Honestly, considering that according to some theories gods are just extra super humongous souls, getting a small piece though his divine connectors (which our research of the coin showed are where divine power comed from) could prove to be suprisingly easy.
The main problem there is that you've chosen one of the least findable corpses there are. No one even knows where or how Sigmar died, let alone where he was buried. And it's been 2500 years.
The main problem there is that you've chosen one of the least findable corpses there are. No one even knows where or how Sigmar died, let alone where he was buried. And it's been 2500 years.
Get the Finding Divination, and have the body of Sigmar described to the caster in great detail. There's an entire organization dedicated to building familiarity with him, so it can't be that hard to find an expert on the subject.
The main problem there is that you've chosen one of the least findable corpses there are. No one even knows where or how Sigmar died, let alone where he was buried. And it's been 2500 years.
Get the Finding Divination, and have the body of Sigmar described to the caster in great detail. There's an entire organization dedicated to building familiarity with him, so it can't be that hard to find an expert on the subject.
To add to that, an apocrypha could also be excessively humorous rather than ambitious. Also, if I remember correctly, there were 2 sidestories about Sigmar and Abelheim that directly contradicted each other on the reasons Sigmar couldn't/didn't save him.
Do you know the names of these omakes? I've been having thoughts on the matter lately and am curious to how what others have said before.
Because It'd be interesting if Mathilde started to forgive Sigmar after gaining the eyes of Volans and seeing enough to realize that Sigmar didn't intervene because, in that moment, he literally couldn't.
Both in and of itself, and as a starting point for having a relationship with the divine (beyond Ranald) that becomes a mirror to Volans's "They need us as much or more then we need them" but instead concludes with, "and therefore we should worship them, that we might strengthen them just as we would aid any other friend or ally."
... Ah, I understand the plan now:
1) Comission a Tale of Metal item... or a memory transfer item.
2) Find Sigmar's first drawing (to be found on Grand Theogonist's fridge) or someone who saw Sigmar.
3) See Sigmar through your magic.
4) Comission a Finding Divination Item.
5) ???
6) Ṕ̴̛̜̞͕̹͕͈͉̄̾̀̀Ŗ̵̫̳̲͕̻͓̇͆͒̈́͆́̈́͋̈́͐̑͘O̸̧̯̩͔̦͖̜̞̟̭̟̣̐̍͂͋̋́̒̿̈́́͒̕̚F̷̧̢͕̮̈́̃̈́̈́̊͆̊̚̕͝I̷̹͔̣̲͈̮̿̆͑̾̌̀̐̆̅͛̋̌̀̄T̴͕̞̀͆̋̐̅̕͘̕
Do you know the names of these omakes? I've been having thoughts on the matter lately and am curious to how what others have said before.
Because It'd be interesting if Mathilde started to forgive Sigmar after gaining the eyes of Volans and seeing enough to realize that Sigmar didn't intervene because, in that moment, he literally couldn't.
Both in and of itself, and as a starting point for having a relationship with the divine becomes a mirror to Volans's "They need us as much or more then we need them" but instead concludes with, "and therefore we should worship them, that we might strengthen them just as we would aid any other friend or ally."
Been binging this for the last week or so. Still not caught up, but this idea wouldn't leave me alone. I have an omake of a scene from now quite a bit into Mathilde's past here for y'all. Never posted an omake before so I hope I'm doing this right? Either way, enjoy.
You don't even notice the first spear, so fixated are you on decimating the skeletal horde. Your first indication that something is wrong comes from Mathilde's expression. She looks stricken, you worry for a moment that she has been struck, but her mysteriously impenetrable robes and swirling aethyric armour hold firm. It's only when you taste copper that you realize her expression is for you.
The sudden weakness in your limbs is followed by your mind finally becoming aware and screaming at the pain of the torn nerves and muscles shorn apart by the multitudes of rusted weaponry aiming to take your life. You manage a last, vicious strike of your Runefang, cleaving two skeletons to pieces and dissipating the magic that holds them together, before you finally collapse to the ground, vision fading.
Mathilde screams next to you and pushes through the crowd. Where are your men? She stands over you, shielding you from the worst of the blows. Much as she always has for the past decade. As your consciousness finally fades you feel Orc Hewer swiped out of your grip, and distantly see Mathilde, a whirling dervish of magic and ensorcelled blade, face illuminated by a dim grey light, like a dreadful and beautiful angel in the chaos of battle. Then it all goes dark.
Distantly, you're aware of being lifted by two pairs of gauntleted hands. The craftsmanship too fine to be human. Dwarf, then. You fade again.
You stir, and with an extreme force of will propel yourself to wakefulness. Everything hurts and you feel faint, teetering on the edge of awareness. You slowly open your eyes and see the angel- No. You see Mathilde.
"Either the afterlife is rather more prosaic than I expected, or..." You force your protesting neck muscles to turn your head to the side to look her in her dark eyes. You can't breathe through your nose. "Ah, Mathilde. Are we dead?" You smile at her, even that hurts, but you can't keep it away when this gentle light warms your chest.
"Not quite yet, your Grace." She sounds exhausted, and quite small. Smaller than you ever remember her sounding.
"If anyone's earned the right to call me Abelhelm, it's you." You go to feel your chest, check your wounds, but your arm muscles strain against something unseen. "Was my arm wounded?" You frown, trying to remember. "I can't seem to move it."
Suddenly a grip on your hand you'd assumed to be tightly wound bandages releases. Her fingers were rough, calloused. A permanent reminder of her lowborn heritage, she'd spoken to you about it. Oh, Mathilde... You spare her, and yourself, the embarassement and continue on. "Ah, there we go. What happened?"
"As far as I can tell, the charge was a complete failure, and we were the only ones to penetrate enemy lines." She sounds ashamed, as though the blame for it somehow falls on her. How many undead did she fell herself, standing over you?
You don't ask. "Ah." Is your short reply. A bolt of pain shoots through you as your groping hand finds the source- sources of your weakness. You close your eyes, mentally going over your anatomical training, prodding gently at your wounds. The knowledge isn't surprising, but it saddens you nonetheless. You won't be surviving this. You reopen your eyes. "Ah."
A moment of quiet. Mathilde looks on the edge of tears. "I've sent runners for Kasmir or the light wizard." The desperation in her voice is evident. She doesn't want to accept it. Unused to battles, to seeing companions you value dearer than yourself lose their lives. Your heart breaks for her.
"Knowing Kasmir, he'd be where the fighting's thickest..." You murmur. "Not knowing the wizard, he could be anywhere." You take a breath and try to sit up. You want to look Mathilde straight on. You fail miserably. The muscles and bones and organs in your chest in too much disarray to support any movement of the kind.
