[] Plan Research Friends With Master Yorri
-[] Refuse the Heart: Allow the King of the Skies to consume it.
Gain standing with the Skarrenraz Ankor and KoTS. ???
-[] Odd Places 5/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen.
[Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness.
--[] Prod Yorri: Master Yorri probably knows a few things and secrets. Given he found these parts in the first place.
[Cost: 1 prod] Gain +15 to Odd Places Roll
-[] Prod for Prod: Master Yorri is most certainly more learned and experienced than you are, but mayhaps you have something worth his time as well? The secrets of the Rune Metal Adamant, your discovery of flaming comets?
[Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods
-[] The Secrets of Light?: That moment with the shield and sunray, the light of your torch glinting off the crystal, both sparked something in your mind. An ember that refused to be burned out. You've done permutations to the standard Rune of Light and a few on Master Yorri's Rune of Reflection, but maybe there could be more?
[Cost: (8 -2) =6 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 Action.
--[] Prod Yorri: Master Yorri may have some knowledge he'd be willing to share.
[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d3 +1 Progress
-[] Diction Direction: Master Yorri's Rune of Translation is serviceable, but it's in a position that you can very clearly see areas for improvement. This would certainly be easier if you knew Master Yorri was right now, but you have the Rune and seven centuries under your belt, so it's not an
insurmountable challenge for a Runelord.
[Cost: (6 -4) =2 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
--[] 1 action
--[] Prod Yorri: He discovered the damn thing, maybe he has more insights?
[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1 Progress
-[] The Movement of things: The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Still, this was a rune that, to your frustration, you haven't had much chance to tinker with. Maybe just a peak?
[Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
--[] 1 action
--[ ] Prod Yorri: Master Yorri, by his own account, has a good idea about how gronti and their ilk function.
[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 Progress, can be taken multiple times.
--[] 3 prods
Look, y'all. I know you want to be as action efficient as possible at all times. But I wanna see some quality Runelord and Runelord's Master time. Lots of it! And the best way to do that is RESEARCH YO.
1 action searching Odd Places with Yorri. I know, arguably this is the weakest and least productive use of a Yorri prod or an action right now. But
narratively we owe Yorri to go searching one of his Odd Places together. It'd be a damn shame to not go traveling with the Runelord who most specializes in traveling. Plus if we're lucky doing this might ward off Yorri's wanderlust for a turn.
1 action sharing what we've learned with our Master. First off, it's only damn fair, and secondly we're asking a bunch of info in return, sure. But mostly I want to see Yorri being just as impressed with what we can teach him as what he can teach us. The student has become a Master in his own right, after all.
1 action on... Hearthstones! This is the second-most economical action in this plan. 1 action + one prod means we'll only need 1 more action in the future to finish this research, guaranteed. Plus it's just good sense to share with Yorri one of the things we've found be searching his locations.
Edit: Missed this since I was rushing hard writing this, but
@Enthusiast#117 's plan made me realize that The Secrets of Light has one of the best prods-to-action ratios. And since that's another long research option that Yorri might cut down on greatly, it only makes sense to do it this turn before Yorri perhaps leaves.
1 action on Dictation Direction. This finishes this research action, and it's a damn important one given how much we owe the Griffons by now. Now I know people want to do the various Simple requests we've got for the Griffons, but as Runelord we're the only one(s) who can upgrade the translation runes. Other Runesmiths can help out with arming the Griffons and warding their nests, but if we don't work on improving their means of communicating with us, no one will. So I see finishing that this turn to be a top priority.
Aaaaaaand now for the big one: 1 action to near-guaranteed complete The Movement of Things, normally an 8 action research, in only 1 turn! It's the only action we can spend multiple Yorri Prods on, it's the area Yorri most assuredly has wisdom to share with us, and it's a fair trade for us doing the Prod for Prod action to share our hard-fought knowledge with him. With only 1 action and 2 prods, we'd be at most 1 action short. But with 1 action and 3 prods, we've only got a 12.5% chance of rolling 3 ones and not completing this research this turn. No, really, I want people making other plans to realize this: We can finish The Movement of Things
this turn for only 1 action.
Total cost: 5 action, 6 prods, leaving us with 1 prod for next turn
if we're fortunate enough for Master Yorri to stick around. Total benefits: RESEARCH FRIENDS WITH MASTER YORRI.
.....aaand a more boring alternate plan for those who insist on doing Warded Aeries this turn:
[] Plan Research with Yorri and Warding Aeries
-[] Refuse the Heart: Allow the King of the Skies to consume it.
Gain standing with the Skarrenraz Ankor and KoTS. ???
-[] [Simple] Warded Aeries: The Griffons of the Skarrenraz Ankor suffered terribly defending the skies of your hold. The decade-long siege has seen many an oath of friendship sworn between your folk and theirs. An entire generation of "Clutchlings" as they are called, has been raised alongside your own youth safely within the halls of the Karak. Their nests are high above the world, but they are ill-suited to protecting them from that which can fly as well. Rectify this, at least for the roost in Kraka Drakk, and aid in Otrek's work to repay these odd but dependable allies.
[Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[] 2 actions
-[] Prod for Prod: Master Yorri is most certainly more learned and experienced than you are, but mayhaps you have something worth his time as well? The secrets of the Rune Metal Adamant, your discovery of flaming comets?
[Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods
-[] Diction Direction: Master Yorri's Rune of Translation is serviceable, but it's in a position that you can very clearly see areas for improvement. This would certainly be easier if you knew Master Yorri was right now, but you have the Rune and seven centuries under your belt, so it's not an
insurmountable challenge for a Runelord.
[Cost: (6 -4) =2 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
--[] 1 action
--[] Prod Yorri: He discovered the damn thing, maybe he has more insights?
[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1 Progress
-[] The Movement of things: The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Still, this was a rune that, to your frustration, you haven't had much chance to tinker with. Maybe just a peak?
[Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc.
--[] 1 action
--[ ] Prod Yorri: Master Yorri, by his own account, has a good idea about how gronti and their ilk function.
[Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 Progress, can be taken multiple times.
--[] 3 prods
Yes I'd still have us take Prod for Prod even though it's not technically necesary to pay for all the prods. Because it's only fair if we ask for a crash course in everything Gronti and other uses for those runes that we give him back what we've learned as well.