AN: Inspiration hit me and I want to share a short omake for you all. Based on a popular show that I watched as a kid. Enjoy!
Dolgi Bolgisson's Runesmith Survival Guide
Word just came from Master Snorri that there are signs of a Shard Wyrm near the Karak. So me and Fjolla are hard at work with our own projects, Fjolla is making a Banner while I am forging Griffin armor. I had just finished quenching a back plate, when Master Snorri arrived with two dwarves, most likely his new apprentices.
"Alright wait here, while I pick up several things you'll need for your next lesson. I'll be back in a few minutes." With that said, Master Snorri left to get what I think are the weights and books in the mundane storage.
Seeing a golden opportunity to get to know the fresh ore to the forge, I took off my gloves and went over to the younglings to introduce myself. A quick glance at Fjolla shows that she is currently inscribing a rune to a Talisman, so it is likely that she will be too busy introduce herself.
"So you are Master Snorri's new apprentices, huh. Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling, Master Runesmith and one of Master Klausson's former students. The Kvinn that is engraving a Rune whilst listening in on our conversation at the back is Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson." The two poor unfortunate souls have no idea what Master Snorri has in store for them. They stare at me with the same wide eyed wonder I used to have when seeing other Master Runesmiths.
"Greetings Master Bolgisson and Master Igunsdottir, I am Nain Kazzarsson of Clan Stoneplate." The beardling bows his head, likely from years of etiquette training.
I raised my hands in a halting motion, "We don't do that here. I'm not a Longbeard yet so there's no need to be all nice and proper. Master Dolgi is fine, we're all gonna be peers soon enough anyway." his flustered expression is pretty amusing.
"Karstah Khazadsdottir." The plaitling simply offered her name, the lack of a clan strongly indicates that she is a foundling, perhaps from one of the Minor Holds that did not survive the Incursion, so it is best to not point it out and just nod at her.
"Nice to meet you lass, well since you are apprenticed to Master Snorri, as a "Welcome to Apprenticeship" gift I made this guide for Runesmith Apprentices so that you'll have a easier time under Master Snorri." With that said I gave the two apprentices a tome.
"Dolgi Bolgisson's Runesmith Survival Guide?"
"That is right, this tome contains lessons and tips on how to survive Master Snorri's unconventional teaching method. Nain, you may have an idea of what Runesmithing is all about due to living with a Runesmithing clan and Karstah, may not know what exactly you are getting into when you are apprenticed to a Runesmith. However, no apprentice is ever prepared for Master Snorri's unique teaching methods, so this tome will help prepare and explain the various lessons Master Snorri will teach you." As the apprentices open the tome, they start to read a few of the entries.
"Be wary of Pocket Gravel?" I shiver.
"You'll know it when you feel it."
"Don't you mean see it?"
"I know what I have said."
With that said, Master Snorri came back with the various tools in tow.
"I see you are all getting to know each other. Good saves me the trouble and time. Wear this, we are going for a walk." He eyes the tome I gave and raised an eyebrow and a side glance at me.
I shrug "It is just some of my personal notes from my time as an apprentice that I have made various changes over my time as a Journeyman. Should help them better understand your... uh unorthodox teaching methods."
"Bah, you and the other apprentices I had taught turned out fine. No harm in letting them keep it though. Alright lets get a move on, we are burning daylight." With that, Master Snorri ushered the poor souls to start the harsh of years of Grumbling, physical and mental torture that are called 'lessons', and Liberal use of Pocket Gravel. I wish them luck, because they are certainly going to need it.
AN: If I made any mistakes please let me know.