Anyway what's the damage? Do we still have most of our territory?

We've lost one vassal for sure, we still don't know what's going on in the half of our extended empire that's currently less on fire, and about a fifth of our total population is probably dead/dying.

Also, we seem to have a dedicated ultramilitarist genocidal troll now, which might have "interesting" narrative effects.
No, because we literally have everything you listed as a benefit from accepting them already, plus more.

1. Unity is not a problem for us. Our Joyous Symphony gives us strong unity as an inherent trait, and our people already dislike the nomads, to the point where for anyone else, we actually need a reason to attack them, but for the nomads, we have carte blanche to wage war whenever we want.

2. You can't get tech from tortured prisoners. First of all, the tech we need has to be taught over years, and there is no way the captured nomads would show us their secrets if they hate us. Secondly, our people don't know the extent of their training in horsemanship, so there is no way we will even get half as much tech from your plan as we would if we recruit them.

3. I'm sorry, but are you trying to turn us into a stereotypical evil empire? When advocating the use of hatred and torture as part of our national culture, well, you might want to rethink that plan...

I'm trying to turn us into the United States of America. All of this is based of of US military doctrine in WW II and Vietnam. You don't have to necessarily torture people, but say you have their families and if they don't teach you how to do this certain thing well...guess we have less mouths to feed.

So, what, if they fight us, no mercy ever again? If they are smart enough to surrender from the get-go, they live?

You really don't see the issue with this line of thought? Like, at all?

I don't want surrender, I want total submission. I want them to look at as an see death incarnate

Yeah at this point it's pretty clear Burnie is just a troll who's happy to spin lies and utter nonsense to get reactions, so we should probably stop reacting to them.

Am I really just a troll? Would a troll try to defend their arguments instead of attack the arguments against my claim?

No, you simply don't want to see that I have been completely serious this entire time. Does that disturb you I wonder, that these are actually my beliefs?

By the way I got that information on ponies from SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE™: MY LITTLE PONY.
We had the explanation for this a while ago. AN had explained that most of the time traits which CAN fuse will fuse pretty soon, so fusions of advanced values are rare because if they can fuse they'd already have done so.

The Sharing Circle line solves this problem by taking compatible values from other cultures, so they are at a higher chance of fusion due to having NOT been selected for low fusion chance.
Thanks! I was curious as to where this line of thought had come from.
Assuming we survive the plague, we're going to have some very heavy stat expenditures.

In no particular order:
-Found March in Thunder Speaker territory: 5 Martial, 2 Econ Transfer
-Found Trading Post in Steppe Portage (assumes that Northern Road survives and demands to be transformed into a colony): 3 Diplo, 2 Wealth, 1 Econ, 2 Econ Transfer, 2 Martial
-Found Trading Post in Trelli: 3 Diplo, 2 Wealth, 1 Econ, 2 Econ Transfer, 2 Martial
-Influence Thunder Horse (assuming that they are able to use the resources, otherwise support subordinate): 3 Diplo, Transfer 3 Econ, Wealth, Culture, Tech, and Mysticism
-Support Western Wall, Greenshore (assuming that they are still part of our polity): 8 Econ, 8 Martial
-The Dam: 8-12 Econ
-Great Library: 15-21 Mysticism and Culture, 2 Econ
-Triangle Canal: 24-33 Econ, 8-11 Tech

We might also end up wanting an additional March to the north of the boundary hills, or one to the east of the Thunder Horse. And that is just subordinate actions/mega projects rather than other important things like building watchtowers, roads, kilns, walls, a navy, or raising cavalry.
I'm trying to turn us into the United States of America. All of this is based of of US military doctrine in WW II and Vietnam. You don't have to necessarily torture people, but say you have their families and if they don't teach you how to do this certain thing well...guess we have less mouths to feed.
I don't want surrender, I want total submission. I want them to look at as an see death incarnate
Can it wait till we invent napalm and split the atom?
[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)

Tempted to vote for running them down, but for all I hate who the Ymaryn now are, noooooot voting alongside the guy advocating genocide. (Also, taking everyone in has a chance to break the civ, anyways, so.)

