We lied and it was the brilliant sealmaster that was also our boss(Much more believable)? We had the idea but the only one that could create those was Jiraiya and we wanted that to remain under OPSEC? He didn't gave seals to the Toad because that would have painted a target on his back in the Human path, while Keiko was a disposable asset? Just launching ideas. *While screaming in Kagome*
The "We have a last shipment for free that we'll give if you need to defend yourself" could work, and we could sell it to Keiko as "This way the Pangolin won't be counter genocided, and that's good"

Can you please fix your formatting. It's damn hard to read.
"Uh, sir," the skinwaste said, holding onto the page. "You know that you won't be comped for the tags, right? It's going to lose you money if you use more than one or two."

So either the markup on seals is well upwards of 1000%, D-Ranks can't keep you fed for a day, or, um, the Tower prices might need to be revised upwards.

Otherwise we shouldn't see this effect where 2 explosive seals, which should be significantly cheaper than 5SB seals and definitely cheaper than skywalker seals, can equal an entire D-Rank mission, but people can still feed themselves on D-Rank missions whose duration lasts a day at least.
So, A plan i just written down hastily, just something to start the discussion, written to evade the coming disaster.
  • The Seal was actually made by Jiraiya, at the times our patron and boss(we were his most trusted spec-op team, to the point he made us family at a certain point)
    -He did not give the seals to the Toad for two important reason
    -He was universally known as the Toad summoner, and giving them such seal would have sparked instantly a new Ninja War, therefore he gave us the order to sell the seals to the Pangolin allies to weaken the opposition.
    -Aside from that, Jiraiya already had the full support of the Toads as an S-ranker, and he found better for his operation to give Keiko the seals and have a Chunin with Jonin-level summons ready to fight.
  • Sadly, Jiraiya The Gallant died in battle of Nagi island, trying to stop a madmen from perverting (Insert Sage Of the Six PAth Pangolin Name)Chakra in an horrible way, said monster stole the Tailed Beast and wanted to radically change the Paths with the power of the Tailed Beasts.
    -Jiraiya died fighting his and his madmen, and a great part of the strongest warriors of all the lands died, including his counterparts.
    -Even the summon path could have been horribly warped, as the madmen wanted to modify Chakra itself
  • Sadly, with Jiraiya dead and Leaf ordering us to keep working for them, the remaining seal master, nothing compared to Jiraiya The Gallant, can't even create the seal, nor have the time to do anything.
    -Leaf doesn't care about the contract, and ignored our pleas.
  • But we have hidden(Breaking all rules of the village, something that could keep us all killed in such a time) a last shipment of Seals for you, in case the other clan want to attack you in retaliation.
    -Because Contracts are sacred and we are ready to put our lives on the line to protect you all.
Failure points? Good points to improve? Things to scrap completely?
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So either the markup on seals is well upwards of 1000%, D-Ranks can't keep you fed for a day, or, um, the Tower prices might need to be revised upwards.

Otherwise we shouldn't see this effect where 2 explosive seals, which should be significantly cheaper than 5SB seals and definitely cheaper than skywalker seals, can equal an entire D-Rank mission, but people can still feed themselves on D-Rank missions whose duration lasts a day at least.

Also, everyone always whine about how waste so much explosive seals.
Let's try this again. A big thank-you to @Adept_Woodwright, @Halberdier, and @Jello_Raptor for volunteering to make suggestions and vet changes.

Your seal licenses have come through, making both Hazō and Kagome fully recognized Sealmasters of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. To maintain this privilege, the Hokage Tower requires a fee of 100 explosive tags of various tiers per month.

Any seal intended for sale outside of the sealmaster's clan must be approved by the Tower. Applications to sell seals which have been approved previously consist of scheduling an appointment to demonstrate to a currently-approved sealmaster that you can explain and safely produce the seal. For this purpose, Jiraiya has signed off on Hazou producing the seals listed below.

