If we do run into homucifer I'm voting for hugs and "mom" shenanigans.

Looking forward to Sabrina's thought process next up date. :V
Thank you for sharing this with us. I'll make sure to purge any jokes votes from my mind and vote completely seriously and responsibly when that time comes.

PSA: "I've finally... caught you."
Sad as it might seem, Homucifer gets NO HUGS.
Not even if she confesses to actually be Sabrina's mom and regreting her actions and wanting a second chance with her and all that stuff that would make this quest super easy were it true.
is it even possible to beat homucifer? I mean she is a god class entity. I'm honestly lost at how to beat her barring deledore coming out to play and even then i don't like the odds.
Oriko and Kirika, first meetings pt. III
In the absence of an update, have this little thing I whipped up for Page 2100.

"How has your day been?"

Kirika looked up from the cake. The girl, Mikuni, was staring across the table, that same careful smile visible on her face. She'd been silent practically since they'd pulled the cake out of the oven… and frankly, she couldn't blame her. This whole thing was… weird. She couldn't blame her for wanting some small talk.

"Well, uh…" Kirika said, scratching her head. The honest truth was, until she'd met the girl, it'd been a rather normal day. Get out of bed, throw on the uniform, read shoujo-ai instead of listening in class, bluff her way through discussions, eat lunch in one of the emptier classrooms (hard in a school made mostly from glass), read more shoujo-ai, go home. None of that stuff sounded all that interesting - well, except for the stuff that sounded weird. Eventually, she mumbled out an answer. "I guess until you showed up, it was pretty regular, you know. I went to school, and I left school, and… that's about it, I guess."

Mikuni nodded, seemingly understanding her meaning. "It sounds rather dull."

"It… kinda is, yeah." Kirika said this in spite of herself. Her ears burned, and she decided to focus her attention on the cake instead.

Mikuni seemed to take this in stride. "Ah, well. School can be like that. Have you been reading anything lately?"

Kirika swallowed her mouthful of cake. Okay, Kirika. This is your chance. Don't blow it. Don't say you haven't been reading anything. This is a classy girl. You gotta show her your stuff if you wanna be friends with her. Maybe more. But friends are okay. Just name something she'll find impressive.

"I've been reading some… Shakespeare, yannow? I mean, yeah, Shakespeare, hoo boy, what a great guy. He was so smart and stuff." She waved it off, casually.

"Which is your favorite play?" Mikuni said, leaning forward with a smile.

"Favorite… play…?"

"Mine is Twelfth Night. I believe Shakespeare's comedies are dreadfully underrated," Mikuni continued. She stood, assuming a mock-dramatic position, and began pontificating. "Cesario, by the roses of the spring, By maidenhood, honor, truth, and everything, I love thee so, that, maugre all thy pride, Nor wit nor reason can my passion hide. Do not extort thy reasons from this clause, For that I woo, though therefor hast no cause; But rather reason thus with reason fetter: Love sought is good, but given unsought is better."

Kirika goggled at the other girl as she resumed her seat. "Okay, uh… I don't actually know any Shakespeare. I, uh… I made that up because I wanted to sound smart. I've, uh, been… reading… Crimson Lily Confession." At those last words, she fixed her gaze firmly on her own knees, and began shoveling what remained on her plate into her mouth.

A few seconds later, she felt a finger on her chin, pulling her up. She followed the finger, lifting her eyes from the plate to the sea-green eyes of the other girl. She was smiling, cheerfully amused. "Kirika… there is no shame in what you like. And in any case, not every work has to be Shakespeare. After all, I find that 'Even if you cannot remember our feelings, even if we are trapped here forever, I will always protect you!' is a perfectly serviceable bit of dialogue."

Kirika's eyes narrowed for a second… then grew very wide. "Wait a minute, you read Crimson Lily Confession? You? You… like that sort of stuff?"

Oriko gave a rather casual shrug. "Naturally. I do wish they'd just go out and say it, instead of dancing around the issue. It is in the title, after all."

Kirika's eyes gleamed. "Oh, yeah, I hate it when they do that! It's like, come on, they hug, they keep talking about how special they are and about how it's destiny, but come on, when are they just gonna make out or whatever? It's really…" She realized what she was saying, and immediately shrank back. "Uh. Sorry. I'm… yeah, I don't really get to talk to this stuff about people a whole lot, yannow?"

