Stop: Please, let's take a break
please, let's take a break Arguing around with circular reasoning can get tiring and distract from the true point of the thread, the quest itself. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just back off from the argument and let it die.

That said. @Marcus D. Basterd, in the following posts, you were disruptive and characterized the opposing arguments wrongly.
Are you around the sort of people that make caring about yourself not extend to caring about others because they are good for you? Because if you think that that is normal then you are in a horrible horrible situation. And if you think that telling the person who has been through what is basically a war, without the sort of supply lines that stop people from starving during those, that they shouldn't be selfish, while dating someone who, in the original timeline got her head eaten from not focusing enough on herself, is in any way a good idea then you're going to face a few difficulties in convincing the rest of us that it's a good idea.

You are literally saying that the only way that a person can be selfish is to be apathetic of others to the point of actually harming ones self; since this doesn't make sense i will ignore all references to the existance of such a oppinion.

How would i know if you are being abused to the point of not being able to tell whether you are being abused? I can hardly bring myself to care about such a possibility beyond it's ability to effect debates you are a part of.

Well i didn't want to be direct about it, but if she wasn't showing off to others, and thus had protected herself more/underestimated her enemy less, this wouldn't have happened.

I'm going to give you an infraction under Rule 4 for 25 points and a three day threadban.


Your post here:

It's just full of spaghetti, and borders on Rule 5 in some aspects. Please, let the staff do their jobs and file a report if you think someone has broken the rules rather than calling them out on it. I'm going to give you a staff notice for this, but I don't think you need the thread vacation here. But please, refrain from backseat moderating in the future.

@Everyone else, carry on.

Stop: I should not have to do this
I didn't call anyone anything;
I've learned where this rabbit hole goes already, thank you very much.
i should not have to do this First of all, the warning was not for you choosing to call someone something, it was for respecting that choice. Secondly, if you want to argue with a moderator, do so in private messages or better yet, the Ask A Private Question or Appeals forums. I'm going to give you a staff notice under rule 5, and then we'll forget this incident and you can go back to enjoying the quest, yeah?
Stop: You questers sure are a contentious people
you questers sure are a contentious people

Right, I understand that quests can get divisive; I've been there in some quests giving and taking as good as the best of them. We've all been at that point at some point, I think. Sometimes, what matters is that you are right, you know the way forward and the other side is going to do something incredibly stupid, so why won't they just listen to you? On some level, this is good; it means that the author has succeeded in his goal of getting the voterbase to engage, it means that you are interested in the story and characters, and Sufficient Velocity was, after all founded on principles of debate and discussion.

But there is a limit.

This thread has turned incredibly divisive and contentious; this argument is frankly ridiculous, covering several pages and consisting of an absurd amount of interlinked smaller arguments, each attacking the opponent like they were some mortal enemy from a heroic saga.

That's got to stop. After I've dealt these infractions out, the thread will stay locked at the request of @Firnagzen, until he, himself opens it with a statement.


You and Aura refused to consider any possibility that this is anything other than morally reprehensible and must be stopped immediately no matter the cost

You do not get to rub that in my face and say "deal with it"
@kinigget thank you. That's what your all doing!


What gigantic fucking hypocrits you all are. Wow.

Especially given the amount of worm fanfiction we churn out.
Smearing it into the face that someone did something with bold, capital letters to emphasize a point, or simply to call them a hypocrite like this is incredibly unmindful, as far as debate tactics go, but it's not a very large breach of the rules. I will, however still apply a staff notice and a three-day threadban to both of you. While only one of you used the aforementioned bold, capital letters, the sanction applies equally to both of you.

Now see, Aran, Aura? This is an actual argument. Not just shaky and repetitive accusations.

I still disagree on points, largely in that I don't feel Kai has really properly considered the little inconsistencies that suggest Riona may have motives she has not brought up yet or that she might be deliberately baiting us for one reason or another. However, it is a good argument, and has done more to sway me to actually consider a more hostile response than any of you two's pointless screaming has done for pages now.

Take note.

Congratulating someone on an argument and explaining why you disagree is good practice as far as debates go, even using it to highlight a disagreement with someone else is fine. It can actually help a debate along in some cases, however in this case, doing it so as to attack other people for "pointless screaming" like this is unmindful and disruptive to the thread, especially one as intense-going as this. As such, I will apply a staff notice and three-day threadban to you as well.

Yea okay, I'll wait for the explanation of how Riona plans to "finish a fight" with Sabrina that isn't ripping out our goddamn soul sicne that's apparently all she can do.

That they cannot back out without literally dying, are not given proper information to give informed consent, have their bodies modified without their knowing, and have their souls turned into eternal biofuel they can never escape from?

It's fucking slavery.

She didn't actually do #1, and if she wants our free cleansing maybe don't be a fucking antagonistic dick.

