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Hazō glowered. "I suppose."
Hazo sounds uncertain. I hope he has learned his mistake. Otherwise, we gonna need to learn more about social norms.

For the storage bank we can have a civilian man the place, and have a ninja come once a day, hour, or whatever. Let it be at scheduled times so customers can plan accordingly.

Anyone got ideas on how to convince Leaf to cooperate with Rock? Socials is still our weak point. Perhaps could use game theory. If we just rent it to them without making it terrible would that show weakness to other nations? We could bring up to the Council waiting for the scouts to report back whether Rock got attacked too. Saying it's possible Akatsuki attacked all the villages. Seems to me like no one was acting like they expected war to happen soon before the attack. That and Rock not immediately attacking suggest Akatsuki did it.

So who's down for checking up on the morality of mari's actions? or got ideas for helping out Kagome beyond sending letters? What do y'all think about offering Jiraiya's spy network to Leaf?
@eaglejarl Excellent chapter as always. Wow, 7.9k words though! Holy shit.

Hivemind points:

1) Adoption:

Too soon to commit, need to mull the options over. I'm on board with getting Haru and whats their faces to live on our land anyway. Technique Hacker ahoy! Just do all three because:

We can't forget about Yuno.

2) Yay JP/killing intent gains

TSUNADE: The Weight of the World Uncaring!

ZABUZA: Hunting Demons Will Find You!

KEIKO/AMI: Ice Ice Baby!

HAZOU: The Elder Things From Beyond are Disappointed in You, You Can Do So Much Better!

Love it. Useful and flavorful Int framings ho.

3) Retail Guy

We successfully convinced some guy to be super nice to civilians outside of his internal monologue with the reasoning and motivation of "Lord Gouketsu said so." I'm not sure whether this was explicitly one of the people we had to punish for something but in that case: wow, Hazou you absolute genius. You made the guy work customer service!

Do an impromptu "performance review" of these folks and give them the varsity team effort speech at some point in the future. Good performance will lead to Interesting Developments in the future, we promise.

4) Rock

Mari continues to be excellent, and I note that the near future is probably an excellent time to go reconnect with J's spy network to get intel streams for the village back up. This will be a clear pro-Leaf action signaling wise and will be advantageous to us as well, since it will provide an avenue we can use to look out for shinies and plot relevant things.

Is it time to play Pai Sho?
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Double the pay or find someone who actually likes the job? Still, we do want the bank to be sustainable.

The second option is most certainly better. I only mentioned payment because that's the main reason people get that kind of entry level job IRL. Payment is an extrinsic motivation, but this sort of problem is very much intrinsic and the 'solve it by paying more' mentality simply won't work.
So. Adoption. Angry lightning boi, badass canon!hinata, or drunk technique hacker? I vote technique hacker, mostly because it would be hilarious to see kagome and her comparing notes on safety precautions. Actually, if she still has hangups on TH, working with kagome could be a good way to fix that. Show her how seriously we take seal research, and tell her we want at least that level of precautions.
We should probably move to collect Jiraiya's Swamp of Death cache before Iwa stumbles upon it. Or make it into a safehouse while we fuck with them.
Doesn't the Yuno marriage take an adoption slot? I mean, we can do it next year or after convincing Asuma to raise the numbers, but still.
We can just help the TH and sell her jutsu.
So. Adoption. Angry lightning boi, badass canon!hinata, or drunk technique hacker? I vote technique hacker, mostly because it would be hilarious to see kagome and her comparing notes on safety precautions. Actually, if she still has hangups on TH, working with kagome could be a good way to fix that. Show her how seriously we take seal research, and tell her we want at least that level of precautions.

Bargain with the Technique Hacker and Haru to get them put in the adoption pipeline or otherwise get additional slots from another clan or get Asuma to "raise the limits to 4 for this year to help clans rebuild." or something.

Aya can probably just be apprenticed off to Mari in a worst case scenario. Throw Sakura in to get the package deal of "Easily corruptible female ninja with potential who are bright genjutsu users and whom Mari can teach quite a lot." Adopt them as slots arise in the future after getting our metaphorical claws in them.
Awesome update. I fistpumped multiple times.

Honestly, even if we decide not to adopt the drunk Technique Hacker, we could start by offering her a retainer position, maybe even lodgings on our land. Similarly, we should really talk personally to both Haru and the whip girl before making any final decisions. Haru we have a decent read on, but the other two are enigmas. For example, we could hire Aya for the chakra beast collection mission, see how she performs and works with the rest of us.
I'm not quite sure on the point of adoption at this point. When we could just treat them like the other ninja on our property. In fact, adopting ninja might signal a divide between ninja on our property and legally Goketsu ninja. We could tell them clan secrets I suppose.

Secretary ideas, Akane's parents. Pay them uber money as incentive.
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Yesss. How can we choose anyone else?

