What have you been smoking and where can I get the good shit? :V
I didn't think my question was particularly crazy. just curiosity about how PMAS might have shaped out if everyone just missed the point.

The reference to 40k's God Emperor was because he pretty much embodies the "hard man making hard decisions" trope, or at least my admittedly negligible understanding of the character.
The reference to 40k's God Emperor was because he pretty much embodies the "hard man making hard decisions" trope
I think that is just 40k from where I'm looking

OKay, if I am to be honest, most of this kinda fly over my head. I'm trying to catch up, but!

If we are making the assumption that Walpurgisnacht's power is in the quintessential drama/bad end/hopelessness, I think we also shouldn't discard the notion that we have to play by her rules. For one, the name of the quest is System Break, and if we look to Wallmart as the symbolic (or even literal) representation of the entire setting, then I argue that Sabrina's very purpose from day 1 was to break that.I mean, hope is balanced out by despair, but that mean the inverse is also true: maybe Wallstreet's hope-sucking power can be inverted by a sufficient concentration of pure can-do spirit to steer the entire setting back on greener pasture.

I think if Warfstache wants a specific narrative, we should do our best to change the channel. Letting your enemy set the rule of engagement just doesn't sound like a good idea, especially when that enemy is Waluigi.

Not writing a vote yet. Buuuut.

I am going to broadly come down, personally, on the side of "Whatever dramatic value we lose by sharing this information about Walpurgisnacht openly with Mami and Homura we should be able to (at least partially) rebuild elsewhere and sacrificing major personal gains for maybe-couldbe problems goes against who I am. Besides that, on Walpurgisnacht's stage, Sabrina is not the only main character, and the story of overcoming Mitakihara's problems to achieve unity and a bright future still overrides any alternate themes. Trying to plan the fight completely would only result in it going differently from plan because that's how drama works but we can broadly lay out cards that we can later play (1)."

I am going to write that intent into a general vote.

There are a couple other things I think I would like to see said on the premise that they're basically one liners, which I will try to include also:

A. This thing @Nerevar has been mentioning regarding Kyubey. It can't be unhealthy to one-liner "btw Kyubey is totally willing to say stuff it KNOWS is bullshit and call it truth because it can't falsify it" and I think it fits with the notes Mami has been taking in the background on Kyubey's shit.

B) On a similar note, post parting with Homura, I'd like to one liner "Kyubey has always wanted you isolated and I know little about what it may or may not have done the last two years." or something to that effect. We don't need to justify why that's the case at this point. It suffices to say it and let Mami examine what's gone on the last two years and some things might come of that -- we really don't know to what extent Kyubey had a hand in Mami's various losses. It's wholly possible suggesting she reexamine them might turn something up.

(1) Note that this sentence is a MAJOR change from my previous post which suggested trying to choreograph the fight. I thought about it some more and that can't possibly work well.
I mean, I want to make something clear.

PMAS social is way harder than IRL social.


Two major reasons.

You're not allowed to make single statements and measure single reactions, and you don't have the IRL luxury of lots of time to get to know someone. We're running on hideously limited information much of which is metaknowledge and we have to get whole conversations right on a handful of feedbacks.

This shit is horrifically hard and I cannot count the number of times I have thought to myself, "If I could make ten statements and get responses to each one before the next I could get twice as good a result as this 10,000 word convo in 1500 words."
Don't forget people like me, who are usually rather good at social but operate by "the feel" of the conversation, wich doesn't really work at all in writing.
There is the issue that explaining this could make it not work. It's one thing for a protagonist to give an inspirational speech about how people can accomplish anything when they work together, and it's another to say "look, the director isn't picky about how this movie ends, so here's the steps that should lead to a happy ending." The latter kills dramatic tension and dances on its corpse. We might still be able to get Walpurgisnacht to play along if we layer parody on top of the explanation like Discworld's million-to-one shot, but I'd rather not rely on that.
Ultimately, Walpurgis wants a dramatic ending to her story. If everyone is expecting a specific outcome because the protagonists planned it out on camera two acts earlier, then obviously something has to go wrong to up the tension.
That was original PMMM, a tragedy/drama. We are actively pushing towards the land of SoL and/or RomCom. Villains being ineffective, easily defeated and irrelevant to the plot is pretty much the norm there.

derivative work that doesn't mesh with the tone of the series.
PMAS is actually a cook show disguised as a Magical Girl series. Sabrina's Social with a particular person improves with every favorite dish she figures out for them.
So we've got cream stew for Homura, cream stew with enough spice to make a bird think twice for Madoka, cheese for Nagisa, and for Mami...

Oh no.

We don't know Mami's favorite food.

We are an awful girlfriend.
Rule 6: Acceptable Content on SV
So we've got cream stew for Homura, cream stew with enough spice to make a bird think twice for Madoka, cheese for Nagisa, and for Mami...

