Is that back-of-the-envelope accurate at all? If so, it sounds like we need to just figure out ways to advance our goals (that are palatable and in the simulationist and rational spirit of things) in a manner that is less "This sucks eggs" and more "Wow this is cool. Everyone is having a good time."
(And then actually go friggin' do them.)
It's definitely not wrong. To unpack it a bit more, I enjoy writing almost everything that y'all have voted for recently. The issue is with the vast breadth of simulation required to keep everything afloat, and I'm not sure there's a solution to that.
The economics work is enjoyable
in retrospect, in large part because I learned some stuff, but at the time it was purely stress and grinding misery. I'm pretty much at the point of "yeah, you have any
reasonable amount of money you need" and if you start getting some major revenue streams then I'll be inclined to just delete the 'reasonable' from that. (Well, unless you're trying to buy a country or something like that.)
The politics was a bit of a drag, but it's done and shouldn't be much of an issue going forward unless y'all get in serious trouble.
I suspect you're going to completely transform the EN in the next in-game year or two; I feel about that the one feels about watching car know it's going to happen, part of you is dreading it, but there's a morbid fascination in watching it happen.
Sufficient skill and creativity and you become a complete nightmare to deal with no matter which kind of Whatever-mancer you are.
(You might have to have a bit more style if you're working with "Absolute control over string." or something, though.
I literally wrote
the a book on how to abuse limited control over string.
No, seriously, it's a free download on my Patreon.