I will note that the Yeomen are currently very very happy, since they are Excited and we finished their quest in record time.

There is a decent chance that they will cooperate with the King's Agenda for the next 2 turns.

I don't think being happy will cause them to act so directly to hurt their one interests and empower their rivals.

They will want more actions, and work towards that. More importantly they will want to protect their current actions. They aren't fools. They will know about the Urban Poor quest, and how it will lead to them loosing an action, or two actions once they get themselves another province. Why would they do that?

I would expect that they will follow the King's Agenda if it will lead to them being action neutral or positive over the next few turns, and protect their own interests if not. For example, they'd be seriously hurting themselves if they took Expand Economy. Much better for them as a class to take Main New Settlement. It's still Econ positive, so they aren't hurting anyone else, and, in fact, they're helping the state and all the other factions by giving them more aeconomy to spend. It's just not that much Economy. Now, when/if they get three actions I could see them take things like Double Main New Settlement plus double Sec Expand Econ, giving substantial Econ but not significantly lowering Econ Expansion.

Particularly next turn, as we're looking at having -8 EE income, I'd say that double Main New Settlement is really pretty likely, as that gets them an extra province for the next turn and so an extra action, and they need to build a buffer against cities reforming when we take PSN Expand Economy in the mid turn.

The one exception to this I see is during wartime, when I think that factions will sacrifice themselves for the greater good. In peace time, however, when the Yeomen are presented with such an amazing opportunity to preserve control of their own destiny without having to fight anyone for it? It just seems unlikely. Land hunger and the desire for your children not to fall down the class structure are just such incredibly strong drives for the rural (upper-)middle classes that I can't see them not taking at least one New Settlement every turn they can.

Total side note, but if it's been confirmed that the minimum number of Yeomen actions is one, we should have put that on Repeated Forests.
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Shifting your ground now that i proved DL can lead to Chinese Imperial system and actually aren't instant social death? Okay.

I never said our government cound't do it, but i'm saying having done DL at least once would help.

I'm confused by your arguments, I seem to have missed something. You seem to be suggesting that DL will give the benefits of both more clerks and less clerks. How can there be both more and less simultaneously?
I have also missed the post proving DL can lead to Chinese Imperial system, can you quote it so I can find it?

You are also claiming DL will somehow help the development of electricity, but they seem unconnected to me.
Cent 8 -> 8​
Initial: 8
+1 (Roads)
-1 (Government Change)
Total: 8
Hierarchy 7 -> 8:​
Initial: 7
+1 (Government Change)
Total: 8
Government change had "hidden" cent/hierarchy changes. Note thatcent should be 12, unless i'm just suddenly being an idiot because its *checks clock* 240 in the morning and i should have been in bed a long time ago but am abusing my ability to sleep in tomorrow :V
Sounds like we just transferred the Centralization(i.e. direct state oversight) into Hierarchy(i.e. routine procedure)

Still no idea what Hierarchy does except we love it. :p
-Gold: "Significant" downgraded to "Considerable" (EIther from competition or from mine issues)
-Silver: "Significant" downgraded to "Considerable" (EIther from competition or from mine issues)
Mines. Our gold and silver mines were in the Hatvalley region, so the collapsed mines took a big hit.
-Copper: "Leading" upgraded to "Dominating" (From vassalizing Forhuch, who had previously been a competitor)
-Bronze: "Minor" upgraded to "Significant" (From vassalizing Forhuch, who had previously been a competitor and is still listed erroneously)
Hopefully that'd make bellfounding and other experimental bronzeworks develop faster.
Competitor Changes:
-Common Pottery: SY (Storm Ymaryn) and FH (Freehills) competing
-Common Textiles: SY and FH competing
-Fine Pottery: SY Competing
-Fine Dye: Trelli finally removed, SY and FH competing
-Glass: SY and FH competing
-Gold: FH Competing
-Mercury: FH competing and either leading in the trade, or threatening to do so, which means they found a mine
-Poppies: SY, FH, Harm competing
-Wine: FH competing
-Pilgrimage: Salt Sea added as a competitor; not sure if thats a polity, or "the entire salt sea"...
Terminology is a bit misleading here. Remember the statuses:
-Bold - Dominant
-Italics - Leading

Competing is a specific term that appears when we WOULD be Leading/Dominating but another faction is producing enough to prevent that.

