Sounds excellent from the mechanical point of view, but i wonder what the narrative cost will be? I imagine saying the king and government is great and awesome when the people is confused and starting riots doesn't line up in someway.
It's a reassurance: "We have everything under control, trust the government, and collaborate in the fight against the evil nomads"
[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
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So, crucible steel. How much an improvement? Similarly, Ragpaper? Obviously big steps, but how much do they boost on their own?
On the other hand that's sort of an argument for selecting the Avatar of War-he won't have Heroic Diplo so he can't talk his way through, and our bureacracy can route around him without Heroic Admin, allowing the patricians to minimize the damage he does to their ability to retain power and once he's gone assassinate any troublesome heirs.
This is only true insofar as the levies aren't so unhappy with our leadership that he can't tell them "Y'know what? Let's just kill them all" and have them follow him.

He won't need much diplomacy for that, if he's been leading our armies to victory after victory - and geniuses are unstable, which means he might just to that.
So, crucible steel. How much an improvement? Similarly, Ragpaper? Obviously big steps, but how much do they boost on their own?

Give it a turn or two for production and use to really pick up. Steel will enhance our elite groups but do little for the mass levy now.

It's a reassurance: "We have everything under control, trust the government, and collaborate in the fight against the evil nomads"
The King would be telling the People "We're awesome, and we will win this war! There's nothing to fear but fear itself!"

If it worked for the British in WW2 then it's reasonable for it to work here.

[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [React] Sec Restore Order
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Traders] No
[X] [Kick] No further kick
Sounds excellent from the mechanical point of view, but i wonder what the narrative cost will be? I imagine saying the king and government is great and awesome when the people is confused and starting riots doesn't line up in someway.
Narratively? We just kicked ass. We should have lost the Spirit March, the Thunder Horse, at least one banner company, some cavalry, and a good chunk of our martial score. Instead, we've discovered steel, gotten two (or one) amazing generals, kept all of our subordinates, our martial score has gone up, and our cavalry is untouched. The worst things that have happened are that one of our banner companies was mauled and the enemy has raided some villages.

Proclaim glory would be the king convincing the people that the levies are a significant force on their own, that they will be reinforcing veteran troops led by experienced leaders, and that our enemies will soon be crushed and life will soon return back to normal if everyone does their part.
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[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Split focus between all three enemies
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
[X] [Kick] No further kick
Why are people voting to support the Traders? There's really no need to do that right now. The extra 6 Secondary Martial we'd get from adding the yeoman really doesn't make much of a difference when we've already got 89 Secondary Martial. It's utterly superfluous. We're also up to 9 Primary Martial currently and that's only going to go up over the next few phases. We have more than enough to be able to afford warships next turn.

Supporting the Traders doesn't really get us anything and could potentially cause us problems by sending our Secondary Martial even further over the limit. It's not likely to be a big hit, but it isn't a big positive either.

Astrological Prediction: The greater the bundle of arrows, the harder they are to break if they are unified

Also, I'm pretty sure that this is implying that we should divide our forces as little as possible. By working together, we're harder to destroy. If our forces split up, then it makes it easier for the Forhuch leader to pick them off piecemeal.

@Academia Nut if we focus on the Forhuch, will our Warleader send some reinforcements to the Memory of Spirits March, at least enough to reliably hold the line?

I'm tempted to go with the Genius Warleader and then have him concentrate on the Forhuch. Once they're defeated, the Nomads are going to go elsewhere to seek softer targets. It would also then allow us to root the Highland Kingdoms out of their hills at our leisure afterwards. While the Harmurri are losing currently, I doubt the Highland Kingdom will be able to meaningfully subjugate them in their swamps.
[X] [Hero] The governor is competent enough, but War Chief is the ideal general (Heroic Martial and Diplo leader)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
[X] [Kick] No further kick
This is only true insofar as the levies aren't so unhappy with our leadership that he can't tell them "Y'know what? Let's just kill them all" and have them follow him.

He won't need much diplomacy for that, if he's been leading our armies to victory after victory - and geniuses are unstable, which means he might just to that.
Geniuses aren't inherently unstable.

Only 1.5 out of our 4 Geniuses have been unstable.
Yeyena was full on cray cray (aka touched by the Warp) but she was also essentially harmless. She didn't fly into uncontrollable rages or kill people on accident or anything.
Our astrologer Mystic Genius (who I forgot the name of) wasn't crazy, she was just mute and really, really smart.
Our Genius Admin (Yshuin sp?) didn't start out crazy, but we made him crack because we decided to start a bloody offensive war while having a super empathetic King.
We never even saw our second Genius Mystic, but from the fact that he had a shit ton of followers leads me to believe that he was stable enough to at least fit into society.

