Interesting peek behind the scenes. So basically Heroes emerge when times are troubled?I roll for "Challenges" of the age, and when I get sufficient interesting numbers in a tight cluster I will interpret that as a hero unit emerging.
See above. The star-axe (both times) was one of them.
So does that mean for Nomad diplomacy we're basically generating diplomacy points with particular lineages rather than with the whole? And so we get friendly nomads with a friendly lineage takes power?DP are a theocracy with vassalage, yes. Thunder Horse and the nomads in general are normally chaotic with no central leadership, but have a high hero unit generation and have objects that can generate legitimacy for them to have lineages of more powerful leaders.
Heh, though their access to silver and lead, as well as enough copper to completely change their tool base to metal points to them being a settled people with the ability to dedicate a big chunk of their population to extracting ore and obtaining the fuel for that.You have yet to find it, if it even exists (they may very well be a collection of people who follow a similar lifestyle like the nomads, you don't know). You just traded the shit out of their neighbours and periphery who had lots of metal from trade with the source.
Huh, got the direction wrong. Worth checking out anyway.Hmmm... the paths have generally been closed off due to the growth of other groups, but it is to the south of the Highland Kingdom, so send a trade route there first to potentially find out more. Or send one Into the Wild and hope for the best.
Could be the people the WC originally got their textiles from!
Seems about reasonable to me.So, I'm looking at what we should be doing next turn, based on what we've been talking about, our current stats, our new hero's stats, and the new government type. This is all pretty malleable based on what happens, but I'm thinking this:
[FUT][Main] Build Wall - Lower Valleyhome
[FUT][Secondary] Trade Mission - Highland Kingdom / Thunderhorse
[FUT][Secondary] Expand Farms / Expand Fishing
So, the logic here is that the village chiefs should take care of minor walls around their settlements. It's prudent and seems like something they would do. However, Lower Valleyhome is right in the firing line. It needs a wall like Redshore(which ironically never needed it), especially if the DP come in force. Next up, if we are sporting a Trader Hero Chief, we should use him and get the most out of it. Firming up our ties with the Thunderhorse for more than just a generation or two is absolutely necessary if we are even thinking about conflict with the Dead Priests; a conflict that is looking ever more likely, even if we don't start it. Equally, setting up or sealing ties with our southern neighbors is also fairly necessary. Not to be cold, but they're our best meatshield. (Edit: According to AN, we have a chance of finding that elusive volcano if we go that way.) Finally, we do need to keep our Econ up. While we can certainly go towards zero, our people have become inured to a ridiculous abundance of food. This will only get worse as our population starts living longer with the lack of certain diseases. With a war in the wings that will be eating up a secondary action, we should aim to keep our econ up/raise it while we can.
I would continue on to do the next turn after or two, but I've realized that it's entirely useless to do so. Too much happens and the dice are fickle creatures.
The thing is that it gets clunkier and clunkier to say, and so the qualifier will fall out of use over time.Nah, using King will make people think "other kings have theirs sons become kings" so i want to avoid that, we need a title specific to out people and system of life, like Superior High-Chief, Supreme High Chief, Chief of High Chiefs...
Way I see it we got this:
Big Man(Baron equivalent) - Probably still exists in some form in our various subgroups, but invisible at our abstraction level. Heads of families, proto-sergeants, senior shamans, etc.
Chief(Count equivalent) - They each manage one minor settlement, formerly major settlement(but as has been pointed out, the chief of each major settlement does enough work for minor settlements that they're doing the same work as past high chiefs). They deal with the various people on the ground.
High Chief(Duke equivalent) - Manages Major settlements, formerly rules whole polity, but there's so much work to do now that they need a new tier below them.
King(King title) - Manages one distinct geographical area, currently rules whole polity. No longer involved in ground level concerns.
Of course, keeping in mind the Feudal ranks sort of evolved from Roman military ranks, and there's other organizations possible. And that Emperor evolved from Imperator(which is basically Dictator) originally.
Side note, marijuana type plants would probably play into the Harmony considering the state of mind it puts you into, and most likely experimented on first by the Shamans.______________________________________________________________
On the 10th year of the reign of High Chief Bynwyn, a matter was presented to him to be judged with the full weight of his authority as High Chief for the matter had grown to be considered of sufficient import of his attention, as did its nature as one that involved more than one village.
Past the bringing in of nomadic peoples of the north whilst the nomads were in a time of strife, they would as would other immigrant peoples be inducted into the ways of the People that Harmony may be achieved. Many of their practices would fall by the way to accept the new ways they must learn to be productive members of the community, but on infrequent occasion they would bring with them traditions and ways which do not conflict with the teachings of the People, and so add to the shared culture of the People, strengthening all. With the nomads that had been accepted was a particular tradition which was little of matter in the north, but which has found great purchase in the fertile soil in the land of the People, and begun to grow more readily and fruitfully.