Maybe use Participating?
-Iron was split into "Iron Ore" and "Iron Goods", thanks to the recent dynamic with us buying up ore to smelt and smith into goods.
-We maintained dominance in Iron Goods, with only the SY and FH competing
-We have "Significant" power in Iron Ore, while the SY and FH are both italics (either "leading" or threatening to do so, not sure which), the forhuch are listed erroneously, and the khem are crossed out still.
Italics would be leading.

Still it makes dealing with the subsidy quite clear, boost our domestic ore production and their leads will drop to Competing. Gain a Lead in iron production and the subsidy should be gone.

-Special improved from "Free city" to "free city Level" as its basis. (I.e. Redshore gives +3 now, instead of +1)
Well, that's one heck of an incentive to Free all the big cities. That culture pays for a lot of Tech.
We went from "bonus king actions for every 9 + 4n provinces" to "bonus king actions for every non-free city", which is worse, but we also gained more actions overall with the province actions (went from 4 base + bonus for every (11+4n) provinces); we lost 1 king province action compared to last turn, but gained 4 faction controlled ones. And as we'll see when we go to the next section, we gained a good number of (faction controlled) policies and actions
Big part here is we get a lot more actions if the factions are happy, since according to AN that determines how likely they are to follow the Royal agenda.

(Also note that we don't actually know the requirements for a level 2 gov palace, to my understanding)
Might be simply having a city at a sufficient level. A Governer Palace at 9 Progress is costed as per a level 2 infrastructure item, so level 2 GPs would logically cost 12 progress and be gated by Level 3 cities?

More importantly we don't know what the heck they do.
Faction choices for policies are pretty straightforward: patricians went admin, traders went trader, urban went city support, yeomen went forests...the only interesting one is the guild; they went with trader infrastructure because they need a harbour in redshore in order to build the block housing needed to build the ironworks 4 they want
*Debates quoting The House That Jack Built*

Grand hall six made "+1 sec action" into "+1 sec action/2 palaces" which is amazing and also not what i was expecting. The sec action was (to my knowledge) the 5 palace bonus, so i was expecting the 3 palace bonus (+1 diplo/turn) to be turned into multi-palace version first, going off the "half value -> palaces" theory... still, more actions is nice, and its one more reason to build at least one more gov palace
It does make logical sense that the increased efficiency of bargaining for actions led to increased action efficacy.

Thanks to our ties to the Forhuch (and previous use of the Pure remnants) we unlocked this! Still pretty costly but diplo is easier to come by... "other effects" likely include both "pacifies local steppe for a time" and "lowers loyalty of light cav", so something to be used sparingly at best. Still, good to have the option.
Noting that currently our Light Cavalry is at 50% Nomad composition.
For tracking purposes.

