Wish I had the time today to dedicate to arguments one way or another, but I have a project that must be handed in less than 12 hours and there's still bugs aaaa
I'm not doing it for the stats. I'm doing it for the "Other Benefits"
A major Festival improvement while we work out the kinks in our religious beliefs should lead to an synergistic expansion in cultural activitiy, such as theater and dance, amplifying the message we're sending in our choice of which divine aspects should be done.
Consider a Spring Festival dedicated to the Fertility goddess, where people plant the fields, ritually plant new trees and also plant babies. While drunk.
Consider a Winter Festival to Spider Eyed Crow, where we develop shadow plays in the dark season, using the shadows cast by the flickering firelight to provoke thought. While drunk.
We've never Mained a Festival previous, so I'd like to take the opportunity to actually do the Main while we have a discount.