Crude crucible steel

Oh fuck yes

Astrological Prediction: The greater the bundle of arrows, the harder they are to break if they are unified

Very informative. What was the roll?

[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Hero] The governor is competent enough, but War Chief is the ideal general (Heroic Martial and Diplo leader)
Must hold the line in the north. Alternatively, stock up a good king for later on.

[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads

One kill at a time.

[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
We aint building those Warships next turn, might as well.

[X] [React] Sec Palace Annex - Grand Hall
[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
Crow knows we need it.

[X] [Kick] 1 more kick

We will hold the red line.
I'm thinking something along these lines:

[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)

[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)

[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads

[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory

[X] [Kick] No further kick
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[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
Guaranteed semi stable Genius is worth more than even 2 Heroes.
We all remember how BS the Dragon General was.

[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)

[X] [React] Sec Restore Order
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills
[X] [React] Sec Palace Annex - Grand Hall

Not sure what to pick out of the 3
We really need the extra stab, and 1 don't like being negative in this.
Mills combo-ed with getting innovation back could lead to the Guilds innovating past our Wealth problem.
Grand Hall would give us the Gov upgrade, giving us a shit ton of more actions right when the Factions will be unified against an outside threat.

[X] [Kick] No further kick
[X] [Kick] 1 more kick
Kick if we Proclaim Glory, otherwise it's too risky.
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This was about the extent of the good news in the west, as the initial levy call had resulted in more than a few troubles as there was a scramble among those who didn't want to go to find some way to be declared essential, and among the leadership over what exactly was 'essential'. There was confusion and more than one riot over what exactly was going on, and any hope of an early scramble of the levies to the east was dashed.
[] [Kick] No further kick
[] [Kick] 1 more kick
[] [Kick] 2 more kicks
I think we need to stop kicking.

We're at stability -1, our population is getting nervous, and pushing harder may convince many of them they're right to be nervous - and people sabotaging the war effort to avoid being conscripted will not help.
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [React] Sec Restore Order
[X] [Traders] No
[X] [Kick] No further kick
What would the narrative of finishing our government upgrade right now look like? Something like the simultaneous strain of the war and teh half-exile reforms forcing us to adapt and innovate our government? Would it be bad narratively to activate the upgrade during the war?
I like geniuses, I dislike the Highlanders and our 2x marches should help deal with the nomads, we want stability to be safe and secure, especially if the war goes another turn and we want more kicks.
We should've done 2 kicks last time but we didn't, it's not worth it to kick now IMHO.

[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick

Getting an extra 6 martial from the Support will be very useful and getting an extra turn on the boats is also nice.
What would the narrative of finishing our government upgrade right now look like? Something like the simultaneous strain of the war and teh half-exile reforms forcing us to adapt and innovate our government? Would it be bad narratively to activate the upgrade during the war?

I think the government upgrade now would take efforts away from the war(s) and attract some idiots to say certain groups are essential to avoid getting drafted. So maybe after the war would be wiser.
[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
[X] [React] Sec Restore Order
[X] [Kick] No further kick

Two heads are better than one, we should isolate and annihilate, give the Traders a new quest to keep them happy, restore order because we're at negative stability, which is definitely bad right now, and no kicks because again, negative stability.

Next main we'll want PG + EJ.
The prediction means we must focus our attack if we are too succeed. I think we should target Forhuch. Once the leader is dead they will collapse and we can wheel around to deal with the Highlanders.

Or I think it would work anyway. I'm not the best at this.
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)

[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)

[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads

[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
[X] [React] Sec Restore Order

[X] [Kick] No further kick
[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick

End his glory, crush his hopes, shatter his legacy.
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately
[X] [React] Sec Palace Annex - Grand Hall
[X] [Kick] No further kick

Yeomen powers, ACTIVATE!
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The King Still Stands: Whenever someone uses the Take the Crown CB on you or you are engaged in a struggle for King of the Hill, every full turn they fail to knock you out they lose 1 Stability
Kings Do Not Kneel (Three): Gain +1 Martial every phase during a Take the Crown or Great Power war
So do these apply right now?
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
I think we need to stop kicking.

