[Non Canon???] Imperial Historian Torbold Twodinger's Treatise on Northern Slayer Culture, +15 to an RER Roll [USED]
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The Doomed Journey
Lectures on Slayers, Circa 2450 I.C.
Over the course of these lectures, we have discussed the formation of the Slayer Cult amongst the Dwarves, the cult's rise of prominence in Karak Kadrin, the Slayer Keep, the allure the Slayer Cult has amongst a section of Dwarves and why they may seek this manner of death, and the strange hierarchy amongst the Slayers which paradoxically establishes the most skilled and most ashamed dwarves amongst their ranks. We will, however, now move on to the final part of these lectures, and that is the Doomed Journey, the last stage of a Slayer seeking his doom.
While the Slayer Cult in Karak Kadrin will accept any dwarf who comes seeking a doom and provide for that slayer's needs, that does not mean all slayers are allowed to embark upon the final journey of a slayer. No, only those who have reached the final rank of Slayer are allowed the choice on whether to continue seeking their doom as they have been or to engage upon this most sacred journey. Not all slayers offered this choice accept the offer, but those that do begin preparations to begin a walk from Karak Kadrin to Kraka Drak. This part of the journey has many names, The Path of Memory, The Dragon's Walkway, or The Trail of Tears, and is kept largely clear of Geenskins and Skaven by the holds which the Slayer Cult has the largest influence in. For dwarven legend holds that it was this path that their Ancestor God Grimnir walked on his way to the Chaos Wastes to stop daemons from pouring into the world during the Catastrophe. As such, this stretch of the Underway is held in the utmost regard by the Slayer Cult, and slayers who walk it are given deference and hospitality all the way to Kraka Drak, the first and most important, stop on this final journey.
Here, in Kraka Drak, which the legend of Grimnir holds to be the last hold to host and feast with their Ancestor God before his journey north, does the preparation of the Slayer into a Doomed Slayer begin. Shrines to Grimnir are prayed to, and maps of the North are studied. But the final challenges are the ones that stop all but the most dedicated from taking the first step on the Doomed Journey, for after the final oaths there is no coming back. Between the third and fourth walls of Kraka Drak, otherwise known as the Wall of Oaths, a solemn ceremony is held where a Slayer seeking to complete this final journey speaks to a priest of Grimnir of what made him into a slayer. He speaks of tragedies and of triumphs, of the foes he has slain and the brothers of the cult he has seen cut down. He speaks of his clan, of lost loves and of bitter regrets. All of this the priest of Grimnir silently engraves into the inner section of the Wall of Oaths, etching into the bricks the words spoken by the Slayer. Finally, once all the Slayer wished to say and record has been said and recorded, and his name has been etched into the stone, the final line is engraved, "This Far and No Further."
This is the first of the two oaths that must be sworn, and once this oath is sworn there is no going back. Seeming to have two meanings, this oath is at once a promise to all the foes of the Dwarves that they shall never breach the fourth wall of Kraka Drak and a vow that the Slayer who makes such an oath shall become a living brick of the Fourth Wall, promising that until his dying breath he shall not retreat past the Fourth Wall. In such a manner the Slayer who makes this oath gives up his name, his history, his very reason for becoming a Slayer, and instead swears to be a living bulwark like the Ancestor God Grimnir.
The next oath is an oath of silence, for just as Grimnir was not heard from again after beginning his legendary work, so too shall the dwarves who take this vow not be heard from again except in battle. But it is more than that as well, for it is a vow to forgo letting their legend be recorded and their final doom known. None but their enemies will ever know how they fell if they fall at all. And so upon taking this vow, a note is carried to Karak Kadrin by the Slayer Cult of Kraka Drak bearing only this slayer's name. Upon receiving such a note, the Slayer Cult of Karak Kadrin, which as spoken before records the names and dooms of all Slayers known to them, engraves over the Slayer's name "Doomed." It is much more impressive looking in Dwarven I assure you. In this way, all slayers who reside and work from Karak Kadrin know that one of their number has taken the final step and should be remembered as having found his Doom.
