2-3 turns of peace sounds better than no peace. Also if they have a cultural memory of a goldfish then how the hell do you expect to ever make peace with them?
You can't make peace with nomads. That's the entire issue. You can terrify them enough that they stay back for a turn or three, but unless you are willing to commit serious resources to doing that repeatedly, or make yourself too strong to casually attack, then they will always threaten you.

Look at China, for example. They literally built walls comparable to Constantinople, the city said to have the strongest defensive fortifications in the western world, around pretty much every major city they had, just to make it too hard for the nomads to get anything from raiding them. They built the freaking Great Wall of China not to defeat the nomads, but instead to make nomads think twice about raiding them.

Nomads are the bane of civilization until you hit industrialization. There is no solution until that point.
So we're the Tender Speakers important to us in anyway? What does losing them actually mean.
Actually, they held the pass into the lowlands from the Steppes. Losing the TS means we have to set up a new marche to defend that pass, or have one of our vassals take over that duty.
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and probably some of the infrastructure ones for the time being.
Huh. Was not expecting that. We've got the level 2 baths on Redshore and a baths in Valleyguard that need to come online, plus the eventual level 2 marketplace for the quest. And the academies we just unlocked.

I guess the Redshore baths aren't immediately critical, so the 3 progress will just make the Valleyguard ones.
@Academia Nut, you've missed this question a few times, but why don't we gain Economy from the Forestry policy? Sacred Forest means we should be doing Manage Forests on the forests we create automatically, which should generate Economy.
Huh. Was not expecting that. We've got the level 2 baths on Redshore and a baths in Valleyguard that need to come online, plus the eventual level 2 marketplace for the quest. And the academies we just unlocked.

I guess the Redshore baths aren't immediately critical, so the 3 progress will just make the Valleyguard ones.
Academies are an action, not infrastructure.
Actually, @Academia Nut, since Uvothyn is going to be taking over this turn, could we see the Build Academy action for planning purposes (and curiosity)?
@Academia Nut when do you expect the next update to be? I think yousaid you'd probably be busy tonight, but do you have an idea if it would be tomorrow morning, night, not until monday, etc? Debating trying to eke out the A&D post tonight to avoid getting ninjad by the next update, and playing some more Mario Odyssey before bed :p
Quiet reminder that Ymaryn sexual slang is full of allusions to farming, forestry, and gardening, and then you can go back and read my comments on this thread and wonder how many entendres were involved.

*checks rest of thread*
Wow is the thread serious?
Half smiling, half glaring, Nomirrah asked, "So is your interest in these purely professional, or are you interested in the status of my fields again?"

Still, even as she shook her head, Nomirrah was smiling, and she said, "She just does not want her story to repeat over the generations. She wants a nice, levelheaded man who can take care of our fields and forests and not go anywhere." Her smile turned mischievous for a moment before she said, "Now, if you might like to demonstrate how you would till my fields in the off season, I would be willing to give you an audition, and show you how I make bread." She raised her eyebrows at that even as she ran a finger along the hem of her dress.

This was from over 4000 pages ago and 100 updates ago.

This is old news

Those reaction options from a while ago... "Stay at home and garden"
"What is best in life?"

"To honour the gods, till fine soil, and watch your children and trees grow tall and strong."

"Such is the way of the People, and when the People live to these ideals, the gods offer their blessings."

"Such is the way of the People."

Edit: Also from the same update:

Baby Boom -> Population Explosion
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Burn stuff, and ritually marking themselves with ashes on their faces.
Interesting...we'd probably end that practice pretty soon, that sounds dirty :p
Quiet reminder that Ymaryn sexual slang is full of allusions to farming, forestry, and gardening, and then you can go back and read my comments on this thread and wonder how many entendres were involved.
Oh my.

Lots of plowing involved. I'm sure.
This is incorrect. Remember the fluff present in the update when we got Philosopher Kings. We got it because our king fucked up badly starting the war with the Trelli, and the people were yelling for the next kings to be more educated to lessen the chance of future kings fucking up. It's just like how people pray to the God of Kings asking for the king to not suck.

Since we got an Urban Poor quest to fuck up a faction because they wanted to punish someone for the war, it is very likely the Urban Poor like Philosopher Kings too - they as well as everyone else want to have a king that doesn't suck.
The problem is Philosopher Kings essentially says to the Urban Poor they are going to stay where they are. The 'people' mentioned the most in the narrative are those who are in the middle class and above. The artisans like a smart king because they are obviously, smart and have a chance. The priests like a smart king because they are the smartest. And the Patricians and Guilds pat each other on the back while buying up all the best tutors

The masses were known to be quite anti-intellectual until cheap public education happened.
In ancient China and Korea(states with Philosopher Kings), philosophy was the domain of the rich and powerful, while the commons didn't really think it was anything more than self justification.
2-3 turns of peace sounds better than no peace. Also if they have a cultural memory of a goldfish then how the hell do you expect to ever make peace with them?

Several ways we've done in the past:
1) Stabbed them all - Lasted all of 3 generations.
2) Trade - Lasted 5 generations, during which 3 of those generations they don't know why they like us so they stabbed everyone else instead(and we loot refugees from everyone). Then some centuries later a meteor exploded them and we took them home. Then Nomads came and stabbed them to death.
3) Diplomacy and charity - Lasted 9 generations, during which they were wandering for 4 generations after going up north, summoning their own horde(using our money) and killing the enemy Khan who attacked us(while we were busy killing that Khan's father), after which we elected one of them king and absorbed them

The thing is they're an oral tradition culture. To make peace with them requires ongoing trade contacts. Since they don't have writing or libraries, everything they know is what their parents told them, modified to fit what is politically popular.
The solutions are:
-Temporary solution that costs us lives and makes it peaceful for a short time
-Temporary solution that costs us money and makes it peaceful for a medium time

Assuming nothing else happens, this is going to go down as one of the major foundational points of your recorded history. Even then, there will be a significant amount that simply is not believed by future generations.
Well it IS one of our core cultural values to give historians headaches!
So we're the Tender Speakers important to us in anyway? What does losing them actually mean.
A few things:
1) We are no longer looking at the Thunder Speakers breaking away due to cultural divergence anymore.
2) The primary pass for nomads to go through and rape the lowlands is now open(the other pass is Ymaryn core which is dwarf fortress levels of fortified)
3) We lose 0.5 Econ in food taxes.
4) Vassal support policy has increased in power by 10%

Overall if we plug the pass immediately with a March we will solve 1,2, & 3 by filling it with a chunk of Ymaryn core culture.
Might want to wait a turn or two though. Otherwise we'd probably dump the ex-nomads there.
Huh, is this ability to select which passives to deactivate the ability of our king at work or something natural to passive policies? If it's AI guided could be useful for future planning.
IIRC it was mentioned that they'd turn off policies based on IC priorities. Which due to our government system is basically:
1) Is this policy keeping us alive?
2) Is this policy culturally or legally significant?
3) Does any powerful faction want to keep this policy?
4) Does this policy make sense?

Yes, factions go above sense.