You have duties though. Responsibilities. "This changes nothing; Drakenhof will fall. But should I fall too..." You pause. To entrust her with this... it will be a hardship, but there's no one you'd trust more. "In my travelling gear, which should be around here somewhere if the attendants have been doing their job, there's an iron strongbox. It opens to any key as long as the password is spoken: Senthoi. I've faith you'll know what to do with it."
You dimly see her nod, but the effort of speaking has reduced your energy. You fade quick and fast, mind retreating into the growing darkness.
When you next awaken, it's not where you expect to be. You find yourself upright, a formless white expanse stretches before you. The only indication of distance being the horizon, where the white plane you stand on meets a slightly darker grey sky, equally endless and equally impenetrable. You become aware of a quiet whistling behind you. A drinking song? You turn.
A hewn stone bench juts anachronistically out of the strange, plain ground. On one side of the bench is a massive, armour clad man, taller and broader even than yourself. He gazes into the grey distance, whistling. His armour is burnished steel and gold, intricate, twisting designs and phrases in old Reikspiel decorate every facet of it. A hammer half the size of your own body leans against the far side of the bench, even from here you can practically feel the raw power radiating off of it.
More striking than any of that though, is the man's face. It's not something that could be easily put into writing. His face silmultaneously is that of every warrior, every priest, every peasant and every Emperor you've ever met. Both individually, and in an amalgam. Rather than fear, it fills you with awe. As if the knowledge were instinctual, you know, you just know that you are standing before Sigmar, God of Men.
As if on cue, he turns to you with a small grin. "Van Hal, sit." He gestures for you to join him on the bench with one massive gauntlet. What else are you to do? You comply, and realize uncomfortably that you're still wearing your bloodstained battle raiments.
Quiet for a few moments. Not just quiet, but utterly silent. You start, "My Lord Sigmar, I-" He cuts you off with a shake of his head.
"None of that, Van Hal." He says. "After all, if anyone's earned the right to call me Sigmar, it's you."
Your heart stirs at the familiar words. "Thank you, Sigmar."
"You've done bloody good work Van Hal. Stirland couldn't have asked for a better elector." His voice is deep and booming. A wry amusement behind it, but also a deep, deep well of... something else.
You're overwhelmed. "I- Thank you. It was far from just me that was doing the work though."
He smiles this time. "Humble to the end, Van Hal, very good. No, you are right. It certainly has not been the labour of a single man. If that was how humanity laboured, we would not have survived as long as we have."
You're both quiet for another few moments. Just Sigmar and his servant, observing the expanse.
He breaks the silence, "I do not wish for such a loyal servant as you to die here, Van Hal."
The memory of your men charging cascades over you, and an impulsive indignance overtakes your mind before you can quash it. "Then why? Why make me abandon them, all of them in their hour of need?" It takes you a moment to realize your impudence. "I-... Apologies, Lord. I did not-"
One massive gauntlet waves away your apology. "Nonsense, you would not be my son if such fire did not burn in your chest." He turns to look at you again, fathomless eyes peering into yours.
"Another of my children is with you now. She cares for you, very deeply. Your death will make her hard, harder than I wish she had to be, but she will do great things. Necessary things, Van Hal. You may not be able to join her, but you will see."
"She..." You mutter, and Sigmar laughs as comprehension dawns on you. His laughter is booming and jovial, familiar. Not the laugh you'd expected from a God. Your head swims with questions. A hundred worries and fears for the world you will soon be leaving. But only one gnaws on you strongly enough to bear asking. "Will she-... Will Mathilde be alright?"
The smile falls from Sigmar's face, and in an instant it turns from a mask of amusement to one of weariness, and of sadness. He looks away, and gazes into the grey distance for a moment.
"No." He says finally. "She will suffer. Suffer terribly, and sacrifice much. The challenges that await her are such that no mortal should have to face. And I-" Sigmar, your God, looks conflicted, unsure. It breaks your heart. "I worry that it will be too much. There is much I cannot see, and forces besides myself that act on the world. Malicious, malevolent forces. Her journeys will take her far from my reach and influence. Such forces are-"
You reach out, and without a moment of self-consciousness, clap Sigmar on the back. He looks at you, clearly startled, and you grin back at him. "By Sigmar, which feels absurd to say to you, you're acting like you don't even know her."
You stand, thinking of her. The opposition you overcame together, her tireless devotion to the good of Stirland, her steadfastness in allowing you to rely on her. The quiet moments too, many years sharing brandy, discussing the finer points of slaying the undead, dissecting the necromatic intruder, listening to her arcane explanations of magic and replying in kind on your own areas of expertise. Her wisdom. Her strength. Her devotion. Her care. "Mathilde will endure." You say, pride and sorrow stuck in your throat but evident in your voice. "She will endure and survive and overcome if it takes her ten years or a hundred." You look closely at Sigmar, he is watching you, almost as if with bated breath. "She is the best of us, Sigmar. She will defeat anything Chaos puts in her path."
Sigmar looks stricken a moment, and you'd swear even if you'd never be able to prove it that there might have been a golden tear glistening in each of his brilliant eyes before he turned away.
A darker fog, like the closing of ones eyes, approaches from the distance as you feel, more than hear, Sigmar's voice inside of you. "Thank you, Van Hal. You may rest now, my son, my soldier. For peace is fleeting, and if the love of man burns in your heart, then you will find yourself fighting forevermore to keep that flaming pyre alight. Rest, Van Hal. And thank you."
The other... I was wrong, actually, after searching for a while, I discovered I thought a canon conversation with Kasmir was a sidestory omake about Sigmar's motives. Ooops, damn my faulty memory. Here's the conversation in question.
"Congratulations," he says, and seems to mean it. He looks at you for a long time. "There's an old belief. I think it originally came from Norsca, and was adapted to Ulric, then to Sigmar. It says if a man is struck by lightning and killed, it was because the God needed his assistance urgently."
You try not to scowl, then stop trying. "And you think-" you begin, then stop.
"I have to." He looks at you, and the belief in his eyes isn't the shining rigid belief of the Kasmir you knew, but just as dulled and battered as his armour. "I've spoken to Morrites, but they can't or won't tell me much. I don't know if Abelhelm is sequestered within Morr's realm or if he's by Sigmar's side. But the only possible reason that I can see for him not healing Abelhelm is that he's doing more good there than he could here." You can think of another explanation, but you manage to swallow it down, but your thoughts must have shown on your face. "I have chosen to believe that. I spent some time thinking that Sigmar was either neglectful or uncaring, and perhaps that is the case. But for the past..." He pauses. "Is it '81?"
"'80," you say shortly.
