This Gronti will be very roughly the size of a Bloodthirster, and is measured accordingly.
All elements of the Gronti will be made from Adamant unless otherwise stated, will use the stated runic enhancement materials unless a better one for the stated purpose is available, and all listed Runic Combos are entirely variable as determined by QM. All Runic Enhancement materials will be the highest tier they can possibly be while still matching the purpose of the rune in question.
Note that the Vault states we have an income of +2 bars per turn, as well as the fact that we have some favor to burn.
Word of QM states we can create and implement the following runic sets, though specific effects may vary, as listed as long as we spend the time and materials to build them.
In the interests of saving time and materials, building relationships, and generally making this Drak Gronti fucking amazing, it should be a collaborative effort involving the Runelords of Kraka Drak as much as they are willing. See
here for discussion of some of the finer details of the plan concerning Lorna, under the spoiler Ramble 2.
The listed "bars" references to the table Soulcake provided that lists how much Adamant is needed to create certain items.
Note that this plan is running on the assumption that it will take multiple turns worth of actions to finish, and thus we will have enough time to produce any Adamant we are missing before it is completed.
Mundane runes of all the Seven Ancestors will be inscribed in thematically appropriate locations on the Gronti, visible to viewers.
Body (32 bars) - Complete Adamant construction, inscribed with; Master Rune of Improved Waking, Rune of Forging, Rune of Preparation (Ancestor's Grace Combo), requires a minimum of Troll's Heart, will be enhanced with the Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart (Improved Waking) + 2x Pure Gromril (Forging + Preservation)
The Runic Combo is an idea I cooked up for further improving performance.
Ancestor's Grace Runic Combo (Be it grudges or gears, Valaya and Morgrim are the hearthkeepers of the Dawi. Under their watchful eye are the works of heart and hand brought into harmony.)
(Takes the effects of the Improved Master Rune of Waking and raises the performance level at least a few more notches. Eliminates the need for basic maintenance both mechanical and runic.)
"Weapons x2" (3 bars per 1 set, 6 bars total) - The fangs, claws, wing edges, and tail are made of adamant. The actual runic array consists of a pair of spinal plates containing each containing one Runic array, connected to interwoven cables of Gromril Chain + Troll Hide Ropes + Elder Frost Wyrm Bones that snake across the hide of the Gronti to the "weapons" listed above.
The first set is inscribed with: Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Might, Rune of Parrying (Perfect Vengeance Runic Combo), requires minimum of Griffon's Brain, will be enhanced with Sky King's Crest Feather (Currents) + Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart (Rune of Might) + White Lion's Heart (Rune of Parrying)
The second set is inscribed with: Master Rune of Thunderbolts, Rune of Echoblow, Rune of Chain Lightning. Will be enhanced with whatever Runic materials best support lightning stuff - probably Shaggoth bits. Intended for MAXIMUM CHAIN LIGHTNING and some anti-daemon/magic stuff, and will probably make some kind of combo with the first runic set.
The bit with the chains linking the plate is probably unnecessary and not something I really give a shit about - it's just there because I can't think of another way to fluff linking two runic arrays to 8 "weapons" scattered across a large Gronti.
The second runic combo is not something I'm dead set on - if someone comes up with a better build, I'll use that.
Armor (12 bars) -
plates attached to the Gronti in a fashion similar to Branakroki armor. Inscribed with Master Rune of Unyielding, Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Valaya, requires minimum of Stonehorn's Horn, will be enhanced with whatever Runic materials best support straight upgrades or a healing/self-repair ability
One of the suggested alterations for more likely healing. Will consider swapping to an anti-magic/daemon build if a different source of regen/self-repair can be concocted.
"Banner" (3 bars) -
fluffed as being made out of the "Membrane" of the wings. Will be built as overlapping folding plates carved/engraved to look like arrangements of Branakroki feathers; the entirety of the wings will be built to look like Branakroki wings instead of the usual Draconic bat-like structure. Inscribed with Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Spellbreaking (Ancestral Aegis combo), requires Oathgold, will be enhanced with whatever works best.
The primary source of anti-magic/daemon protection.
Talismanic Rune (3 bars) -
fluffed as gold and jewels and shit set into an array of Adamant, forming a tattoo-like network across the body in geometric shapes. Inscribed with; Master Rune of Dragonform (requires research - see below), Rune of Brotherhood, Rune of Calm (Will attempt to acquire Honored Scales combo), will probably require a draconic component - try Prismatic Dragon's Blood first for testing, enhanced with Elder Magma Wyrm's Blood (Dragonform) + 2x Oathgold (Brotherhood and Calm)
I'm not going to copy my original justification for this again in the name of saving space, since that hasn't changed.
If we end up researching the Dragonform Rune and do well enough that it doesn't need the anti-jackass runes, or if we figure out a way to make the Gronti do drak things without it, I will replace the runes as available with anti-magic runes like Spellbreaking and such.
Talismanic Rune (3 Bars) -
fluffed as an enhanced spinal ridge. Inscribed with; Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Shadow, Rune of Silence. Will use whatever runic materials are best for speed and stealth.