Feedback from our friends is the most important thing when deciding what to do with Riona. Because we get too caught up in our head sometimes. Its like infinity in here.
If you have someone on ignore, remember that affects quote blocks too, and to check if someone is replying to someone else to properly interpret the context of a post that is not apparently quoting anyone.
Uh. Having hope isn't actually sufficient to overcome the despair in your soul gem - that's been pretty well established at this point. At most you get a weirdass hope/grief superposition like Akuma Homura, but being "unable to fully despair" isn't something that can stop you from witching out.
And the award for "Fastest way to kill light-hearted humor with horror" for this week goes to... LendvaV!
Folks, let's show LendvaV what he's won!
That's right, a facepalm! Let's give our contestant a round of forehead-smacking facepalms!
At the end of the day, i think I'm just really scared of the potential consequences of fighting this girl and want to have her as a viable source if information when all is said and done
There's also the fact that the author's morality didn't line up with a significant chunk of the voterbase, be that above or below tolerance, and hence the initial freakout and backlash to the initial freakout
I'll freely admit that i err on the side of caution andtend to value practical concerns over moral ones too, which is how I keep managing to get staff warnings
I may just have to go away for a while and not come back until this whole situation is over
And now I'm rambling
No, the argument has only existed because the winning vote explicitly said about gemming Riona until we can 'try to rehabilitate her', and NOT until we can securely detain, or until we can provide a trial for her. The argument has existed because people kept saying 'She's morally black, there's no need for a trial, and she has forfeited her rights because she's a murderer and slaver'
I'm getting tired of your constants attacks against me and your continuous horrid misrepresentations of what has occurred in the discussion. Now you are trying to say that you all were in favour of my position all along? Perhaps you should have said so from the start then, instead of disagreeing with me because of the 'morally black' mantra that you've been using as a justification and an excuse to take away Riona's rights *indefinitely* (rather than temporarily until she can be tried).
Well, certainly there's that risk. I can speak for me only, but I changed my mind before that WoG: The chances of getting a promise we could trust from Riona (hell, a promise at all) that she wouldn't kill anyone else showed themselves last update to be in the real of e elevated to the negative eighty seven, which are basically 0. More 0 than anything not zero can be, more or less.Part of the problem with that standard is that "won't stop because she's evil" and "won't stop because she doesn't trust yet that there is no need" is hard to objectively judge. If we didn't have Word of God we'd still be arguing about it.
To try and get back into more light-hearted discussion...
Sabrina's referenced a few magical girl shows at this point - Sailor Moon, of course, Nanoha, Cardcaptor Sayaka...
So, what else can/should we do? Something from Utena? Tutu? Precure? Mew Mew, whenever we get around to appeasing @Kaizuki with cat ears?
I just... after this, I wanna take Sayaka more places. And I want to see if...
"Yeah, actually, just one thing," you say, continuing to eat your breakfast. "I... wanna call Hijiri later, if you're alright with that?"
We need to remember to do things tonight:Our last roadtrip with Sayaka went well. We might want to do another of those. Kyoto in particular seems interesting to me, since the Shrine Maidens there have a magic booster, which sounds really intriguing combined with Sayaka's power. Hah - maybe with a boost she could even finally copy us?
Also, it may be asking a bit too much, but if anywhere's going to have records on how the transition between semi-open magic to the current masquerade went, it'd be an ancient shrine, right? (Assuming the "shrine maidens" aren't just cosplayers with a theme, that is...)
E: Also, if all of you haven't had enough infuriating conversations that go nowhere yet, there is one other thing left to do today...
We haven't heard her say "that's so cool" in a while, have we?Our last roadtrip with Sayaka went well. We might want to do another of those. Kyoto in particular seems interesting to me, since the Shrine Maidens there have a magic booster, which sounds really intriguing combined with Sayaka's power. Hah - maybe with a boost she could even finally copy us?
Also, it may be asking a bit too much, but if anywhere's going to have records on how the transition between semi-open magic to the current masquerade went, it'd be an ancient shrine, right? (Assuming the "shrine maidens" aren't just cosplayers with a theme, that is...)