This tradition, as it was taken in the northern lands where the people roam and do not settle, involved the locating of a certain plant to be dried and crushed, then burnt. The smoke produced would be inhaled by those gathered, and such produce an effect of similarity and difference to the effects which one might accrue when imbibing beer. In the north this is uncommon due to the plant's relative rarity and it only growing in certain places, and as such the nomad peoples only partook in it on occasion when passing by, perhaps saving some for a later time.
When the nomads had come into our lands they brought with them samples of the crushed and dried leaves, and some seeds as well, for it was known to the nomadics of the People's knowledge of raising plants with mud and water. And so it was that many samples of the smoking herb was being grown and cultivated across the lands of the People. The cases where a new method of creating drinks of alcoholic nature had been brought in by outsiders caused little trouble and was not worthy of the High Chief's attention, for they merely applied the laws of works of the third kind and they would work as well as any other law. For the smoking herb, though for its similarities to its effects upon the mind and the body as beer and harder drink, there were indeed differences.
Upon one of those differences was that of its method of drunkenning, where it took upon the form of smoke and not of liquid. For beer, it is only the one intending to reap the natural effects of it who would be affected, but the spreading nature of the smoking herb meant that others who might not want for it would be affected. On this, the matter was quickly settled, and the High Chief Bynwyn declared with great swiftness upon presentation three laws:
The first law, which dictated that the burning of the smoking herb may not be done in proximity towards others but those that express a mutual interest in inhalation of the smoke.
The second law, which dictated that the herb may not be wilfully smoked by any who have not taken the Rites of Passage, or of women encumbered with child.
The third law, which dictated that the smoking herb may not be lit with flame within a house resided in by any who have not taken the Rites of Passage, or of women encumbered with child.
So decreed High Chief Bynwyn, and so it became law across all the lands of the People, furthering the cause of Harmony with man and the spirits. The next issue with the smoking herb was brought to him immediately following his decree. This was a more serious issue. Those who had been growing the smoking herb has primarily been farmers, who tended the lands of the People, for the People, and entrusted by them a duty to perform Work of the First Kind - the acquiring of food for the community's benefit, upon and with the land entrusted to him by the People. Upon the plots of land upon which they worked, they had taken with them the time, resources, and land to cultivate not food for the benefit of all, but seeds of the smoking herb that may be enjoyed by the farmer and family and friends. Even the fullest extent of these activities were but a fraction of their actions, for the remained putting a great amount more of their labour into their assigned duties, but even so it was enough to be considered a breach of duty.
And so, for this threatened to harm the wellbeing of the whole People, if only but a little, High Chief Bynwyn thought much on this matter, speaking with his advisors, and the Farming Chieftess for the presence of her domain. What should have been the topic of minutes became hours, for though the actions of these farmers were clearly disharmonious, their discussion grew quickly, the bounds escaping beyond the mere decision of the punishment for such dereliction of their duty. And so, with the high noon sun's crawl across the heavens and casting an orange glow across the still-blue sky, it was decided a course of action:
The farmers who had engaged in these acts were clearly acting in disharmonious fashion, and would receive a small infraction for their crimes. Their punishment might have been greater, but for the combined lack of both a decisive law in this matter and the ultimate minor nature of their actions.
However, that was not the only decree. This cultivation of the smoking herb will for now and ever more be designed as Work of the Third Kind, and so to grow them would be a proper work, but one which must not interfere with the Work of the First Kind or the Work of the Second Kind, such as all other such Works of the Third Kind. To this end, farmers who worked the field to reap food would remain unallowed to be distracted from their sacred duty, but, upon allowance by the High Chief's own inquest, other farmers may work other plots of land to instead grow this new variety of plant, and thus would owe a portion of the People the fruits of their labour - a very large one, alike to beer.
And so it was the Harmony was disrupted by the actions of a few, and so it was the Harmony was restored by the actions of the will of the many and of the spirits, by the High Chief of the People.
Generally these types are a problem...though with our cultural traits it's pretty hard for them to get their hands on power.What about heroic asshole? Like "Lü Bu" (aka chronic backstabbing disorder"). Proud, charismatic, martial hero, and very ambitious.
Our people respect humility and serving the community after all. Even our corrupt chiefs started out as protecting THEIR community's interests when they felt the community was threatened.
Someone mainly out for number one, even with Hero stats, probably would never go past Elite Warrior in our culture, barring a very unlikely series of events. He'd excel at pure skill based endeavors, but the lack of community spirit and arrogance means he can't be elected into anything, only appointed.
Speculation: Blue quarry settlement would unlock a new action for Expand Quarries.@Academia Nut Would the blue quarry provide econ the following turn or art and diplo?
Though it'd cost us centralization when we need it...