Lots of changes, though only a few entirely new actions:
Adjust Faction Actions – Modify the balance of control between the king and the factions
*S: Up to two of the following: take control of a faction action, release a controlled faction action, assign an action to repeat, or de-assign a repeating action. If assigning an action this also consumes a Secondary action this turn which is immediately used on repeat, while if de-assigning the action it frees up a secondary action this turn.
Part of the new system update...and AN has already said he'll be adjusting
V) how it works since primal found a way to use it to basically get free actions
Recruit Nomads – While some think that the best use of steppe nomads is as arrow catchers, others are of the opinion that this function would be better served fighting for you
*S: -6 Diplo, -4 Wealth, -1 Stability, +2 Martial, +1 Light Cavalry, other effects
*M: -12 Diplo, -6 Wealth, -1 Stability, +4 Martial, +2 Light Cavalry, other effects
Thanks to our ties to the Forhuch (and previous use of the Pure remnants) we unlocked this! Still pretty costly but diplo is easier to come by... "other effects" likely include both "pacifies local steppe for a time" and "lowers loyalty of light cav", so something to be used sparingly at best. Still, good to have the option.
Harbour [Guilds] [Traders] – These sophisticated sea transport hubs allow for the efficient mass loading and unloading of ships. Each {S} Costs 3 Econ and 3 Tech for 3 progress. At level 1 Harbours grant +1 Interconnectivity, +2 Max Interconnectivity, and allow for +1 Block Housing Level. Redshore (0/3), Blackmouth (0/3), Hatmouth (0/3), Yellowshore (0/3)
New extended project! the normal means to unlock block housing, it seems; otherwise you need either panem or a natural environment that allows for it (read: Egypt/the nile)
Classical Law – As your society becomes more complex, perhaps it is time to look back over the old laws and clean them up a bit? (5-8? Action commitment, -4 Mysticism & Culture per action)
Really really really need to take this as soon as we can. Its expensive, but our refunds help a lot; 3 of that 4 mysticism would be refunded currently, and once done Reformers will refund 1/4 of the cost as culture (so 2 per action). Means each action on it will cost 8 stats immediately, 5 stats given a turn for refund, and 3 stats in the long term. Plus, the reformers boost will only be 10-16 stats, so it'll be easy to handle, compared to the ridiculous refund that caused the second sons crisis.
Next most important are the policy changes:
-Agriculture and City support changed as expected from the new ironworks >2 level; +2 to effect, -1 tech)
-Expansion policy doubled in effectiveness thanks to ironworks 3.
-Innovation policy changed from ironworks 3, giving 2.5 rolls instead of 2, and costing 1 wealth, 1 tech instead of 2 wealth. (note that if we don't have a second to pair it with, we lose out on the "half", per WoAN)
-Forestry doubled in speed (+1 forest/-1 EE per turn instead of per 2 turns) at the cost of -1 tech a turn
-Defence...didn't really change so much as get reworded, now gives "+1 wall progress", which can either be used for normal walls as with the original wording or for colossal walls, as it has been lately.
-And finally, the big change: infrastructure policy has been split up! Each version can only be used for certain projects, and only some have double progress from our Community Health Law bonus (AN has said that with the classical law we can expand/change what it applies to!)
-Administrative: [Harbour, Gov Palace, Colossal Wall, Academy] (Benefits from Law bonus) Produces pretty great things, though with enough of them they can be a big problem. Safe enough we dont need to worry about stuff like "holy shit why are we 5 over our forest cap" but we need to watch them for, say, removing our cent tolerance or our myst refund
-Spiritual: [Temple, Observatory, Library, Academy] Iirc AN said this would not build temples to red RA, and would build libraries to counter the loss from the academy which means its pretty damn safe to use, so long as we're fine with increasing the priests power (which i at least tentatively am, i'd say
) over time
-Hygiene: [Aqueduct, Bath, Saltern] (Benefits from Law Bonus) The "Stop our cities from being plague pits please" policy
Having lots of these means we need to have extra forest slots handy, however, because baths are relatively cheap and eat forests. Luckily, we currently get 5 forests a turn for our planned setup, so...
-Trade [Markets, Harbours, Salterns] Money Money Money. Well... Money, Other Things, Money, at least for level 1 (though i imagine level 2+ harbours will boost money at least in cities with markets, so...). This is pretty damn safe to use, and very good to get some more wealth income. Plus salterns give immediate wealth and level 2+ give canal bonuses; a level 2 canal gives +3 wealth and +1 each of myst/tech/culture for an immediate boost
However, harbours 1. allow for more block housing and 2. increase IC and thus cent, so its not perfect.