Mikuni chuckled. "Oh, you have no idea. I still have a collection under my mattress. Most of the crowds I used to rub shoulders with were not the most approving sorts." She sighed. "At least I know one person who enjoys them."

Kirika felt a grin creeping across her cheeks… then her ears picked up on something.

"Wait a minute…" she muttered. "I mean, uh, forgive me for asking, but… used to?"

At that question, Oriko visibly blanched again. Kirika shook her head, frantically adding, "But it's okay if you don't wanna say it, I mean, I guess if it's a sensitive…"

"No, no," Oriko muttered to herself, her fingers resting on her temple. "I knew you would have to ask eventually." She took a deep breath, and continued, in a somewhat firmer tone than before.

"My father, you see, was Senator Hisaomi Mikuni. As his daughter, I was the center at much of my school. I had high standards, and I was determined to meet them. The people around me certainly seemed to appreciate me being there." She sighed wistfully. "Then my father was convicted of… well, you can read it on the news if you want the full story. He… he took his own life." At those last words, she brushed her eyes. Kirika just listened, amazed and aghast.

Oriko shook her head, and continued. "After he died… I stayed. I had to be the one to shoulder his burden, and his crime. And nobody… nobody came to my defense. Nobody, not at school, nor at home. My friends turned their backs, my teachers refused me, all the old contacts my family had built up… none of them wanted anything to do with me. I was on my own. I would watch every news report… and I would realize that few of them ever mentioned me by name. It was always 'Mikuni's daughter.'" She smiled bitterly. "No wonder nobody came to me. Who would protect the shadow of a guilty man?"

Kirika finally spoke up. "No, that's not true! You… you're not in anybody's shadow, you're great! You're smart, and you're nice, and…" She shut her eyes, trying to think of what to say. "Look, just because people leave you, that doesn't mean it's over! People are fickle, and if they didn't care about you for you, then that's their problem, not yours!" She felt shocked at her own words, but she found her mouth continuing. "It's… I never heard of any of that stuff about your dad, and I still care about you. I don't know you, but I still care about you. Because you cared about me."

Finally, she seemed to be able to keep a lid on her mouth. Where had that come from? She barely knew this girl. What was she, some crazy love freak? Why did she care at all? Slowly, she opened her eyes, expecting to see the other girl looking bewildered or reaching for her cellphone or something like that.

Instead, Oriko's eyes shone with tears. "Thank you," she murmured. "You… you have no idea what it means to me, to hear that. I… I…" She wiped her own eyes. "I have to tell you something. I… I have to tell you why I contacted you to begin with."

"What?" Kirika was just shocked the other girl wasn't making a break for it, but instead seemed interested in continuing. Oriko, for her part, just resumed talking.

"Yesterday, our house was vandalized. You yourself saw the damage. And I… I was sitting in the attic, wrapped in a blanket, just waiting for it to end. And… and I spent a lot of time thinking. Wondering about who I was. What my purpose was. If I had anything to me that was truly mine. And… something I never expected, not in my wildest dreams, happened."

"You humans rarely do expect me."

Kirika jumped in her seat. "What was that? Did you hear that? What is… what's that voice? It – it was in my head!"

Oriko, on the other hand, merely glared at the windowsill. "Well, come out, then, You have been listening, then?"

"I don't understand why one would want to keep this private, or the need for such ceremony," the voice continued. "After all…"

A white creature hopped upon the windowsill, resembling nothing less than a hybrid of cat, squirrel, and rabbit. Its eyes, glassy and red, made contact with Kirika's as she backed away against the wall. "I find that my own appearance is often sufficient for a contract."

"Kirika…" Oriko said, still gazing at the creature with some wariness, "this is Kyubey. He… is a creature of magic."

