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@BoneyM, have any Karaks other than K8P been reclaimed before? I know none of the big ones have been recently other than the obvious exception, but have any small Karaks been reclaimed or one of the big ones a long time ago?
@BoneyM, have any Karaks other than K8P been reclaimed before? I know none of the big ones have been recently other than the obvious exception, but have any small Karaks been reclaimed or one of the big ones a long time ago?

Gunbad and Karak Varn were both retaken and held for a few decades before falling again during the Time of Woes. More recently, Karak Izril was partially reclaimed for a while, and hosted a boom town of adventurers delving deeper into the parts of it still occupied by Night Goblins and fouler things looking for treasure. And Karaz-a-Karak reclaimed their outposts and watchtowers along Mad Dog Pass shortly after High King Thorgrim was crowned.
Gunbad and Karak Varn were both retaken and held for a few decades before falling again during the Time of Woes. More recently, Karak Izril was partially reclaimed for a while, and hosted a boom town of adventurers delving deeper into the parts of it still occupied by Night Goblins and fouler things looking for treasure. And Karaz-a-Karak reclaimed their outposts and watchtowers along Mad Dog Pass shortly after High King Thorgrim was crowned.
So so far no Karaks have been reclaimed long-term in the history of Karaz Ankor?
So random thought I just had, but if and when we get around to codifying the Fog Path, I wonder how useful a Battle Altar for it would be for people not us.
More recently, Karak Izril was partially reclaimed for a while, and hosted a boom town of adventurers delving deeper into the parts of it still occupied by Night Goblins and fouler things looking for treasure.
That sound like a fun little adventure for Mathilde should we ever get tired of research and social since its a new environment interaction with all sorts of gritty and newbie adventurers at ground level.
Kind of like Goblin Slayer!
Johann can 'see' a MAPP, right? Not the projection itself, but the strands of ulgu making it up.

A nice gift for him might be a sheet of glass that you can lay down on a page in a book. It uses ulgu to find the edges of the characters, the division between ink and not-ink. Then it displays this text in a large MAPP floating above the book. Useful for old magisters who's eyes are failing, and for idiots who poured molten metal into their eyes.
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Oof. Just finished the chapter where you decided to study your freaking patron god, as if there weren't enough ongoing projects already. :V

Besides the very real possibility of Mathilde getting literally obliterated from existence by an enormous Warp-entity not out of any conscious malice but because she is an ant that crawled up his arm and he might have reflexively squashed her without noticing that it was his favorite bestest most interesting ant first

Has anyone suggested post-factum that it might have been personally offensive to him? Like, both he and Mathilde think of each other as friends. Sure, annoying, sometimes bewildering friends from Mathilde's side of the equation, but, friends.

Imagine, I dunno, telling Johann that his gold gilding looks very interesting and is an excellent subject for study. And for that you need to stare at his soul for days at a time. Staaaaaaare.

Ranald was actually pretty chill about the whole deal as far as these things go in the usual fantasy settings.
What do you think is the reason why the labels for Wizards aren't complimentary?
The labels probably don't have any inherent negative connotations, they were probably neural or positive in the beginning but then the War of Vengeance happened and tainted it all like how Benedict Arnold has become associated with treachery when it used to be just a name.
If we were to ask Belegar. "If all the Orcs and other nasties in black kragg were to just suddenly die one day would we actually be able to hold it or would it just be stretching us thin?"

Because If Mathilde worked at it for a few years I bet she could map out the place included power mapping it until she could eventually organize a incredibly bloody civil war to the point she could kill everyone left. But well is there any reason to bother?
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What the Karaz Ankor needs at the moment is not actually to recapture more fallen holds. What it needs is more dwarves.
It was mentioned before in this thread that their reproduction rate only just about covers replacement even if you ignore all the ones who fall in battle or take the Oath. That number has to go up if we ever want the dwarven empire to start recovering. I have a few ideas about this ranging from Mad Science to Mad Theology to Just Plain Mad, but if we can find any information about the Eastern ('Chaos') dwarves on our upcoming sojourn it may be very valuable. They don't seem to be having the same population issues, they must be doing something about it. Can we find out what?
What the Karaz Ankor needs at the moment is not actually to recapture more fallen holds. What it needs is more dwarves.
It was mentioned before in this thread that their reproduction rate only just about covers replacement even if you ignore all the ones who fall in battle or take the Oath. That number has to go up if we ever want the dwarven empire to start recovering. I have a few ideas about this ranging from Mad Science to Mad Theology to Just Plain Mad, but if we can find any information about the Eastern ('Chaos') dwarves on our upcoming sojourn it may be very valuable. They don't seem to be having the same population issues, they must be doing something about it. Can we find out what?
I'm pretty sure the low birth rate is part biological (skewed gender ratio) and part cultural (why bring someone into this world which will bestow upon them nothing but misery as they are forced to experience their civilization's slow and painful decline and eventual collapse?) Thankfully stuff like K8P helps with the latter, by showing that the world can change for the better that will give hope to the Dwarven people and hopefully fix the hopelessness part of the low birthrate.

The Dawn-Zharr are fine because as far a they're concerned nothing's wrong, why have low morale?
I'm pretty sure the low birth rate is part biological (skewed gender ratio) and part cultural (why bring someone into this world which will bestow upon them nothing but misery as they are forced to experience their civilization's slow and painful decline and eventual collapse?)
And, I suspect, metaphysical.
"The vigil over the dead," you realize. "You're not just protecting the soul from predators. You're redirecting it."

"Its natural impulse is to go up and out, back to the realm that birthed it. If that occurs it is not a tragedy, as we believe that what makes us who we are makes our soul-stuff stubborn enough that it will return once more to the Karaz Ankor. But it is wasteful, and unfair to subject a soul more than once to this reality that rejects us."
Gunnars seems to me to be implying his priesthood is interrupting a cycle of reincarnation (or similar) that would otherwise take place. Low birth rates in part perhaps because only 'new' souls are born, rather than rebirthing old souls.
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