"Three years, then. For the past three years I have walked Sylvania, and Sigmar's power has answered my call more often than not, even when I doubted. And I have seen the good that power has done. Healing wounds, strengthening wills, and defeating the creatures that prey on man. Sigmar did not save Abelhelm, but through me He has saved hundreds since. So either the life of Sylvanian peasants are of greater import than an Elector Count that spent his life fighting, or Sigmar decided Abelhelm's work was finished." He looks at you again. "How is his daughter doing?"
So it is a sidestory and an IC guess that contradict each other, so it could just be that the IC guess was wrong, it can technically be a noncontradiction . Although the IC guess is the closest thing we got to a canon explanation ((other than that the dice fumbled, which could be what actually happened to Sigmar himself), so I guess they could still be at odds.
So it is a sidestory and an IC guess that contradict each other, so it could just be that the IC guess was wrong, it can technically be a noncontradiction . Although the IC guess is the closest thing we got to a canon explanation ((other than that the dice fumbled, which could be what actually happened to Sigmar himself), so I guess they could still be at odds.
We could still investigate this further. The locations of both the Countess and Abelhelm's soul are unknown to us, and we have a vested interest in making sure those two locations don't overlap.
Yes, I know that we (most likely) crashed a tower on top of the Countess, Mathilde has read enough novels to know that "they never found the body" is a backdoor for the author to suddenly reintroduce the character at a special occasion!
Like, oh I don't know, the ten-year anniversary of the fall of Castle Drakenhof.
Honestly, at this point Omegahugger's posts give me actual anxiety. It seems to subconsciously remind me of my parents' (previous, thankfully) constant nagging to apply myself, only this time instead of studying or finding a job I'm supposed to be reviving Abelhelm. Consciously reminding myself that I'm not actually agreeing with that course of action helps, but not completely >_<
Honestly, at this point Omegahugger's posts give me actual anxiety. It seems to subconsciously remind me of my parents' (previous, thankfully) constant nagging to apply myself, only this time instead of studying or finding a job I'm supposed to be reviving Abelhelm. Consciously reminding myself that I'm not actually agreeing with that course of action helps, but not completely >_<
SV does have an ignore function, if it really bothers you that much you could ignore them and hide their posts. That way you don't feel anxious the posters who like Omagahugger's posts can still enjoy them.
In the interest of one-stop-shopping, I have created a resource to summarize all the actions we took over the course of our time as K8P Loremaster. Included are our turn actions, the turnplanners, Coin choices, social rounds, and noting whether a given action was assigned-task-related, research, self-improvement, and/or mandatory, since these are often relevant things we discuss. I've also included turn-by-turn breakdowns according to those metrics, as well as summaries of Notable Events that cannot be deduced simply by reading our turn actions. Interludes that took place outside the normal turn structure are also summarized.
If you have any feedback -- a mistake you've found, something you feel is wrongly-categorized, something I should have included in Notable Events but didn't, something I did include in Notable Events but shouldn't have, or just something you think would improve this resource -- please let me know.
A note for those confused: for the first three turns at Karak Eight Peaks, rather than social rounds, we had a special Social AP that could be spent per turn to do Stuff involving another character. Also, before turn 23, there was an Overwork system where a specific action was marked as being Overwork, rather than the turn as a whole, and the penalties for failure on that action heightened.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Have him investigate the properties of the spiders' venom. [Task, research]
-JOHANN: Have Johann return to Altdorf and 'graduate'.
-EIC: Establish an outpost of the EIC in Karak Eight Peaks.
-PENTHOUSE: Purchase furnishings so you can stop sleeping on a bedroll and can unpack your things: -20gc.
-SOCIAL: Spend time in Stirland helping Anton with his love life.
-Set up quarters and a basic laboratory for the Journeymanlings and any other visiting Wizards: -100gc.
-Be on hand for Esbern and Seija's attempts to communicate with the spiders. [Task]
-The Undumgi are to select a leader from among themselves. Get involved in the process so you can investigate the candidate and influence their decision.
-Some of the richest parts of the historical Karak were under the Citadel. See who currently resides there.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1.5 task actions, .5 research actions, 0 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Peaceful contact with the We. Undumgi leadership candidates identified. Under-Citadel mapped, Clan Mors identified, gromril armor retrieved. Start reading Liber Mortis: Morrite Lore and First/Second Secrets of Dhar learned. Bonkers money spent on library and lifelong friendship with Barak Varr bookseller established.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Have Maximilian teach the We written Reikspiel. [Task]
-JOHANN: Allow him to spend all his time investigating Clan Mors.
-EIC: Instil corporate policy: always be scrupulously honest when dealing with Dwarves.
-PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-SOCIAL: Wolf is now fully grown, and is a very large dog or a regular-sized wolf. Train him. (increases his intelligence, may deepen Familiar bond)
-Help the We establish their new nest below the Citadel. [Task]
-Spend time assisting with a fellow councillor's task: Gunnar, assist him with human burial rites.
-You have acquired the possession of the Temple where Ranald mugged Mork. Set up a shrine and spread knowledge of it throughout Karag Nar.
-Write in: You've mapped the territory of Clan Mors. Help Johann with his investigations there, with an eye to covertly disrupting the Skaven ability to deal with the spiders while you're there.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1.5 task actions, 0 research actions, 0 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: We recommended as military ally. Francesco Caravello recommended as leader of Undumgi. Gromril armor repurposed for the Eight Blades. Branulhune commissioned. Esbern and Seija depart Karak Eight Peaks and publish preliminary We paper. Link of Psyche gained with Wolf, possible first-stage familiar obsession acquired into the bargain. Codrin Petrescu has disappeared. Johann revealed as Goldpuncher and Eshin-friend met. Dhar manipulation and Von Carstein lore learned from Liber Mortis. White Tower built, Room of Utter Neutrality built within. Grounding rod and marksdwarf pistol purchased.
Turn 21 - 2480 - Old Friends
Task: Summon a Stirlandian representative to accept a commemorative blade. Also, more Journeymanlings!
Winning Plan: Plan Redshirt v2 (by @Redshirt Army)
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Have Maximilian investigate the properties of the spiders' webs. [Research]
-JOHANN: Have Johann help the new Journeymanlings get settled in. [Task]
-EIC: Instil corporate policy: long-term financial good of the Empire.
-PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-SOCIAL: ADVENTURE TIME, KIDS. Take them on a series of terrifying forays into the Underground. You know where it's safe, but they don't know that. [Task]
-Visit Roswita in person, and travel with her or her representative back to Eight Peaks. [Task]
-Investigate the constantly-dripping blood of the Wisdom's Asp. Current accumulation: 14 gallons. [Research]
-Ask an acquaintance to train you in a skill: specify who and what.
