If we kill Forthamin he may well not have sons of his own of age to take control, sending the Forhuch into a full-blown succession crisis. They're still very nomad, and likely fracture easily. We could end up with the mountains becoming uninhabited yet again, forcing us to found our own March there to keep this from happening again.
Oops? :V
That was from straight up collapsing their civ and absorbing the leftovers. Tribute kind of requires a civ to still be standing though, so I assume that wasn't what we were discussing.

That being said, if we do collapse another nomad empire in its entirety, I would indeed expect a chance to absorb a bunch of Light Cav (maybe even more this time, since it's a repeat performance.) May require an even bigger stab hit though, as I imagine people are pretty pissed at the Forhuch for being dicks. Nomad sentiment is probably at an all time low. :V
*Looks at Pride in Acceptance*
*Looks at the King Still Stands*
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [React] Sec Palace Annex - Grand Hall
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for an extra turn (Patricians will switch support to Yeomen immediately)
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If we kill Forthamin he may well not have sons of his own of age to take control, sending the Forhuch into a full-blown succession crisis. They're still very nomad, and likely fracture easily. We could end up with the mountains becoming uninhabited yet again, forcing us to found our own March there to keep this from happening again.
If we kill him and also kick the HK's teeth in, both are likely to collapse. The HK are riding on a religious high and burning too hot. We are burning too hot, but at least we can send our levies back to their jobs when we are done. This is their grasp for land and influence, and it has a religious base. If they lose, their religion gets a shakeup and.... yeah.
If we kill him and also kick the HK's teeth in, both are likely to collapse. The HK are riding on a religious high and burning too hot. We are burning too hot, but at least we can send our levies back to their jobs when we are done. This is their grasp for land and influence, and it has a religious base. If they lose, their religion gets a shakeup and.... yeah.
Que hordes of refugees. Better get that stability up next turn...
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Focus everything on the Forhuch, hold the line against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick

...that makes this even worse!
Oho, so there are children of Gygowyn who want to tango with the Devils once again? Well, you know what happened the last times the gates of Hell were opened! PREPARE TO FACE THE MIGHT OF-
*looks at Martial*
... Crowdroppings, those are some big numbers. Gwy, my "opening the Gates of Hell" spiel might be more appropiate than ever before.

[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
War Chief, it is time for you to cut loose and wreck some havoc! You shall kick so much arse our artists will have no choice but to depict you with multiple arms just to properly convey it!

[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
The Harmurri have signed the contract and entered a pact with us. I am not letting go of something that belongs to us that easily!

Plus, you know, it helps to help your allies. Just because we're devils doesn't mean we have to be dicks, that's what the Storm Ymaryn are for!

[X] [React] Sec Support Sacred Orders

[X] [Kick] No further kick
We already kicked so hard their heads almost reached the moon. These devils' got nice legs, no more kicking is neccesary~

[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
Traders, you shall-Uhm... Drat, this choice doesn't fit the Last Boss Ymaryn narrative. I am totally losing steam here.

Uh, who needs more boats when we can just summon meteors from the sky?

... I'll work on it, okay!
The Harmurri have signed the contract and entered a pact with us. I am not letting go of something that belongs to us that easily!

Plus, you know, it helps to help your allies. Just because we're devils doesn't mean we have to be dicks, that's what the Storm Ymaryn are for!
Please note the astrological prediction. I believe it's pointing towards needing to focus on one fire at a time.
The prediction could be referring to us and the Harmurri or the Forhuch and the northern nomads. We can't know which it's referring to so we'll have to use our best judgement to determine which is the right choice.
Here's a better question: if the war chief is holding one flank, the governor of the march another... who would lead our gigantic mob of conscripts into battle against the HK and would that person be talented enough not to have everything end up in a clusterfuck of a raiding frenzy/mistaken identity against Homurri?
Que hordes of refugees. Better get that stability up next turn...

Yyyeah, it's gonna get fun when dust is down. We will need more space to avoid overcrowding I imagine.

Here's a better question: if the war chief is holding one flank, the governor of the march another... who would lead our gigantic mob of conscripts into battle against the HK and would that person be talented enough not to have everything end up in a clusterfuck of a raiding frenzy/mistaken identity against Homurri?

Ehhh. We can find somebody not-stupid and then numbers will tell.
I would still prefer to wait one phase and deal with nomads before swooping to the south.
The Harmurri have signed the contract and entered a pact with us. I am not letting go of something that belongs to us that easily!
Word of AN, the Harmurri are losing, but slowly. We'd have time to turn around and join their fight if we smash the Forhuch utterly in the opening blow.

We have a giant block of levy infantry, but the problem is that the levies NEED to be in one hugeass block to be effective, because we just plain lack the strategic sophistication(barring Act of Genius) to command them at higher resolution.

In one singular block, they can deny the Light Cavalry 10+ advantage of Always Hit The Weak Point, and change it into There Is No Weak Point.

We're marching enough crossbows to put 10 bolts into each and every of their warriors and to spare.
I'm curious if anyone even knows we're capable of Mass Levy, and how much of a surprise this will be to anyone on the receiving end. The idea that you could just stick a crossbow in the hands of every nonessential man and send him to the front lines within six months would seem impossible to any society that bases its army around hereditary warrior castes.
Word of AN, the Harmurri are losing, but slowly. We'd have time to turn around and join their fight if we smash the Forhuch utterly in the opening blow.

We have a giant block of levy infantry, but the problem is that the levies NEED to be in one hugeass block to be effective, because we just plain lack the strategic sophistication(barring Act of Genius) to command them at higher resolution.

In one singular block, they can deny the Light Cavalry 10+ advantage of Always Hit The Weak Point, and change it into There Is No Weak Point.

We're marching enough crossbows to put 10 bolts into each and every of their warriors and to spare.
Look at the size of our levi block. We could divide that one into three and each of them would still be the size of a small city.

Of course, the real reason I'm voting what I do is because it fits my reading of the astrology, and post-Impact I damn well believe in astrology. The only reason I aren't voting for all three is tactical voting.
[X] [Hero] The War Chief is an Avatar of War (Genius Martial, at least semi-stable Diplo and Admin)
[X] [Target] Split focus between the Forhuch and Highlanders, hold against the nomads
[X] [Traders] Support Faction for a new faction quest (Patricians will not switch support immediately)
[X] [React] Sec Proclaim Glory
[X] [Kick] No further kick