We also had angry blacksmith man (Genius Artisan) who would sometimes verbally lash out at people while he worked, and was in general very passionate about his work, but I wouldn't call having a temper unstable

Basically, so long as we don't try to make the Genius (who is guaranteed at least semi-stable) crack like an egg, we will be fine.
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Basically, so long as we don't try to make the Genius (who is guaranteed at least semi-stable) crack like an egg, we will be fine.
Best done by making sure our Patricians aren't putting too much effort into staying out of the war effort, and are actually backing up the troops.

Because if said Patricians use their superior diplomacy to dick him around? That's the kind of thing that sets off instability.
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads

This is how the Khazars got broken. Let's see if we can replicate that feat. I'm salivating at the thought of what our army can do when it's not being outmaneuvered at every turn.
So, crucible steel. How much an improvement? Similarly, Ragpaper? Obviously big steps, but how much do they boost on their own?
A bit hard to say due to the Crude bits, but they're generally a big deal.

Crucible steel means our elites should have a huge advantage in combat. If we ever managed to make effective steel armour, they'll be effectively invulnerable to most inferior weapons. Means the only way to take them down is to go for unarmoured points, which gives our units a huge advantage when fighting.

Ragpaper, also known as cotton paper, is a fairly big deal. It lasts centuries, is very durable and holds ink well. Aside from being a highly valuable trade good, it allows us to write down everything, meaning more information gets passed down.

Why are people voting to support the Traders? There's really no need to do that right now.

Supporting the Traders for a new quest means the Patricians continue supporting the Traders. The Traders are no longer pissed, so this gives us hella increased innovation rolls. This could be very valuable during a war, especially with the Artisan Games being opened.
I highly recommend Proclaim Glory right now. We took an extra Stability hit from having bad rolls bringing the Levvies together it seems, and keeping our Legitimacy high is important for dealing with the consequences of the mass armament of our civilization that's going on right now.

@Academia Nut
Does the amount we're over the limit in terms of martial matter? If so, would removing the merc companies from the main budget help here?

Also god damnit Blood Rain Banner, stop dying so much. Every time.

Geniuses aren't inherently unstable.
We also had a genius Artisan who didn't really do that much.
[X] [Hero] The governor is competent enough, but War Chief is the ideal general (Heroic Martial and Diplo leader)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
Geniuses aren't inherently unstable.

Only 1.5 out of our 4 Geniuses have been unstable.
Yeyena was full on cray cray (aka touched by the Warp) but she was also essentially harmless. She didn't fly into uncontrollable rages or kill people on accident or anything.
Our astrologer Mystic Genius (who I forgot the name of) wasn't crazy, she was just mute and really, really smart.
Our Genius Admin (Yshuin sp?) didn't start out crazy, but we made him crack because we decided to start a bloody offensive war while having a super empathetic King.
We never even saw our second Genius Mystic, but from the fact that he had a shit ton of followers leads me to believe that he was stable enough to at least fit into society.
you're missing one

we do have one more guy who was really good at blacksmithing, you guy choose him at the same time as the crazy guy that started our religion
[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick

The Forhuch are the ones that are making the nomads up north think that attacking us is a good idea. While the Heroic Martial holds the line up there, we'll take apart the linchpin of this entire war as quickly as possible. When we do, the nomads up north will disappear and we can focus on the Highlanders. We need to minimise the amount of success the Forhuch have or we will suffer more greatly for longer.

We are way over Martial and that is a TERRIBLE time to have negative Stability or less than max Legitimacy.

Two Heroic Martials so that no one tries to take over the government with our way over Martial.
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So you think it would be effective to take any captives we have from the northern nomads, ship them off to see the training camps for our levies, and then send them home to explain where our tidal wave of soldiers goes next if the nomads aren't on their best behavior while we obliterate the Forhuch?
Also, currently:

1-2 Heroic+ Martial for the People
1 Heroic Martial King for the Forhuch
1 Heroic Martial General for the Freehills
1 Heroic King for the Storm Ymaryn
1 Heroic Martial Chieftain for the Tin Tribes
1 Heroic Martial Chieftain for the Northern Nomads

You/neighbours also got two criticals on the innovation rolls for the artisan games. These rolls have been bullshit of late.
Supporting the Traders for a new quest means the Patricians continue supporting the Traders. The Traders are no longer pissed, so this gives us hella increased innovation rolls.

I'm pretty sure the extra Martial from them supporting the Yeomen is better than improved innovation rolls, at the moment.

Not because we're not going to get any important innovation rolls - we probably are - but because the Patricians are currently looking into ways to stay out of the fighting themselves, and "better innovation rolls" isn't obvious in how it supports our armies.

We do not want our armies coming home after the war and asking what they put up with Patricians for.