Applications for the right to sell seals never previously approved by the tower must include a one-time fee of (20-100 depending on how draconian the Tower is feeling) copies of the fully functioning seal or set thereof for testing and the village reserve stock, along with written instructions governing the seal's intended uses and a copy of the sealmaster's notes in case the sealmaster dies before anyone else masters the seal.

This acts as a rudimentary form of patent protection/incentive: every sealmaster other than the inventor who makes that seal, or any seal derived from it, gives 50% of gross revenue from said seals to the original inventor for 2 years.

So long as you maintain your license, you may freely sell seals which lack 'substantial military applications', a classification over which the Hokage's administration maintains sole discretion. At present, these include:
  • Party Trick
  • Air Freshener (probably no market)
  • The eight basic Chime seals (probably no market)
The Tower claims right of first refusal on all military seals, for which they will pay a standard rate depending on the seal. At present, these include:
  • Explosive tags
  • Alarm seals
  • Air Dome
  • Storage seals
  • Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier
If they choose not to buy your stock, the Tower will provide a receipt (printed on their fancy press) for each tag i) saying they have declined to purchase it, and ii) giving you the right to sell a tag of that type within the next seven days (so that prospective buyers know they are not purchasing bootleg tags). You may offer seals accompanied by valid receipts to anyone, at any rate you can successfully negotiate.

The letter informing you of your licenses emphasizes that, though it should go without saying, buying or selling regulated seals without a receipt, or granting access to classified knowledge or equipment to unauthorized persons, is treason.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail is this the seal license we are using, or is it the other post(last info threadmark)? Can the one we're not using be removed from the threadmarks just to make things more organized? Apologies if this has already been answered.

So either the markup on seals is well upwards of 1000%, D-Ranks can't keep you fed for a day, or, um, the Tower prices might need to be revised upwards.

Otherwise we shouldn't see this effect where 2 explosive seals, which should be significantly cheaper than 5SB seals and definitely cheaper than skywalker seals, can equal an entire D-Rank mission, but people can still feed themselves on D-Rank missions whose duration lasts a day at least.
Well I can't actually read white text because of my background settings, but all the same:

1000 sheets of seal-quality paper: 10,000
1gal chakra ink: 2,000
1gal honey: 1,000
10lb good tea: 4,000
Ingredients for one loaf fresh-baked bread with raisins: 30
1 copper kettle: 150
These were prices in Iron's capital/major city, for the record. R30 for a loaf of bread? A single Skywalker gets me 3 loaves of bread, plus change? What do explosives cost, R1?
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Scratches head

The holy grail of ninja combat is being sold for 30$ a pop?

The second highest value seal on the market is 20$ ?

Pardon me my bitching, but I don't really get it :confused:
60 bucks for 10 minutes work is 320 an hour. If we assume sealmastters are working 40 hours a week, then considering the tax is 7 hours / week they would have a yearly salary of 549120 if all they did was sell the most powerful seal in the world. I agree, this seems a bit off, although perhaps I misvalue sealmasters. It's not an unreasonable salary for a military position, but I have been mentally comparing them to military contractors where that would be completely unreasonable :shrug:
60 bucks for 10 minutes work is 320 an hour. If we assume sealmastters are working 40 hours a week, then considering the tax is 7 hours / week they would have a yearly salary of 549120 if all they did was sell the most powerful seal in the world. I agree, this seems a bit off, although perhaps I misvalue sealmasters. It's not an unreasonable salary for a military position, but I have been mentally comparing them to military contractors where that would be completely unreasonable :shrug:
My guesstimate is that a smart bomb is worth 3,000 bucks a pop. The actual price is actually 40,000 dollars per smart bomb.
All sealmasters capable of making skywalkers are required to make at least 100 of them per month as a tax to the Tower. (That's about 17 hours of work per month.) After that, all additional production must be sold to the Tower at a standardized price of N ryō/seal, where N is 150% of the next highest-value seal (assessed on a per-element basis) has a standard rate. Currently N = R200. It's been made clear in a non-official statement that this is a temporary arrangement and if it results in an inadequate number of seals coming in then the tax will be increased.

