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Is it wrong to say that I agree with Keiko? If we resurrect masses of dead to this world as it is now it will be like trying to empty a lake with a bucket full of holes. Let's first at least get to a place where civilian scientists are a thing and murder isn't the first choice tool in global politics.
I agree with her overall idea to focus on making life worth living first, although I do have a nitpick about the world not having enough space. The EN is experiencing a demographic crisis because they don't have enough people. There is tons of potentially inhabitable space, it just needs the chakra beasts cleared out.
If we resurrect masses of dead to this world as it is now it will be like trying to empty a lake with a bucket full of holes.
The point isn't really to just snap our fingers and bring Literally Everyone Back, the point is to kick the afterlife door down and yoink a couple key individuals (for example, Jiraiya) which makes everything else so much easier.
SC Math for Chapter 395 (Applied):
@eaglejarl, @Velorien
By the SOPs, Keiko is training with 4 clones (with a little help from Noburi) and Akane is training with 4. With 2 base XP (assuming the 2 XP award is the base XP instead of including the +1 brevity bonus), the SC payouts are:
  • Keiko: +0.8 XP (2 x0.4)
  • Akane: +0.8 XP (2 x0.4)
All previous payouts are accounted for.
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We need to find the diary of the sage before attempting to rip open portals in the universe, it may contain information of the summoning scrolls that we can extrapolate to our own protects.

Keiko is right we do not know what the seven paths are much less how to find them safely.
If we run out of space for the formerly dead we could just raise another continent using kunfu wizard magic.
We're not executing an actual portal opening plan yet, we just wanted to know if they'd help us pursue one. It's probably going to take years to do this as it is, plenty of time to improve material conditions. Also, we're probably not going to be able to resurrect most of humanity just by going to the Naraka path if Kagome is right about people fading away from it.
[X] Action Plan: Apprentice Time

This plan assumes we've already taken care of the second Harumitsu assessment. Should this not be the case, do that in the lesson portion and amend the Asuma meeting to clarify that the boy still needs to be assessed.
  • Quick meeting with Asuma
    • Discussion re: teaching Harumitsu Hagoromo
      • Harumitsu seems to be acceptable as a student at a first glance, though we'd like to run some likely-reasonable conditions by you for approval.
      • We would like to exercise significant caution in this teaching schedule, so as to minimize the risk of sealing failures.
      • Simultaneously, we need to keep up with our own research projects and other responsibilities.
      • As such, and with your permission, we would like to pre-emptively extend the length of Harumitsu's apprenticeship beyond the usual timeframe, as well as have a number of these meetings — the more involved ones that might occur months from now — in a more secure setting.
        • It is highly unlikely that the Hagoromo estate has a well-equipped research facility that would be designed according to our specifications. We likely have to utilize our own labs for infusion and testing.
      • We have every intention of making an exceptional sealmaster out of him,sir.
    • Speaking of research projects, our latest one...
      • Demonstrate the chakradar seals to him.
      • We're willing to provide an amount of these to you for your personal use, sir.
  • Go give a lesson to Harumitsu.
    • Afterwards, tell Lord Hagoromo that we accept Harumitsu, pending some conditions.
      • Tell Lord Hagoromo whatever conditions we managed to settle on in the previous meeting.
  • Spend some time researching LBF.
  • Ami-Style training
    • Memory/Navigation
      • Have Mari blindfold you and drop you off in a random spot around Leaf, navigate your way home alone without removing it
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@MMKII Did we ever get chakdar finished? Oneiros' previous plan suggested it was still under development...
There was that edited scene where we explained to Shopkeeper Civilian Person about how it was going to save a lot of lives, and that chapter was the chapter it was completed IIRC.

Am I in the right universe? Was the Immortality Beans Can universe not just a jet-lag dream?
We really need to find a way to gift Shika another fifteen minutes of slumber in the morning. Does Gaku have a brother? Can Keiko rock her recent gains towards recruiting a trustworthy logistics specialist from the pangolins?

Also, we should really get around to finalizing that summon network before somebody else does...

Oh, and there's the whole "Ino is on a deadline" and "close marriages shape the mindsets of close female relationships" thing to deal with before it blows up.