-Urban [Aqueduct, Baths, Block Housing, Harbour, Ironworks, Marketplace, Academy] ...Wow thats a lot of options
Only one that can build ironworks and block housing, you'll note. Since we probably don't want another ironworks for a while, and block housing should wait for more health infrastructure, especially if the guild do get level 3 block housing and level 4 ironworks built, i'd say we can safely leave this policy be in favor of others.
Active policies also got revamped, with
-Defence removed
-Connection added: Watchtowers, palaces, harbours, and roads. Mostly about IC increase...which suggests maybe watchtowers will eventually improve IC if we actually take them?
Very nice policy if we can spare a turn on it
-Expansion is only about settlements and roads now
-Infrastructure removed/split up
-Industrial infrastructure added, should probably be taken sparingly
-Spirits replaced with Knowledge and spirituality ,for temples, libraries, and academies
-Rural infrastructure added: builds forests, roads, and salterns, making it immediately the favorite of the thread XD
-Sea Control added: probably most useful as a King's agenda to make sure that a faction builds warships for us
-Urban infrastructure: basically the same as urban above but as active policy
Most of the rest of the changes are consistent. The following actions got adjusted by +2 wealth, -1 tech:
-Art Patronage (Removed tech gain)
-Build Chariots*
-Build Docks (Main only)
-Build Ceramics Kiln (Increased wealth income)
-Build Gymnasium
-Build Mills*
-Build Roads*
-Efficient Charcoal Kiln*
-Increase Cement Production
-More Warships (Removed tech gain)
-Plant Cash Crops - Drugs/Textiles/Luxuries* (Increased wealth income)
-Raise Army
-Study Alchemy (Removed tech gain)
-Study Metal (Removed tech gain for secondary)
-Support Artisans* (Lowered tech gain)
-Support sacred orders
-Great dam (Yes, even applies to megaprojects!)
Some (marked with asterisks above) had minor differences:
-Build Chariots also lost 1 martial from the main version, because of even more reduced importance compared to cavalry
-Build Mills had an additional -1 tech, +1 econ added to the secondary, and -1 tech, +2 econ added to the main, due to the wind power innovation
-Build Roads also had the max IC cent tolerance gain changed; it was previously 7 (which we had hit). Now it is 10, though the list says 8; AN mentioned in thread that he double checked the math and its 10; that is, we can gain 3 more High Cent Tolerance from roads/other IC sources
-Efficient Charcoal Kiln's secondary didn't add a tech cost...or rather, it looks like it was supposed to have had 1 lower tech cost for its secondary all along, since AN changed that between the preview action list and the main one.
-Plant Cash Crops - Drugs/Textiles/Luxuries also had an additional -1 EE cost added
-Support artisan secondary had an additional +2 wealth applied.
Others had unique changes from ironworks 3:
-Build Theatre instead removed 1 econ, 1 wealth cost from its secondary, and 1 econ, 2 wealth from its main; in both cases it still added -1 tech.
-Develop intrigue web, Hunt Troublemakers, and launch intrigue mission were all adjusted by +2 wealth, -1 diplo instead.
-Expand Forest added -1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech, in exchange for doubling its forest gain from +0.5/+1 to +1/+2.
-Improve annual festival was adjusted by +2 wealth, -1 culture instead, removing a little of its culture gain.
-Study health was adjusted by +2 wealth, -2 mysticism instead.
-Study stars was adjusted by +1 wealth, +1 mysticism, -1 tech instead.
-Redshore aqueduct price lowered from 12 to 6 (Due to being level 3?)
-Redshore available as level 3 bath target even before level 3 aqeuduct, costs 9 progress.
-Redshore capped on block housing for now
-Redshore capped on ironworks for now
-Marketplace still needs to be updated, but redshore price halved from 18 -> 9, since its now a level 3 city.
Other changes:
-Expand econ adjusted +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech from the extra Ironworks >2 level.
-Horsevalley finally added as library target
-Saltern list updated: Northshore and Southshore can't be expanded to level 3 with our tech, but Gulshore is available for level 2, and 3 new level 1 spots ahve opened up (Bleeding Cliffs, Hatshore, Yellowshore)
-Boundary Passage and Triangle Canal are [Yeomen] Projects
-Great Library is a [Priest] Project
-Support/Suppress faction actions now change power by 2, since faction power has been changed in scale to add granularity(i.e. 2 power now = 1 power before)