Wasn't there talk about fertilizer, underground farms, and related agricultural improvements? Being able to mass-produce larger quantities of food year-round would make Leaf self-sufficient and be able to export food far more than normally, if nothing else.

Most of the trouble is going to be making the crops survive since it's winter, sadly; we'd need some form of sunlight + warmth to give the crops the energy they need to grow. Jiraiya had these Daybright seals, which I think mimic photosynthesis sufficiently [citation needed], but unless we want to have Akane spam EM every 3 hours, we need a source of warmth to keep the crops from breaking. Jiraiya's seals probably should have something, and if worst comes to worst we can just use a fire beneath the farm itself to warm the area or something.

Underground farms should be insulated from surface weather, and the deeper we dig, the warmer it is. So this is not a problem.
Underground farms should be insulated from surface weather, and the deeper we dig, the warmer it is. So this is not a problem.
A quick google tells me that temperature increases by about 1 degree F / 300' of depth. It's currently below freezing in Fire; I don't know what it should be, but let's be generous and say 30F. Greenhouses want to be 80-85F, so in order to get the temperature up to that level you're going to need to dig down 15,000' which is about 3 miles. That's going to be challenging.
A quick google tells me that temperature increases by about 1 degree F / 300' of depth. It's currently below freezing in Fire; I don't know what it should be, but let's be generous and say 30F. Greenhouses want to be 80-85F, so in order to get the temperature up to that level you're going to need to dig down 15,000' which is about 3 miles. That's going to be challenging.

Well, good thing that underground is also insulation.

Also, if there's hot spring, we could tap it for heating. But that's challenging engineering.
It's been a hot minute, but didn't we try to make a standardized method for quantifying Chakra? I'm wondering if we could assemble it into some sort of thesis and submit that.
"The first option: Ten thousand acres of high-quality land, complete with tenants to provide tax income."
  • Not especially valuable for us compared to the other options. If we want land we can purchase it directly with money. We have a lot of money and plenty of ways to earn even more. On top of this, we already have methods of clearing out and securing unclaimed land.

"The second option: Repayment of all debts previously incurred by yourself and your immediate family, forgiveness of all taxes for you and your immediate family for the rest of your natural life, and an income of ten million ryō per year for the rest of your natural life, contingent only on remaining a Leaf citizen in good standing."
  • The money is nice, but again it's something we can earn on our own. Money can't buy new or forbidden jutsu or summoning scrolls.

"Third option: Six months of full-time training under Master Instructor Ebisu, plus the ten jutsu he feels will best serve you."
  • Instruction from Ebisu will only benefit one person, so our total power won't increase by much. Ten jutsu could completely overturn our situation, but what Ebisu thinks is best for us is different from what we will actually want. This is a total coinflip.

"Fourth option: The winner's clan shall be granted a seat on the Clan Council and permanently allowed to adopt five ninja per year instead of two. If the winner is not a clan ninja, a clan shall be formed with them and up to ten other ninja as the founding members.
  • This is really nice. We'd never be able to form a new clan with money we could earn. We also cannot buy adoption slots (or make deals for them anymore).

"The fifth and final option: The Summoning scroll of the Dog Clan and the training to use it. If for any reason you are unable to make use of the scroll then you will instead receive fifty million ryō, forgiveness of all taxes for the rest of your natural life, and a duplicate of one of the other prizes."

Imo the most valuable option. We could get:
  • new and unique jutsu
  • a huge increase in an individual's personal power and versatility
  • access to another trading partner
  • specialized training from experts
  • Dog clan gold
  • a large boost to reputation
  • We round out our trio with Summons, just like the Sannin.
The Dog clan probably aren't alsio genocidal conquistadors. I mean, what are the chances?
Option Five (Doggo Scroll):

-We get a summoning scroll to complete the set.

Point of pedantry: To complete the Real set, we'll need a 4th. For Hazou or Akane, whoever doesn't get this one.

I think we should think of ways to improve trade/civilian integration. Most clans aren't going to be thinking that route. Or Isan, closing the deal with Isan is one of the largest boons we can pull off, as long as we actually get credit for it. Talking with Keiko about where she stands is a good step.
Point of pedantry: To complete the Real set, we'll need a 4th. For Hazou or Akane, whoever doesn't get this one.

I think we should think of ways to improve trade/civilian integration. Most clans aren't going to be thinking that route. Or Isan, closing the deal with Isan is one of the largest boons we can pull off, as long as we actually get credit for it. Talking with Keiko about where she stands is a good step.
We'd need 5, actually; the Dog scroll goes to Kagome.

Or Mari, now that I think about it.

Six it is.
A quick google tells me that temperature increases by about 1 degree F / 300' of depth. It's currently below freezing in Fire; I don't know what it should be, but let's be generous and say 30F. Greenhouses want to be 80-85F, so in order to get the temperature up to that level you're going to need to dig down 15,000' which is about 3 miles. That's going to be challenging.
I think we can get a three mile hole without too much difficulty. Hazou's tunneling jutsu seems like its in the approximate range of 1 CP/meter, and three miles is only 5k meters, or 5k CP. Hazou's at 190 these days, for 27 days worth of chakra to dig the hole, even if we don't ask for help. Every pangolin has a tunneling jutsu, and people will probably let us drain their chakra if we pay them. Its a mission that lasts 10 minutes and has near zero risk.