Oh my god, fuck off, I wasn't demanding anything, I was simply olive branching for people to stop fucking bickering at the sight of a vote I think everyone would appreciate, it was a call to turn to a clean fucking page of talking.
Jesus tapdancing Christ.
Expressing frustration with another person, is not against the rules of Sufficient Velocity; however, there are matters to be thought of, such as tone and tenor, as well as the appropriateness of such to a situation. In this situation, it can be said that choosing a heated thread such as this to go for rhetoric such as "don't be a fucking antagonistic dick" is not conducive to the mindfulness of the thread. However, I applaud your attempt to turn a new page, and make some form of peace, unsuccessful as it was. I will apply a staff notice under Rule 3 and a three-day threadban.
But how much of it is Irish dickery and how much is evil dickery?
Normally, these kinds of jokes are fine. We assume some degree of light situational ribbing is appropriate, yeah? But I think in situations like this, it's best to refrain from these kinds of jokes, if only to stay on the safe side. I'm not giving you any staff notice or points, I'm just warning you for the future.
But wait, there is more.

She also didn't change her complete world view, didn't throw away her entire sense of self, didn't give up all the power she built her life around, didn't agree to become defenseless and live under our benevolent protection... didn't agree to do any of those things the moment we criticized her about the bad things she said.

How dare she.
While I am always up for a good sarcastic ribbing, I think it's best we refrain from this kind of rhetoric in heated situations like this, yeah? Both to not come off as a provocateur, and to prevent disrupting the thread further. I'm going to apply a staff notice under Rule 4, and a three-day threadban here too.

This thread has a troubled history, and it's probably going to get just as heated again in the future, but I'm going to implore you: Please, try and be more chill in the future, it'll make the quest more enjoyable for both whoever moderator has to sit up six hours past his bedtime to handle it and you fellas playing it. It's like a win-win situation for both parts involved!
Stop: I want to apologize for something
i want to apologize for something
I'm going to let @Firnagzen open this thread at his own will. It's my fault that the thread has been closed for so long. That's not okay, and it will ideally be handled at greater speed, not bearing resemblance to a paraplegic comatose snail next time, however I must still act on the following post.

How many innocents does your average unchecked witch (+familiars) kill in, say, a month?

How much collateral damage and how many casualties when groups of magi fight over territory?

How much death and suffering would there be in an unclaimed city, as witches run rampant, new girls are contracted and thrown into the grind unprepared, and foreigners move in to farm seeds and take advantage?

... and how many 'probably not conscious' souls does Riona keep in her service? Like, 20? 50?

Ok. Save those poor spirits, doom hundreds or worst case thousands of innocents. Who even cares about that place over on the other side of the world anyways? It's not like it affects Sabrina's delicate sensibilities.
This post has violated the Quest Master's (@Firnagzen) directive, and a staff notice has been applied.

Have a good day, and thank you for your time, even though I took too much of it.
Alert: You Were Told Not To Do This
you were told not to do this
I don't like this

I don't like any of this

I see no value in casting judgement here

I don't want to deal with the fallour of detaining her

I don't see us getting any further information out of her now that we've driven her to this level of desperation

We need to back off

Even if she is a monster, we can change that, or at least make her our monster

But it is going to take time

I don't want to destroy the chance of getting information out of her, which gemming/anti-magicing will absolutely do

I still think we need to let her go for now, but we should absolutely set up further meetings

And we should absolutely warn Sayaka to avoid anyone of Rionna's description

I'm kerping Mura's vote for now, but I'll see about writing something up when I get home
I know this is a bit late but...

Either your word is bond, or it isn't.

Saying "it's okay because she's monstrous" sets a very bad precedent

Most people are only going to care that you broke your word and not give teo shits about who you broke it to, remembering that by Magical Girl standards, Rionna is very far from the worst monster out there, and even tries to be discerning about her targets.

Anyway, switching vote

[X] Your power is to enslave and torment other magical girls?
- [X] If you continue on this path, it will lead to conflict between us in future.
[X] But for now, you came to Mitakihara in peace, and we'll ask you to leave in peace.
- [X] If we can get your word to leave Mitakihara in peace, we'll drop the shield and escort you to the airport.
[X] add to TODO list: develop soul shielding, liberate Edinburgh.

You should neither attempt to justify or excuse Rionna's actions, as per the statement and request of @Firnagzen. In making it an emphasis of your post, how she is not the worst monster and how she is discerning in her targets. After evaluation, this has been concluded to be in violation of this statement of @Firnagzen. While your post does refer to her as a monster, it fails to refrain from excusing her, by comparing her to others, thus making her seem less bad than she is, rather than simply letting her be a bad person.

More importantly, some argue over the heinousness of Rionna's actions. Let me make this clear from an out of character position: Do not try and excuse her actions. You can justify them, perhaps, that she's working under a horrible system. She is, and so are Sabrina's friends. However, Rionna has done terrible things. She has not so far displayed any remorse for it. Don't try and both-sides the issue - it's not an acceptable thing to do in political discourse nor here. You're entitled to question her further, yes, or speculate that she might be faking or bluffing or whatnot. But she has absolutely done horrible things.

As this is an incredibly mild violation, I have in the spirit of kindness in the thread, and the fact that this isn't enforcing an actual rule of Sufficient Velocity, decided that I'm going to let you off with a staff notice, but be aware that since you have done this kind of apologia for Rionna before, if this happens again, I will follow with infractions.
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