The next step in the process is a strange one, and I am not sure if even the Dwarves know if it is the process that empowers the Dwarves or is simply a dedication of the skill and devotion of the Slayer in question. It is here that the priests of Grimnir ritually take the dust fallen from the engraving of the Wall of Oaths and mix it with white ink. Then, in the final ceremony, they tattoo the Slayer with the name of Grimnir right over the heart. In this way, the Slayer has completed the transformation into a Doomed Slayer and is walked past the Wall of Oaths, never to return. Here, the Doomed Slayer gives up the axe which as been a part of him until this point and receives a runed axe in return. The runes on this axe can vary based on the runesmith who forged it, but it is traditionally common to have three runes of grudges on the axe. One for Trolls, one for Daemons, and one for Humans, ostensibly for those who have forsaken all that is good and proper and sworn themselves to darker gods. Then the Doomed Slayer begins his trek north, following Grimnir's footsteps and to begin carving away, piece by piece, those who would seek to harm the Dwarves to the south.
Every so often, a Doomed Slayer will return to the Wall of Oaths, and while they are forbidden from going past the wall, in the space between the Wall of Oaths and the fifth wall they can receive treatment for wounds and partake in hospitality provided by the Slayer Cult. In addition, on rare occasions, a Doomed Slayer will return a runed axe which had been given to a previous Doomed Slayer. The return of such a weapon is always a cause of celebration for the Slayer Cult for it means more runic weapon for other Doomed Slayers in the future as well as knowing that a Doomed Slayer died protecting the Karaz Ankor from the horrors of the north.
And it is from these Doom Slayers that most scholars believe originated the tales of vengeful ghosts amongst the Norscan tribes. Beings with hair like fire slaying all those who pledged lives to the Dark Gods. One account of such a ghost tells of his fight in a blizzard where after being frozen solid, the being in question broke free in the morning and began to hack the frozen army surrounding him, ensuring that they all were dead before moving even further north. Such accounts seem to be exaggerated for as durable as dwarves are known to be, such tales speak of them as unkillable machines far beyond the capability that any dwarf has shown. But it would be wise to remember that should one travel far in the North, one takes steps to ensure you will not be mistaken as a corrupted soul, for the Doomed Slayers will never ask questions before taking your life.
A/N: The muse spoke and I listened! I hope people enjoy this possible future of the Slayer Cult, I know that I enjoyed writing it! Also, @soulcake Another omake for the omake throne!
Lectures on Slayers, Circa 2450 I.C.
Over the course of these lectures, we have discussed the formation of the Slayer Cult amongst the Dwarves, the cult's rise of prominence in Karak Kadrin, the Slayer Keep, the allure the Slayer Cult has amongst a section of Dwarves and why they may seek this manner of death, and the strange hierarchy amongst the Slayers which paradoxically establishes the most skilled and most ashamed dwarves amongst their ranks. We will, however, now move on to the final part of these lectures, and that is the Doomed Journey, the last stage of a Slayer seeking his doom.
While the Slayer Cult in Karak Kadrin will accept any dwarf who comes seeking a doom and provide for that slayer's needs, that does not mean all slayers are allowed to embark upon the final journey of a slayer. No, only those who have reached the final rank of Slayer are allowed the choice on whether to continue seeking their doom as they have been or to engage upon this most sacred journey. Not all slayers offered this choice accept the offer, but those that do begin preparations to begin a walk from Karak Kadrin to Kraka Drak. This part of the journey has many names, The Path of Memory, The Dragon's Walkway, or The Trail of Tears, and is kept largely clear of Geenskins and Skaven by the holds which the Slayer Cult has the largest influence in. For dwarven legend holds that it was this path that their Ancestor God Grimnir walked on his way to the Chaos Wastes to stop daemons from pouring into the world during the Catastrophe. As such, this stretch of the Underway is held in the utmost regard by the Slayer Cult, and slayers who walk it are given deference and hospitality all the way to Kraka Drak, the first and most important, stop on this final journey.