New extended project! the normal means to unlock block housing, it seems; otherwise you need either panem or a natural environment that allows for it (read: Egypt/the nile)
Not even then.
You need some kind of healthcare infrastructure, because we know the Khemetri didn't have high level cities, and they requested the Sacred Warding probably for that.
Really really really need to take this as soon as we can. Its expensive, but our refunds help a lot; 3 of that 4 mysticism would be refunded currently, and once done Reformers will refund 1/4 of the cost as culture (so 2 per action). Means each action on it will cost 8 stats immediately, 5 stats given a turn for refund, and 3 stats in the long term. Plus, the reformers boost will only be 10-16 stats, so it'll be easy to handle, compared to the ridiculous refund that caused the second sons crisis.
Seems to me we want to trigger reformers as often as we can when its charged up or eat a big shit to the face from too much of a good thing.
-Defence...didn't really change so much as get reworded, now gives "+1 wall progress", which can either be used for normal walls as with the original wording or for colossal walls, as it has been lately.
Hopefully the Defence will change with the Cement factories?
-Administrative: [Harbour, Gov Palace, Colossal Wall, Academy] (Benefits from Law bonus) Produces pretty great things, though with enough of them they can be a big problem. Safe enough we dont need to worry about stuff like "holy shit why are we 5 over our forest cap" but we need to watch them for, say, removing our cent tolerance or our myst refund
Note a highlight that Harbors will enable Block Housing, which enables Nurgle Portals. Pairing Administrative with Health is a good overall strategy
-Spiritual: [Temple, Observatory, Library, Academy] Iirc AN said this would not build temples to red RA, and would build libraries to counter the loss from the academy which means its pretty damn safe to use, so long as we're fine with increasing the priests power (which i at least tentatively am, i'd say :p) over time
It IS pretty sweet yes. All good things, but keep in mind our Wealth cap spiraling down, with no way to raise it but to enable the Guilds, which we cannot enable the priests to the same extent because skyrocketing RA would drive it back down.

-Redshore aqueduct price lowered from 12 to 6 (Due to being level 3?)
Sounds like you can build aqueducts higher than your city level but expensively? This is something we actually want to do anyways...

Alternatively the iron availability made a new water routing more efficient?

-Saltern list updated: Northshore and Southshore can't be expanded to level 3 with our tech, but Gulshore is available for level 2, and 3 new level 1 spots ahve opened up (Bleeding Cliffs, Hatshore, Yellowshore)
Level 3 salterns are probably behind Cement.
Dragon General Alyx continues to prove how amazing he is :) Only lost 1 core martial that got returned via veterancy, as well as 3 mercenary martial (1 red banner, 2 dragon banner), and drove them out of an entire province, and put enough pressure on the HK core that they surrendered, all in one phase...which i think is like 5 years maybe?
I imagine their priests are currently answering some Pointed Questions.
Thats a lot of Econ and EE...lowland continues to be bullshit :p As expected, the thread went with the march (writing this after vote was locked), to help defend against the HK in the future...and hopefully to let us finally knock them out next time this happens -_- Plus those lands are full of religious fanatics, so it really wouldn't be fun to handle them directly...we should definitely influence our new march, but by not directly integrating them we can have things happen more slowly and hopefully avoid more purity fights threatening PiA...
Integrating Txolla would help a great deal here I think.
A well deserved coronation :) Note that we still have a stigma against retirement beyond "i'm too old, watch me fail the competency tests (whether on purpose or not" grounds; pretty sure the one that gave way for...was it Uvoythyn? Was the only one to ever retire super early, and that was during super plague and for a genius, so...
Its Life of Arete + Honorable Death. Retirement is shameful...though that there is a retirement option at all is pretty novel.

Narrative for how Grand Hall x6 equates to a gov upgrade--as expected, a parliament! Seems like its not 100% official yet, being "just" a norm for the patricians to meet and make decisions in the grand hall before presenting issues to the king, but i suspect that either within a few generations or when we do the classical law MP, it'll become an official thing

Narrative for this one is that apparently a bunch of patricians got demoted and are losing control of their family lands, and in general thigns are getting more expensive, so they want to enshrine power into the system so they are more secure.
Well, thats a thing that's always been happening, but a LOT of the high patricians are low patricians now due to the half exile scandal, who basically EVERYONE was involved in.

Normally the number getting demoted isn't able to make noise but this many high patricians would retain their prior connections I think, even after their fall.

Strenght 3 -> 6. same as the others, including their power changing. Quest is again the same, and we know that passive policies building a temple counted. I assume their faction actions wont, but will their province actions and policies?? A little confused by their desire...they have to know we wont do so if we can help it, since we're almost at red RA, and that there's other actions we'd be willing to do for them...
They still want temples. We did theorize that the cities are underserviced spiritually and medically.
Most likely they're going to work on Academies soon.
Strength 3 -> 6 same as others. Desire is reasonable; we almost certainly wont be able to get free cities up next turn.
Apparently we CAN, depending on our React freedoms.
But chancy.
Must keep at least one secondary around to change repeated, so we dont get stuck...but Overcentralization can still kick in and make us stuck until/unless repeated actions and/or faction actions save us.
Remember Reactions. We can probably abort out with some of those.

