I'm curious if anyone even knows we're capable of Mass Levy, and how much of a surprise this will be to anyone on the receiving end. The idea that you could just stick a crossbow in the hands of every nonessential man and send him to the front lines within six months would seem impossible to any society that bases its army around hereditary warrior castes.
Nobody knows, because nobody can make that many crossbows. Or have that many cities for the matter.
Look at the size of our levi block. We could divide that one into three and each of them would still be the size of a small city.
Of course, the real reason I'm voting what I do is because it fits my reading of the astrology, and post-Impact I damn well believe in astrology. The only reason I aren't voting for all three is tactical voting.
Levy blocks aren't enough. They need leadership, because large masses of green troops without skilled direction are a horrific mess. Furthermore look at the scenarios:
-Nomads(Martial 5+, Cavalry 5+) - We already beat them on hard numbers. A levy block the size of a city is not effective without a cavalry unit to pin them in place for the levy to mow them down when the nomads have unlimited room to manevuer in the Stepes. As such, this does not change the situation for the Marches at all. They have enough dudes to hold. Adding more dudes is ineffective.
-Forhuch(Martial 10+, Cavalry 10+) - Meanwhile in Forhuch, we're looking at a number of cities, but a significant cavalry superiority. The levies here act as sheer weight of numbers in the hands of a good commander to hem in the Forhuch and then press into their heartlands where we can roll their cities. We can split off some forces here, but we'd need enough men under arms to simply overrun their cities via massed missile fire.
-Highlanders - And then in the Highlander side...unled Levies without any cavalry backing would be...not very effective?
Here's the thing:
80 Martial hitting Forhuch can't be defeated. We can simply march up and roll over settlement after settlement
provided we have the horsepower and manpower concentration to protect our supply lines the whole way.
40 Martial hitting Forhuch is not a decisive victory anymore, because even if we have 4 times their Martial they have twice our Cavalry. We don't have the manpower saturation to negate cavalry entirely.
Meanwhile the other 40 Martial is trying to chase cavalry on the steppes with only infantry. If they are lucky, nothing gets done.
25 Martial hitting Forhuch...this is hubris. We hit them with 24 Martial worth of mercenaries and were
lucky to come out even. Split our forces three ways and we lose all three fights.
not ignoring the Harmurri. But destroying the Forhuch's 10 Cavalry is crucial to being able to fight at all. Break the Forhuch, then we and turn around and ram 80 martial up Highlander ass.