Calling it now:

Either Noburi will geniunely fall for Yuno and will do something stupid that makes it impossible for the Elder Kannagi to break things off, or Yuno has fallen for Noburi so hard that she'll sneak into his room in the dead of night and ask him to run away with her before her family can tear them apart.
Calling it now:

Either Noburi will geniunely fall for Yuno and will do something stupid that makes it impossible for the Elder Kannagi to break things off, or Yuno has fallen for Noburi so hard
The question is, what can we (i.e., Hazou) do to prevent either of those eventualities? I can think of an option, but I don't think either of them swings that way.
that she'll sneak into his room in the dead of night and ask him to run away with her before her family can tear them apart.
No, that would be a good thing, since with all the traps and explosives Akane and Kagome had planted, that would solve the whole engagement problem neatly. We'd have to make a show of being very sad, and find out what the village customs are for mourning a loved one, but we'd get out of this mess without anyone losing face (except for Yuno, in whose case the loss of face would be rather literal).
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It's December 8, which means Kagome's birthday is in 10 days. We have just over an in-story week to give him something nice.

Which, for me, means giving him a new pair of boots and gloves made from Kouta.

Edit: Gasai Moriko is meant to be different from Gasai Mikoto, the head of the clan yes?
Hazou is 4XP off from being able to blitz all the way to Hacking 10 in one go.

I'd like us to at least brainstorm what we could offer in exchange for lessons, even if we then decide that there's no price we're both willing and able to pay.
So our team knows about the psuedo-date plot, the Tannagi Elder knows about said plot, and our village allies probably know about it too.


Did anyone tell the love-struck psychopath her crush is doomed to failure? This seems like a critical error on the part of the plotters unless her not being in on it is a part of their real plan. We need to get all of these clever people in a room with Yuno and then tell her what the plan is. If she goes nuts, the village can disavow and/or put her down as needed. If she is cool with it, we can proceed as planned.

We also need to think of a way to break off this marriage if they try to pull a reversal on us, like @Pahan and @MadScientist noted. Could our team also act as though we disapprove of the arrangement, or is it too late already? Maybe we could claim Noburi has some sort of physical issue that would cause issues later on in the marriage? We can't let the village keep dictating how our relationship develops; if we do not assert ourselves in some way soon we will end up as their pawns, rather than as their partners.

I think now is a good time to start introducing any villagers (after they pass a background check from ourselves and our political allies) to our culture (in a secured yet public area for Kagome's sanity's sake). Just like each clan family in the village has their own characteristics, so too do we need to differentiate ourselves lest we become divided among the clans. We should still interact and mingle with the clans, yet we should retain some form of our outside identity otherwise we will never leave this village with friends. Ideally, we need to position ourselves to be the village's primary source of information of the outside world as well as a guide of sorts. Every time the village wants something from the outside world we need to be able to placate them to continue earning their trust. With our storage seals we can smuggle virtually anything undetected into the village, be it new renewable crops for a better source of nutrition, a new design of forge for better steel production (I'm assuming they have some form of metallurgy since they have kunai), to new forms of entertainment.

Reaffirming to our political allies that we do not seek total integration will take some serious politicking, but we do have an edge: knowledge they want. The Takahashi have already benefited from our outside knowledge of new techniques; we should endeavor to assist our other ally in a similar way. The Yoshida already know that Hazou has an interest in sealing; why not have him exchange basic seals with them while keeping Kagome as our ace in the hole? We might learn something new and ingratiate ourselves to them at the same time.

By explicitly showing our allies that associating with us benefits them immensely, more people should logically want to associate with us as well. We can defer to our original allies whom we should entertain as a sign of favor; the sooner someone aligns himself with us, the better his reward(s). All we have to do is propose such a plan in the presence of both elders; if we favor one over the other at this point in time we will only weaken our position. Furthermore, favoring one over another might be interpreted as a betrayal by the other.

