I would like to request that people seriously consider approval voting all four as-yet-unpicked [ROMANCE] options this social turn, even if they do not favor actually romancing those characters.
My primary reason is this: the first scene that's on the table for them is not explicitly romantic. It's a getting-to-know-you scene. And the getting-to-know-you scenes for Johann and Panoramia have been amazing. Like, to the point where I, despite not favoring a romance with either character, really enjoyed them and am glad they won, and am now way more okay with the prospect of either of them winning in the end. A bunch of other people said similar things. Boney wrote really awesome, in-depth scenes that helped us get a sense of them as characters, understanding more of what makes them tick, and I'd really like to see that for all six of the candidates, even the ones I don't want to be in a romance with.
I think it's most likely that either Johann or Panoramia will eventually win. The base of support for them is just so much meaningfully larger than it is for the rest. But I think it would be a shame to skip that incredibly delightful getting-to-know-you scene that they've gotten. All six of these characters deserve a day in the spotlight so that we, the thread, can see them put their best foot forward and figure out where we want to go from there.