Oh no.

We don't know Mami's favorite food.

We are an awful girlfriend.

I kinda don't want to be infracted for this, but we do know Mami's favorite dish.

A hint: it's European.
PMAS is actually a cook show disguised as a Magical Girl series. Sabrina's Social with a particular person improves with every favorite dish she figures out for them.
Of course! How could we have missed something so obvious? It's been something we've been practicing with Mami since Day 1.

If we're changing the rules of engagement for Walpurgisnacht, then we must instead challenge her.....to a cook-off.
Of course! How could we have missed something so obvious? It's been something we've been practicing with Mami since Day 1.

If we're changing the rules of engagement for Walpurgisnacht, then we must instead challenge her.....to a cook-off.
We've got technical in the bag and the show stopper is Walpurgisnacht's territory, so it'll probably be decided by the signature. But with only two weeks until Walpurgisnacht, do we have time to book Paul Hollywood?
I didn't think my question was particularly crazy. just curiosity about how PMAS might have shaped out if everyone just missed the point.

The reference to 40k's God Emperor was because he pretty much embodies the "hard man making hard decisions" trope, or at least my admittedly negligible understanding of the character.
Wait what I responded to you oh shit I quoted the wrong dude

Sorry, meant to respond to Raiseth.
Oooookay so... Draft.

[X] Hugs and basic follow-ups. Any further encouragement for Homura to engage more with the people around her.
[X] There are a few other points of interest you want to hit before you go for the night.
-[X] You've been sitting on information about Walpurgisnacht for a couple of reasons -- mostly you weren't sure how Homura would react and weren't interested in risking it at the time.
--[X] In the event this causes a fuss, just be calm about it and accept that Homura has some Pretty Good Reasons to be annoyed at you for not sharing information about Walpurgisnacht with Akemi Homura.
--[X] Walpurgisnacht is vastly more powerful than they believe, but also insane in a way that allows it to be killed.
---[X] Lay out Walpurgisnacht's obsession with drama and its ability to no-sell whatever it pleases.
----[X] Tragic loops mean a tragic stage on which Walpurgisnacht chooses to be invincible.
----[X] All previous damage has been inflicted at its pleasure.
----[X] Madoka is the only person who has ever killed it and she does it via trope: "the self-sacrificing pure-hearted heroine." The intent, action, and paid cost (her life) are what have made this possible in the past, not some special power.
//First part of this line is for Mami's benefit -- she doesn't know anything about previous WPN fights
-----[X] We have better options because Mitakihara does not need to be a tragedy.
------[X] Key points:
-------[X] Don't let anyone die.
-------[X] Help others overcome their major problems.
-------[X] PLAN FOR THE FUTURE so that Walpurgisnacht is not "The End."
-------[X] A full plan for fighting Walpurgisnacht can never work because dramatically, plans go wrong. But having cards to turn over for the fight helps.
--------[X] At this point only one weapon has ever killed Walpurgisnacht. It would be best to have That Bow for the fight, but without Madoka contracting. Homura did mention she needed a nonlethal option, and you think it should be possible.

[X] You haven't previously contested Kyubey's claim to only speak the truth. From a human perspective, it is willing to tell outright lies: it's a lie to take something you know is surely impossible and frame it as possible, and it's done exactly that to kill Kyouko before. You have no hard evidence of it ever, say, blatantly claiming something real doesn't exist -- but it has essentially infinite experience compared to us, we have no functional way of knowing whether or not it's effectively lying at any given time, only the constant knowledge that it wants us dead and doesn't give a damn about what's right or wrong.

[X] Kyubey wanted Mami alone and dependent on it, and it certainly had the means to achieve that. What little information you have pertinent to that should come another time as part of a different topic, but -- there might be value to reexamining the various losses she suffered? You seriously doubt Kyubey didn't abet any of them, and if that information could change anything...
Holy crab why are there so many red names at the bottom what happened.

Ok so the current vote seems... Acceptable, but I can't help but wonder if it would be true that mentioning things about walpy might overshadow the rest of what was talked about tonight.

So I'm going to do something wild and post a counter vote.