-Is it intended that redshore can build lv 3 baths before building lv 3 aqueduct?
AN made this change after I commented on our public health laws making it possible. It'd probably strain the water supply though.

-4 You'd mentioned that part of the impetus for the spite quest was patricians getting demoted out of controlling the land that their family had controlled for generations. Did i forget/miss part of the updates/what we've done lately to cause that, or am i just underestimating the effect that hte half-exile change had, with "just" them losing wealth being enough to cause those "demotions"?
Half exile change included a lot of the worst abusers being punished, which in our society means that the offender is punished with a stint and half exile, being demoted and replaced by whoever exposed their crimes. Our current generation of low patricians are going to be filled with former high patricians as of merely a century ago.

They remember when they were great.

In theory. And the difference between theory and practice is the whole problem in dealing with the patricians. Just like it was with the half-exile issue as well... In practice, the fact that most Patrician families have "administrated" certain plots of lands over generations shows that they have carved up the lands between themselves, with far too less oversight or evaluation.
Naturally. But De Jure is much more powerful than De Facto. You can make them stop when it's De Facto by Enforce Justice and Restore Order, since its illegal but unenforceable. You can't when it's legal.
That's subordinates, though. I was talking patrician land administration within the core. Plus, that was an unique reaction choice; not a regular action.
That was actually a Golden Age bonus to take Vassal Reform, and it'd have set a precedent for us to do it within the core. But we couldn't afford it because the people involved really hated it.
I don't think being happy will cause them to act so directly to hurt their one interests and empower their rivals.

They will want more actions, and work towards that. More importantly they will want to protect their current actions. They aren't fools. They will know about the Urban Poor quest, and how it will lead to them loosing an action, or two actions once they get themselves another province. Why would they do that?

I would expect that they will follow the King's Agenda if it will lead to them being action neutral or positive over the next few turns, and protect their own interests if not. For example, they'd be seriously hurting themselves if they took Expand Economy. Much better for them as a class to take Main New Settlement. It's still Econ positive, so they aren't hurting anyone else, and, in fact, they're helping the state and all the other factions by giving them more aeconomy to spend. It's just not that much Economy. Now, when/if they get three actions I could see them take things like Double Main New Settlement plus double Sec Expand Econ, giving substantial Econ but not significantly lowering Econ Expansion.

Particularly next turn, as we're looking at having -8 EE income, I'd say that double Main New Settlement is really pretty likely, as that gets them an extra province for the next turn and so an extra action, and they need to build a buffer against cities reforming when we take PSN Expand Economy in the mid turn.

The one exception to this I see is during wartime, when I think that factions will sacrifice themselves for the greater good. In peace time, however, when the Yeomen are presented with such an amazing opportunity to preserve control of their own destiny without having to fight anyone for it? It just seems unlikely. Land hunger and the desire for your children not to fall down the class structure are just such incredibly strong drives for the rural (upper-)middle classes that I can't see them not taking at least one New Settlement every turn they can.

Total side note, but if it's been confirmed that the minimum number of Yeomen actions is one, we should have put that on Repeated Forests.

On the other hand they aren't losing actions anymore once their turn comes in. They could potentially GAIN actions, but they're already at the minimum and well, very happy.
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On the other hand they aren't losing actions anymore once their turn comes in. They could potentially GAIN actions, but they're already at the minimum and well, very happy.

They aren't at the minimum, I think. They currently have two actions, and there's a fair chance going to lose one and go to their minimum of one either after the coming mid turn or the next main turn unless they take action to prevent that happening.
-Sustainable Forests 33{40}/34.5 [+5]

Yeomen (6 {20})- Mood: Excited. Desire: Expand Forest. Power: Adds half faction power to secondary Martial Objective: Have 40 Sustainable Forest within 2 turns. Success: +1 Sustainable Forest. Failure: -5 Wealth

I don't know what all these numbers mean. What does the [+5] mean here?