We'll need to figure out some way to fit Yuno in too; Asuma's the Hokage and Isan is important, we'll probably be able to arrange some kind of special dispensation. Alternatively, approach one of the twenty-four seatless Clans and buy up their adoption slots.
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I'm not quite sure on the point of adoption at this point. When we could just treat them like the other ninja on our property. In fact, adopting ninja might signal a divide between ninja on our property and legally Goketsu ninja. We could tell them clan secrets I suppose.

Secretary ideas, Akane's parents. Pay them uber money as incentive.
Akane's parents are doing other stuff for us. Though we could possibly ask it of her mother? Not sure Kenta would appreciate that, though.
We could tell them clan secrets I suppose.

Being able to increase the size of "Competent people who actually are in the clan." is in and of itself beneficial after some time. We will eventually have to have folks gallivanting all over the EN picking up forbidden lore or plot threads, or working on secret research projects for us that literally no one outside them and Team Uplift (who are at the moment, the clan) can ever find out about, and the clan is a useful social construct for that.
Akane's parents are doing other stuff for us. Though we could possibly ask it of her mother? Not sure Kenta would appreciate that, though.
I don't think it's as important as being our secretary. Kenta might not like it but we could say it's important to Goketsu and by extension to his daughter Akane.

clan is a useful social construct for that.
The thing we got going with the ninja on our property is a more useful social construct cause we can grow it at will without legal difficulties. Although it has a downside we can't legally take the ninja's mission pay. That's not a concern because we can just pay our ninja well, and remove our supplementary pay if they displease us. There might be more legal/social ramifications of being a clan head over someone, but if so we don't know them yet.

We should also ask Akane how the samurai people got ninja to be so friendly towards civilians. Copy from the success of others
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Great chapter by the way, @eaglejarl! Mari's plan sounds like something the hivemind would come up with which really is the greatest of praise (and cause for concern, but shhh.)
@eaglejarl IIRC, his dad is a shoemaker.
Oops. Fixed:

"Pro: His mom is dead and his dad is a day laborer working construction as a concrete man who used to be a shoemaker before he went out of business. That means they're poor enough that getting adopted would be appealing, especially since it would let his father get back to his original job."
Real talk: we probably don't have to choose between our three-four adoption candidates, because we're a Clan Head and that means we can suggest that the laws be changed.


Due to recent losses in high-ranking clan ninja, the urgent need to increase Konoha's military power immediately, and the destruction of Leaf's primary academic institution, Konoha should fall back on the ancient means of training ninja up to standards - by which we mean the clans, of course.

The Hokage will issue a special three-year dispensation to raise the clan adoption limit from two to five clanless non-jonin per year as a temporary patch for Konoha's ninja pipeline. At the end of this period, the Clan Council and Hokage will jointly review the effectiveness of this program and decide whether to continue the program.
The thing we got going with the ninja on our property is a more useful social construct cause we can grow it at will without legal difficulties. Although it has a downside we can't legally take
I don't care much about the legality, I care about how likely it is to keep things --including illegal and potentially treasonous things--secret and how likely it is get things done.

KEI's status at the moment is essentially "Group of individuals that serve as a fulcrum via political pressure, and as Cannon Fodder R' Us." They report to a trio of individuals who are not necessarily aligned with our goals, and they also can freely report to the Hokage (or anyone else; or be compelled to reveal such things to the Hokage; or be compelled to take a mindscan for other reasons and not be able to answer with "But clan secrets." or something.) about anything going on.

We ran into this problem when we asked Snake to assist with the basement stuff. Her response was "It wouldn't be clan secrets if I--someone who is not in your clan-- could help you with that, now would it?"
Frankly put, adoption is irrelevant, as Ami showed us. We don't want ninja technically at our call, we need loyal comrades(not minions) that will help us change the world, and adopting someone won't help making said someone loyal, in short: First make them loyal, them adopt them, one by one, all of them.
[Yuno is] part of a clan, so technically, no [it doesn't require an adoption slot].
She isn't part of a Leaf clan, so it probably would.

We could tell them [the non-clan ninja] clan secrets I suppose.
The rest of the clan would flip their shit. Also, your clan secrets are mostly Pangolin jutsu that you are not allowed to share with non-clan.

Uh, just checking. No one thinks Mari's plan is actually a good idea do they?
Of course it is! It will be effective at destroying Leaf's enemies and is unlikely to cost a single drop of precious Leaf blood. Why, with just a little bit of luck, some of those dirtmunchers might take the disease back home to their hovels. After all, nits make lice and it's much better to get 'em while they're young.
Uh, just checking. No one thinks Mari's plan is actually a good idea do they?
Depends what you mean by a good idea. Morally acceptable? Nooooo. No way in hell.

Effectiveness though? I can already see the Iwa nin running away screaming.

I'm for proposing we raise the adoption limit, we should ask Mari if its reasonable first though.
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