good afternoon Hello everyone,

After receiving a report from this thread I've gone and reviewed the past 20(!)-odd pages. I've not found anything actionable. With that said, however, the climate of this thread is pretty high-octane. People are getting short with each other a lot. I've done it before, too, so I get it. But it's still a game at the end of the day.

I'd like to ask that people chill out a little bit when they post and generally extend each other some charity. There's no need to be so tightly wound about things eh? ;)

Thank you.
Information: Official Staff Communication
Please remain calm and don't insult people. We don't want mods popping up

official staff communication Part of me's saddened by this statement.

But this is still a good idea.

We need to do it as main so we get the tech advances. It's like you don't read or something
Then we effectively lose Shitton of econ for a chance, chance at getting innovations, there is no guarantee

Look asshole, we don't NEED to do it this turn, we need bodies that's why I advocate secondary, we can do it the next turn

warning Please stay calm and on-topic. I understand quests can become heated.

But that's no excuse to call other people names. Only warning.

That goes for the rest of you all. Please remain civil and productive.

That's all for now. Good luck, have fun.
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Stop: Fiat Iustitia Ruat Caelum
fiat iustitia ruat caelum First of all, I shall be awarding a one-day threadban to all of you; I hope you will not be repeating this behaviour in the future, and I am warning you that repeated instances of such behaviour will not be looked kindly on.

Then unto the huddled masses:

@Chrestomanci, for your multiple breaches of Rule 3 and incredibly hostile tone, I have seen fit to award you with 25 points and a severe warning to not indulge in such behaviour again.

@DkArthas, to you I shall award 25 points for a violation of Rule 4 as well as a minor violation of Rule 3. Please refrain from such behaviour in the future.

@Powerofmind, for ignoring a moderator warning, several breaches of Rule 3 and disruptive behaviour, I have decided to infract you for 50 points and a threadban of three days rather than the previously stated threadban of a single day.

I invite you all to have a good day and keep your tone constructive and civil.
Warning: Actually no don't do that
yo just chill he don't care, u don't need to care. Dismiss him as stupid and be aight
actually no don't do that Dismissing someone as stupid is a silly excuse for ignoring arguments, however bad they may or may not be. I'll give you a warning for marginal behaviour and a polite request to not repeat this kind of behaviour.
Warning: Warning
warning This is a fairly obvious attempt to divide an opposing argument up in order to address individual arguments without touching the actual argument, amongst some circles (the rest of the forum, lol) known as "spaghetti posting". I will give you a warning for marginal behaviour and ask you to not repeat this.

Your willing to have our entire nation die in order to help speed up humanities general progress, that is fanatical though processes.
stop This is what scientists call "bad faith debating" and "deliberate misinterpretation of the opposing argument", it is also what the Staff calls "against the rules", which means you get 25 points and I'm going to ask you to not repeat this.
Stop: Yes, a moderator might end up involved
1. We never stopped them from starving. That was an entirely different group, you half-baked nutcase.
2. We are suffering from a war. The flowery bullshit language you're using evidences your fear-mongering attitude by pretending we're on the verge of civilization collapse, and to even begin to pretend that the DP wouldn't take advantage of weakened protection evidences your apparent insanity.

You only make my argument about your delusion easier. You believe that the RELIGIOUSLY FANATICAL MURDER CULT will not take advantage of the near-total exodus of the WC's warriors to step up raiding practices to the point that they'd depopulate several smaller settlements entirely.
Gonna back, reread what I wrote, accept that I am debating and you are just having a temper tantrum because someone doesn't agree with you, something you've done before, and realise that you really need to become a nicer, more polite person.
Because right now you're acting like a right cockhead.
So go take a deep breath, follow my advice, come back, debate.

Otherwise a moderator might get involved, and I know who would be to blame for this thread dying.
yes, a moderator might end up involved For one, @McLuvin, using the threat of moderator intervention to try to win an argument, while also condescending and insulting your opponent is not okay; it's not against any rules explicigtly, but don't do it in the future.

Now on the other hand @Powerofmind, this kind of incivility and treatment of other posters is not okay and a breach of Rule 3 - take 25 points and a one-day vacation from the thread to cool down.

Everyone else, take a deep breath and do your best to cool down.

Have a good day.

official staff communication In retrospect, my judgement here was too harsh; keep the 25 points but there is no need for the threadban.
Information: Official Staff Communication
Why are you risking our CRITICAL FUCKING STAT going down TWICE for stuff that WE DON'T FUCKING NEED?!? Give me the logic here! Because right now, all I'm seeing is brainless shiny chasing!
:jackiechan::facepalm: I'm trying to avoid losing stability you piew

You know what? No. I'm done. I can't do this. When this pattern of massively risky behavior blows up in your faces? Whether it's this turn or some future turn? I am going to sit here and laugh at you. And I am going to bring it up, again and again. Because this? This is fucking retarded.

You bloody liar! He said it had a chance of going right, a chance of going wrong, or a chance to fall somewhere in the middle!
I'm not a liar, and you need to calm the fuck down.

official staff communication We've been getting a number of reports from various sources that disagreements in this thread often have a tendency to get a bit overly heated. The exchange I've quoted here is just one example. We're going to be monitoring this Quest for the near future.

I understand how frustrating games like this can get when you're really invested, having played in them myself, but excessive hostility doesn't help anyone in the end. It has the potential to escalate into something truly not fun, and it makes the quest less pleasant for everyone else to read. Often it can work much better to take a fifteen minute break from the computer to collect your thoughts, rather than replying in haste and saying something you might regret.

Thank you all for your time.