A full lvl 1 free city produces -1 econ, +1 culture, +1 wealth. A full lvl 2 free city (like Redshore) produces -2 econ, +2 culture, +3 wealth. I definitely don't want more mercenaries than free cities with marketplaces (not free city levels, free cities period), but I'm not convinced that once we get the marketplaces built that we are going to have to worry about mercenary pay. Obviously getting to 5 mercenary companies isn't an immediate priority, but I'd like to get there before the colossal walls are finished (8 turns).Trelli had a shit ton of money tho
And basically had to keep half of their mercs constantly farming cash through slave raids and such to keep their income up.
We want to treat them as elite military units, not just bodies to throw around.
I would say we should have five companies max, and only if we have a huuuuuhe excess in wealth.
We should also only create companies through double main raise army from now on.
Just to get that professional army vibe going strong.
Wait, really? I know that we've lost the marketplace bonus from Valleyhome when it was no longer a true city, but have we ever seen a free city pop?That's the problem: market comes and goes, so any excess is going to be temporary.
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