[X] [Mystic] Search the entire kingdom for someone who might understand her and put her at ease (-1 Mystic, -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Culture)
[X] [Hero] One of the negotiators truly shone among the Khemetri (Heroic to Genius level diplomat)
[X] [Prov] Integrate Gulvalley (-4 Diplo, +3 Econ, +8 Econ Expansion, +2 Mysticism, +3 Culture, +1 Tech, new core province)
[X] [React] Megaproject - The Games
-[X] [React] Kick Megaproject
[X] [Policy] Trade (+1 Wealth/turn)
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn) x1
[X] [Bonus] Upgrade a random value
Let's turn Yenyna into Xinderylla!
Honestly, if you couldn't tell that was crack I'd be disappointed in you.
Shippers can believe some pretty darn crazy things when it comes to their pairings.
I should know, I'm one of them~
Tales of the Four Kingdoms would seem to me an accurate title for one of the epic. I would have done Romance of the Four Kingdoms, but I don't think that would fit.
*looks at a certain duet of steel*
No, Romance sounds about right.