Here, in Kraka Drak, which the legend of Grimnir holds to be the last hold to host and feast with their Ancestor God before his journey north, does the preparation of the Slayer into a Doomed Slayer begin. Shrines to Grimnir are prayed to, and maps of the North are studied. But the final challenges are the ones that stop all but the most dedicated from taking the first step on the Doomed Journey, for after the final oaths there is no coming back. Between the third and fourth walls of Kraka Drak, otherwise known as the Wall of Oaths, a solemn ceremony is held where a Slayer seeking to complete this final journey speaks to a priest of Grimnir of what made him into a slayer. He speaks of tragedies and of triumphs, of the foes he has slain and the brothers of the cult he has seen cut down. He speaks of his clan, of lost loves and of bitter regrets. All of this the priest of Grimnir silently engraves into the inner section of the Wall of Oaths, etching into the bricks the words spoken by the Slayer. Finally, once all the Slayer wished to say and record has been said and recorded, and his name has been etched into the stone, the final line is engraved, "This Far and No Further."
This is the first of the two oaths that must be sworn, and once this oath is sworn there is no going back. Seeming to have two meanings, this oath is at once a promise to all the foes of the Dwarves that they shall never breach the fourth wall of Kraka Drak and a vow that the Slayer who makes such an oath shall become a living brick of the Fourth Wall, promising that until his dying breath he shall not retreat past the Fourth Wall. In such a manner the Slayer who makes this oath gives up his name, his history, his very reason for becoming a Slayer, and instead swears to be a living bulwark like the Ancestor God Grimnir.
The next oath is an oath of silence, for just as Grimnir was not heard from again after beginning his legendary work, so too shall the dwarves who take this vow not be heard from again except in battle. But it is more than that as well, for it is a vow to forgo letting their legend be recorded and their final doom known. None but their enemies will ever know how they fell if they fall at all. And so upon taking this vow, a note is carried to Karak Kadrin by the Slayer Cult of Kraka Drak bearing only this slayer's name. Upon receiving such a note, the Slayer Cult of Karak Kadrin, which as spoken before records the names and dooms of all Slayers known to them, engraves over the Slayer's name "Doomed." It is much more impressive looking in Dwarven I assure you. In this way, all slayers who reside and work from Karak Kadrin know that one of their number has taken the final step and should be remembered as having found his Doom.
The next step in the process is a strange one, and I am not sure if even the Dwarves know if it is the process that empowers the Dwarves or is simply a dedication of the skill and devotion of the Slayer in question. It is here that the priests of Grimnir ritually take the dust fallen from the engraving of the Wall of Oaths and mix it with white ink. Then, in the final ceremony, they tattoo the Slayer with the name of Grimnir right over the heart. In this way, the Slayer has completed the transformation into a Doomed Slayer and is walked past the Wall of Oaths, never to return. Here, the Doomed Slayer gives up the axe which as been a part of him until this point and receives a runed axe in return. The runes on this axe can vary based on the runesmith who forged it, but it is traditionally common to have three runes of grudges on the axe. One for Trolls, one for Daemons, and one for Humans, ostensibly for those who have forsaken all that is good and proper and sworn themselves to darker gods. Then the Doomed Slayer begins his trek north, following Grimnir's footsteps and to begin carving away, piece by piece, those who would seek to harm the Dwarves to the south.
Every so often, a Doomed Slayer will return to the Wall of Oaths, and while they are forbidden from going past the wall, in the space between the Wall of Oaths and the fifth wall they can receive treatment for wounds and partake in hospitality provided by the Slayer Cult. In addition, on rare occasions, a Doomed Slayer will return a runed axe which had been given to a previous Doomed Slayer. The return of such a weapon is always a cause of celebration for the Slayer Cult for it means more runic weapon for other Doomed Slayers in the future as well as knowing that a Doomed Slayer died protecting the Karaz Ankor from the horrors of the north.
And it is from these Doom Slayers that most scholars believe originated the tales of vengeful ghosts amongst the Norscan tribes. Beings with hair like fire slaying all those who pledged lives to the Dark Gods. One account of such a ghost tells of his fight in a blizzard where after being frozen solid, the being in question broke free in the morning and began to hack the frozen army surrounding him, ensuring that they all were dead before moving even further north. Such accounts seem to be exaggerated for as durable as dwarves are known to be, such tales speak of them as unkillable machines far beyond the capability that any dwarf has shown. But it would be wise to remember that should one travel far in the North, one takes steps to ensure you will not be mistaken as a corrupted soul, for the Doomed Slayers will never ask questions before taking your life.
A/N: The muse spoke and I listened! I hope people enjoy this possible future of the Slayer Cult, I know that I enjoyed writing it! Also, @soulcake Another omake for the omake throne!
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