Taking everyone might interact positively with Pride in Acceptance, too. That trait emerged from the fusion of Cosmopolitan Acceptance and The Greater Good, narratively justified as offering hospitality to foreigners being spiritually purifying. Physical hygiene seems central to the trait, so I doubt it'll lose the possibility of ethnic discrimination, but hopefully it'll be able to lose the friction with Pride in Acceptance.
I'm trying to turn us into the United States of America. All of this is based of of US military doctrine in WW II and Vietnam. You don't have to necessarily torture people, but say you have their families and if they don't teach you how to do this certain thing well...guess we have less mouths to feed.
I'm... I'm honestly not sure how to respond to this, actually.
I don't want surrender, I want total submission. I want them to look at as an see death incarnate
Me and several others have already explained why this line of thought doesn't work.

Nomads have the cultural memory of a goldfish. Hell, that might actually be insulting to the goldfish.

Nomads don't remember things like that for more than a few generations. If you succeeded wildly beyond your dreams, that would buy us 2-3 turns of undisputed peace from the nomads.

After which not a single one would remember that they'd even fought us.
Ash Faced referring to skin color or to their tendency to burn stuff?

Burn stuff, and ritually marking themselves with ashes on their faces.

This is definitely true for keeping gardens, especially fruit and vegetable gardens, in urban areas.
While calorie wise it's completely irrelevant, the resultant nutritional diversity(and the significantly smaller local air quality improvement) helps.
And of course, for those with the cultural values for it, it also reduces stress.

Quiet reminder that Ymaryn sexual slang is full of allusions to farming, forestry, and gardening, and then you can go back and read my comments on this thread and wonder how many entendres were involved.
Mostly it needs to be tempered. Right now its basically Eye for an Eye.
It could also be made more extreme, like how Greater Good evolved into Moloch Calls.

-Philosopher Kings
--Support: Patricians, Guilds, Priests
--Neutral: Traders, Yeomen, Urban Poor
--Against: Priests, Urban Poor

And then the urban poor. To them, this is yet another form of elitism they cannot get access to. This will change of course, as education becomes more available, but currently its just advanced magic whiich they don't get to use.
This is incorrect. Remember the fluff present in the update when we got Philosopher Kings. We got it because our king fucked up badly starting the war with the Trelli, and the people were yelling for the next kings to be more educated to lessen the chance of future kings fucking up. It's just like how people pray to the God of Kings asking for the king to not suck.

Since we got an Urban Poor quest to fuck up a faction because they wanted to punish someone for the war, it is very likely the Urban Poor like Philosopher Kings too - they as well as everyone else want to have a king that doesn't suck.

If we were playing an "Evil Overlord" quest, maybe. But we're not, so no.
I don't think it's even a maybe. When evil is at all on the table, SV always goes with pragmatic evil over other flavours of evil.
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@Academia Nut How historically significant is this plague and resultant war compared to the Bolide impact and The Great Power war?

I assumed Great Power War was ranked 1, then bollide impact second, and finally this plague.
[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)
As such, the typical result of totally annihilating a Nomad clan through pursuit is inspiring the next great Khan to think "Meh, I can take em."
also oral history quickly turns memories of reprisals into slights against the honor of their ancestors. anyone else remember one of the first nomad hordes after gwygowytha? they thought they invented carts we stole them and in general dicked around their ancestors.
I'm... I'm honestly not sure how to respond to this, actually.

Me and several others have already explained why this line of thought doesn't work.

Nomads have the cultural memory of a goldfish. Hell, that might actually be insulting to the goldfish.

Nomads don't remember things like that for more than a few generations. If you succeeded wildly beyond your dreams, that would buy us 2-3 turns of undisputed peace from the nomads.

After which not a single one would remember that they'd even fought us.
2-3 turns of peace sounds better than no peace. Also if they have a cultural memory of a goldfish then how the hell do you expect to ever make peace with them?
also oral history quickly turns memories of reprisals into slights against the honor of their ancestors. anyone else remember one of the first nomad hordes after gwygowytha? they thought they invented carts we stole them and in general dicked around their ancestors.
Actually, about that, the nomads really did invent war carts. What Gwygoytha invented was the war wagon.
How historically significant is this plague and resultant war compared to the Bolide impact and The Great Power war?

Assuming nothing else happens, this is going to go down as one of the major foundational points of your recorded history. Even then, there will be a significant amount that simply is not believed by future generations.

No need. We should be losing 4 policies next main turn. I expect that diplomacy is definitely going to be one of them.

Yes. Diplomacy and Skullduggery will definitely deactivate, and probably some of the infrastructure ones for the time being.