--Gunnars, Greatsword [Self-improvement]
-Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (1 College Favour per class; 100gc can be paid instead for non-magical classes)
--Attempt to learn multiple spells. [Self-improvement]
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1.5 (+1 free) task actions, 1.5 research actions, 2 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: We recommended as Kazrik's responsibility. "Hit Hard" requested for Branulhune. Karagril campaign announced. Questers vote to have a social round in the future instead of a free Social action during regular turns. First AV investigation; named "Aethyric Vitae". Initial meeting and adventure with Ducklings. We silk discovered to be insanely valuable. New spell: Throttling. Liber Mortis reading yields Strategy and Tactics for undead and Skaven, as well as Dhar diagnosis. Roswita escorted to Karak Eight Peaks and the issue with Alkharad and the other Sylvanian vampires is discovered. Anton learns about handguns from Gotri and Wilhelmina sets up canal plans with King Byrrnoth. Branulhune received. Room of Serenity added to the White Tower.
Turn 22 - 2480.5 - Foes Near, Foes Far
Task: We education, Karagril preparation, Journeymanlings, and Sylvania assistance
Winning Plan: Plan Fuck Alkharad, Free Max Edition (by @veekie, variant of own plan)
-Coin: The Night Prowler
-MAX: Write a paper
--Collate the information that the Army of Stirland collected during the Purge.
-JOHANN: Have Johann perform or assist with spider autopsies. [Research]
-EIC: Have those supplying the Stirland Army keep you informed of events in the Sylvanian Campaign.
-PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-SERENITY: Write a paper on Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Projection.
-Ask an acquaintance to train you in a skill: specify who and what.
--Gunnars, Greatsword [Self-improvement]
-Karagril: Carefully map as much of the mountain as you can. [Task]
-Sylvania: Investigate all the Vampires as efficiently as possible, seeking only information, not opportunities. [Task]
-Sylvania: Investigate the attempts on Roswita's life, and see if you can determine the mechanisms, spells, and controls that make it possible. [Task]
-Sylvania: Investigate Alkharad for yourself, and if a good opportunity arises, take it. [Task]
-OVERWORK: Establish a weekly meeting for the various Journeymanlings and Ducklings that you've accumulated, so you can keep tabs on what they're up to and assist and intervene as necessary. [Task]
-FREE: Hire an open-minded Loremaster from a Young Hold to teach the We. [Task]
-Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
-Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
-Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
-Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
-Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
Breakdown: Coin on Night Prowler, 5 (+1 free) task actions, .5 research actions, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Proposal to uplift the We made to the Council and accepted. Branulhune named. The EIC converted from full-control full-action to information network half-action organization. Alkharad assassinated and the College of Necromancy destroyed: proof, trade ledgers, and a rad dragon skull retrieved, first Great Deed acquired, and dragon skull made into a reading chair. Empress Heidi met and recognized as Countess Gabriella from Sylvania. Duckling club set up. Liber Mortis reading completed and Necromantic Insight gained. Beekeeping dwarf instructor hired to teach the We, but it doesn't work out very well. Grey Tower built with the Room of Dawn and Dusk.
INTERLUDE: The Battle of Karagril
Notable Events: Caldera approach chosen. Clown on Gretel's miscast. Orc warboss assassinated. Braganza's Besiegers arrive. Assassinations of Warboss candidates attempted, everything goes to hell and Mathilde nearly dies; she reacts to this by pulling back, supporting the Ducklings, and deciding that she really needs to learn Shroud of Invisibility. Belegar advised to let Mors win the fight for Under-Karagril; he accepts this but gets stressed out over it. Johann and Mathilde go raiding Moulder, acquire Dark Elf, Qrech, wolf-rat pups, ooze, rune-axe, anatomical text, and gold: Mathilde claims the prisoners and book, Johann gets the pups, ooze, and gold, and the axe is split. First project proposal vote. Second dwarf revolver purchased.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Allow him to spend his time on patrol with the gyrocopters so he can finally get to shoot something from one.
-JOHANN: Learn a skill: Pugilism, from a trainer.
-DUCK: Work with Panoramia to see if your planned shadow murder tower could also come in handy for the crops in the East Valley.
-DUCK: Help Johann try to raise his new rat-wolf pups. With Wolf, if he's willing.
-EIC: Have the EIC assist with Princess Edda's search for weavers.
-WE: Hire a Priest of Esmerelda to teach the We.
-PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -75gc for 3 rooms.
-SERENITY: Write a paper on the suite of advanced zombie empowerment and control spells used by Alkharad and his disciples.
-FREE: Build a Tower of Burning Death (automatic, no action cost, favours and money paid by Belegar) [Task]
-Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there:
--Enchanting [Task, self-improvement]
--Attempt to Learn Multiple Spells [Self-improvement]
-Investigate the possibility of whether it could be fired without you [tricky; if selected and successful, paranoia will be ramped up automatically] [Task]
--Spend 10 College Favor to entice Algard to help build the tower.
-Investigate the possibility of somehow amplifying the Tower with Dwarven runecraft [Task]
-Seek to establish an in-depth understanding of the Skaven as an individual.
-King Belegar, to try to get some idea of where he's at with his crisis of faith.
-Algard, reporting the Skaven Civil War in person instead of in writing.
-Empress 'Heidi', to be present for the birth of her child.
-Princess Edda, on a hunt for weavers across the Empire.
-Roswita, as she rides out the chaos of the influx of Battle Wizards.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 3 (+1 free) task actions, 0 research actions, 2 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: New overwork system instituted. Elf extradited to Ulthuan by way of Daroir, Qrech kept in cells built below our penthouse. Spells learned: Shadow Knives and Smoke and Mirrors. Room of Burning Death added to Grey Tower: boxcars rolled yield sun-relocation system and Gazul's blessing. Penthouse converted into a pleasant foyer, rooms built below it: bedroom, bathroom, sitting room, library, dungeon. Qrech met, rapport begins being built, knowledge of Skaven civil war gained. Johann becomes disciple of Order of the Pick. Wolf, Johann, and wolf-rats bond. Priestess of Esmerelda begins teaching the We and it goes OK. Crit on paper-writing nullifies our Practical malus when in the Room of Serenity. Mathilde's MAP converted to its Polysevirric form by LM Olenus. Mandred born, named, and consecrated to Ranald. Ooze discovered to be Skaven logistics cheat, potentially revolutionize agriculture.
Turn 24 - 2481.5 - Here Comes The Sun
Task: Burning Shadows
Winning Plan: Plan Translation Extraction (Ultimate Tower Edition), 10 Pull Gacha Edition (by @veekie, variant of own plan)
-COIN: The Deceiver
-MAX: Study an artefact
--Skaven book on the Anatomy of Chaos Dwarves.