"M-magic?" Kirika shook her head, shocked. "But that's – what is – how is that –"

Oriko continued. "Kyubey, you see, is a creature who offers a bargain, to girls of our age. It is a bargain for a single, solitary wish. In exchange…" She lifted her right hand, revealing a silver ring set with a white gemstone. In an instant, the ring glowed, and reformed in her hands, a light object resembling an egg. "This was created," she said, holding the object with care. "My Soul Gem. It carries everything of me. It fuels my body and my mind. And…"

Suddenly, the Soul Gem flashed with a bright white light. Kirika felt the urge to cover her eyes, but kept them fixed on the other girl, as her stockings extended into long white boots, as her short red skirt exploded into a sea of white folds like a bridal gown, the top melted into the gown as a set of buttons studded its front and a pair of large cuffs adorned the wrists, and a ruff and a shawl blossomed from her collar before being affixed in place by the same grey gem. The band holding her hair in its sidetail evaporated, letting it drape down her back, before a massive hat, resembling a mitre if not for the massive tassels extending from its back, grew from the crown of her head.

Oriko's eyes opened. "When I made a contract, I became something greater than a human. Greater, and more terrible." She stepped forward, now seeming even taller than Kirika, who was currently hunched against the wall and trying to process what was going on. At this point, the two were so close that Kirika could practically hear her breathing.

"I became a magical girl, Kirika. And the reason I came to you is to say… you can, too."
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In the absence of an update, have this little thing I whipped up for Page 2100.

"How has your day been?"

Kirika looked up from the cake. The girl, Mikuni, was staring across the table, that same careful smile visible on her face. She'd been silent practically since they'd pulled the cake out of the oven… and frankly, she couldn't blame her. This whole thing was… weird. She couldn't blame her for wanting some small talk.

"Well, uh…" Kirika said, scratching her head. The honest truth was, until she'd met the girl, it'd been a rather normal day. Get out of bed, throw on the uniform, read shoujo-ai instead of listening in class, bluff her way through discussions, eat lunch in one of the emptier classrooms (hard in a school made mostly from glass), read more shoujo-ai, go home. None of that stuff sounded all that interesting - well, except for the stuff that sounded weird. Eventually, she mumbled out an answer. "I guess until you showed up, it was pretty regular, you know. I went to school, and I left school, and… that's about it, I guess."

Mikuni nodded, seemingly understanding her meaning. "It sounds rather dull."

"It… kinda is, yeah." Kirika said this in spite of herself. Her ears burned, and she decided to focus her attention on the cake instead.

Mikuni seemed to take this in stride. "Ah, well. School can be like that. Have you been reading anything lately?"

Kirika swallowed her mouthful of cake. Okay, Kirika. This is your chance. Don't blow it. Don't say you haven't been reading anything. This is a classy girl. You gotta show her your stuff if you wanna be friends with her. Maybe more. But friends are okay. Just name something she'll find impressive.

"I've been reading some… Shakespeare, yannow? I mean, yeah, Shakespeare, hoo boy, what a great guy. He was so smart and stuff." She waved it off, casually.

"Which is your favorite play?" Mikuni said, leaning forward with a smile.

"Favorite… play…?"

"Mine is Twelfth Night. I believe Shakespeare's comedies are dreadfully underrated," Mikuni continued. She stood, assuming a mock-dramatic position, and began pontificating. "Cesario, by the roses of the spring, By maidenhood, honor, truth, and everything, I love thee so, that, maugre all thy pride, Nor wit nor reason can my passion hide. Do not extort thy reasons from this clause, For that I woo, though therefor hast no cause; But rather reason thus with reason fetter: Love sought is good, but given unsought is better."

Kirika goggled at the other girl as she resumed her seat. "Okay, uh… I don't actually know any Shakespeare. I, uh… I made that up because I wanted to sound smart. I've, uh, been… reading… Crimson Lily Confession." At those last words, she fixed her gaze firmly on her own knees, and began shoveling what remained on her plate into her mouth.

A few seconds later, she felt a finger on her chin, pulling her up. She followed the finger, lifting her eyes from the plate to the sea-green eyes of the other girl. She was smiling, cheerfully amused. "Kirika… there is no shame in what you like. And in any case, not every work has to be Shakespeare. After all, I find that 'Even if you cannot remember our feelings, even if we are trapped here forever, I will always protect you!' is a perfectly serviceable bit of dialogue."

