Didn't Yeyna cut through 2 martial heroes and stalemate the Sun made Flesh? Why not repeat that feat and react with more cavarly to increase our genius martial's mobility.
mewhat fortunately, the Forhuch were more interested in loot and conquest rather than psychotic purgation, and thus were a bit more careful and conservative with how they fought in comparison to the Pure from generations past. While the first responders had been pleased to find that the Thunder Horse had not been completely wiped out in the field, part of the problem was that the Forhuch king - confirm to be Fotharnim, youngest son and eldest surviving son of the first king of the Forhuch - had been taking his time to blood his warriors and send back captives and loot to secure his backing, and also to tempt in other steppe tribes.
*Fotharnim's name is added to the Scroll*
Also holy shit somehow the Thunder Horse ain't squished! Yaaaaaay!

Already an unaffiliated northern coalition had decided that they wanted in on the fun and had attacked the Heaven's Hawk and the Memory of Spirits marches, distracting them from providing any assistance against the Forhuch. Somewhat fortunately the governor of the Memory of Spirits had proven himself a brilliant commander and had kept his freshly deployed forces from suffering major casualties. Sadly, his relative lack of cavalry meant that he had been unable to adequately pursue the enemy, so the north was a back and forth stalemate where neither side wanted to get stuck into a decisive battle, lest they get crushed.
Okay there is an important thing here, the nomads attacking our northern marches are unaffiliated. I'm taking this to mean they are not affiliated or being led by an actual Khan. This is good and it seems like they are looking to Fortharnim since he lured them in. Defeat him and hold in the north and they should disperse. E: Saw AN's comment. Sigh. It sort of still applies, but much less so.

The Blood Rain Banner Company had suffered catastrophic losses when their commander lost his head in such a moment.

Crow dammit guys. *scoops them up and hugs them* It'll be okay!

Interestingly we only lost 4 martial. One from Red Banner and three from Blood Rain. Our fast response Dragon Banner are completely okay. Our vanguard of 23 martial and 4 light cav is now at 19 martial and 4 cav. Our player martial of 17(9 base + 8 Yeoman) may also be in play.

So, to the vote!

[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)

[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads

[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads

[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)

[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders

[X] [Kick] No further kick

We shall summon the Second Coming of Yenyna! This time as a dude! With more sanity and higher skills! Geniuses are also magic.

More seriously we have seen what a Genius martial is capable of, when Yenyna thwomped the Thunder Horse and HK in a single phase, before we had light cav as a stat. This Genius will be throwing many many more dudes and horses at this.

I couldn't really decide which target to go for. The Harmurri need help and won't appreciate it if we are perceived to delay. So it's like, on the one hand if we go through the Forhuch fast enough Genius Martial Guy should turn and deal with the HK without our input or he may go for nomad clean up. If we go for splitting we give him a bit more distinct direction and ensure the Harmurri get help.

Traders are for the dual purpose of getting the participants supporting the Yeomen so we have 6 more martial to throw at whatever we are fighting and because I still want their quest.

Support Sacred Orders is for squeezing out just a little more cavalry and to replace any losses we might have next update. It's going to take half our wealth cap though which sucks a little. Income and another reaction are on the way though.

No more kicking, yet, since we are ridding low on stability and need to not mess with it if we ain't taking a stability booster.
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You know an idea for Justice Trait that would be truly Dwarf like would be the Book of Grudges. Something like this.
  • Pro - Action to Extend or Restore any CB that is written within the Book of Grudges. (Basically we spend time reminding the people of the wrongs done to us and toking the flames of anger to make them want to fight.)
  • Con - The people have long memories, Peace does not come easy with former enemies. (Peace is tense and Relations improve slowly)
  • Con - Unfulfilled Grudges weigh heavily upon the people as Justice is demanded against the guilty. (Chance of -1 stability each turn a major grudge is left unfulfilled.)
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
[X] [React] Sec Palace Annex - Grand Hall
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick
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Okay there is an important thing here, the nomads attacking our northern marches are unaffiliated. I'm taking this to mean they are not affiliated or being led by an actual Khan. This is good and it seems like they are looking to Fortharnim since he lured them in. Defeat him and hold in the north and they should disperse.

Nope, they have a Heroic Chief, word of AN.
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)

[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)

[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads

[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
[X] [React] Sec Restore Order

[X] [Kick] No further kick
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)

[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads

[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders

[X] [Kick] No further kick
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders
[X] [Kick] No further kick
If the HK cut off Gulvalley using their passes, Hatvalley and Valleyguard still stand in their way to get to Valleyhome right? @Academia Nut

A lot stands in the way of the Highlanders to getting to Valleyhome. Hatvalley, Southshore, and Valleyguard.

Would a armamaent passive policy change this? As in institute periodic training for people to undergo rather then mass training a whole bunch of newbies?

No, Armament would not. And you dismantled much of your militia because they were causing problems.

-Valleyhome [Capital, Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] (20 EE Threshold)
[20 (Base) + 7 (Infrastructure) - 7 (No Block Housing) = 20]

-Blackmouth [Governor's Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls?] (22 EE Threshold)
[20 (Inherit) - 4 (Penalty) + 6 (Infrastructure) = 22]

Let's go with this option.
@Academia Nut do we know how exactly the war is going down south?

Specifically, does it look like the Harmurri can hold on for a while, and what would the reaction of the Harmurri be to us not intervening this phase?
@Academia Nut do we know how exactly the war is going down south?

Specifically, does it look like the Harmurri can hold on for a while, and what would the reaction of the Harmurri be to us not intervening next phase?

The war in the south is going against the Harmurri, but it is a slow push backwards. They really need help, but news of the Forhuch wardeccing you went far and wide and thus they would understand if you were busy, although if you wait too long they could be overrun or grow bitter.
[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
[X] [Kick] No further kick
[X] [Hero] Both the War Chief and the Governor of MoS are Heroic Martial
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
[X] [Kick] No further kick

We cant logistically put all our forces into 1 front anyway.
The war in the south is going against the Harmurri, but it is a slow push backwards. They really need help, but news of the Forhuch wardeccing you went far and wide and thus they would understand if you were busy, although if you wait too long they could be overrun or grow bitter.
Cool, thanks.

So, with that in mind, switching my focus.

[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
[X] [React] Sec Palace Annex - Grand Hall
[X] [Kick] No further kick

Crush the Forhuch while also holding off the nomads using our passes, then once the Forhuch are broken we shift the Genius down to fight the Highlanders.
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