Conflicted over little power or massive power.

The pros of little power is that it'll give us time to build a massive army loyal to only the High Chief while slowly increasing autonomy to the settlements. The cons is that it'll cause unrest and make our hierarchy far too rigid and each option we ignore a turn will suffer from deterioration.

The pros of a massive power is that it keeps everyone happy and integrated in the local power system even more. Our bureaucracy is far more flexible and our economy will grow in the background without our direct intervention so things like settlements, expanding villages, trials and fishing are taken care of in the background so we can focus on big picture things (mining, creating an army, specialized army units, directing overall population growth in directions we need and other huge mega projects). The cons are that they may gain ideas of independence or gain an army much larger then our own and we suffer from a coup d'etat.

Overall massive power increase is the way to go here since it'll force us to expand our warrior class immediately and not let us dawdle on other choices.
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)

[X] Large increase to local power(Changes government type to EarlyAncient Provincial Kingdom, altersaction spread, completes prereqs forScourge Warding early, miscellaneouseffects)
So if the diplo hero is chosen what should we do with him? Try and get stronger bounds with the Thunder Horses or try and get on the good side of the Western Kingdom an maybe strengthen them enough to stalemate the Dead Priests?
Trade missions would probably get a massive bonus from having a diplomatic hero grabbing allies will be super easy with him.
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)

just due to the fact that with more delegate more things can get done and we won't stagnate so often in terms of territory, and the like.
He's old enough that they were already quiet talks about a fresh election anyway, even if it was just in the context of "Bynwyn could die any day, and the next guy in line shortly after, may as well look ahead at things"

No, more an elective monarchy where the nobility is theoretically also elected, but really not.
that theoretically tho... how to fix?

Expand Blackbirds and use them to watch over the local governments would be my guess.

Frankly we need to have the Local Chiefs start doing expansion actions for us, otherwise we won't be expand our territory or power fast enough with the local situation changing.
there's already a certain amount of autoexpand in the sense that farms and villages are spreading out from cities. But if towns can make other towns and then ask for a district label from the appropriate supervisory adjunct... that'd work p well.

Also, #FBI.
It's worth noting that since the governors can recruit local soldiers we might not need to do a civ-wide Expand Warriors for defensive reasons, although we'd want to if we got attacked in order to draw from the pool across more than a local district.
How would they decide what land to settle?
looking at wherever is most fertile and protected, like we do already. Maybe if they think that there would be interregional disputes they'd negotiate or ask for advice from above, tho.

If we build more boats, we'll have to take an econ action next turn.

Another hero unit! :)

This time diplomacy, which is awesome. Trade missions will likely be super useful now.
Wouldn't it just cost another 2 econ?

Diplomacy 6
Economy 4
Martial 4

Stability 0 (neutral)

Centralization 4
Hierarchy 6

Art 6
Mysticism 1
*laughs* nvm that econ will prolly be a real problem... But hey, we're kickstarting our metal tool stuff, eh?

So if the diplo hero is chosen what should we do with him? Try and get stronger bounds with the Thunder Horses or try and get on the good side of the Western Kingdom an maybe strengthen them enough to stalemate the Dead Priests?
WK cus we don't really know where TH is. So Econ action + Trade Mission @ WK + Expand Forest - North.

Ideally something with those people that are camping in the place we want to build our fort.
So if the diplo hero is chosen what should we do with him? Try and get stronger bounds with the Thunder Horses or try and get on the good side of the Western Kingdom an maybe strengthen them enough to stalemate the Dead Priests?
With out a doubt that metalworkers first and foremost, then the nomads or the kingdom. Metalworkers due to the fact that they have a resource we need the fast track on how to mine/refine/use and one of the others so we can pull another "kill them for us " stunt for a second time (3rd?)
To everyone voting for a Large increase, please keep in mind that it will likely increase Hierarchy, which is a stat that is already at its limit. Bad things will happen if we exceed that limit.
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)
With out a doubt that metalworkers first and foremost, then the nomads or the kingdom. Metalworkers due to the fact that they have a resource we need the fast track on how to mine/refine/use and one of the others so we can pull another "kill them for us " stunt for a second time (3rd?)
We'll already be setting up a permanent trade route with them, but the HK on the other hand is growing w/o support from us and a knowledge that we support them.
The TH is god-knows-where...
Remember part of our power comes from the fact that we have high centralization we need to be wary of this when giving our power as it may lower it. The fact that our centralisation is lower than our hierarchy is kind of bad as we have a higher centralisation tolerance.
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom (Elected), alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)
Last edited:
that theoretically tho... how to fix?

there's already a certain amount of autoexpand in the sense that farms and villages are spreading out from cities. But if towns can make other towns and then ask for a district label from the appropriate supervisory adjunct... that'd work p well.

