@Academia Nut how does the city stuff work now that blackmouth has its new market.
If valleyhome stays first because it has more infrastructure:
-Valleyhome [Capital, Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] (20 EE Threshold)
[20 (Base) + 7 (Infrastructure) - 7 (No Block Housing) = 20]
-Blackmouth [Governor's Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls?] (22 EE Threshold)
[20 (Inherit) - 4 (Penalty) + 6 (Infrastructure) = 22]
But if we switch the two...
-Blackmouth [Governor's Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls?] (19 EE Threshold)
[20 (Base) + 6 (Infrastructure) -7 (No Block Housing) = 19]
-Valleyhome [Capital, Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] (20 EE Threshold)
[20 (Base) - 4 (Penalty) + 7 (Infrastructure) = 22]
So either way the "second" city has a higher threshold than the first.