These numbers assume all of our tunneling jutsu work through rock.

It gets even cheaper if we keep Noburi topped up from hostile wildlife.

I have brought this up before, but I think we should try to find out how much chakra we can get in a day if we just go hunting. We focus on weakish water and swamp based creatures, and optimize our route based on information from the tower. The answer might be in the 1000s.

Of course, the win condition is if we can get Naruto to agree to help us. Naruto has ~8000cp, based on keiko barely being able to cast shadow clone, and naruto being able to keep 32 (we think). That 8k refreshes every single day. If we get Naruto's help, we will be able to build insane amounts of infrastructure.
I think we can get a three mile hole without too much difficulty. Hazou's tunneling jutsu seems like its in the approximate range of 1 CP/meter, and three miles is only 5k meters, or 5k CP. Hazou's at 190 these days, for 27 days worth of chakra to dig the hole, even if we don't ask for help. Every pangolin has a tunneling jutsu, and people will probably let us drain their chakra if we pay them. Its a mission that lasts 10 minutes and has near zero risk.

These numbers assume all of our tunneling jutsu work through rock.

It gets even cheaper if we keep Noburi topped up from hostile wildlife.

I have brought this up before, but I think we should try to find out how much chakra we can get in a day if we just go hunting. We focus on weakish water and swamp based creatures, and optimize our route based on information from the tower. The answer might be in the 1000s.

Of course, the win condition is if we can get Naruto to agree to help us. Naruto has ~8000cp, based on keiko barely being able to cast shadow clone, and naruto being able to keep 32 (we think). That 8k refreshes every single day. If we get Naruto's help, we will be able to build insane amounts of infrastructure.

I thought our tunneling jutsu doesn't really make tunnels.
I thought our tunneling jutsu doesn't really make tunnels.
Tunnel Excavation
Effect1-5, chosen at casting time. +Varies

Max Effect:
(½ * Aspect bonus)
Duration1 minute+60
Range-2 (personal)
Casting SpeedStandard
AOEOne target
SpecialAlertness is 0 vs people on the surface and vice versa unless you have special senses0

This is 0 because (absent special senses) it applies -Inf to your Alertness but +Inf to your Stealth
SpecialPermanent effect+25
DisadvantageSkill Penalty:
[15 - (level / 2)] penalty (minimum 0) to Athletics while tunneling

(Important skill but penalty rapidly goes to 0)
AdvantageIgnore borders and blocks on Sprint+10
AdvantageRenders you immune to most attacks from the surface+40
Total120 + Strain from Effect
(10, 30, 60, 100...)
24 CP + (2, 6, 12, 20...)

The user excavates a 2-meter diameter tunnel and is able to move through it unimpeded. They can cross (Effect) zones per round while ignoring any above-surface borders and blocks on Sprint actions. Effect cannot be higher than (½ Aspect bonus). User has 0 Alertness with regard to people and objects above the surface, barring unusual senses, and vice versa. The tunnel is permanent.

NOTE: The tunnel isn't magically reinforced, so it's possible for it to collapse if dug through sand, if sufficient weight is loaded atop it, etc.
I don't think it's a good idea to dig that deep down without sufficient precaution, and it's not even necessary. A greenhouse do not even need to be 90F to grow plants. Just good enough to grow whatever.
Not sure about the first question, but on this second part I feel pretty comfortable declaring that this is not a legally meaningful question as far as Leaf is concerned. If your clan head tells you to do a thing that doesn't contravene the Tower, you gotta.
But what punishment happens if you disobey? What can the clan head do to you, kill you?
An update to an earlier response:
@eaglejarl Can multiple members of the same clan bring in gifts separately? If they do, can they each get a prize if they make it to the top five independently? What happens if a clan member chooses the fourth prize for themselves (as opposed to giving it to their clan head)
Respectively: Yes, yes, the Clan Head is the one who gets to actually sit in the Council seat. The prize is "your clan gets a Council seat", not "you get a Council seat".

Not sure about the first question, but on this second part I feel pretty comfortable declaring that this is not a legally meaningful question as far as Leaf is concerned. If your clan head tells you to do a thing that doesn't contravene the Tower, you gotta.

But what punishment happens if you disobey? What can the clan head do to you, kill you?
i did not realize how much power the clan head had. Now I see why the distinction between adopting someone and them only living on our land is important
But what punishment happens if you disobey? What can the clan head do to you, kill you?
Not a century ago, Leaf was created as a bunch of clans with absolute power over themselves reluctantly giving up certain rights until a proper Hidden Village could function, and you bet they wouldn't want to give up a scrap more power than they needed to. In most cases it's generally better to think of a Clan as a semi-independent kingdom within Leaf instead of merely a wealthy power bloc.
Although we still don't know what sorts of disobedience a clan head would be willing to kill for in practice, when such killing would have a hokage killing the clan head in punishment or at least expressing disapproval, and when such a kill would generate general public disfavor in Leaf