-JOHANN: Join him on raids into Clan Mors territory with the aim of finding written correspondence.
-DUCK: Gretel's motivated by wealth. Take her on a raid against Clan Mors, looking for wealth and Queekish.
-EIC: Have the Eight Peaks branch keep a careful eye on the mood and actions of the Undumgi.
-PENTHOUSE: Add security measures to your Penthouse to prevent surreptitious entry.
-SERENITY: Your personal understanding of countering Waaagh Magic.
-Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (1 College Favour per class; 100gc can be paid instead for non-magical classes)
--Spend 10 Favour to get all remaining spells. [Self-improvement]
-Red Tower: build a tower that uses Aqshy to create mystical flames (and non-mystical light) to use the mountain at night. [Task]
-Blue Tower: build a tower that uses Azyr to create clear sky on demand. [Task]
-Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for him to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency.
--Convince Qrech that the Empire has already translated Queekish, but his help could provide a faster turnaround and better help you plan an attack on Clan Mors.
-Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
-Kragg, who's begun to be seen around the Karak once more, indicating he might be finishing his study of the rune-axe you and Johann found.
-Check in on your fief in Stirland.
-Investigate the aftermath of the Empire's campaigns against the Skaven in Nuln and Ubersreik.
-Prince Kazrik, as he builds on his relationship with Nuln.
Breakdown: Coin on Deceiver, 2 task actions, 0 research actions, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Dreng's Rangers scout the Karak; Cython's presence discovered. Raid on Mors with Gretel yields jewels, antimagic gem, coins, an organ vat, and Queekish correspondence: Mathilde claims Queekish and the gem, Gretel gets jewels and coins, vat is split and sent to the Colleges. Qrech agrees to translate in exchange for a puppy and books on the Ogre Kingdoms. Spells learned: Shroud of Invisibility (Mantle of Mist Arcane Mark developed), Illusion, and Universal Confusion (Mastery acquired). Crit on paper-writing converts Practical to Laconic. Thread votes to cede one social action to an externally-initiated one. Kazrik saves the life of the Elector-Count of Nuln. Boon of Hysh item and gift for LM Olenus purchased. Burning Shadows project completed.
Turn 25 - 2482 - Polyglottony
Projects proposed to Belegar: Queekish, Skaven Politics, Dragon, Karag Mhonar
Task: Queekish
Winning Plan: Plan Slow and Steady with more papers (by @LightLan, variant of plan by @Neshuakadal)
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Study an artefact
--Skaven book on the Anatomy of Chaos Dwarves. [Task]
-JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding written correspondence: Clan Skryre. [Task]
-DUCK: Adela's started her education in Dwarven engineering. Escort her to do field-testing with some of Gotri's prototypes, and grab what Queekish you can while doing so: Clan Skryre. [Task]
-EIC: Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct.
-PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -100gc for 4 rooms.
-SERENITY: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist.
-Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency. [Task]
-The Colleges want you to do a series of lectures on your paper, Waaagh and Peace. Travel to Altdorf and do so.
-You have set up a Shrine to Ranald. Expand it into a Temple to the Gambler - a gambling hall with clean cards, guaranteed unloaded dice, fresh sawdust in the fighting ring, and a lottery every Festag. Costs 100gc.
-Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae. [Research]
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 2.5 task actions, 1 research action, 0 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Raids on skaven yield a lot of results: lighting mechanism, Brass Orb, Skaven military books and romance novels, warlock-engineer's library, and the accidental awakening of Cython. Turn interrupted.
INTERLUDE: The Battle of the Caldera/Waaagh Birdmuncha
Notable Events: Cython is attacking Skryre in retaliation for probably-accidental gassing, and everyone goes nuts. Mathilde takes command due to lack of Belegar, Dreng, or Gotri, and claims the title of Thane. Mors takes the opportunity to attack Eshin. Broken Toof attacks out of Karag Rhyn. A Waaagh pours out of Karak Drazh, around toward the West Gates, but won't arrive until the next day. Trolls head west to Karag Rhyn. Broken Toof's attack on Karagril and the Citadel is repulsed. Mathilde sends to Karaz-a-Karak for assistance and personally scouts Karag Yar, where she observes the Mors-Eshin fight and steals intel and Cathayan books. Upon her return, she leads an attack against the Under-Citadel while Kazador advances into Under-Karagril and bottles Mors up against the Underway from Karak Drazh. Both attacks succeed, and Rangers cut communications between Under-Caldera and Under-Yar so that Mors command is ignorant of its backline being assaulted. Under-Caldera is then attacked from two sides at once, the Trench cleared, and Mors's Rat Mothers executed. Another set of boxcars sees all the enemies in Karag Rhyn kill each other, with only a few trolls left, and Cython clear Zilfin and move on to fight Skaven in Yar. Mathilde sends forces to secure Zilfin and Rhyn, going to Yar personally, where she meets Cython and it passes Bok over to her but declines to help with the Waaagh. She then targets the Eshin Sorcerer as it meets with a representative of the Council of Thirteen and kills the Emissary after it survives an attack from the Sorcerer, taking their weapons and documents. From the documents she learns the identity of the Bosses of the Waaagh. Thorgrim denies assistance. Belegar meets Grombrindal, who returns with him to Karak Eight Peaks, and finishes his crown. Mathilde meditates on Gazul with Gunnars, gaining some insight into the Ancestor Gods as she does so, and has a mini-social round with him and Kragg. The Eye of Gazul successfully destroys much of Waaagh Birdmuncha and Mathilde senses six gods: Ranald, Gazul, Gork and Mork, Grombrindal, and probably the Horned Rat. She then descends to under-Caldera to ensure no greenskins successfully make it through and encounters Birdmuncha, who escapes. The title Azrildrekked and a Transcendent Royal Boon are gained. The low battery alarm of the Throne of Power shuts off. Carcassone is now interested in befriending dwarves.
-External: Esbern and Seija, catching up
-King Belegar, as he scrambles to deal with having very suddenly accomplished his dream.
-Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
-Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.
-Empress Heidi and Mandred, for Mandred's first birthday.