Also, we still need to coordinate with Noburi on an appropriate "fuck you" to Hinata. Can't allow that sort of thing to go unanswered.
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"Hi. I'm a socially inept, but endearingly sincere idiot and until now I have believed that that is the only reason that you have continued to give me the time of day, but recent catastrophic circumstances have raised the possibility that you may be facing an urgent personal decision which could decide your entire life trajectory. I feel as if I should mention that I would be enthusiastically interested in assisting you in resolving it, and have even characteristically failed to mention this to my other, thus ensuring many dramatically compelling shenanigans while we hammer things out. You could score a lot of XP if you capitalize before I come to my senses."
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[X] Action Plan: Apprentice Time

  • Quick meeting with Asuma
    • Discussion re: teaching Harumitsu Hagoromo
      • Harumitsu is acceptable as a student, though we'd like to run some likely-reasonable conditions by you for approval if that is alright.
      • We would like to exercise significant caution in this teaching schedule, so as to minimize the risk of sealing failures.
      • Simultaneously, we need to keep up with our own research projects and other responsibilities.
      • As such, and with your permission, we would like to pre-emptively extend the length of Harumitsu's apprenticeship beyond the usual timeframe, as well as have a number of these meetings — the more involved ones that might occur months from now — in a more secure setting.
        • It is highly unlikely that the Hagoromo estate has a well-equipped research facility that would be designed according to our specifications. We simply have to utilize our own labs for infusion and testing.
      • We have every intention of making an exceptional sealmaster out of him.
    • Speaking of research projects...
      • Demonstrate the chakradar seals to him.
      • Here is our latest project. We're willing to provide an amount of these to you for your personal use, sir.
  • Go give a lesson to Harumitsu
    • Afterwards, tell Lord Hagoromo that we accept Harumitsu, pending some conditions.
      • Tell Lord Hagoromo of whatever conditions we have managed to wrangle approval from Asuma in the previous meeting.
  • Go spend a couple days to research LBF

Can we add some Ami-style training? Looks good otherwise, should be fun

[X] Action Plan: Apprentice Time
[X] Action Plan: Apprentice Time

This plan assumes we've already taken care of the second Harumitsu assessment. Should this not be the case, do that in the lesson portion and amend the Asuma meeting to clarify that the boy still needs to be assessed.
  • Quick meeting with Asuma
    • Discussion re: teaching Harumitsu Hagoromo
      • Harumitsu seems to be acceptable as a student at a first glance, though we'd like to run some likely-reasonable conditions by you for approval.
      • We would like to exercise significant caution in this teaching schedule, so as to minimize the risk of sealing failures.
      • Simultaneously, we need to keep up with our own research projects and other responsibilities.
      • As such, and with your permission, we would like to pre-emptively extend the length of Harumitsu's apprenticeship beyond the usual timeframe, as well as have a number of these meetings — the more involved ones that might occur months from now — in a more secure setting.
        • It is highly unlikely that the Hagoromo estate has a well-equipped research facility that would be designed according to our specifications. We likely have to utilize our own labs for infusion and testing.
      • We have every intention of making an exceptional sealmaster out of him,sir.
    • Speaking of research projects, our latest one...
      • Demonstrate the chakradar seals to him.
      • We're willing to provide an amount of these to you for your personal use, sir.
  • Go give a lesson to Harumitsu.
    • Afterwards, tell Lord Hagoromo that we accept Harumitsu, pending some conditions.
      • Tell Lord Hagoromo whatever conditions we managed to settle on in the previous meeting.
  • Spend some time researching LBF.
  • Ami-Style training
    • Memory/Navigation
      • Have Mari blindfold you and drop you off in a random spot around Leaf, navigate your way home alone without removing it
"Regardless, it seems to me that your priorities are misplaced. You act out of concern for the dead while the living continue to languish in misery. Can you tell me that your necromantic project, should you seriously pursue its success, will not proportionately redirect energies that would otherwise be spent on Uplift? There are only so many hours in a day—though I suppose that problem may solve itself if you really do regain access to the time-loop world—and only so much energy with which to generate ideas and act upon them. If you must pull the dead away from their appointed path, can you not do it after we have created a world worth coming back to?"
Is it wrong to say that I agree with Keiko? If we resurrect masses of dead to this world as it is now it will be like trying to empty a lake with a bucket full of holes. Let's first at least get to a place where civilian scientists are a thing and murder isn't the first choice tool in global politics.

The best way to ensure Uplift is not to focus on long term world altering projects but small incremental works that each on their own help to improve the world overall. If we go all in on resurrection tech and get assassinated before we make any headway the world is just as horrible as before Hazou acted in it. Honestly, just look at our attempts to make gliders and how long it has taken them with still no real fruit to show for their months of labor.

The current ongoing crises as I see them are primarily a dropping world population and further escalation between the established super powers. If we're going to constantly bother Shikamaru with our far fetched ideas about world altering innovations the least we can do is offer to help him with these headaches we know he has been dealing with for so long.

On that note I propose we focus more on improving the lives of civilians through (primarily mundane) industrialization and therefore centralization. By consolidating Leaf's workforce to be closer to the village itself we can improve the response times for squads to save civilians in the case of chakra monster attacks or scorch squads. Effectively utilizing civilian labor is our best bet to dramatically changing the world since all of the other major powers are convinced that the only way to meaningfully improve their international standing is through utilizing chakra. We have the benefit of knowing just how effective an average human laborer can be, though, through our use of Earth historical references. While we can use those references directly we can still nudge Hazou in the right directions to adapting those innovations on his own and then disseminating them throughout Leaf.