Kirika's eyes narrowed for a second… then grew very wide. "Wait a minute, you read Crimson Lily Confession? You? You… like that sort of stuff?"

Oriko gave a rather casual shrug. "Naturally. I do wish they'd just go out and say it, instead of dancing around the issue. It is in the title, after all."

Kirika's eyes gleamed. "Oh, yeah, I hate it when they do that! It's like, come on, they hug, they keep talking about how special they are and about how it's destiny, but come on, when are they just gonna make out or whatever? It's really…" She realized what she was saying, and immediately shrank back. "Uh. Sorry. I'm… yeah, I don't really get to talk to this stuff about people a whole lot, yannow?"

Mikuni chuckled. "Oh, you have no idea. I still have a collection under my mattress. Most of the crowds I used to rub shoulders with were not the most approving sorts." She sighed. "At least I know one person who enjoys them."

Kirika felt a grin creeping across her cheeks… then her ears picked up on something.

"Wait a minute…" she muttered. "I mean, uh, forgive me for asking, but… used to?"

At that question, Oriko visibly blanched again. Kirika shook her head, frantically adding, "But it's okay if you don't wanna say it, I mean, I guess if it's a sensitive…"

"No, no," Oriko muttered to herself, her fingers resting on her temple. "I knew you would have to ask eventually." She took a deep breath, and continued, in a somewhat firmer tone than before.

"My father, you see, was Senator Hisaomi Mikuni. As his daughter, I was the center at much of my school. I had high standards, and I was determined to meet them. The people around me certainly seemed to appreciate me being there." She sighed wistfully. "Then my father was convicted of… well, you can read it on the news if you want the full story. He… he took his own life." At those last words, she brushed her eyes. Kirika just listened, amazed and aghast.

Oriko shook her head, and continued. "After he died… I stayed. I had to be the one to shoulder his burden, and his crime. And nobody… nobody came to my defense. Nobody, not at school, nor at home. My friends turned their backs, my teachers refused me, all the old contacts my family had built up… none of them wanted anything to do with me. I was on my own. I would watch every news report… and I would realize that few of them ever mentioned me by name. It was always 'Mikuni's daughter.'" She smiled bitterly. "No wonder nobody came to me. Who would protect the shadow of a guilty man?"

Kirika finally spoke up. "No, that's not true! You… you're not in anybody's shadow, you're great! You're smart, and you're nice, and…" She shut her eyes, trying to think of what to say. "Look, just because people leave you, that doesn't mean it's over! People are fickle, and if they didn't care about you for you, then that's their problem, not yours!" She felt shocked at her own words, but she found her mouth continuing. "It's… I never heard of any of that stuff about your dad, and I still care about you. I don't know you, but I still care about you. Because you cared about me."

Finally, she seemed to be able to keep a lid on her mouth. Where had that come from? She barely knew this girl. What was she, some crazy love freak? Why did she care at all? Slowly, she opened her eyes, expecting to see the other girl looking bewildered or reaching for her cellphone or something like that.

Instead, Oriko's eyes shone with tears. "Thank you," she murmured. "You… you have no idea what it means to me, to hear that. I… I…" She wiped her own eyes. "I have to tell you something. I… I have to tell you why I contacted you to begin with."

"What?" Kirika was just shocked the other girl wasn't making a break for it, but instead seemed interested in continuing. Oriko, for her part, just resumed talking.

"Yesterday, our house was vandalized. You yourself saw the damage. And I… I was sitting in the attic, wrapped in a blanket, just waiting for it to end. And… and I spent a lot of time thinking. Wondering about who I was. What my purpose was. If I had anything to me that was truly mine. And… something I never expected, not in my wildest dreams, happened."

"You humans rarely do expect me."

Kirika jumped in her seat. "What was that? Did you hear that? What is… what's that voice? It – it was in my head!"

Oriko, on the other hand, merely glared at the windowsill. "Well, come out, then, You have been listening, then?"

"I don't understand why one would want to keep this private, or the need for such ceremony," the voice continued. "After all…"

A white creature hopped upon the windowsill, resembling nothing less than a hybrid of cat, squirrel, and rabbit. Its eyes, glassy and red, made contact with Kirika's as she backed away against the wall. "I find that my own appearance is often sufficient for a contract."