Notable Events: Mathilde's lectures on Waaagh and Peace draw an unusually large crowd, and Mathilde agrees to meet the Ar-Ulric. Karaz-a-Karak sends the Okral to labor for Karak Eight Peaks for three and a half years. Mathilde learns about the conversion of the Eonir to Ulric. Mathilde meets the Ar-Ulric and realizes the truth about the Winter Wolves. She then meets Vicereine Cadaeth of Laurelorn, discovering that Karak Eight Peaks is part of the Waystone network and the Eonir want to collaborate on research into that. Belegar hears about the Vicereine's words and concludes that Karaz-a-Karak is magically robbing the Karaz Ankor. Unseen trait gained, Windherder skill gained, Xeno-Affinity skill modifier applied to Diplomacy. Branch of Imperial Gunnery School established in Karag Nar. We uplift has reached the point where they can take it from there and begin trading with the Karak, and the We shift their hunting grounds to the Gauntlet between Karagril and Karak Drazh. Mathilde chooses to wait on her Boon until the Karak is in a better position, has her Cathayan books translated, and hires a Grandmaster Engineer to help improve the Stirland Repeater. Penthouse gains a vault, a guest room, a room for Wolf, and a shrine to Ranald.
-COIN: The Deceiver
-MAX: Write a paper
--Translated text on Chaos Dwarf anatomy.
-JOHANN: Study an artefact
--Unknown black gem, stolen from the Skaven. [Research]
-DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help. [Research]
-EIC: Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
-PENTHOUSE: Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.
-SERENITY: Translated Eshin correspondence on the Skaven Civil War
-Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere. [Task]
-Try to convince him outright to teach you spoken Queekish. [Task]
--Continue with the Gambit that teaching you Queekish continues to cause discontent in the Grey Order and of course the Grey Order itself already has Queekish...
-Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there:
--Waystones and Waystone maintenance [Self-improvement]
-Investigate the exact circumstances required to induce a transformation. [Research]
-Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)
-External: Johann, gilding his eyes
-The We, to check on how they're settling in to the new arrangement.
-Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
-Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
-Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
Breakdown: Coin on Deceiver, 2 task actions, 2 research actions, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Cython discovered to not have any outstanding Grudges. Vaults and Grand Urbaz unsealed. "Black gem" researched and donated to the Colleges. Qrech agrees to teach Low Queekish, though not High Queekish or the Moulder dialect. Cathayan books turn out to be geography, Grandmaster Engineer improves the Repeater under ideal conditions. Wilhemina's granddaughter Eike met. Johann's first attempt at gilding his eyes fails. Mathilde buys a powerstone and a collar for Wolf with Move.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Take dictation
--Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish. [Task]
-JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight.
-DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found. [Research]
-EIC: Bring in a Perpetual Apprentice to start grooming as a handler for intelligence matters of the EIC. (1 favour/turn)
-PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-SERENITY: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish (1/2) [Task]
-Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there.
--Practical Diplomacy [Self-improvement]
-Dictate papers
--Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish [Task]
-Investigate how the We communicates with... itself? [Research]
-Investigate how the Vitae reacts to Dwarven magic-dampening Runes. (2 Dwarf favours) [Research]
-External: Baronet Willus Husserl, representing the League of Ostermark, to discuss the EIC
-Johann, as he once more tries to gild his eyeballs.
-Maximilian, who has been especially invaluable lately and is still neck-deep in translations.
-Soizic, military leader of the Undumgi.
-The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1.5 (+1 free) task actions, 2.5 research actions, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Tensions with Okral. Crit means Johann can functionally see with just Windsight. Rakilid un Thaggorhun recommended to be published "from an Old Hold." Mathilde interviews Hochlander, Stirlander, and Nordlander candidates for EIC handler position and decides on the Hochlander. Mathilde decides to open her heart to romance. Lustrian eggs discovered to be salamanders. Johann's second attempt fails disastrously; he cannot try again. Room of Calamity added to the White Tower. Bounty for two pieces of dragonbone posted in Barak Varr.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Take dictation
--Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish [Task]
--Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
-JOHANN: Write a paper
--Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
-DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
-EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
-PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose. [Task]
-SERENITY: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
-Commission an altar based on (boosted) Transformation of Kadon. [Task]
-Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there.
--Staff Turning [Self-improvement]
-Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down) [Research]
-Dictate papers:
--Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish (2/2) [Task]
--Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
-External: The Chamberlain of the Seal, to discuss the canal
-Romance: Magister Johann, at a festival to Grungni
-Empress Heidi, to pay her a social visit and see how Mandred is growing
-Romance: Journeywoman Panoramia, a dinner at a Halfling restaurant
-Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiosity about Prince Ulthar.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1.75 (+1 free) task actions, 1 research action, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Thorgrim starts making use of the Queekish dictionary. Thorek is interested in using AV to recharge Anvils of Doom after all our safety testing; can now sell AV for 3 DF/gallon. The Battle Altar turns out to use Mathilde's Mystical Matrix. Mathilde drops the skaven papers/book on Algard's desk, getting demon-checked and a second Great Deed for her trouble. Chamberlain asks to stop the canal, Mathilde counterproposes military support from Barak Varr. Mathilde learns about the growth of Karnos-worship in Talabecland. First piece of dragonbone comes in, from a storm dragon. Anti-air capabilities added to Blue Tower, Rooms of Calamity commissioned for all eight Colleges, gift purchased for Grey College Docent.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Study an artefact
--Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected) [Research]
-JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
-DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
-EIC: Start hiring handlers who can then start hiring informers and begin to collect non-public information.
-PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-SERENITY: The We book (1/2)
-Collate useful information on the northernmost Dark Lands from Qrech and Lady Magister Grey. [Task]
-Attend classes at the Grey College:
--Anti-Chaos Training [Mandatory, self-improvement, (retroactively) task]
--Runes and Runecraft [Self-improvement, (retroactively) task]
--Enchanting [Self-improvement, (retroactively) task]
-Study an artefact: Ranald's Coin [Research]
-External: Magister Patriarch Feldmann, to buy our skaven artifacts
-Regimand, to finally get the full story behind the Lahmian plot you were both ensnared by.
-Karak Kadrin, to get to know the leaders of the Expedition.
-Do a round of the Colleges to check how the Rooms of Calamity are being received.
-Wilhelmina Hochschild, to check in on her and see how she feels about the Marienburg situation.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1 (retroactively 4) task action, 1.5 research actions, 3 (1 mandatory) self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Mathilde meets Reiner Starke during anti-Chaos training. Ranald gently but firmly tells Mathilde not to look at him. Clan Moulder devices are just junk. Celestials warn us about Karag Dum and the Imperial Gunnery School. Mathilde sells the skaven swag for the secret behind Gehenna's Golden Hounds. Expedition leadership met and discovered to be a disaster in the making. Second dragonbone comes in, from a shard dragon. Johann got a staff, Max is getting promoted. Wellspring of Ulgu added to Grey Tower.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it. [Task]
-JOHANN: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it. [Task]
-DUCK: Study an artefact with one of the Journeymen
--Lighting Mechanism with Adela [Research]
-EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security.
-PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -125gc for 5 rooms.
-SERENITY: The We book (2/2)
-Try to contact the Ice Witches of Kislev in the hopes they can provide clement weather for the Expedition. [Task]
-Attempt to recruit assistance for the Karag Dum Expedition
--General Colleges of Magic, Asarnil the Dragonlord [Task]
-Learn the secret behind Gehenna's Golden Hounds. [Research, mandatory]
-Turn a staff from the bone of a Shard Dragon. [Self-improvement, task]
-External: Prince Gotri, to talk about the Expedition
-Romance: The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin, to teach it Khazalid
-Romance: Elector Countess Roswita van Hal, an academic presentation
-Romance: Baron Anton Kiesinger II, to celebrate Two-Gifts Day
-Romance: Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson, to bond over pets
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 4 task actions, 1.5 (1 mandatory) research action, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Meet LM Gehenna, Johann's Master. Excellent roll yields Staff of Mistery. Good weather arranged for spring 2486 and Mathilde commits to joining the expedition herself. Asarnil available and interested. We get coauthor credit on book about them. Gehenna mentions cult of Styriss-Anath Raema. Cython met, name and interest in gods learned, Birdmuncha popsicle acquired. Mathilde is becoming a folk superstition in Stirland. Room Cython can fit in, workshop, training hall, map room, and trophy room added to Penthouse, and another powerstone purchased.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Allow him to spend all his time on his own preparations. [Task]
-JOHANN: Allow him to spend all his time on his own preparations. [Task]
-DUCK: Attempt to recruit Hubert and some Winter Wolves for the Karag Dum Expedition. [Task]
-EIC: Start building a paramilitary river navy to ensure the coming trade explosion doesn't lead to a similar explosion in riverine banditry.
-PENTHOUSE: Your dungeon was built with a reasonable amount of paranoia. Apply an unreasonable amount of paranoia.
-SERENITY: Azyr Lighting mechanism - shared with Adela
-Hire a trainer to come to Eight Peaks and teach you
--Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma by Lord Magister Melkoth (10 College Favor) [Self-improvement, task]
-Attempt to create a spell
--Fog Path [Self-improvement, task]
---With help from Melkoth and possibly Regimand
-Ask an acquaintance to train you in a skill
--Regimand, Assassination [Self-improvement, task]
-Record all the entries of the Grand Urbaz vaults and select a good-quality example of each minting to save from the smelters. [Research]
-External: Cython, to discuss Ancestor Gods
-Belegar, to discuss the northern Karaks and the Expedition.
-Romance: Journeywoman Panoramia, a hike up Karagril
-Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
-Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 4.5 task actions, 1 research action, 3 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Okral situation is starting to boil over. Gunnars warns Mathilde about Karag Dum. Spell learned: Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma. First component of Rite of Way developed. Kasmir is trying to revive worship of the old Sylvanian gods. Mathilde is openly romantically interested in Panoramia. Mathilde learns about Runemaster drama from Thorek, and commissions a painting of the Duckling Club and the Dragonflask.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Allow him to spend all his time on his own preparations. [Task]
-JOHANN: Allow him to spend all his time on his own preparations. [Task]
-DUCK: Attempt to recruit Esbern and Seija and their compatriots of the Knights of Taal's Fury. [Task]
-EIC: Integrate the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory into the EIC, and expand production.
-PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-SERENITY: Warp Lightning observations - shared with Adela
-With the help of a gyrocarriage, personally scout part of the route
--Western Great Steppes [Task]
-Attempt to recruit assistance for the Karag Dum Expedition
--Karak Azul Runesmiths, Light Wizards [Task]
-Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Try to create them. [Self-improvement, task]
-Enchant an item with a Fiendishly Complex or easier spell
--Aethyric Armour Robes [Self-improvement, task]
---Goal: Incorporating mastery and persistent effect
-Continue to work on your 'Fog Path' spell. [Self-improvement, task]
-External: Algard, to promote Mathilde to Lady Magister
-Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
-Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.
-Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
-Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 5.5 task actions, 0 research actions, 3 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Thorek declines to send runesmiths, but apprentices help outfit the expedition. Magister Egrimm van Horstmann recruited. Dolgan tribe of Kurgan met, passage and supplies bought. Momentum dump component of Branarhune developed. Robes enchanted, using powerstone and scales to help: partially successful. Second component of Rite of Way developed. Monogamous relationship with Panoramia decided on. Disease outbreaks among canal workers. Decision made to set up EIC gunpowder production in Stirland. Panoramia decides not to come on the Expedition. Green Tower built, Greenhouse constructed within.
INTERLUDE: Ambush on the Skull River
Notable Events: Okral return convoy attacked. Heavy casualties: an entire monitor sinks, only a few making it to shore, and one presumed lost is the Guildmaster of Metalsmiths. Mathilde rescues several hundred survivors from the cargo hold, including the Guildmaster, then searches for physical evidence.
-COIN: The Protector
-MAX: Have him scour all the reference materials at his disposal for any other Dhar-radiating explosive, as well as how difficult it might be for non-Skaven to replicate their blackpowder.
-JOHANN: Have him investigate the metal evidence taken from the Skull River ambush.
-DUCK: Work with Panoramia to try to implement the Waaaghsoak Mushrooms as an aid to spellcasting. [Research]
-EIC: Have the Hochlander investigate how feasible it would be for a non-Skaven to acquire warpstone-enhanced blackpowder.
-PENTHOUSE: Add security measures to your Penthouse to prevent forcible entry.
-Attempt to complete your 'Fog Path' spell [Self-improvement, task]
--x2 [Self-improvement, task]
-Join the Karag Dum Expedition in Praag, rather than at High Pass. [Task]
-Expedition [Task, mandatory]
--x2 [Task, mandatory]
-External: Panoramia, spending quality time together before the Expedition
-Greet and get to know the Wizards joining the Expedition as they arrive at Praag.
-Adela, to see how her gradual nepotistic takeover of the Karag Nar Gunnery School is going.
-Spend some time exploring the Karak now that everyone has spread out into their hopefully permanent Clan Halls.
Breakdown: Coin on Protector, 5 task actions, .5 research actions, 2 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Rite of Way completed, polished with overwork, and named. Investigation into the ambush comes up with a bunch of confusing nonsense, Mathilde advises Belegar to be on the lookout for someone playing games. Windsoak mushrooms turn out useful, Azyr variant brought along for Hubert.
