Let's try this again. A big thank-you to
@Halberdier, and
@Jello_Raptor for volunteering to make suggestions and vet changes.
Your seal licenses have come through, making both Hazō and Kagome fully recognized Sealmasters of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. To maintain this privilege, the Hokage Tower requires a fee of 100 explosive tags of various tiers per month.
Any seal intended for sale outside of the sealmaster's clan must be approved by the Tower. Applications to sell seals which have been approved previously consist of scheduling an appointment to demonstrate to a currently-approved sealmaster that you can explain and safely produce the seal. For this purpose, Jiraiya has signed off on Hazou producing the seals listed below.
Applications for the right to sell seals never previously approved by the tower must include a one-time fee of (20-100 depending on how draconian the Tower is feeling) copies of the fully functioning seal or set thereof for testing and the village reserve stock, along with written instructions governing the seal's intended uses and a copy of the sealmaster's notes in case the sealmaster dies before anyone else masters the seal.
This acts as a rudimentary form of patent protection/incentive: every sealmaster other than the inventor who makes that seal, or any seal derived from it, gives 50% of gross revenue from said seals to the original inventor for 2 years.
So long as you maintain your license, you may freely sell seals which lack 'substantial military applications', a classification over which the Hokage's administration maintains sole discretion. At present, these include:
- Party Trick
- Air Freshener (probably no market)
- The eight basic Chime seals (probably no market)
The Tower claims right of first refusal on all military seals, for which they will pay a standard rate depending on the seal. At present, these include:
- Explosive tags
- Alarm seals
- Air Dome
- Storage seals
- Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier
If they choose not to buy your stock, the Tower will provide a receipt (printed on their fancy press) for each tag i) saying they have declined to purchase it, and ii) giving you the right to sell a tag of that type within the next seven days (so that prospective buyers know they are not purchasing bootleg tags). You may offer seals accompanied by valid receipts to anyone, at any rate you can successfully negotiate.
The letter informing you of your licenses emphasizes that, though it should go without saying, buying or selling regulated seals without a receipt, or granting access to classified knowledge or equipment to unauthorized persons, is treason.