Also, #FBI.
It's worth noting that since the governors can recruit local soldiers we might not need to do a civ-wide Expand Warriors for defensive reasons, although we'd want to if we got attacked in order to draw from the pool across more than a local district.

looking at wherever is most fertile and protected, like we do already. Maybe if they think that there would be interregional disputes they'd negotiate or ask for advice from above, tho.

Wouldn't it just cost another 2 econ?

*laughs* nvm that econ will prolly be a real problem... But hey, we're kickstarting our metal tool stuff, eh?

WK cus we don't really know where TH is. So Econ action + Trade Mission @ WK + Expand Forest - North.

Replace that expand forest with expand trails. Remember that we're still supplying our second coastal village by boat!
Expand Blackbirds and use them to watch over the local governments would be my guess.
Frankly we need to have the Local Chiefs start doing expansion actions for us, otherwise we won't be expand our territory or power fast enough with the local situation changing.

Then we run into the issue of 'who watches the watchers?' problem. And the high chief's job is already big enough to require sub department chiefs. Maybe if we setup a chief to control the black birds? Risky if he get ideas.

Opinion on a provincial-style government?

I don't like my stomach talking back to my brain. Like the locals will focus on local problems, but unable to assess distant problem. But i have no better alternative than what we have on the table.
To everyone voting for a Large increase, please keep in mind that it will likely increase Hierarchy, which is a stat that is already at its limit. Bad things will happen if we exceed that limit.
We're changing government type with this choice, which presumably will either reset stats or have a higher hierarchy tolerance, maybe both.
To everyone voting for a Large increase, please keep in mind that it will likely increase Hierarchy, which is a stat that is already at its limit. Bad things will happen if we exceed that limit.
A large increase would evolve our government, which would increase our hierarchy tolerance.

We'll have to carefully manage our centralization though in order to keep the local chiefs from becoming too powerful.
[X] Standard
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)

I'm going to stick with Standard High Chief. Going with specialized chief leaves us at risk when we need to do project outside his scope. Just like what happened with Thunder Horse/Spirit Talker mess, or the flanking action earlier than that.
With out a doubt that metalworkers first and foremost, then the nomads or the kingdom. Metalworkers due to the fact that they have a resource we need the fast track on how to mine/refine/use and one of the others so we can pull another "kill them for us " stunt for a second time (3rd?)
Not necessary, we would already have that with the boats choice
Another hero, AND permanent trade? Yes please. Not sure about the last vote, though. I don't want to mess with our centralization.
But trade isn't something we need help on, it's military that needs to be focused on
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)
But we need to evolve our government, we're growing too large for the current system!
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)

Another hero, AND permanent trade? Yes please. Not sure about the last vote, though. I don't want to mess with our centralization.
New Heir?
[X] Twythulmyn (Mediocre Martial, Average Econ, Heroic Diplomacy, probable two turn lifespan)

There has been a proposal to build more boats
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)

Increase rights and responsibilities of local chiefs?
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)
[X] Standard
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)
[X] Standard
[X] Yes (Consumes Econ, establishes permanent oversea trade route with Metal Workers)
[X] Large increase to local power (Changes government type to Early Ancient Provincial Kingdom, alters action spread, completes prereqs for Scourge Warding early, miscellaneous effects)

I'm going to stick with Standard High Chief. Going with specialized chief leaves us at risk when we need to do project outside his scope. Just like what happened with Thunder Horse/Spirit Talker mess, or the flanking action earlier than that.

Not necessary, we would already have that with the boats choice

But trade isn't something we need help on, it's military that needs to be focused on
The hero isn't poor at anything though, just average.
To everyone voting for a Large increase, please keep in mind that it will likely increase Hierarchy, which is a stat that is already at its limit. Bad things will happen if we exceed that limit.
Which we can at least boost with trails, as that facilitates communication, movement, and control within our territory. Maybe there' should something our Harmony value can give to boost Centralization?