INTERLUDE: Karag Dum Expedition
Notable Events: Mathilde assumes command of the Wizard contingent as well as Asarnil. The Ice Witches send Ljiljana as their representative. Mathilde visits the site of Karak Vlag and detect something fucky going on, which is probably Chaos's fault and likely to end up aimed at the Expedition. Expedition sets up a kill zone between Vlag and Kislev while Mathilde disrupts the flow of power, then fights off a Slaaneshi assault at the cost of all the Slayers while Tzeentchian daemons go east. Karak Vlag is returned from the Realm of Chaos with twenty thousand survivors. Borek reveals that Dum knew about Waystones flowing between dwarfholds. Mathilde visits Uzkulak and buy food and three bits of cool magic with Borek's money. Mathilde raids the skaven combe and discovers the Tzeentchian daemons hit their backlines, exposing a vulnerability the Chaos Dwarves took advantage of, then steals some money. During the ascent to the Great Steppes the ground collapses under the largest steam wagon, killing a bunch of engineers and Gotrek and causing a food crisis. Mathilde proposes a solution to the food crisis using Mockery of Death and the expedition continues, buying cattle from the Dolgan and securing safe passage from the Yusak. The Expedition reaches Dum and discover it in a crater of forest ringed by desert, populated by Beastmen and Morghur the Shadowgave. Borek leaves without an explanation and is welcomed by Morghur. Mathilde does some experiments and wait to make observations, but reach no actionable conclusions and leave. The Expedition decides to return to Kislev by the northern route to avoid the descent and likely ambush. Mathilde steals the Chalice of Chaos from the Kul with Ljiljana, risking herself to save her, and loots the camp for cool magic swag. The Baersonlings demand a ridiculous price for safe passage, so Asarnil duels their champion instead and wins with style. Horstmann warns Mathilde that Barbitus isn't doing well and needs anti-Chaos screening, which she performs to avoid his reputation being tarnished. Mathilde looks around for Norse Dwarves and find no clues. She gets back to civilization, checks her mail, and discovers a lot of job offers and that she's been declared a dwarf, because while she was having cool adventures Thorgrim visited Vlag and discovered that they all credit us with their rescue.
INTERLUDE: Planning Our Future
Notable Events: Mathilde chooses to investigate the Waystone project, being a bodyguard to Mandred, being Markgraf of Eastern Stirland, being a Border Princess, being Governor-General of Swamp Town, being a Loremaster-at-Large for the Karaz Ankor, and being Spymaster of Wissenland. She decides to pursue Waystones, and after debating between being based in K8P, Laurelorn, Carcassonne, and Praag, settles on Laurelorn because Cadaeth bribed her with a sweet library. She gains the traits Dhar Insight and Polyglot. Mathilde cashes in a Great Deed to found an interdisciplinary research-focused branch, her Transcendent Boon from Belegar to found a Great Library in K8P, of which shee will be Head Librarian, and a Moderate Boon from the Karak Kadrin Engineers for a gyrocarriage.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-JOHANN: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-DUCK: Continue to work with Panoramia with implementing the Waaaghsoak Mushrooms as an aid to spellcasting. [Research]
-EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets.
--Cult of Karnos, Talabecland
-PENTHOUSE: Build a basic tower of single-Wind environments for each of the 'missing' Winds: Light, Amber, Amethyst, and Gold
-SERENITY: Daemonic Concealment of Karak Vlag
-Suggest Eike spend a few weeks in Karak Eight Peaks, so she can grow familiar with Dwarves and their ways.
-Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them. [Self-improvement]
-Investigate the possibility of using one Wind to directly manipulate another. [Research]
-Attempt to recruit Egrimm van Horstmann into WEB-MAT
-External: Cython, to discuss Dwarf religious practice.
-Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
-Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
-Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
-Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 0 task actions, 1.5 research actions, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Tongs finally investigated, turns out not to work. Eike visits and is introduced to Belegar, Kazrik & Karak Azul, and Panoramia & the Halflings; she proves to have strong Magesight and Mathilde recruits her to the Grey College. Hysh and Ghyr versions of the mushrooms developed, but Chamon and Shyish don't work out. Crit on developing the quick-draw for Branarhune leads to meeting Codrin Petrescu again, who was a member of the Fellowship of the Shroud. Investigation of Karnos-cult turns up strong evidence of links to the elf god Kurnous, but it's not clear why yet. Dragomas retains Supreme Patriarch. Eike is doing fine at school so far. Karak Vlag went super weird in their time away from the world, losing all of their Runesmiths (but spreading basic Rune knowledge nigh-ubiquitously), being repopulated by the ones defiant of Slaanesh (and thus having an enormous birthrate), and losing their kings and agricultural base (they're sort of a republic now, and they don't drink alcohol). Pan is finishing up with her Eastern Valley work and thinking about going for Magister.
If you just read the Breakdowns it seems like we're taking regular Research actions. The difficult part is that they're often half-actions with a Gold or a Duckling and hence more assisting them in their research than the research chains that the thread looks at longingly.
My conclusion is basically that barring a complete revamp due to Research Institute, we ought to be asking Boney for options to do AV research actions with Johann and/or Max.
I have got 2 spell ideas; 1 is using Warrior of Fog and Avatar can we create a spell that reveals all the priests and similarly divinely touched enemies and highlight them so we can see/sense/smell them from distance.
Only for Gods Mathilde knows enough about, which would currently be Ranald, Morr, and Gork and Mork. And it wouldn't apply to 'Priests', which is a job description rather than a metaphysical identifier, only to those that have channelled Godly power.
Other is birdsview, Where we cast the spell and see ourselves from great height alongside of our surrounding area. Doesn't see tough stuff but on plains it would be useful.
My conclusion is basically that barring a complete revamp due to Research Institute, we ought to be asking Boney for options to do AV research actions with Johann and/or Max.
Other is birdsview, Where we cast the spell and see ourselves from great height alongside of our surrounding area. Doesn't see tough stuff but on plains it would be useful.
There was discussion, way back in fall of last year, of getting them in on the safety testing actions, like "how do you make it phase-change" and "what happens if it gets on a person." It was okayed by Boney:
Between credit-sharing and "they aren't as good as we are" issues, there was a very strong negative thread reaction to this (as there has been every time "make AV our official task" has come up) and no serious attempt was ever made to include them.
Only for Gods Mathilde knows enough about, which would currently be Ranald, Morr, and Gork and Mork. And it wouldn't apply to 'Priests', which is a job description rather than a metaphysical identifier, only to those that have channelled Godly power.
Ranald and Morr wouldn't be useful but Gork and Mork might be, it would let us locate and snipe greenskin shamans. Probably only effective against Goblins though since they're the sneaky ones, you don't need help to find Orc shamans since like Orcs in general they are about as subtle as a fist to the face. Probably not worth their opportunity cost to develop compared to other spells though.