel to be useful.

Also. Trains, somehow.

A Lord Magister could get a year. A Skilled Journeyman and could possibly get a few weeks? I mean, sure, a bad miscast is inevitable, but.... :(
A bad miscast is inevitable.

Such a thing would have to be done by enchanted objects, I suppose. And even then, that's probably not the sort of world building that you would be interested into putting into your story, compared to actually dealing with people.
A year is at Lord Magister levels of power, which is not a person that's hired for cheap. Especially since at the Empire's current tech level, you'd be lucky if the engine itself lasts a month, let alone a year.
Oh definitely.
Ancient greece had steam operated machines, used for stuff like opening temple doors to impress the masses.
Ancient steam engines were relatively low temperature, low pressure mechanisms.
Higher temperatures ran into the complicating factor that the strength of metal was not a constant at high temperatures, and that metal which undergoes heating and cooling cycles can degrade dramatically and then explosively at higher pressures. Add to that the fit of joints will change as heat changes and that small differences in metal composition(which was extremely common in preindustrial metallurgy) can produce metals which expanded at different rates to heat...with obvious consequences, since part of the strength of a pressure vessel was that its shape prevented any of the steam from concentrating its force on a single point and breaching there.

While it is partially true that slavery being cheaper meant there was little incentive to invest into mechanical power, one far larger obstacle was that metallurgy was not ready for it.
Hahaha, screw you greed-cultists. Also, Asarnil is hilariously entertaining, I love every second of his screentime.

So, Ice Witches will make Mathilde pay for their aid instead of Dawi. Grumble grumble.
Eh, at least it's an adventure and a new interesting NPC.

Ugh, that hidden College roll.

We should really spend (at least one more) AP on gathering reinforcements, Karak Azul runesmiths + Light College magisters explicitly?

It would statistically increase the odds of having additional magic support.

Though ideally, we should have two AP on reinforcement gathering duty, with the second one serving as a failsafe for the runesmiths and maybe hopefully getting bretonnian/kislevite support.
I love how much of a pompous ass Asarnil is portrayed as. He kind of unintentionally insults Mathilde everytime we meet him, but we still like him.
Asarnil is a pompous ass, but he is not mean, or personal, about it, for all his pompous assness, he still remains pretty friendly.
And, as mentioned, he does not mean to insult us, he just operates on such a different cultural framework and timescale that it is hard to feel insulted (and i am incredibly easy to insult).

Also, i kinda like our new nickname. :V
I have no idea what this refers to. :/
Arianka is a goddess who was tricked by Tzeentch into being trapped in a coma below Praag, in a crystal coffin that requires a set of crystal keys to unlock. In what can potentially be a complete coincidence, the goddess of the Ice Witches that lead the leader of the Gospodars to conquer the local Ungols and found Kislev gave her visions of being trapped below Praag. The plot hook never got explored in canon due to comic artists claiming characters in their comic made for the plot as their intellectual property, despite the gods in question having been published a year prior, and most of the Chaos warriors claimed being Blues Brothers cameos.
Hmm, I wonder if, now that we have confirmation Asarnil and Deathfang will be coming, we could interest the Ice Dragon in a chance to hang out with one of their own kind. Also, random thought, but we're probably going to get Journeyman for the expedition, right? Isn't Van Horstmann still a Journeyman at this point?
It's a shame we operate so far from the gray college. It would be cool to see what the different magisters around our age are up to and how they see what we're up to.
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