I think we are in a safe enough position to start testing the tolerances of the agreement we made with the Takahashi and the Yoshida, so long as we step carefully and advance slowly yet steadily.
I wonder if a calligraphy brush with the casino's 'glow near chakra' seal, would aid in seal writing, as it might show disrupting chakra influences in the material, or leaks in the seals if they are flawed.

We don't know enough about what makes seals fail to know yet.
I wonder if a calligraphy brush with the casino's 'glow near chakra' seal, would aid in seal writing, as it might show disrupting chakra influences in the material, or leaks in the seals if they are flawed.

We don't know enough about what makes seals fail to know yet.

It's an engineering task, more sensors and feedback loops are generally better.

Also, the "glow near chakra" seal and the "auto dispel" seal could be combined and iterated on to produce a chakra wireless seal. One sends pulses of chakra in patterns, the other detects those patterns and decodes them. Visible to bakugan, but if we can build a chakra oscillator and PLL we can start working in frequency bands that they couldn't decode without special purpose seal crafting.

Edit: I just mean it's too fast for the human eye to work with. If you took a 10kHz SPI line and connected it to an LED, you couldn't read the data from the blink pattern of the LED. It's just too fast. I assume the bakugyan and whatnot are similarly limited.
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Well that went better than expected. For a given 'better', anyway.
Its best to have a Transformed Inoue or Hazou do the dating so we can ensure Nobby is not compromised. Or buy him a ton of deception.
Did we keep the 7XP in fake update?
I'd like us to at least brainstorm what we could offer in exchange for lessons, even if we then decide that there's no price we're both willing and able to pay.
I for one would accept granting them an alternate source of storage seals, so they no longer depend on the Yoshida. Though they might still be allied with them.
I liked the R&J reference.

be it new renewable crops for a better source of nutrition
Do the Elemental Nations have sweet potatoes? They're pretty much perfect crops for this place.

"I saw those," Inoue said. She grimaced. "Not until we were almost done, though."
"For what it's worth, I didn't notice them until we were almost finished."
Is there some reason Inoue mentions this twice?
Once more, we are out of our depth, why are we letting this just happen to us. What would have to happen for us to call in the cavalry? Draw that line in the sand and compare what is happening to that.
I gotta ask, did you lift the scene with the two arguing villagers from Shakespeare? Because I could swear it sounded like Romeo and Juliette.
...oh god. Noburi, we're going to kill you if you kill yourself over this.

I approve of this course of action: any time one of our teammates dies, we use a resurrection technique on them as soon as possible. That way we can punish them by killing them again. Rinse and repeat as many times as needed based on the severity of the blunder. Oh, you got beheaded by a psychopath after you tried to break-up with her and didn't run away? Your punishment is seven deaths by novelty explosions because we have seven new designs to test and you are now the seal test dummy.
Did we keep the 7XP in fake update?


I liked the R&J reference.

I gotta ask, did you lift the scene with the two arguing villagers from Shakespeare? Because I could swear it sounded like Romeo and Juliette.

Seems like we're in Romeo and Juliet now, what with all the thumb biting shoulder flicking.

Hacks "steal" from better writers' works. Mediocre authors "adapt" better writers' works. Great writers invent the word "homage" and then somehow convince the world that it's different.

(Note that I'm carefully not saying what category I fall into, since there is no good answer. ;> )

Hacks "steal" from better writers' works. Mediocre authors "adapt" better writers' works. Great writers invent the word "homage" and then somehow convince the world that it's different.

(Note that I'm carefully not saying what category I fall into, since there is no good answer. ;> )
A completely original work, the tragedy of eaglejarl and SV-et.

Hacks "steal" from better writers' works. Mediocre authors "adapt" better writers' works. Great writers invent the word "homage" and then somehow convince the world that it's different.

(Note that I'm carefully not saying what category I fall into, since there is no good answer. ;> )
You're clearly saying you fall into none of those categories by your use quotations around the words.