We can take her with us to Edinburgh? We're probably going to be spending a while there, so I would suggest bringing everyone we can. If nothing else, so that the thread doesn't go nuts from only having Homura to talk to.Our last roadtrip with Sayaka went well. We might want to do another of those. Kyoto in particular seems interesting to me, since the Shrine Maidens there have a magic booster, which sounds really intriguing combined with Sayaka's power. Hah - maybe with a boost she could even finally copy us?
Also, it may be asking a bit too much, but if anywhere's going to have records on how the transition between semi-open magic to the current masquerade went, it'd be an ancient shrine, right? (Assuming the "shrine maidens" aren't just cosplayers with a theme, that is...)
After all, the most powerful Magic is Friendship.Our friends stabilize us. They make the updates something to look forward. Their absence was chilling, and I think if there's a single lesson we should take from this it's that we should do more to keep them by our side.
I don't get that reference.I still like the idea of calling it the Arthra.
Sayaka's can be the Saint's Cradle, right @The Phoenixian ?![]()
Homura frowns a little. "I was going to acquire weapons from the JSDF tomorrow. We can raid the yakuza tomorrow instead," she says.
You beam at her. "Thanks-" mom "-Homura! Though, uh, there's no reason we can't hit both."
"It works better." She shrugs, a tiny motion with one shoulder. "I need money for the house, too."
I really only miss Nagisa right now, tbh. Any plans to visit Best Little Sister?
We also have to go and stabilize Edinburgh. The reason we're gemming Riona is because any lives she takes from now on is on our hands. Similarly, anyone who dies because we gemmed Riona is also our fault.Re: after-action:
There are a number of loose ends after this arc.
- Rionna mentioned friends in Tokyo. Who? What kind of people?
- Maintaining our link with Nadia
I'm going to recommend the following actions in the aftermath...
1) Outreach. A short statement regarding our actions should be posted to the IRC we are familiar with. It should explain that Rionna stated she would have liked to take our soul, that she expressed an intention to continue harming -- murdering -- innocents in a scenario where she did not need to worry about cleansing, that she engaged in the use of what she placed beyond reasonable doubt were sapient souls (1) as slaves and expressed a desire to maintain that state of affairs, that we disconnected her soul gem from her body, and that we intend to preserve both in separation for the foreseeable future. It should be accompanied by photographs of her body and her soul gem in two different places, clearly disconnected and unharmed. Nadia should be notified of the statement's existence -- if she knows of the IRC, she can access it.
2) We should really start utilizing Sayaka more heavily. We need to explore the limitations on her teleportation.
3) We should ask Oriko why we weren't supposed to inquire about Rionna's sister. We didn't, but we don't really see the reasoning. Was it simply dangerous?
4) We should look into Rionna's friends in Tokyo, just in case.
1 needs to happen next vote-ish. I understand that the gem will be in an anti-magic box, but opening the box after proper preparation should be completely safe, and it can be closed afterwards. I think it's well worth establishing that we didn't kill her.
(1) -- There would have been no reason to raise her sister's killer if the shades weren't sapient and couldn't suffer.
We also have to go and stabilize Edinburgh. The reason we're gemming Riona is because any lives she takes from now on is on our hands. Similarly, anyone who dies because we gemmed Riona is also our fault.
Therefore, we need to fill up the power vacuum that will shortly appear in Edinburgh. I think we can assume we have at least 1 day until things start deteriorating, since Riona wasn't planning to be back until then, but we don't know how long after that that we have.
I think this is pretty damn insightful, actually. @Firnagzen , you might want to take note of this.I...
Can we go over Sayaka and the witchbomb, actually? I think most of the argument got laid out IC -- she can handle it, it'll hurt, etc etc... hm, never mind.
I just... after this, I wanna take Sayaka more places. And I want to see if...
I think we need a science session with Mami. I want to give her a magic booster and see what she can do with the clone technique.
In all honesty, what struck me the most with this arc was how alone we can be, sometimes. We were in our very seat of power and we didn't speak with any of the characters we so love for something like three months OOC. I don't think we've ever really done that before, at least not in my time here, and I hated it.
Our friends stabilize us. They make the updates something to look forward. Their absence was chilling, and I think if there's a single lesson we should take from this it's that we should do more to keep them by our side.