You're getting halfway to a lot of projects without actually leaving room for flexibility. Like docks.
For example, getting more light cavalry is distinctly a sooner, rather than later problem and, despite how it would be smart of our provinces to use their actions in a megaproject support policy by doubling a main to get three mains and one secondary, thus leaving them with room to do an expand econ, I have no particularly large faith that they will. Maybe AN has changed his approach to this, but once burned twice shy. AKA, I still remember them being complete morons about this.
I think you also need to just, in general, save some actions for dealing with mid turn problems.
1. Halfway done?
I am finishing trader quest, and other stuff, like keeping colonies happy and Forchuh happy, is a matter of upkeep with no end in sight.
The other stuff it addresses - annex and dam - is something of a slog anyway. It's not like we can
finish either of those this turn without sacrificing other one.
So, finishes one project (fleet), keeps up with neverending projects (subordinates and diplomacy) and slowly works through longer projects of Great Hall x6 and Dam. I am not seeing much room for improvement here without dropping some things we really should not drop. If you can point what exactly of
- keep trading with Forchuh until Canal to Lowlands makes it easy enough to be "automated"
- keep influencing subordinates until updates stop dropping "they are only sticking with us because other dudes might be aggressive" phrases
- finish Navy (Naval 4)
- Dam
- Great Hall x6
we can either drop or finish faster, feel free to. I don't see much room to, although dropping "Wealth 10+ at midturn" opens up some options.
2. Wait, what do you mean about our provinces? I don't recall that incident you speak about.
I'm pretty sure they are right about that. I was certainly never of the opinion it was something different, and we should get a warning if it is.
That's good news.
Okay, let me try remake of plan without this constraint.
Main Great Hall Annex -4 Econ -4 Culture (who cares about culture cost tho)
Secondary TM - Forchuh/Invite Forchuh: -2 Wealth/some Diplo whatever
Secondary Change Policy MP Support
Secondary Influence Greenshore -2 Econ, Wealth and lots of else
Secondary Raise Army -3 Wealth, -2 Econ, +5 Martial
Secondary Expand Econ +6 Econ
Guild Main More Warships -3 Econ -3 Martial, -5 Wealth, +2 Naval
Guild Main Docks -2 Econ -1 Wealth
Guild Secondary Kilns -1 Econ, -1 Wealth
Econ: -4 (Annex x2))-2 (Inf)-2 (army)-3 (Warships) -2 Econ - 1 Kiln= -14; 6 more free to spend - enough for provinces to take their 3 Dam actions
Wealth: -2 (TM)-2(Inf)-3(RA)-5(Warships) -1 Docks -1 Kilns = -14; left at 6, whatever
Econ: +6 (Expand) + 6 ( provincial secondary Expand) = 12 come midturn
Wealth: lol, left at 6 wealth, which is above 5, so no panic.
Martial: total +2 without touching 0.
This gives some more Docks and does not burn through forest slots. Better?
Canals were originally supposed to be extended projects, with the exception of insanely larger scale canals like the Triangle or bypass canal. Maybe AN has changed that, but it was not originally supposed to be another megaproject. So...
This is the first time I hear this. Would mean starting it to let passive policies finish it for us might be the best approach then.
If we get those actions in the mid turn I will be much more on board with a megaproject support policy. Of course if we do, then that plan is obsolete because it has a secondary raise army, which will no longer serve the same necessary purpose and can be replaced with, say, finishing the annexes or even starting up a free city.
Yeah, I am explicitly assuming we cannot progress towards any of our goals with the midturn reaction. This is sorta bad-case-but-no-crisis plan, so redundant things can be thrown away when possible,