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I do think it is likely to have an easier DC then a more advanced class. And yes I rather would like to get an apprentice. We need more slots to put equipment into.
Why would the others be more advanced? They cover entirely different subjects. And why do you think that teaching an apprentice would fall under Diplomacy and not, say, Learning?
Get enough Slann favours to raise a mountain range cutting them off from the Badlands, and we'll talk.
Sign me up.
They've been proselytizing the 'BOOKBOON' for about a thousand pages now. Now that (some) people are pushing back it's the time to stop?

The whole problem here is that most of the other options are unappealing, such as 'become a border prince with K8P support' or 'go to war against the chaos dwarfs' or 'conquer a pirate kingdom' or 'build a steam ship that K8P doesn't actually has a harbor to do that on', etc, so there is no sizable opponent block. And there won't be without discussion.

Myself i'm in the 'set up a Lustria expedition' camp of which a steamboat could be a part but it's kind of skeevy to ask it from landlocked K8P.
I don't think it's as much of an obstacle as people imagine. The boon can come in the form of a cheque and expending political capital in order to make this happen over at Barak Varr.
I don't want to leave K8P forever, but I also don't want to be a permanent homebody.

The only thing I'm really opposed to at this point is any plan that has us going back to the service of the Empire, because I find Empire politics to be one of the less interesting parts of the setting.
Hell, if people want to go poke Tomb Kings and see if we can find a vaguely sane one, I'd be for that too.
Say do you think Asarnil knows the poor Lustrian researcher and it would be interesting to see what he knows about Lizardmen when we show him the papers.
Say do you think Asarnil knows the poor Lustrian researcher
The High Elf population is smaller than it once was, but it's not that small. I don't see a reason to think their spheres intersected.

(And, you know, he's been out-of-contact for ~185 years and probably from an entirely different Kingdom)
Another option for a tired turn - we could try codifying one or more of our Masteries? I don't think that involves inventing a new way to cast it, just the trouble of finding a way to describe what we're doing in a way that others can copy.
Another option for a tired turn - we could try codifying one or more of our Masteries? I don't think that involves inventing a new way to cast it, just the trouble of finding a way to describe what we're doing in a way that others can copy.
The Melee Shadow Knives mastery was specifically mentioned as potentially useful to the Grey College. Should be worth some favor.
So should we murder Hobo it when we get past Dolgon (sp) territory. A lot of nomads carry their wealth with them and well paying back what we are about to spend before we get to the Karak sounds interesting.
So should we murder Hobo it when we get past Dolgon (sp) territory. A lot of nomads carry their wealth with them and well paying back what we are about to spend before we get to the Karak sounds interesting.
The Yusak were specifically mentioned as being on the outs with the Chaos Gods. I don't want to commit to anything whatsoever there without knowing more first.

(also, they're probably the ones the Ice Witches think have the Chaos Goblet, so we might end up stealing from them anyway, but let's wait and see)
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The Yusak were specifically mentioned as being on the outs with the Chaos Gods. I don't want to commit to anything whatsoever there without knowing more first.
Just because they are on the outs of the chaos gods does not make them good people. 3/4 chaos gods are assholes and play with people lives. They do not even have afterlives for their followers. Not like the gardens I have where I welcome everyone.
I'm quoting this so you get tagged, because I'm worried Khorne has hacked your account. :p
Here me out we murder and loot our way in and out of the Karak. Than we buy the freedom of all the slave at dwarf Vegas. And murder that Druichi that smirked at Mathilde.
By emergency proclamation of his Majesty, the Phoenix King Finubar of Ulthuan, the Elves demand immediate restitution from the being, trickster or entity known as Ranald for the egregious crime of mutilating an elf soul of the highest caliber and then confusing her into believing herself to be a being of inferior quality.
The best Diplomacy stat is actually Martial confirmed.
Ma ma Mathilde, Dagger of the Dawi King
There lived a certain dame in Eight Peaks long ago.
She was small but fierce, and her shadow danced below.

Most people looked at her with terror and fear,
But to Dawi lords she was such a lovely dear.

She could match an Eshin warrior,
Always an unseen hand,

But she also was the kind of Magister,
Dwarf Longbeards could stand.

Ma ma Mathilde,
Dagger of the Dawi King.
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