In addition, there is a one-time payment of R10,000 ($1,000) for any sealmaster who can demonstrate they are capable of making skywalkers. Demonstrating this is as easy as booking an appointment with a 3-person team of Tower-certified sealmasters (none of them from the same clan, or from your clan) and then making a skywalker in front of them. Everyone who knows sealing is strongly encouraged to get authorized; malingering by not getting authorized when you are in fact skilled enough (in the judgement of the Tower) to learn to make skywalkers carries penalties.

A skywalker seal is a pair of elements, meaning it takes 10 minutes to scribe. You can produce 6 skywalkers per hour at a rate of R200/skywalker, so that's an effective rate of R1200 (i.e. $120)/hour.

As of the latest assessment, you are earning a total of R120,000 / month from skywalkers: R60,000 cash-in-hand from Kagome spending 50 hours / month and R60,000 cash-in-hand from other sealmasters selling to the tower. You are also receiving R240,000 / month into the credit account with the Tower. The monies earned to date have already been figured into your current bank balance.

Note that every sealmaster has the following tax obligations per month:
100 skywalkers [1,000 minutes]
50 Alarm seals [250 minutes]
100 explosives [500 minutes]
For a total of 29 hours/month of tax-mandated unpaid labor, or ~7 hours/week.

Important fact: Using skywalkers without specific approval from the Tower is considered high treason. They want all production going to them, not getting stockpiled by the clans.


Note that when it says "150% of the next most valuable seal", that is assessed on a per-element basis. So, skywalkers are 150% the value, per element, of the next most valuable seal.

Skywalkers are R200 for a 2-element seal, meaning R100/element.The next most valuable seal is 5SB, which is R75/element, meaning that the Tower will pay R375 overall for a 5SB seal.

The original part was modified to reflect this information.

@Velorien: Were these rules in effect when Jiraya was still Hokage? Or have they popped up suddenly after the BotG?


Also, if storage seals are like R50 (which seems relatively high compared to Skywalkers) how can we give them away and make some merchant's day?

Something is very off about the R10 ≈ $1 comparison.
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I feel like the folks trying to marry the qm's current economic model to past characterizations are sort of cheating? Or at least not engaging in the proper spirit.

Like, there are a bunch of them, they've been writing for approximately ever, and seals became just a character signifier a long time ago. They presumably weren't pricing stuff like this when every other village couldn't be bothered to spend 30 bucks on their exam candidates.

All that 'gokage aren't dressed without 500 seals', 'we keep a basket by the door' , 'we throw them in the backyard constantly ' stuff isn't simulationist worldbuilding, it is comedic beats, it is meme-ing. It doesn't have to cohere with the new economic mini game.

Seals cost as per the current model, if that makes the past ridiculous, don't worry about it.
No wait. @Lord Marshal is right, we can blame Leaf for all our woes about Skytowers: we can claim that Jiraiya had the license to sell the seals and his death means us selling seals to the Pangolins is considered high treason! Yes, we have the license now, but this is confidential between us and the Tower so it'll be hidden.
Seals cost as per the current model, if that makes the past ridiculous, don't worry about it.
I'm not really sure that's what they're going for here. Things have to be at least reasonably consistent for some reason or another (even if they don't seem to be on the surface) or the whole world falls apart.
No wait. @Lord Marshal is right, we can blame Leaf for all our woes about Skytowers: we can claim that Jiraiya had the license to sell the seals and his death means us selling seals to the Pangolins is considered high treason! Yes, we have the license now, but this is confidential between us and the Tower so it'll be hidden.

Oh my god that's a fantastic move.
It's not even lying, just omitting the truth.
I would prefer saying that Jiraiya invented the seals because in this way the can misdirect the other Clans in the 7th, that will then give information to their summoners, making Hazou not a target anymore, also it would make us "incapable" of making the seals, instead of "unwilling".
It's far more believable, who would invent a ground-breaking seal? The Genius sealmaster and member of the sannin? Or a genin missing-nin without formal sealing education?
I would propose both to Clan and see what happens.

The pangolin can smell liars a mile away.

We just need enough explosive to stop them from smelling anything!