It really is basic macro economics: as Leaf increases its domestic manufacturing the prices of those goods fall allowing more people to buy them and improving their quality of life. Once everyone in Leaf has had enough of those goods to satisfy themselves we can begin exporting the extras to increase Leaf's wealth as well as binding us more closely to our neighbors through mutual trade. With well paid occupations civilians can start to focus on buying other products, growing Leaf's economy more, as well as having their children focus on their educations since those children do not need to leave home at an early age to help sustain their families. Additionally, since Leaf has a manpower shortage we can ensure that the workers will have protections from careless factory owners accidentally maiming them (and if we move quickly we can ensure that such practices are enshrined in law before greedy merchants try to litigate against it).

We don't even need to worry about securing our trade routes since we have so many summoning scrolls to bypass chakra monster shipping lanes almost entirely. If food production becomes an issue we can also look into importing food stuffs from the 7th path as well as asking our summons whether or not they would be inclined to take up farming in exchange for quality manufactured goods.

I will not say that I am so naive that I believe securing the world through trade alliances can bring about lasing world peace. We know from history that this only delays and unfortunately magnifies the scale upon which such wars are fought. However, to do nothing means a slow and insidious death whereas this will buy us time and gives us the economic base necessary for further world-changing projects.

To begin the process I made a plan to starting up a meat processing plant years ago; the type of operation that inspired entrepreneurs to think 'If one can take a pig apart systematically and linearly, why can't one reverse the order to take many small parts and create a finished product?'. Hazou is more than creative enough to make that same deduction since Skywalker seals are simply air domes turned upside down.

I am content with Hazou devoting some of his time on ending death but I do not want it to become his only goal. We have a whole clan of ninja and civilians to utilize so it is finally time we really made use of the majority of our subordinates. Ideally once our factories are up and running we can put trustworthy civilians in charge of it like Gaku or whomever he vets.
It really is basic macro economics:
I don't think collectively the playerbase +QMs have interest in diving into this for weeks on end, unless I'm misunderstanding. Theres offscreen stuff that does get mentioned every so often in the Gaku info dumps, but its slow because chapters mostly occur on the scale of days to a week.
I don't think collectively the playerbase +QMs have interest in diving into this for weeks on end, unless I'm misunderstanding. Theres offscreen stuff that does get mentioned every so often in the Gaku info dumps, but its slow because chapters mostly occur on the scale of days to a week.
We just had a whole chapter about Hazou expressing his desire to work on a long term project. Why can't we do another one that has a higher chance of success and a shorter projected timeline at the same time?

I can't speak for everyone and people may have changed their minds but for what it's worth back when I first posted the idea EJ said this:

I have to say, I really like the idea. This is exactly the sort of thing I enjoy seeing in portal fantasy. (Which MfD sorta-kinda is.)

I would envision this as a back burner type of project where, after the initial set up, we mostly let civilian managers handle the business just like we do/did with our chocolate plantations. I agree with the sentiment that no one wants to be bogged down in economic minutia, so as an alternative the QM's can continue with their overarching approach and view of economics in the village. I really don't see this taking long though since we have MEW, carpenters on call, and we already own enough land to plant some factories on. If there is another time skip we'll be grateful we invested in the infrastructure of the village and even if the game continues on a day by day basis we will at least be giving the Nara a (hopefully) satisfactory answer towards solving Leaf;s population problems as well as giving civilians hope for a better life.
We might be able to submit it to Asuma as something the larger clans can do for Konoja food security planning. I'll assume he would outsource it to the Akimichi. If the Akimichi are then interested with working with us or fleshing things out, we can run things by them.

OOC, we can have them do the leg work the QMs might not want to delve into or the non-exciting parts. They could use any fluff or background info generated from the project as a jumping off point for some more interesting scenarios that relate to or surround it.
We just had a whole chapter about Hazou expressing his desire to work on a long term project. Why can't we do another one that has a higher chance of success and a shorter projected timeline at the same time?
If you're talking specifically about the meat processing plant thing, I can actually think of several interesting ways to get that done.

I have no problem with doing this specific thing in an Interesting Way (TM). I will even write a few plans for it later.

In general, I am leery of sinking too deep into the elemental nation's economic underpinnings to poke at things. The aspects of this sort of thing that were pursued on in the past (which have mostly amounted to having an inexperienced boy-lord have a bunch of meetings and clicking his subordinates around to juggle a bunch of tasks and move a bunch of numbers around, outside of that one time we tried to do the salt thing and haven't gotten around to make it more efficient with Sealing research yet (because we never do sealing research)) just aren't really fun or engaging to me.
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