"Kirika…" Oriko said, still gazing at the creature with some wariness, "this is Kyubey. He… is a creature of magic."

"M-magic?" Kirika shook her head, shocked. "But that's – what is – how is that –"

Oriko continued. "Kyubey, you see, is a creature who offers a bargain, to girls of our age. It is a bargain for a single, solitary wish. In exchange…" She lifted her right hand, revealing a silver ring set with a white gemstone. In an instant, the ring glowed, and reformed in her hands, a light object resembling an egg. "This was created," she said, holding the object with care. "My Soul Gem. It carries everything of me. It fuels my body and my mind. And…"

Suddenly, the Soul Gem flashed with a bright white light. Kirika felt the urge to cover her eyes, but kept them fixed on the other girl, as her stockings extended into long white boots, as her short red skirt exploded into a sea of white folds like a bridal gown, the top melted into the gown as a set of buttons studded its front and a pair of large cuffs adorned the wrists, and a ruff and a shawl blossomed from her collar before being affixed in place by the same grey gem. The band holding her hair in its sidetail evaporated, letting it drape down her back, before a massive hat, resembling a mitre if not for the massive tassels extending from its back, grew from the crown of her head.

Oriko's eyes opened. "When I made a contract, I became something greater than a human. Greater, and more terrible." She stepped forward, now seeming even taller than Kirika, who was currently hunched against the wall and trying to process what was going on. At this point, the two were so close that Kirika could practically hear her breathing.

"I became a magical girl, Kirika. And the reason I came to you is to say… you can, too."
So this is how Kirika contracted eh? Good job mr bad guy, good job.
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We can sense meguca. You're telling us that Kirika snuck into our barrier, without our invitation (worrying in itself) without being noticed by us or Mami and got back. ... Right.
To be fair, Oriko's always suspect simply because her magic's so very strong. I wouldn't be completely surprised it if it results she simply took a long pinioned black feather and dropped it over the right air current at just the right time for it to be carried to the exact right spot at the exact right time for it to look like it popped out of our Barrier.

Which may have saved our lives as only one of her feathers got through before we closed the way.
That just sounds hilarious in my mind.

Feathers: "Choke on these feathers... AND DIE!"


*Hurricane of feathers*

Sabrina: "Ack! A... Choo! What t-" *coughing fit*

Mami: "Sab-" *Cough* "Sabrina! Where are you!"

Sabrina: "Over- Agh! Pthu! Blegh! One got in my mouth!"

Mami: *Finds Sabrina in the feather storm* "Sabrina!" *Hug*

Sabrina: "Hey Mami..." *Hugs back* "Sorry for getting you caught up in the worst assassination attempt ever."

Mami: "...?" *Shakes head* "Let's just get out of here."


Feathers: "... Worst att... Grrr... Guess who's not getting invited to my birthday party? Eh?... Who am I kidding, it's so lonely in here..."
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To be fair, Oriko's always suspect simply because her magic's so very strong. I wouldn't be completely surprised it if it results she simply took a long pinioned black feather and dropped it over the right air current at just the right time for it to be carried to the exact right spot at the exact right time for it to look like it popped out of our Barrier.

She's not Contessa.

So, Homucifer decides to punish Sabrina by kissing Sayaka? That's a very odd hypothesis.
Indeed. I cannot figure out why Sayaka would have been Kissed. If "Feathers" is Homucifer, I would expect her to either care about Sayaka and not put her into danger, or else to treat her as a threat and end her permanently. And if "Feathers" is not Homucifer, why would it care about Sayaka at all? I don't have any good explanations for this. It's possible that "Feathers" wanted Sayaka to be Kissed but not permanently harmed (i.e. she knew that we would save Sayaka), but since we don't know why she would do such a thing, that doesn't really work as a complete explanation.

The only person that I can think of who has a motive for harming Sayaka and who might be limited in this way is Kyuubey. But (as far as I know) his actions should have been predicted by Oriko. But maybe not. Maybe we should ask Oriko if she can reliably predict Kyuubey's actions. If Kyuubey is capable of tricking Oriko's precognition and was the behind Elsa Maria's appearance and Sayaka's Kiss, then "Feathers" actions may have been counter-interference that was intended to save Sayaka.