We're at stability -1, our population is getting nervous, and pushing harder may convince many of them they're right to be nervous - and people sabotaging the war effort to avoid being conscripted will not help.

+1, now is the time to restore order so we can actually move our warriors east.
[] [React] Sec Restore Order

There was confusion and more than one riot over what exactly was going on, and any hope of an early scramble of the levies to the east was dashed.
Crude crucible steel
Crucible steel - Wikipedia
Crucible steel is steel made by melting pig iron (cast iron), iron, and sometimes steel, often along with sand, glass, ashes, and other fluxes, in a crucible. In ancient times steel and iron were impossible to melt using charcoal or coal fires, which could not produce temperatures high enough. However, pig iron, having a higher carbon content thus a lower melting point, could be melted, and by soaking wrought iron or steel in the liquid for long periods of time, the carbon content of the pig iron could be reduced as it slowly diffusedinto the iron. Crucible steel of this type was produced in South and Central Asia during the medieval era. This generally produced a very hard steel, but also a composite steel that was inhomogneous, consisting of a very high-carbon steel (formerly the pig-iron) and a lower-carbon steel (formerly the wrought iron). This often resulted in an intricate pattern when the steel was forged, filed or polished, with possibly the most well-known examples coming from the wootzsteel used in Damascus swords. Due to the use of fluxes the steel was often much higher in quality (lacking impurities) and in carbon content compared to other methods of steel production of the time.

Techniques for production of high quality steel were developed by Benjamin Huntsman in England in the 18th century. Huntsman used coke rather than coal or charcoal, achieving temperatures high enough to melt steel and dissolve iron. Huntsman's process used iron and steel as raw materials, in the form of blister steel, rather than direct conversion from cast iron as in puddling or the later Bessemer process. The ability to fully melt the steel removed any inhomogeneities in the steel, allowing the carbon to dissolve evenly into the liquid steel and negating the prior need for extensive blacksmithing in an attempt to achieve the same result. Similarly, it allowed steel to simply be poured into molds, or cast, for the first time. The homogeneous crystal structure of this cast steel improved its strength and hardness compared to preceding forms of steel. The use of fluxes allowed nearly complete extraction of impurities from the liquid, which could then simply float to the top for removal. This produced the first steel of modern quality, providing a means of efficiently changing excess wrought iron into useful steel. Huntsman's process greatly increased the European output of quality steel suitable for use in items like knives, tools, and machinery, helping to pave the way for the Industrial revolution.
Coke production:
Destructive distillation is the chemical process of the decomposition of feedstock by heating it to a high temperature; the term generally applies to processing of organic material in the absence of air or in the presence of limited amounts of oxygen or other reagents, catalysts, or solvents, such as steam or phenols. It is an application of pyrolysis. The process breaks up or 'cracks' large molecules. Coke, coal gas, gas carbon, coal tar, ammonia liquor, and "coal oil" are examples of commercial products historically produced by the destructive distillation of coal.
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[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and the nomads
[X] [Traders] No
[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
[X] [Kick] No further kick

Grab the Genius Martial and then focus on the nomads. From what we have seen this is an attack of opportunity and they have no heroic martial leader.

We can follow the example of Fotharnim and gain experience for our levies as well as freeing up our March to send troops south. They are brand new, and need help.
Now we have an even bigger horde to send against Fotharnim. Once done with finish our path south and slam into the Highlanders to make them regret it.

This way there is no doubling back amd we ensure that all of the threats are addressed.

I am going for more Spiritbonded as we need the cavalry.
Considering that we are currently at 3/4 legitimacy, and that we are significantly over our martial limit right now, might I suggest a proclaim glory instead of a restoration of order? A higher legitimacy might make the ensuing crisis a little less bad.
+1, now is the time to restore order so we can actually move our warriors east.
[] [React] Sec Restore Order
Going into dented legitimacy while we have a fuckton of angry levies armed to the teeth seems like a really bad idea.

Restoring Order would actually just be using Proclaim Glory, since it increases the legitimacy of the King and makes people less nervous.