Okay, while there is no update, I got thinking about next main turn and plans for it.
1. Going in with Econ 20 Wealth 20 after hypothetical PSN trigger with us taking cash crops for -4 Econ +7 Wealth. Without we will have 24 Econ 13 Wealth which is even easier to work with anyway.
2. No other vote in midturn because we have literally no clue what can it be so guessing is pointless.
Main Great Hall Annex -4 Econ -4 Culture (who cares about culture cost tho)
Secondary TM - Forchuh/Invite Forchuh: -2 Wealth/some Diplo whatever
Secondary Change Policy MP Support
Secondary Influence Greenshore -2 Econ, Wealth and lots of else
Secondary Raise Army -3 Wealth, -2 Econ, +5 Martial
Secondary Expand Econ +6 Econ
Guild Main More Warships -3 Econ -3 Martial, -5 Wealth, +2 Naval
Guild Main Porcelain Works -2 Econ +2 Wealth
Guild Secondary Docks -1 Econ
Econ: -4 (Annex x2))-2 (Inf)-2 (army)-3 (Warships) -2 Porcelain - 1 Docks= -14; 6 more free to spend - enough for provinces to take their 3 Dam actions
Wealth: -2 (TM)-2(Inf)-3(RA)-5(Warships)= -12; left at 8, need 10+ to not lose Stability
Econ: +6 (Expand) + 6 ( provincial secondary Expand) = 12 come midturn
Wealth: +2(Porcelain): Wealth 10
Martial: total +2 without touching 0.
Concerns addressed:
- connectivity (3 Dam actions - means it has a chance of completion even); also, docks
- feeding capital (Dam)
- government upgrade (Great Hall x2 for a total of Great Hall x5)
- NOMADS (slight Martial growth + placating ex-nomads to the east via trade)
- navy for trader quest + preparing for possible war with someone around Yllthon
- influencing western subordinates
Concerns not addressed:
- lack of cultural glue (no temples, no theaters)
- no roads
Concerns actively hurt:
- taking Porcelain without Forestries is actively harmful to our safety margin of forests
Separate not about navy: a guarantee of secure travel (Naval 4 is nothing to sneeze at) is going to be a boon to connectivity along the shore I imagine, so it can count as indirect influence vector on subordinates there.
Note, it's all
very back-of-the-envelope since we have no idea what happens at midturn. But the act of planning still should help with hashing out the real plan when the time comes.