We are now forever stuck with Half forests.
We should have a giant bonfire or something with it, maybe roast the most annoying patricians to appease the spirits.:drevil:

But Paradox. Bonfire would cost forests.

Yes, I sure like having +1 forest instead of walls. Goddammit, it only slipped in by mistake too.

Seeing as Defence policies were busy plunking away at Colossal Walls, which are done literally twice as far by Admin policies, not a big loss.
Now, starting another Defense passive after those sets of Colossal Walls are done would be quite reasonable, but as is they were a pure waste.
But Paradox. Bonfire would cost forests.

Strap them to the outside of a crucible to appease the spirits of steel.

If Moloch ever calls for the Ymaryn, I suspect that's the direction things go, given how industrialised they are at a comparatively primitive level of cultural and religious development.
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[Safe Martial Limit - 37 {39}]
[Number in {} is safe "non-primary" martial, which refers to the extra martial we gain from econ, listed in {} on the civ sheet]​
-Base Value (+10)
-17 Provinces (+17)
-2 Governor's Palaces (+2)
-Palace Arsenal Annexes (+1)
-Iron Age Census (+2)
-International Games (+5)
-Gymnasiums {+2}

Worth noting that our Safe Secondary Martial is now 40 thanks to the Gymnasium we just built. We also get a +2 to Games rolls.
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I think we've run out of Reformers charge-ups. Furthermore, the Great Library is a building, not a social megaproject.

It sure is a social project because libraries are more than just a building.

We should do the Great Library before we do Classical Law, given that it'll probably reform us again and Reformers is charged up.

Classical Law will likely to recharge and I am skeptical of waiting more than we need to.
Dragon King at Nest
[X][War] Turn it into a march (-5 Martial, new march)
[X][Repeat] None x3
[X][Repeat] Expand Forest
[X][Guild] 1 action
[X][Guild Repeat] None x2
[X][Yeomen] Take control of no actions
[X][Yeomen Repeat] None x2
[X][Priest] Take control of no actions
[X][Priest Repeat] None x2
[X][Active Policy] Megaproject Support
[X][PP] No further changes x5
[X][PP] Change City Support -> Vassal Support
[X][PP] Change Defense -> Forestry

The initial session of parliament took quite some time to get everything squared away as various arguments over responsibilities and control were hashed out. As it was, the various patrician families representing a wide variety of factions and cliques took on the majority of the responsibility for making sure that the kingdom actually ran, while Alyxunmyn retained all the traditional rights of warmaking and the like while surrendering some of the direct edict powers traditional for kings. Still, the Dragon King retained some of his claws, and retained significant veto power. The first question posed to him was a suggested change to the laws regarding the distribution of land. With the return of the levies and the support they had received, many new families had formed all at once. More over, many of the new mills built to sidestep the labour issues caused by the war were still going strong, so there was expected to be a glut of manpower within the next generation. Somewhat fortunately it seemed that the gods were pleased by the People wrapping up their conflicts, and already the rains and harvests were looking especially promising. Many prominent families had brought a change to the law before parliament, to better ensure that future generations would be guaranteed land to farm. It had broad support in the assembly, and Alyxunmyn was generally for accepting it, but the assembly representatives for the priests were rather opposed. They had brought forth an alternate proposal to set aside more land for forestry, which was mostly acceptable to most of the factions in the assembly as a compromise position. There were however many urban families who were more than a little annoyed, as the forests were perceived as receiving almost inordinate attention anyway. A few did acknowledge that with some plans to make more warships would require more wood eventually, as wood the need for charcoal.

Actually, speaking of charcoal, there was a minority opinion that increased cement production for use in the dam would be of use. Inquiring about the general disposition of that project, Alyxunmyn found that its budget had been left in a minimal state for the war. Seasonal work was being done to keep water out of the holes that had already been dug, and stone was being worked on, but things had slowed to a crawl for the duration of the fighting. It wasn't the most popular of proposals, but most agreed that getting the dam completed quickly would be of benefit to all, and increasing cement production would help there and in other places.

