Stop: Just need to address a few things
just need to address a few things
And the award for "Fastest way to kill light-hearted humor with horror" for this week goes to... LendvaV!

Folks, let's show LendvaV what he's won!


That's right, a facepalm! Let's give our contestant a round of forehead-smacking facepalms!

Congratulations are also in order here, it seems. For you have won a timeout from the thread, courtesy of yours truly, for your uncivil behavior.

Let's keep the thread banner in mind in the future before you post, yeah?

At the end of the day, i think I'm just really scared of the potential consequences of fighting this girl and want to have her as a viable source if information when all is said and done

There's also the fact that the author's morality didn't line up with a significant chunk of the voterbase, be that above or below tolerance, and hence the initial freakout and backlash to the initial freakout

I'll freely admit that i err on the side of caution andtend to value practical concerns over moral ones too, which is how I keep managing to get staff warnings

I may just have to go away for a while and not come back until this whole situation is over

And now I'm rambling


Good thing I'm gonna keep this short and sweet then. You get warnings because you are being disruptive in the thread and arguing that a point that the QM has requested not be argued. That is disruptive to the thread, and this post serves as nothing but a derail.

With that in mind, let's go with an extended vacation. 2 weeks will do here.

No, the argument has only existed because the winning vote explicitly said about gemming Riona until we can 'try to rehabilitate her', and NOT until we can securely detain, or until we can provide a trial for her. The argument has existed because people kept saying 'She's morally black, there's no need for a trial, and she has forfeited her rights because she's a murderer and slaver'

I'm getting tired of your constants attacks against me and your continuous horrid misrepresentations of what has occurred in the discussion. Now you are trying to say that you all were in favour of my position all along? Perhaps you should have said so from the start then, instead of disagreeing with me because of the 'morally black' mantra that you've been using as a justification and an excuse to take away Riona's rights *indefinitely* (rather than temporarily until she can be tried).

Again, this is not something that needs to be brought up in the thread. The QM has made it clear that he does not wish for the thread to discuss this topic and to leave it be, and all you're doing is derailing the thread with your arguments. So take a few days off to clear your head and remember to abide by the QM's rules in the future.

As for everyone else, please follow the rules established by the QM in the thread, and remember to stay civil with each other and avoid certain topics. It's keeps the stress down overall if everyone plays nicely, after all.
Stop: Gonna be honest here
@Firnagzen told you that you are wrong:

Homura can avoid the topic WITH EASE
gonna be honest here
Your attitude in this thread stinks. It's not in any way civil and you've driven another poster out.
I realise the thread has been locked for some time and so maybe this wont do much, but I'm hoping it will at least make you stop and think about the way you post on SV. Due to a breach of Rule 3 and Rule 4, I'm awarding you 25 infraction points and a three day holiday from the thread.
this is unnecessary
Please tell me that this shit isn't going to mess with Sabrina during the update? Like, maybe she thinks about it during a lull when other stuff isn't going on, but we really don't need another vomit-incident caused by one jerk derailing the thread.
A shot like this is hard to read as anything but a snipe at PistachioCookies when it comes right after the OP telling him to stop. That's a direct break of Rule 3, being civil.

25 points and 3 days' threadban. Please do not repeat this.
Stop: This does seem to keep coming up
this does seem to keep coming up
magical girlsenpais pls. I'm a ice fairy attack helicopter. Let us all be mostly people, humans, and ice fairy with illogical Knowledge of guns pls.

There should no longer be any mystery as to the transphobia inherent in the "attack helicopter" quote-unquote "joke", nor surprise that portraying genders outside the male-female binary as something to be discarded as "a joke" or "people making things up" is hurtful and accordingly a violation of Rule 2: Don't Be Hateful. As such, you have received 25 points and a three-day threadban.

Thank you for your time, and please have a pleasant day~
Warning: Quick interjection
quick interjection Two things:

First, please remember that while we have a tendency to use the words interchangeably, sex and gender do not actually mean the same thing, and using them interchangeably can cause confusion, hurt, and anger in discussions like the one that is currently ongoing.

Second, this ultimately not a thread for exploring gender in detail. Let's reel it back in, here. Thank you.
Warning: Good Morning
I have dropped it, said so back here:

Could you, in turn, please acknowledge why I might at least instinctively flinch at something resembling "merchants will always betray you, it's in their nature, there's no point making even short-term deals with those foreigners, just reform your team's old religion and kill them all as soon as you get the chance" being presented as a moral message?

good morning
Sometimes you will just not get a work. If the Author is asking you to move on from a subject, it is time to move on. Please do so.