To be fair, Oriko's always suspect simply because her magic's so very strong. I wouldn't be completely surprised it if it results she simply took a long pinioned black feather and dropped it over the right air current at just the right time for it to be carried to the exact right spot at the exact right time for it to look like it popped out of our Barrier.
We have to consider her as a suspect, sure. But Oriko playing us for a fool here would require all of the following to be true.
1. Oriko is such a consummate actor that she can convincingly pretend to be a poor actor.
2. Oriko is an extremely effective planner, but she can convincingly pretend to be a poor planner.
3. Oriko's precognition is nigh unlimited, but she can convincingly pretend that it's flawed.
4. Oriko is able to arrange (or take advantage) of a witch to showing up a day early and acting unlike a normal witch to Kiss Sayaka.
5. Oriko is able to create a super-magical Feather that appears normal but causes invisitext to appear when we interact with it.
6. Oriko can act against us so either her motives are actually pure (which is hard to imagine given the damage that would cause) or else she is capable of pretending so well that it even affected our perception of her from the Manga about her.

Is this possible? Theoretically, I suppose. But if Oriko is this powerful and she is opposing us then there is no point in continuing the Quest. She won before we even began. No. The simpler explanation is that Oriko is on the level with us, at least when it comes to the Feather and Sayaka's Kiss.
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She's not Contessa.

Thankfully, no. Contessa gets a step by step plan with explanations.

Oriko, I think she can see branching paths of possible futures, but the paths get too numerous the further into the future she wants to see, so she's limited to predicting the near future, and the far future only for things that are most sure to happen.

Is that right?

Indeed. I cannot figure out why Sayaka would have been Kissed.
Sayaka's love life in a nutshell.
is it even possible to beat homucifer? I mean she is a god class entity. I'm honestly lost at how to beat her barring deledore coming out to play and even then i don't like the odds.
Basically I see three possibilities in that event, diplomacy, Madoka wish, and becoming Dedolere.

Diplomacy requires negotiating with a crazy woman powerful enough to rewrite the universe. Madoka wish basically means giving up on the idea that we can break the system and that her wish in the last timeline didn't partially or fully reset her Karmic potential. Dedolere we know for sure is in the right weight class to compete, but unless we can boot strap our way into controlling our own witch just replaces one horror with another.
Dedolere we know for sure is in the right weight class to compete, but unless we can boot strap our way into controlling our own witch just replaces one horror with another.
Again. Only way Dedolere could be considered 'useful' is as a threat (bluff). If Feathers knows us well enough to know we won't destroy the World, then not even that.

Basically I see three possibilities in that event, diplomacy, Madoka wish, and becoming Dedolere.
Eh, if we manage to cooperate with the right megucas, we might actually get some OP magicks going on.

Plus, if it turns out the Barrier didn't actually help Feathers enact her will on this World, and she simply wanted us to stop using them, we might be able to resume Barrier research. If we could draw Feathers into our Barrier, we would hold a rather important advantage in terms of terrain.
Unrelated to the current alarm:

Ono needs cleansing.
Kyousuke needs healing.
We need to tell Mami about metaknowledge.
We need to talk to Madoka and Sayaka about themselves.
Eh, if we manage to cooperate with the right megucas, we might actually get some OP magicks going on.
Maybe, but if Feathers is Homura we're dealing with a being capable of rewriting the entire universe. Maybe Kirika can bring her down to our level with her anti-magic.

Then again it assumes she can't just Mind Whammy us like she did Sayaka.
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Maybe, but if Feathers is Homura we're dealing with a being capable of rewriting the entire universe..
If Feathers can rewrite the universe at a whim, we've got something like no chance unless we get some pretty amazing breakthroughs with our magical tinkering.

Obviously, there's limits to Feathers.