Which Proposal to Accept?
[] [Parl] Fair Land Allocation Act (Main Distribute Land, Patricians and Yeomen approve)
[] [Parl] Dryad Housing Act (Main Expand Forest, Priests +1 Faction Power, Yeoman approve, Patricians disapprove)
[] [Parl] Cement Production Subsidies (Main Increase Cement Production, Patricians disapprove)
[] [Parl] Veto all (-1 Stability, Patricians and Yeomen disapprove, extra reaction action)

Because of his high admin skill, Alyxunmyn gains three Sec reactions instead of one Main. Pick three choices (or four if you veto parliament)
[] [React] Farm (Sec Expand Econ)
[] [React] Settle (Sec New Settlement - Internal Reorg)
[] [React] Promote Industry (Sec Support Artisans)
[] [React] Celebrate (Sec Improve Annual Festival)
[] [React] Brag (Sec Salt Gift)
[] [React] Exercise (Sec Build Gymnasium)
[] [React] Judge (Sec Enforce Justice)
[] [React] Praise the Gods (Sec Build Temple)
[] [React] Contact Harmurri (Sec Diplomatic Mission)
[] [React] Contact Freehills (Sec Diplomatic Mission)

What else have the People been up to in the rural areas?
[] [PSN] Sec Expand Econ (-1 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] Main Expand Econ (-2 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] Sec Plant Cash Crops - Drugs (-1 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] Main Plant Cash Crops - Drugs (-2 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] Sec Plant Cash Crops - Textiles (-1 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] Main Plant Cash Crops - Textiles (-2 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] Sec Expand Forest (-1 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] Main Expand Forest (-2 Centralization + Costs)
[] [PSN] None

Perhaps most interesting though for Alyxunmyn was the changes he was noting in the culture. There had been - still was to a degree - a large amount of resentment towards the elites for the amount of wealth they retained during the war while hundreds of thousands had suffered. Alyxunmyn himself had avoided most of the criticism, and had worked out a long time ago that if you let frustrated people complain and poke fun at you and you brushed it off and smiled along with them, any anger towards you tended to dissipate with amazing alacrity. Perhaps old Yshuyn the Mad had been onto something. In any case the plays that were popular in the cities were frequently either the ones written by that great king, or were clearly inspired by his works. Alyxunmyn made sure to quietly patronize some of the ones he felt would help secure his position among the populace, the ones where he was seen as this distance figure of reverence while remaining humble, the one who could solve your problems if only you could get past the circling cloud of wicked advisors or overcome your timidity to approach one so grand. They were useful stories.

To assuage some of his guilt over his actions in the war, he also quietly propped up a rather unpopular production criticizing how he had deployed his warriors. The anonymous author who had been working with that troupe was clearly someone of some skill and knowledge of the way the troops were deployed, and while that meant that they were almost certainly from another patrician family upset by his ascent, that didn't necessarily mean they were wrong.

Still, many interesting things were afoot.

Lessons were learned in the war. But what?
[] [Lesson] The bindings between superiors and subordinates
[] [Lesson] The bonds between warriors
[] [Lesson] The importance of maintaining training
[] [Lesson] The glory of a good death
[] [Lesson] The importance of skilled commanders at all levels

Gilded Age Diplo Bonus
[] [Diplo] Boost all subordinate loyalty (-15 Diplo)
[] [Diplo] Gain a Diplo Hero (-15 Diplo)
[] [Diplo] Gain a Diplo Genius (-20 Diplo)
[] [Diplo] Alter Subordinate Management (-10 Diplo, -1 Diplo per landed subordinate/turn)
[] [Diplo] Begin Boundary Passage Megaproject in its own action track (-12 Diplo)
[] [Diplo] Materials Tech (-12 Tech)
[] [Diplo] Nothing

