We -- well,
I, since I shouldn't speak for
@Velorien although I suspect he agrees -- don't tend to be best pleased with demands about when to cut a chapter. Sometimes there are things I would like to have happen after the plan is exhausted, and it's frustrating to choose between writing the thing I'm excited about or respecting the plan. Generally it's preferred to make it a two-way thing -- you have the freedom to make whatever plan what you want to happen so long as you respect the setting, we have the freedom to write whatever we want so long as we respect the plan.
Off the top of my head, I have no objection to the idea of electronics. I reserve the right to change that opinion later, but that loophole was more intended for someone
@Radvic ing the system with something like "Well, if it generates five amps at blarble blarble voltage and we combine it with a snarblebobble then we can explode the universe!"
Or, well, anything along the lines of "hang on, three hundred chapters ago you said that it only generate 5A at 110V, but our subatomic particle detection seal registered the presence of snabblebobble electrons and that's too many so where is the extra charge going?"