What I want is megucas that can create things, and megucas that can modify things. Get come conceptual bullshit going on at some point.
Then again it assumes she can't just Mind Whammy us like she did Sayaka.
Our minds are in a different Universe which Homucifer (presumably) cannot reach. But she's dangerous enough even without that; I'd prefer not to fight at all if we can help it. Ultimately, Homucifer wants the same thing we do - safety and happiness for Madoka. We just take that idea a little bit further.
Our minds are in a different Universe which Homucifer (presumably) cannot reach. But she's dangerous enough even without that; I'd prefer not to fight at all if we can help it. Ultimately, Homucifer wants the same thing we do - safety and happiness for Madoka. We just take that idea a little bit further.
That's a good point.

Like I said diplomacy is definitely on the table. It's just really really hard because at this point she's just shy of Annie Wilkes with godlike powers.
I really don't think this manner was particularly impossible. For just a few alternate theories... I've already talked about Oriko being duplicitous, of course. It doesn't seem particularly implausible for Feathers to be able to influence Witches independent of our creating Barriers; as to why Oriko didn't spot it, perhaps Feathers has Oriko-jamming powers similar to ours (in fact, Feathers is very likely the IC reason we have those) or perhaps Feathers only decided to do that in response to our own unpredictable actions. It could be that Kyubey was concerned by our first Barrier creation, and since we refused to talk to him about it he decided to scare us out of the idea after he saw the second Barrier. (Which, again, would get around Oriko.)

It is indeed possible that this is the work of Kyubey, or that Oriko is being duplicitous.

But what if it's not? Assume that Oriko is telling the truth. One second, the future was going along like normal, and the next, a witch is suddenly in Mitakihara earlier than it should be, and Sayaka is also not where she should be.

If this was because something had been obscuring Oriko's sight, why did it suddenly lift at the exact moment we took down our barrier? More likely, at the moment we took down our barrier, Feathers was able to act, or finished acting. If a witch is somewhere one moment, and then somewhere else the next, either it was teleported to the new place, or timey wimey shenanigans were involved. Given that we're assuming Feathers is responsible for the Witch movements, and that Feathers messes with Oriko's visions regarding the future... You think it's likelier Feathers has teleportation or time powers?

Feathers can mess with time. Or possibly dimensional possibilities. Even the chance that our creating a barrier is what allowed this to happen means that we can never play with barrier again until we're certain we can protect our friends from this. Sayaka was retroactively put in danger. She was literally retconned into danger. I don't want our next friend to be retroactively killed. No barriers until we figure this out, or we find that Feathers can affect the world in a similarly hax way no matter what we do, whether or not we continue using barriers.
I don't want our next friend to be retroactively killed.
How about the next friend after that one?

We have to consider her as a suspect, sure. But Oriko playing us for a fool here would require all of the following to be true.
1. Oriko is such a consummate actor that she can convincingly pretend to be a poor actor.
2. Oriko is an extremely effective planner, but she can convincingly pretend to be a poor planner.
3. Oriko's precognition is nigh unlimited, but she can convincingly pretend that it's flawed.
4. Oriko is able to arrange (or take advantage) of a witch to showing up a day early and acting unlike a normal witch to Kiss Sayaka.
5. Oriko is able to create a super-magical Feather that appears normal but causes invisitext to appear when we interact with it.
6. Oriko can act against us so either her motives are actually pure (which is hard to imagine given the damage that would cause) or else she is capable of pretending so well that it even affected our perception of her from the Manga about her.

Is this possible? Theoretically, I suppose. But if Oriko is this powerful and she is opposing us then there is no point in continuing the Quest. She won before we even began. No. The simpler explanation is that Oriko is on the level with us, at least when it comes to the Feather and Sayaka's Kiss.
Sorry for the late answer, but while it's all very implausible, I'll still hold onto the idea that, as much as I'm rather sure we can trust Oriko, she's pretty damn formidable, and could be pulling one over us in some way. Just, you know, to be mentally prepared in case of shenanigans.

About this list: I'll easily give her points 1 and 2 and half of point 3 (pretense). Point 4 she could accomplish if she's been lying from the start. Point 5 is actually the most actually impossible one, I think. Oriko doesn't have enough time as a meguca to fool Mami and Homura like that.

And there would be a point. Oriko's not an undefeatable opponent, even working from within. We'd just have to be able to pick up enough hints to realize the deception.
I'm not convinced Oriko is screwing with us. I know she has a thing for convoluted plots but this would really be too much.