[X] Hugs and follow-ups , now that the major portion of our talk is over with.
[X] A few other key points we wish to go over.
-[X] We have some information that we would like to share with Homura sometime. However, due to the nature of this information, we feel that revealing it now would distract from the conversation we just had with her, so we'll ask her if she would like to hear it now, or later within the next day or so. If she asks to hear it later, skip the portions highlighted in yellow. If she asks to hear it now:

--[X] You've been sitting on information about Walpurgisnacht for a couple of reasons -- mostly you weren't sure how Homura would react and weren't interested in risking it at the time.
---[X] In the event this causes a fuss, just be calm about it and accept that Homura has some Pretty Good Reasons to be annoyed at you for not sharing information about Walpurgisnacht with Akemi Homura.
---[X] Walpurgisnacht is vastly more powerful than they believe, but also insane in a way that allows it to be killed.
----[X] Lay out Walpurgisnacht's obsession with drama and its ability to no-sell whatever it pleases.
-----[X] Tragic loops mean a tragic stage on which Walpurgisnacht chooses to be invincible.
-----[X] All previous damage has been inflicted at its pleasure.
-----[X] Madoka is the only person who has ever killed it and she does it via trope: "the self-sacrificing pure-hearted heroine." The intent, action, and paid cost (her life) are what have made this possible in the past, not some special power.
//First part of this line is for Mami's benefit -- she doesn't know anything about previous WPN fights
------[X] We have better options because Mitakihara does not need to be a tragedy.
-------[X] Key points:
--------[X] Don't let anyone die.
--------[X] Help others overcome their major problems.
--------[X] PLAN FOR THE FUTURE so that Walpurgisnacht is not "The End."
--------[X] A full plan for fighting Walpurgisnacht can never work because dramatically, plans go wrong. But having cards to turn over for the fight helps.
---------[X] At this point only one weapon has ever killed Walpurgisnacht. It would be best to have That Bow for the fight, but without Madoka contracting. Homura did mention she needed a nonlethal option, and you think it should be possible.

[X] You haven't previously contested Kyubey's claim to only speak the truth. From a human perspective, it is willing to tell outright lies: it's a lie to take something you know is surely impossible and frame it as possible, and it's done exactly that to kill Kyouko before. You have no hard evidence of it ever, say, blatantly claiming something real doesn't exist -- but it has essentially infinite experience compared to us, we have no functional way of knowing whether or not it's effectively lying at any given time, only the constant knowledge that it wants us dead and doesn't give a damn about what's right or wrong.

[X] Kyubey wanted Mami alone and dependent on it, and it certainly had the means to achieve that. What little information you have pertinent to that should come another time as part of a different topic, but -- there might be value to reexamining the various losses she suffered? You seriously doubt Kyubey didn't abet any of them, and if that information could change anything...

Sorry @Kaizuki I kinda... well no, I pretty much stole your vote, but I felt as though Homura should be given the option to hear this tonight, instead of us just springing this on her.

Feel free to completely steal this vote if you want BTW
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Wait... how does bringing up WPN tie into helping Homurs social again??

Seems sorta abrupt.... I think I'm missing something with how fast posts go in this quest at times.
I don't think the "inform" approach to WPN is the right way to go. Let me offer yet another alternative.

[X] Hugs and follow-ups , now that the major portion of our talk is over with.
[X] A few mostly unrelated points we wish to go over.

-[X] Walpurgisnacht.
--[X] Sabrina's metaknowledge and Homura's experience have a lot of overlaps, but it's likely neither of us have the whole story on our own. We should set up a time to do full information sharing.
---[X] The more of our friends we can involve in that the better, since they'll notice things neither Homura nor Sabrina might have thought of and prompt us to share things we might not have thought were important.
----[X] Our friends have different infohazard clearance, so the actual discussion's likely going to need some slightly complicated structure
-----[X] Maybe a privacy bubble inside timestop we can walk in and out of when an infohazard comes up? Maybe something like Nico's memory device to automate the censoring? We should give it some thought.

-[X] Kyubey
--[X] Is everyone here familiar with how "lying with the truth" works?
---[X] If not, explain the concept. This is important.
---[X] We know a tactic Kyubey has used in the past, specifically on our friends, is to say something that's "technically" true, but which gives the exact opposite impression of what the situation really is.
----[X] We're aware of at least one timeline where that sort of lie was used to kill Kyoko. Afterward, Kyubey admitted that was precisely what he was doing and why he did it.
----[X] There are other examples.
--[X] If Kyubey tells you something, it should always be your first impulse to wonder what he's deliberately leaving out.
---[X] Talk to other people and get confirmation of anything he says before believing anything, because even if his exact words are technically true, they are still calculated to deceive.
I like Angrygenius plan
[X] Angrygenius

Also I had a somewhat silly thought experiment around Walpurgis.
What if we can somehow keep it upright?
I was thinking of experimenting with Mami's Ribbons and some kind of adhesive. How 'sticky' is grief? Or is it the opposite and decreases friction?
Maybe we can capture Walpurgis or at least tie it upright to slow down the destruction.
Finally since Walpurgis seems to be immune to physics perhaps the right emotion like hope will overpower it? At the very least it might cause some confusion if we can make it into a weapon (a very Madoka thing to do, weaponized hope, friendship or love)

Edit, thanks Nerevar
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