Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I´m not gonna do so for this vote, but i would like to get down to the Dwarf Nehekhara books hopefully next turn. I think it will connect well to the "i fucking hate necromancers" character trait that Mathilde has. Even before Abelhelm fell, she disliked them. She felt pretty angry in the burial mound, musing about how the retinue of once mighty and great king had its loyalty misused and perverted by necromancers, and that the sentiment of it, to protect the king in the afterlife, just made it bigger bait. I imagine reading about the living Nehekharans will tilt her pretty hard at Nagash.
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[X] Initiate
[X] Dooming and Quickening
[X] Entrance Examination
[X] The Festival Lord
[X] Witch Hunter

[X] [ITHILMAR] Trade Goods
You know, I just noticed.

If the Witch Hunter is a kid of Hal's, then every action currently being picked has a 'next generation' theme to it.

Well, ok, we are expecting the same person to win the festival, but the point of the festival is.. well, you know.
Adhoc vote count started by Pempelune on Apr 28, 2024 at 4:37 AM, finished with 1046 posts and 196 votes.

When combined, the different votes for books have a slight plurality, but divided Trade Goods win by about 10 votes.
How did you combine them, by the way?

I wonder what Cython will think of the stuff from the library? It'll have history concerning the slan and the old ones, deep magical theory, religious texts (including deeper restricted ones)...

Lots of stuff relevant to his interests there. Looking forward to doing socials with him about it later if books win.
[X] The Festival Lord

Everything else is basically set in stone anyways, so I see no point in voting on those.

[X] [ITHILMAR] Books, primarily restricted books on magic with everything else secondary.
[X] [ITHILMAR] A copy of the Library of Mournings, including most restricted texts.
[X] [ITHILMAR] Books

And this might be a bit confusing, considering all the approval votes for different options. Wonder how exactly we're going to untangle all the book votes to see how many people voted for books in general total.
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And this might be a bit confusing, considering all the approval votes for different options. Wonder how exactly we're going to untangle all the book votes to see how many people voted for books in general total.
The tallier has a feature that lets you merge different versions of a vote together without double-counting any of them. Boney said he'd do it, so it's fine.

Also if it wasn't clear, all three versions of the vote will do the same thing - the latest wording is just making it more clear what that thing is, based on boney's clarifications about what bartering for books would get us. (Namely, a Laurelorn-scribed copy of nearly the entire Library of Mournings including most restricted texts, save the MOST militarily critical ones like spellbooks and "how nordland could get through all our defenses")

I'm also partially convinced that we're only even being offered such an insane deal because the Eonir just haven't realized that their library is a resource for getting prestige on the international stage, and thus aren't pricing in the risk that we use our access to undermine that prestige.

Like, we won't do them dirty like that, we can even help them use their library to advance their geopolitical goals once we know what's in it, but objectively speaking if you know that's a risk you're going to set the price accordingly and I'm pretty sure the queen isn't doing that, but might start later.

That is to say, I think the price of getting anything like this again is very likely going to go up in the future, making the already difficult prospect of finding something to trade for bookmaxxing later even harder by requiring something even better than the ithilmar sale to afford it.
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Namely, a copy of nearly the entire library of mournings including most restricted texts, save the MOST militarily critical like spellbooks and "how nordland could get through all our defenses")
It's strange that they even have a book titled "How Nordland could get through all our defenses." Convenient to have it all in one place, I suppose? Still, they've assured us it's perfectly safe under lock and key.
It's strange that they even have a book titled "How Nordland could get through all our defenses." Convenient to have it all in one place, I suppose? Still, they've assured us it's perfectly safe under lock and key.
It's part of their wargaming and warplanning records, presumably. A reminder that "restricted topics" is going to include military theory and history, since boney specifically had to point out that particular military secret as exempt from the purchase.

This deal is so good lmao.
It's kind and merciful of the Eonir to not include their wargames in the list of things they'd be copying. It'd be crippling to Mathilde's workflow if every turn when she got her EIC paycheck she had to make a Piety saving throw to not spend it all on elaborately detailed and handcarved miniatures.
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It's kind and merciful of the Eonir to not include their wargames in the list of things they'd be copying. It'd be crippling to Mathilde's workflow if every turn when she got her EIC paycheck she had to make a Piety saving throw to not spend it all on elaborately detailed and handcarved miniatures.
Just get Qrech to make them for us, and then we can play out the scenarios with him, ez.

...have we seen Qrech since adopting Eike as our apprentice and initiating her into our secret? I hope he's enjoying his middle age. Hopefully soon he earns his doctorate.

(At least University of Altdorf dissertation committees are probably less, uh, strenuous than ones in the Under-Empire.)
Just get Qrech to make them for us, and then we can play out the scenarios with him, ez.

...have we seen Qrech since adopting Eike as our apprentice and initiating her into our secret? I hope he's enjoying his middle age. Hopefully soon he earns his doctorate.

(At least University of Altdorf dissertation committees are probably less, uh, strenuous than ones in the Under-Empire.)
Lot less poison, luckily. But surprisingly more knives.
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