Gilded Age Culture Bonus
[] [Culture] Gain a Cultural Hero (-15 Culture)
[] [Culture] Gain a Cultural Genius (-20 Culture)
[] [Culture] Upgrade a random value (-18 Culture)
[] [Culture] Begin Classical Law Megaproject in its own action track (-12 Culture)
[] [Culture] Material Tech (-12 Tech)
[] [Culture] Nothing

Gilded Age Mysticism Bonus
[] [Mystic] Gain a Mystic Hero (-15 Mysticism)
[] [Mystic] Gain a Mystic Genius (-20 Mysticism)
[] [Mystic] Gain a Prophet (-15 Mysticism)
[] [Mystic] Gain a new Spiritual Value slot (-15 Mysticism)
[] [Mystic] Unlock Philosopher Kings for further advancement (-20 Mysticism)
[] [Mystic] Gain a new trait slot for Mylathadysm (-12 Mysticism)
[] [Mystic] Begin Great Library Megaproject in its own action track (-12 Mysticism)
[] [Mystic] Materials Tech (-12 Tech)
[] None

AN: Reminder, you cannot take all three options as None

Of course, not all was well. It sounded like Freehills was having major trouble in all along their western borders, where the People knew little because there had never been much reason to go past the Trelli strait aside from curiosity, and there had always been more important things to do. It sounded like the Tin Tribes opposed to the Freehills were trying to conquer back the foothills around their more mountainous terrain while Saffron Islanders attacked in numbers from the sea. The Freehills hadn't officially asked for help yet - they could be very proud about such things - but they certainly might. In the south the Harmurri were still reeling from nearly being conquered by the Highlanders and were in a major state of flux. Either one of the warrior bands that had been able to resist the Highlanders long enough for the People to show up would unify the Harmurri, or they would implode into a right mess. The Storm Ymaryn were apparently quite content to improve their infrastructure and make money shipping ore to the People, although it sounded like they were sending out more warriors drawn from northern steppe tribes into the south and west of their territory. Meanwhile, the Forhuch had reported back on their mission to the Salt Sea.


The bloody nomads the People had been fighting had wandered over there and claimed the title of "Protector of the Sacred Salt". Now that they had better access, the People had a better picture of the situation. There was a religious society that was apparently ancient and unchanging that lived in the mountains bordering the shores of the salt sea, and the nomads basically left them alone in exchange for access to the salt and sacred sites there. The Salt Sea itself was by all accounts essentially dead, but there were all sorts of rivers and streams that fed into it so people could live in the region - it was still either rough mountains or steppe all around though - so the priests had little ability to oppose the nomad tribes around them, but they didn't, they just offered up the title of "Protector" and offered significant benefits to the strongest group, and never contested it when the title changed hands. It sounded like the latest chieftain of the nomads had decided to play nice after his father had earned glory fighting against the People and then got out while the getting was good.

And apparently if one Sailed across the Salt Sea or walked the steppes north of the mountains, there were even stranger lands beyond that, with various exotic goods coming across the sea. To the south of the mountains and deserts there was another mysterious land that the Harmurri spoke of as the source of cotton. This made Alyxunmyn think of all the various strange things that the People had only barely explored. They had only had very loose contact with the Khemetri in centuries - most word of what they were up to came through Freehills by way of Saffron Island traders, which meant that in recent years even that contact had dried up - and Amber Road continued to be an outpost in the middle of nowhere that brought in a trickle of rare goods from the far north from the various tribal groups. Those groups were pretty lucky that the People were disinclined to conquer them, given that many had no native metalworking capacity, and those that did were still mostly working in soft metals.

Huh. Given that the Saffron Islanders were giving Freehills a hard time, they had to have iron, if only from trade. Alyxunmyn had never heard anything particularly impressive from the far west, so he wondered what might have happened out in that direction with iron equipped warriors with no compelling reason not to conquer up against small tribes armed with bronze at best and stone most of the rest of the time.


That could be a problem now that Alyxunmyn had the full set of reports to think about it.
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