We need more info, promising not to make more barriers I feel has really tied our hands here. We need to know if and how our barrier interacts with Feathers. We need to know if we or Homura is feathers and god knows how we'd find that out before it becomes a problem.

We still need to deal with Ono. We can't blow her off. Not if she's as green and distraught as we suspect.

But first we need to end this convo without setting everything on fire with our inner circle. Somehow this feels harder than saving the world. Why are we so bad at this?
I'm not convinced Oriko is screwing with us. I know she has a thing for convoluted plots but this would really be too much.
No, no. I'm pretty much convinced Oriko is not screwing with us, at least not at an important level. I just don't want to forget she was put here as our first main antagonist, and that she's crazy.

But first we need to end this convo without setting everything on fire with our inner circle. Somehow this feels harder than saving the world. Why are we so bad at this?
Ah, don't feel bad. It's just that we're shooting for the moon. If we had smaller hopes, we probably would be doing 'better' in a way.

It'd be easier: Just do as Homura does and simplify things; don't try to save Oriko and Kirika and we probably wouldn't be doubting whether Homura's doubting us right now; don't put so much effort into helping the Sendai girls and just steamroll over them and recruit the UG to keep them in check; hell, take Homura's invitation at the start instead of Mami's, let Sayaka contract to help Mami's lonely issues instead and, if Mami gets bombed, deal with it as it happens instead of all the contingencies we're trying to keep up.

I don't know how that path would look towards the endgame, but it'd be easier until then. Then again, I don't think we'd like it as much as our current path.
Somehow this feels harder than saving the world. Why are we so bad at this?
Firnagzen has made combat easy in this Quest:
We just attacked Elsa Maria, a witch who seriously injured Sayaka in canon. Sayaka only survived because she turned her pain off and had a wish boosted healing factor. In addition, an extra-dimensional force which is capable of messing with precognition and time travel was involved in the summoning of the Witch and could easily have boosted its abilities. Yet we barged into the barrier without checking for any traps and with no preparation, no plan, no armor, and none of our special combat abilities. And yet the witch was a pushover and gave us no difficulty whatsoever. That combat situation was way easier than it had any right to be. And the same holds true (to a slightly lesser extent) for all of the past combat situations faced in this quest.

But when it comes to social situations, things are very different. Mami reacted by having an emotional breakdown and trying to send us away when we told her the truth about soul gems. Akiko (who had previously seemed quite rational and level-headed) had a breakdown and refused to deal at all reasonably when we tried to arrange a diplomatic solution to the Sendai conflict. Mami and Homura reacted in shock when we used witchy weapons in combat despite the fact that we had used witchy weapons in the past and we had previously warned them that we would be doing so. Homura often refuses to say what's actually on her mind. Mami had a breakdown earlier today that required a visit to the nurse's office and caused amnesia and we still don't know why it happened. We tried to show Mami our Barrier, but rather than explaining to her what we were going to do ahead of time (like I would have expected us to do), Firnagzen had us go ahead and spent 30 minutes in a fugue state causing Mami to nearly witchout.

We have had some successes, but many of those required extreme actions on our part to pull off. We befriended Oriko, but that required us to threaten to turn Kirika into a witch. There may have been a more peaceful way to pull that off, but as I read back over that chapter I can't see it. Oriko was being stubborn beyond belief considering that her life and Kirika's were hanging in the balance. In a different situation, we made friends with Masami and Hiroko, but that situation involved Lichbombing Rin and (accidentally) ganking her soul gem. The Sendai conflict was resolved reasonably well, but only after a battle that resulted in the deaths of three civilians.

It's less that we're bad at social situations and more that Firnagzen makes social situations really really difficult, often relying on details that are hard to notice ahead of time. This has naturally resulted in us being paranoid about social situations, but it hasn't made us notably better at them.
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We just attacked Elsa Maria, a witch who seriously injured Sayaka in canon. Sayaka only survived because she turned her pain off and had a wish boosted healing factor.
IIRC, wasn't Elsa Maria post Lich- or Witch-bomb for Sayaka? At that point she didn't give a damn, willingly tanking any injury she suffered and generally disregarding any tactics other than rushing straight in and bashing things to death with her cutlass.
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